US military blocks proposed railway linking North & South Korea

US military blocks proposed railway linking North & South Korea
US military officials have put the brakes on a proposed rail project that would connect the Korean Peninsula, underscoring growing differences between Washington and Seoul on engagement with the hermit kingdom.
The governments of the two estranged nations were set to begin preliminary plans for the rail link last week, but their application to send a train from Seoul across the length of North Korea was denied by the US-led United Nations Command. The multinational military body, which traces its roots back to the Korean War, controls movement across the demilitarized zone which separates North and South Korea.

The decision is the latest illustration of Washington’s hardline approach to dealing with Pyongyang. The US has demanded full denuclearization as a prerequisite to any economic cooperation with North Korea, while Seoul has taken a less extreme stance, favoring constructive engagement with its northern neighbor. South Korean President Moon Jae-in had expressed hope that the rail link would be completed by the end of the year.
Moon has invested considerable political capital into improving inter-Korean relations and has signaled his desire for large-scale investment in North Korea once sanctions are lifted.

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Other urls found in this thread:–North_Korea_relations

The Great Satan cannot defeat the Korean nations' will to unite.

if the jewish mods that run this shithole have anything to do with it this thread will either be anchored or deleted in 15 minutes.

The mods are usually ok imo, but there's a lot of cadre shills who slide everything even potentially negative of Trump still. This thread will mostly just be ignored.

what it should be

They're a bunch of Southern Poverty Law Center kikes….. who are you trying to kid.

This place is as jewish as my mutilated penis.

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Based Kim strikes again

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Nah they're a whole hell of a lot better than the shit we had before with kikefy and his ZOG loving mods

and yes, my penis was disfigured when I was a 1 day old infant like millions of other American males to mark me as a subservient goy. I was abused by jews, when I was born, and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Kill yourself, kikey.

So leave.

No they are not, shilling has increased 100 fold and it is no longer a NatSoc board.

Look at the commie star, and not one person has complained, where is our NatSoc swastika? gone, erased, as if it never was…. the kike way

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you're a filthy yid

So leave.

I'm trying to figure out why stopping a bug train matters in any conceivable way to white people.


Just die.

If I was KimJungChingChong I wouldn't denuclearize either. Just look at what happened to Qaddafi in Libya. It's hillaryious to assume that.

Time for to look for a new home perhaps?

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I actually agree with the premise here, because we set a hard line of "denuclearization". As soon as the north no longer has the ability to build nukes, I instantly switch over to supporting this train and ANY other recombination measures they want to take. Assimilating the north will destroy the south's economy, which means weaker gooks, which means weaker enemies for whites.

What retards and schizophrenics believe constitutes a "refutation" is surreal. Simply asserting an opposing position is true is not a refutation.

A refutation would be someone claiming that the sky is green and you providing a picture of the sky being blue and stating that anyone could go outside and take a picture of the sky being blue, as this is in fact the state of reality that can be independently confirmed. It would not just be saying that the sky is blue.

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Go be a boomer somewhere else.

you first, tommy

You mad Ching Chong? Hmmm? You upset big America penis is splitting your small asian peninsula in two?
Wait till we culturally enrich you with our ethnic food. Stay mad asian boi.

Attached: Korean girls see big American meat for first time.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

Looks fine to me.

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What's the most efficient land travel system? Trains
What's the least efficient land travel system? Cars
10 bucks says the US military will approve a highway system to link best korea to worst.
That way the US can export oil and big cars to go along with a mcdonald's and starbucks on every corner.

Reported for not even trying.


How self aware you are.

I want to enrich their women's womb… feminists (South koreans) have no right to tell me what I can do or not to their women

too bad the turk isn't in charge anymore, now is he nigger.
reported :^)

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So many neocons ITT.

First, North Korea must have a (((Central Bank))) installed before puppet-master USA will allow their sick child South Korea from engaging in any friendly manner with their fellow Koreans.

Understand? Kiss the (((Ring))), goyim.

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yes, i want gooks to have nukes so that ZOG can burn in radioactive hell.

Paul Ryan is retiring cause he knows it's best for him. Also, hold your breath.

Didn't that Gates guy host some black people "history" show about Africa where they proved that dey wuz kangz an shiet? I think it was him. They actually claimed that Hannibal of Carthage was black.


Oh hooray, they block archive. How fucking great.

No one cares, Ahmed.

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lil' kim says he wants the mick's dick.

dumb kike baiting retard shill–North_Korea_relations

done replying btw, enjoy the filter (((c7a631)))



See, this is the kind of thing that makes other countries tell USA to fuck off. When country A and B want to be friends, but asshole country USA says no, A and B tell USA to fuck off.

Zig Forums should go out in the streets and use doctored (((23andme))) to say "I'm jewish and I hate the anti-black discrimination in Israel"

The say, "we jews need to check our privilege, we own the media, the banks, and even the AIPAC controlled government"

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I want to impregnate them in front of their cuck hubbies

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just a group of 10 Zig Forumsjews with fake (((23andme))) could change US politics forever

All one has to do is make one of them appears, then the other Zig Forumsjew appears to counter him BUT makes it worse. Then a third Zig Forumsjew counters the previous one, and says "Look, I want to apologize on behnd of the jewish people in behalf of the previous guy and USS Liberty."

Then the 4th Zig Forumsjew counters him by saying "USS Liberty happened a long time ago, you're doing a disservice to jews… if you want to apologize for our people, you need to apologize for 9/11… which I feel personally responsible for."

ETC… the job of the Zig Forumsjew is to escalate what the previous Zig Forumsjew said.

Reported for supporting Israel.

Thanks for admitting that Israel is allied with North Korea. The link is right there.

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It's amazing how quiet a thread gets when you bring up CIA involvement in the 53 coup.


I see you spreading this sentiment a lot.
Thing is, I don't like Muslims. I don't like Jews more.
Its just that simple.
When I'm forced to choose sides between Jews and Muslims, I'll choose the Muslims - that's just how much I dislike Jews. In almost any other situation, I'll choose against a Muslim Arab, but when its a Jew that's my alternative? I'd prefer to take neither, but I'll take the Muzzie, and with any luck, once he's done fucking over the Jew, he'll die too.

Yes or no: You are suggesting one should choose a Jew over a Muslim when the choice between a Jew and a Muslim is laid before them?

wew lads

lol no. My suggestion is stop siding with either.

Moon Jae-in on suicide watch

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leftypol everyone

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Jewmerican business as usual

They don't want to dismantle the city-sized US bases in South Korea. Most Americans don't know that these even exist or how many billions is spent on them.

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It's just another attempt to try to get anons to hate America and resist blurmph.


False choice, muslim and jews are the same.

Choose muslim and the jew die, and vice versa.

Yes. This.

Norks may be crazy fellas but let's be honest, they aren't stupid which is why they are able to accomplish so much despite being the most cut off, isolated, and sanctioned nation on earth. Any nation would be insane to give up their nukes, look what happened to Ukraine. They wouldn't be in the situation they are in today if they were still the third largest nuclear power on the planet and they'll always be an embarrassment in history instead of heroes for giving up their nukes.

the reason the US is so 'kiked' up is because you stooges actually align with the zionists in so many of your selfish interests….. You don't actually care about the fact that you're shitting the world up, you just want the comfort of thinking that a hwhoite man is in charge of it all.






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Right Wing jew Squads

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fucking warmongering 'murrican mutts!

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The subhuman mutts asked for this after all!

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Mod Reminder: Off topic and/or derail posts, including those on meta topics (e.g. complaining about mods) will not be tolerated and will be deleted. Replies to such posts will also be removed.

Does it count if I reply to this post?

What the fuck dude, who shit in your cereal this morning?

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Everyone who isn't a retarded t_d redditor or boomer knows that the "deal" was always a farce to shut down a weapon supply line to Isr*els enemies.

This wasn't exactly secret. The details of the coup have been public knowledge for decades.


So they still won't denuclearise?
Why's that?

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I think the dream of taking back control of the US Government is officially at an end.

You mean hate the government establishment for re-establishing control over the government and doing the same old bullshit it always does?

It's over with trusting that system. It needs to be attacked urgently.

That image is fucking retarded.

It is absolutely cuckchan here today.

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A couple years late to the party.

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Reminder that you were proven wrong. Reminder that you have no argument. Reminder that Israel and North Korea are allies.

mmmmhmmmmm. Sure thing Mohamed. Your state of Iran exists only to bring more western influence into the middle east. Your war against jewry is controlled and one of attrition.

You have a containment board to peddle your nonsense. Stay there.

Prove me wrong! Everyone gets so upset over their favorite muslims. It's disgusting the way this board idolizes these inbred arabs.
In what way has Iran ever dealt a blow to world jewry? Everything they do only serves to antagonize the Zionist agenda in the ME. Everything, this dumb ass nuclear deal being no exception.

You have a containment board. Reported.

So you can't do it. Thats what I thought.
And reported for what? Not worshiping 80 IQ arabs? lol You also have a containment board

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What does Israel exporting gold to NK have anything to do with Iran dealing a blow to world jewry?

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Always do opposite of what jUSA does (Jews).

>US-led (((United Nations Command)))
See, there's the problem. You got kikes all around your plans. That won't do you any good, I tell ya h'wut

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and stop shilling nonsense