Genetics Thread

Pol Learns Genes

Today we will discover the genetic signatures of the various hominid races, figure out whether Italians are actually White, and arm ourselves with the minimum necessary to BTFO anti-science libtards.

Genes are units of inheritance, they can be as simple as one base pair (SNP, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, like sickle cell), or they can be many thousands of base pairs long. A gene is found at a "locus", or a location on a chromosome where it is thought to be. Multiple genes compete for one spot at this locus, these competing genes are called alleles. Through alleles we get the different blood types and eye colors. A lot of genes are "homozygotic", meaning they only express if they find their likewise, this is probably why a 1/4 negro can be relatively intelligent, assuming his mixed parent and White parent got lucky and a lot of the intelligence genes found eachother again after the primary mixing event of the mixed parents copulation. This can of course go the other way, producing an incredibly stupid 1/4 negro.

Finally, there exists a class of genes so selfish that they will destruct the sex cells (egg/sperm). These are called "killer meiotic drivers", KTDs can detect whether they will be in the egg-to-be-fertilized, which is a 1 in 4 chance, as the female body creates 4 egglets, of which 3 die off and 1 is put into the fallopian tubes for fertilization. KTDs "know" which chromosome they are riding on and "know" if they will end up in that lucky egg cell. If they won't, they will try to impair the maturation process of the egg-to-be. Of course, over long stretches of time, women with KTDs die out from the genepool, and immunities are built up. It should be blatantly obvious that trying to combine two disparate sets of genes, with differing KTDs and KTD immunities, will result in infertile offspring, and mixed race hybrids do show a higher infertility rate than either parent racial group. On average, 1/4 of zygotes die off within days of fertilization, and this rate is higher (observed anecdotally) among pairings trying to conceive hybrid children.

Finally, organ donations basically only work inside families, and rarely within a racial group. Organ donations, blood and stem cell donations too, do not work across racial lines at all. The antigen structure of the blood is too disparate (blood is more than type and rhesus factor), and the foreign stem cells will trigger an immune response similar to the one triggered by animal proteins entering the bloodstream after injury while handling meat.

For a selfish explanation, it makes most sense to understand that, since we cannot divide asexually, but if our interest is to have children as similar to ourselves as possible, we must find a mate as similar to ourselves as possible, which means a woman from our own racial group.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I'm hungover you nigger

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you're not helping your case

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I was out trying to spread my genes last night though.

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well whatever then, bump

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Lol, he Pol'd

Bury this kike and his pseudo-science Zig Forumsacks

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oy schlomo are you mad about something?

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Kill yourself Levi.

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This thread deserves a bump.

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2nd pict, nigger is somewhere on the far far right of that chart, jews and arabs are the only human link to niggers genetically. That nigger DNA is prevalent in all their morals, culture and religious values. All they are is s l i g h t l y more intelligent niggers than the Bantu.

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Go on, user. Dont be distracted by jews.

Mods should delete you for being so lazy and not checking the catalog.
Find it here:
It already answers many questions like that Italians are "white" Europeans.
Also, the distance/proximity maps are not valuable since they group all samples into a single group and do not specify the Haplogroups or Subclades that people are from.

But in case it doesn't get deleted for being a duplicate:

Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe (2015)

Here are graphs with the dna samples from the study overlayed on a map:
Larger image of dna spread from study:
A timeline of the ancient dna groups from this study:

Here is a map of YDNA:
Here is another graphic with three different and more recent studies (2017) that show the same thing and with timelines:

The maternal genetic make-up of the Iberian Peninsula between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age. Scientific Reports (2017):

Ancient DNA reveals prehistoric gene-flow from Siberia in the complex human population history of North East Europe. PLoS Genetics (2013):

Go back to half, cancer.

And because turks end up in discussion, here is a sample of modern Turkic dna:
And a map of that dna:
And the distribution of the Turkic languages:
And the theorised Altaic language map relating the Turkic and Uralic languages:

Fuck off nigger, I didn't make this thread but am adding to it in case it doesn't get deleted.

OP is talking about miscegenation genetic, not PIE, Yamnaya. etcetra, you fucking hybrid. Is that why you want this thread deleted?

OP is talking about a slide that drags away from the other gene slide.

No. OP can add this to the genetics thread here:
I did not report because I wouldn't mind if every thread was a genetics thread. So I shared some info about European dna.

To slide fucking what? Nothing is happenig besides Tumor's funeral.

Lurk more or go back to half.

Whoops, I meant here:

Large resource of race related genetics and differences.

More on race differences, genetic effects of miscegenation and genetics.

This one has a variety of other redpills. Not all genetic related, but lot of psychology, specifically between liberal and conservatives, and other differences. Not true genetics, but might be interesting to some.

So what. Lets talk about that from genetic perspective.

So is this going to be the thread that finally kills off the idiots with knowledge that think lgbt is some kind of mind virus and not the result of genetic mutation and diet like evolution predicts for every heritable trait?

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I don't think the genes compete. I think the systems involved select the best, or healthiest, of genes to combine into the new life. And the KTD thing only affects the mtdna as the mother's x-chromosomes are recombined versions of her mother's and her father's mother's.

Son, I was here before your dad spat you in mom's cunt.

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If you were you would know better than to ask such a stupid fucking question.

Bump because it triggers you.

Start here:

Wtf why does that chart vaguely resembles the actual geographic locations of these nations?

Reported because you're a faggot.

You didn't factor in peer pressure and group think. Trannies have a massive suicide rate, because most of them are in it because it's cool. Then when they get surgery they realize it's not what they wanted, but at that point it's too late.

Bump because you don’t want whites to learn genetics.

It's caused by a hormone imbalance, which is caused by malnutrition before, during, and after pregnancy, mostly a diet too low in saturated fats.

Becuase it reflects the locations of Europeans and their various mixes. The Med populations are more Early Neolithic Farmer and group together. The West is more Western Hunter Gatherer and the East is more Eastern hunter Gatherer, and so on. Be careful though, charts like pic related #2 is visualizing the percentage of dna groupd found throughout the nations and should not be interpreted as each nation's citizen having a mix, though some do.

this is a factor but most of the studies on trannies are basically years old so they don't address it because it wasn't really a thing. Remember it wasn't that long ago when bullys could literally bulli you and you would get punished for being involved. It was a completely different environment to now the SJW moderated campuses that will REEE if anyone doesn't call bearded cindy by xhi.

Surgery is fucking atrocious but a necessary step for anyone that has repeated thoughts of kniving their groin.

interesting. Do you have a study on this?
Never heard of this possibility. is it a influencing factor or dominant?

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I posted in that thread and thought it had fallen off the map.

I think they should delete instead of bump locking a bunch of obvious shill threads, and leave this one up you nigger. How can you be against a duplicate of a good discussion topic without complaining about duplicates of slide threads?

This needs a little bit of fixing.

That's not how genetic linking works. Those two races are intermediates. A genetic link goes through a last common ancestor, it does not go horizontally since we do not interbreed with non-whites. Think about clades. Genetic linkage is vertical.

I believe that the true modus operandi of the jew is that he appears convincingly European and operates a ruthless "code of ethics". The jew is a liar, plain and simple. He is harder to keep out like other liars (say brown or Chinese ones) because he is harder to identify, particularly by a naive population.

g o o d, good shit.

We can talk about the Cro Magnid origin of the modern White races. Miscegenation is just a more pertinent political topic in discussions, with the anthropology of the Aryan being limited to those already initiated on this topic.

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There's people who do it because it's cool and people who are legitimate trannies. I'm talking about the former. Attention whores who get really into something they don't believe in.

Not that I am aware of but have these which show the importance of saturated fats on the health of the human body:

Cholesterol and Vitamin D are required for proper cell funtion. Saturated fat is the precursor to these.
Dietary Saturated Fatty Acids Increase Cholesterol Synthesis and Fecal Steroid Excretion in Healthy Men and Women
Important Derivatives of Cholesterol Include Bile Salts and Steroid Hormones
Mitochondrial Cholesterol: Mechanisms of Import and Effects on Mitochondrial Function
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Function
Vitamin D Receptor Is Necessary for Mitochondrial Function and Cell Health

Also, it is important to synthesize Vitamin D via sautrated fats/cholesterol since supplementing it long-term causes issues:
Safety Issues of Vitamin D Supplementation
Vitamin D Supplementation Causes a Decrease in Blood Cholesterol in Professional Rowers
Increase of circulating cholesterol in vitamin D deficiency is linked to reduced vitamin D receptor activity via the Insig-2/SREBP-2 pathway
The last study here suggests that if you do not kinetically (movement) or ultra-violetly (sun exposure) use the serum cholesterol the body synthesizes from saturated fat, it builds up in your blood as a plaque. Supplementing Vitamin D aids in the non-use of serum cholesterol.

And dietary cholesterol doesn't affect serum cholesterol levels; eating over 9000 eggs, for example:
Panel Suggests That Dietary Guidelines Stop Warning About Cholesterol in Food
Dr. Ronald Krauss on LDL Cholesterol, Particle Size, Heart Disease, & Atherogenic Dyslipidemia

this is my understanding as well, so it basically infuriates me that pol so so resistant as a group to understanding this. Yes there are triggering factors that are often latched onto, but basically any triggering factor is often underlied by strong genetics. I also recognize disgust as a proper heritable trait to combat this, even if I'm not a fan of it as a dyke I tend to be on the loosing end of it. Over all the main purpose of disgust is to make sure resources are spent on proper tribal individuals. I don't know how productive It would be if the scenario was a more industrious less poisonous lgbt but as is there's not a lot of benefit to even be speculated. The ultimate complex of LGBT is sexual pairing availability though so It's not surprising that resistance to and suppression of disgust is so prevalent. It's really not any different from fat acceptance.

would appreciate an actual study non the less linking at least something to saturated fats. Theyre a pet topic for me.

Over all I'm pretty trans inclusive, which isn't saying much since my opinion doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but it's very fundamentally backwards to me that we treat disgust as unnatural or something that can be helped. Everyone has to have felt it for say, a burn victim or other deformed person. It's completely not something you can suppress.

Either way I'm gratified to get some (you)s from people like you, much of my time on pol is dominated by people who don't appreciate the complexities that underline human biodiversity, and over all are completely unable to seperate shoulds and woulds from factual representations of reality. It drives my feeling of cognitive dissonance up a wall because I know from my personal research into the matter that I'm supposed to be inferior intellectually to men.

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ah, yeah, I'm aware of most of these. just wanted one related to pregnancy outcomes, trans, gay, lukemia, whatever you got I'll take it.

Or don't. It's just habbit to have the one thread.
Doesn't show the difference between African groups accurately, since Haplogroups A (San) and E (Bantu) are not related in any way and evolved from apes to pre-human hominids to modern man separately. It also doesn't showcase that all Semitic people are of a single subclade of Haplosubgroup J1, among other things that a bar or tree graph does, so I always shit on their accuracy and suggest looking at specific Haplogroups, Haplotypes, and Subclades.

you have to understand at this stage half of all posts are shills shilling shills, the amount of shilling is self sustaining as one group does a temperature measurement and sees sentiment being pozzed due to all replies being shills as real anons flee the thread thus they think they are effective at influencing the board, in short whenever you see replies arriving in close sequence that are too retarded to bother with its shills

this is especially true if a jewish holy cow is approach, mental illnes especially is a grave treath to jewish populations as their inbreeding makes them very susceptible and if the goy understand that any jew in power is a fundamental treat due to proclivity to schizo alone

Genetics has a smaller affect than environment (diet and lifestyle) on your life. Black Science Man has a show where he discovered he was 80% likely to be bald but has no signs of baldness. The Geneticist he spoke with confirmed via citing studies that how you live influences things like mental and physical health than dna. Of course this is overlooking larger things like being African or being inbred and deformed, things which almost no lifestyle choices will affect.

none the less, even if we say a majority of pol posters are shills, an arguement I never liked (though definately there is an overwealming ammount of them, comparable to true posters), even in that circumstance, the number of people harboring this very most basic understanding can be counted on one hand.

That just isn't enough to alleviate this cognitive dissonance. being the absolute inferior to people who refuse to take advantage of any of their superiorities is one of the worst blackpills I ever had to swallow.

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nigga EEF, WHG, and ANE refer to:
Early European Farmer
Western Hunter-Gatherer
Ancient Northeast (apparently the link to the native Americans)

That triangle is not assessing haplogroups. Haplogroups are also baby tier race science.

nice palis

It's probably just "stupidity out of necessity". Sometimes you withhold a few details from your opposite so that he cannot attack your argument by use of a "gotcha". I wouldn't mind it too much, and perhaps a rather environment-biased approach will be more effective in the beer halls and theaters, than the scientific "correct" approach.

I consider disgust to be a fulcrum underlying these personality traits. I believe that the lower disgust sensitivity is in an individual, the more likely they are to entertain totally anti-natural, and totally disgusting, ideas and behaviors. Marry a woman who's a clean freak, chances are your sons will be in the SS Race and Family Department.

I do not know much about saturated fats, other than that they are very good for you and you should get 1/2 - 2/3 of your calories from them, as we are evolved to eat animal fats. Stay away from transfats.

Only jews treat it as unnatural or as a mental condition, because it stands in their way to dominating one or another facet of our societies. The end times are characterized by everything anti-natural becoming normal, and everything natural becoming heresy.

I'm intelligent enough to know when to allow for the full facts to be laid out, and our conclusion to be presented with those, and when to withhold those to make myself less vulnerable in argument. Believe me I would be far more militant in a debate setting. It's safe to talk about the details here. Other than shills trying to call me a shill, there haven't been Zig Forums attempts at anything yet.

Such is the life of many.

Totally wrong way of looking at it. On average, it is 'more likely' that you are less intellectually capable than the average man.
also >muh vagina
Women are good at other cognitive tasks.

Sometimes truth must suffer for a goal to be effected.

Yeah it's rough man.

kek…the blueprint that designs your somatic organism has a smaller effect than the environment you will live in.
This is just stupid.

Perhaps you aren't all that inferior if you've mastered your naturally more dissonant mind as a woman.
also there are no girls on the internet

Fuck me, I'm convinced. Off to convert to Scientology and marry a nigger.

These niggers are more inbred than I thought.
80% of jews are ashkeNAZIm.
About half of the ashkeNAZIm descend from four unrelated European women in Haplogroup K.
Most of the ashkeNAZIm men are ydna Haplogroup G with the remainder being the single Semitic subclade of J1.
The claim is that all the Arabs and/or jews are like 4th or 5th cousins.

Early European Farmer is Early Neolothhic Farmer or Anatolian Farmer depending on who did the study and how they decided to label the group.
user, I…

It's not hard to piece together the (((environment)))al aspects of this phenomina from our proclivity for dumping estrogens into the water, but even accounting for this factor, the number of women and men who are fags seems relatively even if we suppose this is the biggest impact. Then theres the rube gold>berg machine where by genes in the mother or child can activate other genes that activate other genes. And with epigenetics now on the table for being heritable It's an enormously complicated system that would be difficult for even a very competent geneticist to fully stay on top of, but none the less the role of genetics in behavior that underpins these things makes it obvious it isn't ever going to go away without a genetic solution, even if environmental solutions should be employed to limit the affected.

This fundamental pessimism may be accurate but it certainly invalidates some of the purpose of this thread. It also limits my superiors instead of spurns them to greater action. I cant seperate the should from the want in this scenario though. I'm hopelessly biased here. I want my betters to not fall short on matters even I can comprehend.

funfact, my dad is one, and I'm a complete (genetic) degenerate, but never the less here I am redpilled to whatever extent someone like me can be. Makes one wonder how big of a role that plays in allowing me to be reconditioned and awoken in this way.

but the only reason to ever do this is to admit the slavering general peoples are so stupid they cant be trusted with the discerning the truth. As an average thot, this is basically the nightmare scenario. There's no reason to pay into a system like this. Society should be the engine that enlightens people, not keeps them stupid. Doing it in such a way as to preserve our 'race' but not the spirit of it leaves me lathargic.

Polite and Honest: anons
Rude and Hurtful: jew
Calls to Violence: feds
don't actually posts tits btw

Zig Forums doesn't like your kind

no sadly I have not mastered shit. but science is a valuable anchor I can drop to keep me from being swept away. It's also rather easy to get angry at a wind blowing me towards the reef.

Over all I consider myself to be normal. I have taken an IQ test and to be fair I scored well, but the underlying studies and information that informed me of my inferiority finds them suspect, and over all none of this reasonability has spared me at any point in my life from being not just influenced, but absolutely dependant on others approval.

Women truly seem to be, genetically, the daughters of slaves. Every psychological quirk and behavior seems to inexorably point in the direction of long evolutonary periods of abject subjugation. which is all the more hilarious that in their bid to fight (((feminism))) pol sometimes tries to insist that this is some kind of myth. That flirting by exposing all vitals and committing to stillness isn't some of the most submissive behaviors imaginable.

There is a point I think with this thread teaching about evolution that resonates with me. Genetics and the fundamental details and truths aren't, I strive to believe, obstacles to the spread of our ideas. It certainly seems like every aspect the jews like to pray on relies on this or that truth, and that denying that truth could make our arguments lack resonance with the fundamental experiences of the group

I am an old enough fag to know that the proper response to a thot posting her tits after titsorgtfo is "thanks, now get the fuck out"

A rope is the necessary.

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Epigenetics was always heritable. It's how genes "talk" to the future generation.

It is safe to be honest here.

Consider how fragile and finnicky the "Out of Africa" debate is around a leftist. The moment you begin your formulation with something like "hominids evolved in Africa", he can gotcha you by going "see we are all Africans and race isn't real". So in the real world debate you just go "there has been lots of evolution ever since the migration 50 kA ago". It's a lot of tacticking and micro-managing of details.

Then find a man better than the others.

What you live in a room filled with greasy chicken nugget boxes, fuck 3 guys a week, and are a hybrid?
Genetic degeneracy is something like lots of inbreeding or being a 5-6th generation urbanite. Who is your last rural (countryside/farmer) ancestor?

A good state is a paternalistic state. They shouldn't have to worry about the truth, as we will dictate the truth to them for them. This is the mantle a statesman assumes, and this tradition has been dead for a long time now.

Society is a thing we came up with to beat other niggers up. It has no purpose other than keeping our tribes people alive and organizing for war.

The Faustian spirit is genetic, and preserving our race includes conserving that unique gift from god. Soon Europe's children will march again.

What a waste of Hitler dubs.

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I'm gay, my dad has renal failure from being born with almost no kidneys, and my mom had horrific womb growths that gave her 2 week long periods.

theres never a reason to trust the state to act in the interest of the people, how do you think we got to (((this))) point in the first place?

then I don't want to have anything to do with it, the only thing I care about is improving humanities longevity and getting off this fucking rock, not having a chimp out with nogs and encouraging people to be stupid because its convinient for jackboots

You should see the digits I get when spelling out christfag lore as a witch.
nice non sequitor
Who said anything about absolute truth, my concern is with idiots who set up their truth's axioms a certain way and then fail to uphold those axioms because they have literal kike DNA telling them they should lie and subvert the populace for their own benefit.

Do you have kidneys and the womb growths?

>how do you think we got to (((this))) point in the first place?
Hitler lost.

This is improbable as it is, and is probably impossible with a racially diverse planet.

You must have red hair.

we got to this point because we let the jews in in the first place to commit usury for us
Good for you, hide in your cave then. I want more for humanity than hospice. if that is all this movement wants to bring is some comfort before the last dying breath of humanity then I don't have anything positive to say about it.

sandy blond and blue eyes.

odds are I do not but I am the product of those genes and that deformed womb.

We can hunt them back through our history books all we want, far more pertinent is our most recent and most comprehensive attempt at freeing ourselves from them failed in 1945.

I believe you missed my point.

We want to bring comfort to the highest exponent of evolution to grace this Earth. The Aryan.


You seem to have turned out pretty ok given the circumstance. Take note of how much genes want to survive.

no I believe you missed mine. I don't give a shit about any race. particularly not my own or the nogs, and neither do you. I give a shit about what our race _means_ and the propegation of that idea, not a carbon copy, just like a sequal doesn't have to be the exact same game but can improve upon itself. all you seem to care about is how many white people will be on this earth when the final happening arrives, and I can openly and honestly say none of that matters, what matters is survival beyond it. Survival I certainly don't see the left achieving, but neither would I invest in a movement that thought keeping its people stupid and complacent would be beneficial

That is a society that doesn't move anywhere but into the ruling elites pocket book, the jews will merely be crueler masters.

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Although true, the circumstances surrounding this need to be brought to light.
A long time ago moving money great distances was a serious task. It would most often lead to thievery and quite often murder.
In comes the crafty merchant with his grand idea to carry not gold or silver, but a paper parchment to his brother with a seal on it affirming your authority over an amount of coin upon arrival.
You exchange the sealed note for the coin and spare the merchant a shekel for his service. A genuine service.

Here's where Dr. Frankenstein comes in creating the monster.

You see, not everyone would arrive at the destination and not every merchant would agree to pay upon presentation of the note. The merchant would often claim fraud and hold the coin for himself. This practice would befall the lower class citizens as the higher class could surely bring case against the merchant.

Thus was born the money-changers. Crafty thieves, nothing more. You can fill in the rest of the story, I'm sure.

nigger what?

I care about my Aryan kind first and foremost.

lol Europe is not a collection of values. Europe is genes.

By what other metric have my ancestors before me measured their success, and by what metric should I measure mine?

Europe, the Faustian spirit, and the moon landing are not "ideas" or "values", they are the manifestation of a superior race, built on a genetic basis.

Then go fuck a nigger and quit molesting me.

People need help understanding the world, why do you think religious books give orders instead of inspiring thought?

Genocidal anti-whites at best.

God you are fucking stupid.
The whole point of race realism is that you cannot seperate values and ideas from genes. This is why I spit on every male who claims to be superior to women. None of you ever measure up in nuance and scope of thought when pressed, you all contort and go back to basic aping, and don't understand the fundamental difference between letting the white race suffocate unchanging against the great filter or perpetuating it by incrimentally superior iterations. no you are happy where you are, you don't see a future for the white race, nor any other race. you are merely a virus, you want more copies of you.

You'd have to be an absolute moron to not understand what metric you should measure yourself by. It's pathetic to hear you mouth on about the Faustian spirit while you curse and deride others for having it.

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Ignore him user, the basic idea of race realism is respecting and care your own race FIRST while respecting other races (maybe except nigs).

I'm well aware there are mitigating and basically crazed circumstances surrounding that. but the reality is the superior race let kikes into our shores because of their own self interest and competitory nature. In constructing a new society, this mockery of a nazi larper wishes nothing less than to ignore the past and lay the bricks of his civlization on the sands of leftism. Leftism because it objectively is. Fundamentally disregarding anything inconvenient that stands in the way of their Utopian ideal, no different from Marxism. Keep the people stupid, don't ask questions, do what the state tells you. Surely nothing could ever go wrong.

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you dumb nog

I respect nogs more than jews because they understand honor and do not swindle and lie to their elders.

They've got more admirable qualities than any kike.

what elders?

I guess that's just your opinion user. But for me I rarely see nogs respecting ANYONE.

Negroes have shamans and shit like that.

They don't because of how tribal they are, but they don't try to jew their own over. Might be because they're too stupid to do it.

I am not convinced that the whole tranny phenomenon isn't mostly environmental and they'd be better served if we didn't entertain their delusions. If I went around saying, "Je suis Napoleon," I'd be rightfully thought of as crazy, not exiled to Elba.

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Hi, paid shill. Bump for genetics.

black on black crime is higher than black on white.

Dont know what to tell you, not only does the evidence not support that, but more importantly, where you correct, it would be evidence against both male/female neural dymorphism and evolution in general.

Brains are part of the body and are sexed, ergo, they must be capable of being partially influenced by genetic mutation just like people who are born with interesex traits or features.

If brains where mystically immune to this, it would be worth investigating as a potential form of supernatural phenomena.

That's just nogs killing other enemy nogs. They aren't murdering their spiritual leaders though.

Why bother using language this soft?

They are subject to genetic mutation. Think top bottom fam.

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First of all, I said MOSTLY. Secondly, intersex are rare aberrations. Thirdly, read up on epigenetics because environmental factors can influence genetic expression of even subsequent generations. Fourthly, this newly released and then censored study suggests environmental factors playing into delusions of transgenderism:

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indeed it must be hard for you considering you're telling me a bunch of shit we've been talking about for hours now.

Stay in school 9ball

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Zig Forums learns genes?

Man, I feel a lot of love in this room.

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every single anime post is off topic and/or completely stupid

anime is anti-nationalist, it's a brainwashing tool to get japanese used to seeing foreign phenotypes as well as a vehicle for all the usual propaganda.

anyone who posts anime is a brainwashed null with zero value to anyone, much less any conservative european political/military movement.
That is, unless they aren't a literal kike, an israeli college student payed to disrupt discourse

If you think the post preceding yours is stupid or off-topic, you simply don't understand the context.

Even and ? You sound like an idiot.

Foreign phenotypes are not universal in all anime.

I don't think you know much about this place's history son.

well, why don't you give me some of the evidence that supports your claims about trannies?

Lets establish a baseline. what are my claims about trannies?

that transgenderism isn't environmental

You're never getting your 10bux back, cocksucker.

Attached: faggot.gif (405x228, 497.62K)


Attached: dontracemix.jpg (935x507, 45.98K)

That's all it is. If jews were black their subversiveness would be nearly impossible to pull off in white countries. Whites are trusting when ideas come from those who appear to be part of their in group. It's truly astounding when you become aware of the jew just how much cultural rot he is behind and how little of it has come from actual whites. Every bit of degeneracy and anti-traditionalism is from the mind of a jew disguising himself as a European.

I forgot that you've got a vagina.

anime is for faggots you homo

You know what we should do?
Tattoo the star of David onto their foreheads like our ancestors did in the villages of Europe 400 years ago.

That way those fucking kikes can't hide among us.

Attached: Arno Breker du und ich.jpg (1024x931 128.38 KB, 637.89K)

That second pic looks familiar.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (267x399, 160.91K)

This user gets it. Our race is a means toward the transcendent.

Attached: cosmic_reich_nazi_space_eternal.jpg (600x604, 88K)

I was trying to post the ethnogalaxy pic you posted earlier but my browser lagged out and I forgot to append it.

Nice choice my nigger.

Stem cell treatment survival rates can work as a proxy for the genetic "tightness" of a racial group.

Stem cell treatment is not possible across racial lines.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (537x400, 41.03K)

Visualizing gene flow: how regression to the mean works.

Attached: gene flow in a race.png (450x400, 41.77K)