Received this from the President for my Sons' service in Afghanistan who passed in Feb. 2018
Thank you Mr. President
Thanks Wesley
I'm sorry for your sons passing and I vow to do everything to hold those responsible for his senseless death responsible and culpable.
Did Obama ever do this?
God bless your passed son.
Thank you for your families service.
Baste Trump XD
Sorry you lost your son. Remember to vote in the midterms. We must ensure nobody else has to lose their children fighting jewish wars on the other side of the world.
And nothing of value was lost lmao
Your son died to help the interests of the Jewish Sackler family which owns Purdue Pharma and that peddles deadly opiates to working class Whites. These were also the creators of Vicodin, and they even used their profits to build a hospital in Israel. Your son died for this. You put all your time and effort into having your offspring die as a proxy force for Israel. Your son's job was no different from the duties expected from ISIS and other rebel groups paid to fight Assad.
Where are all these non-jew-owned candidates who aren't in favor of more jewish wars?
Good, we need more dead Zogbots
Top fucking kek, and how do you expect to do that by voting?
Why would you even post a thread like this here? Nu/pol/ wants to murder you.
Just have to vote hard enough, then the Republikikes will stop being Israel-firsters.
Sorry to hear about this, mind if I ask what your sons job and branch was?
Why would you do this? What is the purpose of this thread?
With Thanksgiving just around the corner I hope you set a chair and plate at the dinner table so you can enjoy your sons company and the children he will bear you by next Christmas.
What're you mad about, yid?
you're a fucking douche OP
He died in vain, his death will accomplish nothing.
No (You) for (((You)))
An Ode to your son… I knew a case of a family who lost their son in the war, but it didn't end well for them.
Keep your head up high, you're the type of father we should strive to be.
00:00 Elyssium
02:20 Polaris Hilda
08:11 Ikki's theme
10:31 Glide Pegasus
11:44 Athena's theme
13:10 Requiem de Mime
14:50 Deukalion's Big Floods
18:54 Bell Of Angelus Prayer
21:48 Inside a Dream [Yume no Naka ni]
23:53 Sad Brothers
26:14 Seiki no kutou
29:44 Shiryu's Pain
31:23 Finish- Under The Wood Of The 'World Tree'
34:53 Athena's death
How is he wrong? None of these Middle Eastern wars benefit White people or America, they benefit the nation that attacked us on 9/11, the one that tried to sink the USS Liberty.
We're killing shitskins bro! 9/11 was good because it gave us an excuse to go full RaHoWa on that part of the world!!
You're the real kike for not supporting what we've done there (aka killing shitskins)… maybe Israel benefited, but so did we by killing subhumans.
I think the opioid crisis is overrated. I was doing so many pills I couldn’t shit for a month and I’m as healthy as a corpse. Also, assigning responsibility to the (((Sackler))) family is antisemitic, because there is no way for them to force all those (((whites))) to od on treats. Freedom means freedom to become an hero, and arguing otherwise just means your god is the totalitarian nanny state just like Hortler and the New Left.
Reported for supporting jews, shabbos goyim, and the Oded Yinon plan.
your mom was overrated by your betacuck "father" (don't worry, you have a 1 in 3 chance your real father was a chad)
Oh, fine, have it your way. I will never live to see the win either.
No thanks, rabbi.
Btw, OP, very sorry for your loss. Thank you for your sacrifice to something higher even if it’s been twisted to another’s purpose.
You should be pissed, he died for jews.
forgot vid, vid related
Doubtless he is, but there is no reason to make this the memory of his son, is there?
Yes? How would pretending something bad is good ever benefit him?
Part of me wishes to go to Mexico and marry before Americans are forcefully sent to fight for Israel and the Military Industrial Complex.
I'm guessing the kid was brown since Trump didn't send a letter attacking the parents for raising a loser. Trump prefers winners.
He should be out there naming the jew and pointing out that they're behind these wars in his son's name, instead of looking for a pat on the back on an imagebaord because the G-d Emperor, who's trying his best to make sure Americans are dying for Israel in Iran, signed a form letter.
maybe you're a loser for being on imageboards instead of growing the fuck up
hey, there are many forms of white nationalism
At least I can say I didn't die for jews. That's no small thing nowadays.
I wouldn’t call it pretending so much as accepting that although this is part of the truth, there is much more to it. His son was brave, he had strength and courage and defended his countrymen from escalating US collapse. He may have helped to install another Rothschild bank, but he bought the rest of us time. He was a good son and he did his father proud. Dad should have kept him out of the military but this is the way it happened. He can seek revenge, and probably should, to attone for this mistake and honor his son’s memory. But I do not see how this makes the situation nothing but suicide for the filthy Zionist pigs. There is more to a life, even one so short, than the politics of it.
Where do you come up with this bullshit?
One less dogfaced zogbot in the world.
I'm very sorry for your loss, OP.
The white people who died on 9/11 and on the USS Liberty LITERALLY died for Israel.
Probably the same way you expect to do that by having every potential ally get killed.
Are you a shill, or just a moron?
There are people who will connect to this tragedy on an emotional level and find renewed motivation to fight harder. You may be more militant and emotionally cold than some other people, but I think we can agree that we all have a part to play and not everyone needs to go out and name the jew rather than all the other things that also need doing. If raising public awareness was all that is necessary we’d be able to vote our way out of this mess. I’m not sure it’s that simple. But I am sure there is room for warriors and non-warriors alike.
he's a shill
I did the adult thing, the kids pretending to be adults ruined that for me. So back to being a kid and not doing anything for anyone.
They all are.
They all want something for nothing.
He thinks his son died for democracy.
Maybe it’s ridiculous to emphasize the virtues of compassion when it doesn’t change what has to happen, but there is room for it in a new civilization unless you’re the kind of person who would execute your children over a deficiency disease.
People in Syria have been liberated thanks to the heroic actions of our high speed green berets in mandresses.
t. leftypol
so are you new to the internet? why did you just pretty much dox yourself, even if we don't have a reason to go after you?
Probably on Sackler meds and lives in an enriched neighborhood with nobody else to talk to about the piece of paper the jews gave him in exchange for wasting his life in America.
Slide thread
because it's
nobody by that name died in Afganistan in all of 2018 and nobody died in February.
Unless OPs son did not die in combat.
There's an obituary and a website.
God bless you, my older brother, Wesley A Wiggins. May the Lord grant you peace as you are borne from this place unto the Kingdom of Heaven. We will miss you, for a time, until we too are called to leave all worries behind. What a day that will be! As you enter our Father's House, I pray that you will look back to us one last time. I pray that the Earth will cry before you:
I never knew you in this life, but I never had to, soldier. Godspeed, my big brother, Wesley A Wiggins.
((( )))
grow up boy, just talk to the prettiest white woman you see.
If I even live to be 50-60 years old of age I hope I don't grow up to be as stupid as the people posting here.
The man simply doesn't care anymore, and is reaching out to the closest things he has to friends.
Leave him alone.
either that or psyop.
May he never experience the pain of this world again.
I love you Wes.
May your son burn in hell, with the other zogbots who betrayed the white race
Traitors should be remembered as such.
Thanks for letting your son fight for Israel! I hope you're just as happy he won't continue your bloodline as the Rothschilds are!
There are few things normalfags take as a "reliable" source of truth: muh based subhuman, miltaryfaggotry, jews, trannies and faggots. You can be a good looking, smooth talking white man but if you don't have any of those barriers you will have a harder time spreading your message than if you did. Anyone who doesn't commit their time while having such an image booster is just another traitor.
so your retarded son went to get killed on a money grabbing war against a country that is no threat to you, directed by jews and all of this in the interests of some kikes and what do you want exactly ? if anything i'd just piss on his grave for having been a ZOGbot and so should you. Fuck you and your cancerous dead zogbot
RIP Wes, thanks for your service and sleep tight buddy
all women are whores, regardless of race
This. What a waste.
Sorry to hear about your son but the cause has yielded almost nothing for America in return so…. make of that what you will.
Zig Forums has no respect for anything
Orale, esto.
You got me right in my sentiments.
Pendejo sin respeto
((( )))
Wanna know how I know you're a shill?
Q continued to once again be the worst meme of 2018. The absolute fucking state of this board, good fucking god.
Fuck off shitskin maricon
Great trips, may Wesley be in Valhalla with our ancestros
someone said Zig Forumsacks should join the military, and then make a recording before deployment (in case of "suicide" or "friendly fire").
once close to Israel, shoot at their generals and soldiers and make it known that it's solely revenge for 9-11 and USS Liberty. On trial go full SHE for how (((they))) treat blacks, and keep it all about that
Do you even need to ask? Hillary would have been worst, she would have gotten an immigrant and promoted him to a 4 star general.
Fuck off demoralizing shill
Trump was the best option
He's glorifying it (assuming OP isn't a liar about this).
Irrelevant to this issue, strawman
The OP doesn't even have enough respect for his son (assuming this is real) not to pathetically glorify him, not to mention what for he died.
Stupid Zogbot.
Trump was the only option, Democracy has never existed.
Sorry for your loss though. Hopefully the US goes out of all these illegal imperial wars and lessen the suffering on both sides.
/r/eddit_TDgeneral the slide post
Presses F if true
That war has gone on for 75% of the span of my whole life. That's how long it has been going on for.
Even if it is, it's good to remind us all that that war has been going on for far too long.
Just another day in a war without end
I don't play MGS.
It's boring and I have too much work.
It would've been honorable if he was fighting in the Wehrmacht. Sorry gramps, your "son" was a filthy zogbot and died a zogbot. May he learn better in the next life.
>Implying this isn't bait though
More 1984 less MGS tbh lad. Endless wars for the purpose of control.
I only played MGSV and the beginning / ending scenes are unironically shitting on everyone who plays vidya.
The Korean conflict has been going on for 300% of your lifespan.