Does anyone else here had the wonderful experience living among pahjeet?
As jokes about Pahjeets in social media rise, I still see a lack of people discontent with living among those smelly Dravidian fucks.
I recently moved out of a shithole city that was pack full of them, but I'm starting to notice more of them apearing in the new place I'm in.
and it turns out the neighboring city is full of them too.
there is no where else but here where I can share my discontent.
I fucking hate pahjeets.
Pahjeet: the Dravidian plague
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They do smell but that Ghandi guy was an asset.
I'll take a stinky intellectual being over a smelly nigger any day.
However, they need to go back!
I'm a pajeet and I'll tell any newfags on this board this - DO NOT ever confuse lighter skin indians and darker skin indians as the same. My kind is not the same as the Brahmins. Why do you think the caste system was put in place.
he was a literal fucking communist pic related
Thanks. I get sick and tired whenever I see tourists (on youtube) remark how there is one specific race in India. No.
yeah there are two races in india
hindu and muslim :^)
THey need to go back, any intellectual "indian" are just the tainted descendents of the ancient Aryans of north India.
Dravidians are little more than sneaky monkeys who need to be culled to save the environment.
your caste system fucked up because you northern pahjeets still have dravidian tainting.
why haven't you guys done anything to rid of the southern dravidians? with so many languages and subsections of hinduism, I'm surprised Balkanization hasn't happened yet
They're religions, not races. And the muslims either better shut their mouths or they better fucking leave India.
For me, the southern dravidians are OK. The northern ones (the ones you see in Hindi movies) are of course better. The only problem I have with southerners is the sense of cleanliness.
what in the actual fuck is going on here?
Let me explain.
typical indian man who photoshops himself with beautiful woman who doesn't know he exists
indian man is bored of indian woman so he seeks for white woman
indians like facebook because they can talk to each other
I give up. i guess in some way indians like some showmanship?
Anyone have that story about what it might be like if aliens visited earth that turned out to be an analogy about Ghandi at the end?
I'm fucking sick of these plagueniggers if I must be honest
Are you talking about spics or Pahjeets? I have no experience with Pahjeets but you described spics to a tee
So is haggling for fixed prices, ripping people off, owning 10 defunct credit cards, moving your head like a snake, and finding loopholes where there aren't like a kike is normal in your culture?
Do you know where I can find the rest of this video?
is that a SHRINE of a facebook page?
That makes more sense than it should
social media has completely polluted this race
no shame whatsoever
No, unfortunately.
here is a modern saga of Pahjeet's quest for underage bobs and vagene
For the times where I visited India, the shop fixing was close to none. As for the rest, you may be right. As for "moving your head like a snake", I think that genetic for any indian.
Don't even bother.
Working retail made me hate Indians more than niggers. I once had a situation where I was helping a nice White guy get everything he needed, and some Indian kept trying to get me to drop everything so I could help him find some special item on discount. He persisted for 15 minutes until I finally lost it and yelled, "WILL YOU FUCK OFF!?". Then he said, "I tell manager!" and the Indian manager I had wrote me up.
this shit fascinates me to no end. i cant even comprehend how someone lives like this
Because you're lazy fucks who wanted niggers to do your work for you, just like jews, which makes you just as garbage as them.
what impressed me more than anything else was the 'feeling fresh' comment. Just a whole other level of wtf no shame.
I worked as a cart pusher in retail in Pahjeet Central, USA.
the only cart pusher who didn't so his job was this old dravidian fuck (he's from nepal, not that there's a difference) who would never do his work, he expected you to help him push the easiest side of the store when one was working on the busy GM side (this was one of the busiest stores in the city).
despite him being too old and frail to work, sleeping on the job and not even trying to do his damn job, he still had full time job and benefits while evreyone else, was struggling to get by with part time.
at one point, he even took the only working machine when I needed it to fill up GM side, and that's what made me lose my temper and my job
Water was discovered there. But THAT is the only thing you take issue with?
Im very fascinated how adults can be unaware you drown if you cant swim.
Well I would say that stumped me the most. Although to be fair wasn't the zero invented by an Aryan guy?
Some of them are aware I always wondered why no one just used one of the oars as either a flotation device or to pull him in
In the same job I had, I had an Indian manager who broke his leg while on the job and managed to stay on workers comp for over two years because the GM was Indian and turned a blind eye. Eventually he had to be fired because this idiot uploaded a video of him dancing while drunk while still collecting workers comp nearly two years later.
Not all shit float I guess.
Imagine being so pathetic you get the shit kicked out of you by this man.
when you have 80IQ user, this is it.
Needs more Benny Hill.
Does that explain this too?
more mysterious behavior
4th pic looks like a Supreme Gentleman and a Real Human Bean
no wonder there's a fucking caste system, fucking anglos were the ones who got rid of it, isn't it? god damn.
Daily reminder that the Indian "caste system" is and was a form of "civic nationalism."
"civic nationalism." Not even once.
Seriously, is there a difference?
Functionally, I mean?
Ugly brown shitholer horde A vs ugly brown shitholer horde B.
Build the wall, deport them ALL.
But on the contrary, they also got rid of some degenerate practices like "sati" where when the husband dies, the wife will be forced to die along with him. And I mean "forced" as in set up a fire and be pushed into it.
Pahjeets have this strange culture in which they wish everybody on their whatsapp contact list a good morning. They're usually images like pic related
So every morning, every Indian's phone blows the fuck up with just hundreds of these good morning pictures, and the best part is that they take it very seriously?? There are people who will get angry if you don't send one back and some will go as far as to call you to ask if you've already seen it. Modi, India's Prime minister, is known for throwing a hissyfit about his co-workers not responding. No-one is safe.
That's already pretty awful, but it gets worse. I'm not really tech savvy, so excuse my rudimentary explanation. To my understanding, whatsapp saves all the pictures you receive kinda like skype, so one in three Indian smartphone users run out of space on their phones DAILY. It got so bad that Google developed an AI app to automatically delete good morning pictures from Indians' phones. Over ten million downloads.
But we're not even at the best part yet. These good morning images not only affect millions of Indians, but the entire world as well. Because hundred of millions of good morning images are being sent back and forth all at once, it clogs up whatsapp servers and causes the app to freeze entirely.
I used to be a part of a WhatsApp family group. Dear god will they never shut the fuck up. I ended up deleting the group.
sounds like whatsapp doesnt fucking know how to create a good scaling app. This could happen at any time for multiple reasons. It probably more so that indinas love communicating and westerners enjoy quiet time
For what it's worth:
Indians value family, traditional values (they think al americans are whores), hard work (at least the ones I've met), and hate blacks.
Their dating game is probably weak due to 10,000 years of arranged marriages
Most of the time, yes.
Maybe. Big maybe.
lol no, go to america and see an indian there.
based poo in loo
Show me bobs and vegana. Pls response. Pooinloo?
India is way ahead of the curve when it comes to r9k.
yeah no, every minority claims to be all about "traditional values".
from the death worshipping catholic spics, the black "community", the cheating chinks and the smelly, ugly pahjeet.
They all talk about tradition, but they're still smelly savages.
tell me, if Pahjeets are about tradition, why is it that they smell like garbage curry?
You just answered your own question
I've heard that eating a lot of curry makes indians smelling. Even I used to have this problem too when I was younger. No matter how much I bathe I used to smell like shit. Then I stopped eating curry.
Why are you constantly trying to make yourself seem superior to your pahjeet brothers by sucking up to other posters here.
that's fucking sad and pathetic.
go bathe in some cow urine or some shit.
they're idiots who choose to wash their bums with band hands rather than toilet paper. if anything, I hate my own kind.
sounds reasonable to me
If you hate your kind so much, why don't you kill yourself?
maybe burn down the gangees river while you're at it.
They sure do my friend. Please do not be feeding my godchild a peanut.
Zig Forums should get an aryan revival compound crowdfunded in India. Make India white again.
I do not understand
of kikery, and a dis-honorary kike
Setting on fire is excessive but grandmother of a friend of mine wore exclusively black as a sign of mourning from the day of her husband's death until her own.
Running phone scams and writing sphagetti code an actual human has to rewrite and reimplement sure sounds like hard work.
I hope China goes to war with them
They just might
Yes, and it looks like one that's made out to be one of the pajeet god's page, the likes are by other gods.
I love this timeline, the shitskins take stupid to a whole new dimension.
Is India even a real country?
Well what did you expect them to build?
You think their nukes are shit filled dirty bombs?
Its a conglomerate, like China and the EU, and imagine if Africa united. Its 50+ (?) different ethnicities and languages mixed together in a country.
I’m convinced non-whites have the intellectual capacity of 8 year old children. How is it that these fucks even have a country in the first place, Jesus fucking Christ.
Never lived around the pahjeets but lots of times I've gotten off planes in major American cities and been surrounded by them, they have that third-world habit of "hey i hep you out you come here this way this way you give money okay i hep you out you good man very good man yes yes" assuming that I need my ego stroked just to get in a cab and get from point A to point B.
And an equal number of languages. English is the only thing that holds them together. If you use Hindi to ask someone a question in the south, they’ll answer you in English.
does it have any natural beauty?
infestation here, too. I avoid shops that they own
no, but i saw the prequel. Bodies being burnt on pyres next to the Ganges (in Varanassi), people drinking water from the river to keep themselves young, as distended corpses floated by, thrown from the windows of the hospital.
Not anything that make me want to ever go there.
Spice monkeys are filthier but much less violent than beaners.
That has to be the dumbest fucking question.
Indians love showmanship.
The men also have no sense of shame.
I worked for Indians for 3 years. From Punjab. I dated a first generation Indian girl whose parents were from Hyderbad (the father) and Bengal (the mother). She was gorgeous. She and her family acted wholly different from the Punjabi indians I worked with.
Two of the other Indians at that job were from other parts of the country and carried themselves more like British folk do. I don't recall which state they were from though.
I dated another one from one of the western provinces. She was a muzzie.
I have an unhealthy fetish for desi girls. I married a white girl but that ended in divorce. I'm thinking of going to India on vacation to bleach their women.
Gee, boomers sure do like race mixing in 3rd world countries a whole lot. Something about you old faggots just rubs me the wrong way.
Based and redpilled my fellow white supremacist. I too like the company of “woke” minorities.
Did indian poster finally got girlfriend?
It's fake you fucking autists.