I guess Americans and other Europeans should shut the fuck up now, they don't have anything like this at all despite crying about how uncucked they are.

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: f462be6070d49add28e373401a75024c.jpg (640x640, 58.61K)


reise reise

Press is actually saying it's 10,000 - 12,000 this time.

kill yourself

Didn't know they were able to get that many controlled op lemmings out there. This is bad optics for true natsocs.

I didn't hear any mention of Hitler, but I'm not a German-speaker. I did see the Muslim taking the video get flipped off a bunch of times. Maybe Xandi should take the hint and go home.

You kikes are all over the board tonight. Pic related is (((you))).

And another shill.

Attached: merchant_shilling.jpg (500x500, 63.63K)

Attached: 1496077731001.gif (480x360, 1.9M)

Come on user don't false flag so obviously

They're always gonna under report it. Number must be way higher. Gotta say good work Germanbros.

Ari pick it up.

The funny thing was on Zig Forums or Zig Forums is there a difference? for last weekend's protests (((goldwater))) had a report where the URL and headline of the article said 2,000 but the thread said 800.
Then another (((goldwater))) thread that same day said 1,000.

Don't tell me that, bitch.

Finally. Let' s get this show on the road.

Attached: flood.webm (640x360, 7.97M)


while the kike sweats profusely

Attached: 7029b8a07d7515e7b5ccaaf30ef2f586_400x400.jpeg (400x400, 27.8K)

Ari you already missed the first post. Fuck off please.

Attached: the wrath of the awakened saxon.jpg (1024x768, 190.98K)

Every time. Stop making swipes at your brothers.

Attached: germany come on do nazi stuff.png (500x439, 37.98K)

I want to believe but recently the lugenpresse has been making videos and headlines about this and it turns out they're just lying and ready to use the nazi stigma whenever possible. Germany is rising but they're not going as far as the lugenpresse says.

This sounds like another example of what the lugenpresse is doing lately. A normalfag friend of mine heard about the Chennitz incident and wanted to show us a video about the ebil nazees the lugenpresse said was there. The video he found had nothing like that and featured an interview of a bunch of mudshits claiming the german people were evil racists. So I told him about the real reason why they were demonstrating there and he grew quiet.

Fuck off Moshe. Anglos are British.

Funnily enough that poem was originally about the English wrath towards the Germans because of the rape of Belgium.

Oh. (((you))) forgot to change IDs or are just an autist.



What are you talking about? I'm referencing
In the OP.

The latter I guess

I'd believe it. White kingdoms used to battle regularly.

Sigh my fault. You didn't reply >> to anything so it was confusing. Maybe we're both autists.


Every non-white group has adopted this tactic. Mexicans deported from the US? "Racist!" Blacks getting arrested or shot for being violent? "Racist!" Muslims told to fuck off back to Sandland? "Racist!" It's so fucking tiresome dealing with what they've come to see as the automatic win button. I don't think National Socialism has anything to do with this. That's not even their motivation. They're just that fucking sick and tired of these barbarians, their crime, and their bitching.

'member when 'Hitler did nothing wrong' was just a shit-test to reveal people who couldn't handle anonymous imageboards? I 'member.

Attached: MFW - TFW - Soon.jpg (800x450, 52.69K)

merkel must go
foreigners out
we are the people(?)
something about hitler

Feelz and Digitz are Realz.

2:00-2:02 in the video.

(quads checked)
Well I'll be damned. That's a whitepill.

Attached: happywhiteman.jpg (900x885, 282.53K)

Fags like you are the worst

Nice of you to point mention of you out double half hitler.

We are the fans!
Adolf Hitler

Attached: 0& yids.jpg (402x547, 38.49K)

Fuck off Mordecai. That's (((your))) tactic.

I wanna see it do Nazi stuff as well.

Attached: Pepe - lllll.png (618x607, 84.95K)

Who do you think helped get you there?

Attached: Amused.gif (500x279, 1.8M)

Well Hitler was correct. That was just the first battle.

2:01 in OP vid

Attached: d9td4jc.png (610x440, 310.09K)

Attached: vday-parade.jpg (1280x853, 170.25K)

Yeah they're referring to themselves as "Adolf Hitler Hooligans".

Attached: bdd7d890e3d27e2af2adf12b2091be9074394a871bc2774eba0955bfbe782831.gif (280x314, 417.19K)

When whites chimp out!

If these hooligans can organize to march through the city like that I wonder?

Attached: 40ae9f0afcff0de6d36ff3c767d65912.jpg (1400x945, 241.85K)

I want to believe, but I don't speak German. The fuck are they actually saying?

Attached: Saxons Hating For The Wrong Reasons.jpg (2036x5232, 1.99M)

Jew, Muslim; what's the difference? They're both destroying nations in the West one-by-one. They're both Black Cube worshiping cults. The Black Cube phylacteries look identical to the Black Cube Kaaba that muslims dance around. Cousins will be cousins


I told everyone this would happen.

"B-b-buh muh diversity will win the day with peace and love"

Yeah, well, fuck you. If you all get rounded up and hung on the day of the rope it's your problem.

I always know germans still got it.

The reich rises!

Are you mocking the liberals or the "based" people here?

in the future, uttering the word "Racist" should have unhealthy implications

Whites are ridiculously hard to calm down, too. Once we're pissed, we don't let go. Hard to get us there, but near impossible to bring us back.
Have a go at it juden, put your propaganda machine to work. that filthy mouth will surely get you out of this one. America isn't going to fight this war for you. Good luck convincing a bunch of whites that Germans are their enemy while mudslimes and shitskins occupy their land.


It is perfect, US is exhausted while the USSR is dead.

We really can do it again.

This is the long game, this is operation werwolf, after thousand of moons, men will become wolf again.

Fantastic. Shills are probably demoralized as hell watching this!

Okay, I heard that… But I can see, and hear, that its not thousands of people saying they are sons of Hitler - its a very small group of people… Who are all conspicuously wearing dark hoodies and masks.
How interesting that they start their chant right as they pass by this camera.
And that I can't find evidence of them elsewhere in the photos of the crowd.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2119x1092 2.05 MB, 3.52M)

no stopping this, ezra. shift, slide, scatter, do all you want. This is coming and it's coming hard. There's nobody left to defend the heathen tribe. the only course of action is to assimilate and wait it out, but we have all your information since you got so bold as to paste it up on every corporation document across the world.

Shh, don't ruin it now it's starting to git gud


Any article links, boys?

Attached: NAZIWIZARD.jpg (1732x1155, 121.41K)

I had to dig real deep into the reaction image folder to find something appropriate to the situation.

This has been happening an awful lot with all the good news I've been hearing.

Attached: happy lizard.jpg (800x532, 63.62K)

General laughter and applause though


wrath of the awakened saxon

Is Germany our comfort lizard?

Attached: comfort_lizard.jpg (1200x800, 141.78K)

I don't even know where they think this "love" is supposed to come from. They somehow want all these different ethnic groups that hate each other to coexist in the same place. They want Muslims to live next door to fags and trannies and they expect Europeans to just put up with all of it while being forced to subsidize them with taxes, and also expect Europeans not to run out of patience. They're letting Muslim child rapists go without charges and putting guys in prison for years because of bacon sandwiches or Facebook posts. They think their deranged utopia will just work because… why? Because they sing a John Lennon song and pass around a couple of joints?

Yeah, I'll give ya that! Even looks like a few in the crowd threw up salutes.
Which is progress!

… Still weird that that chant came at that time from that group though. I'd like to know more about who that is, because I could see someone trying to besmirch this (in the eyes of the Jewish media and through them normalfags) with such tactics. In any case, if that was their intent, they fuckin' well blew it here.

Now we wait for Hitler to come back from the moon.

then you're a concernfag
get on borad! Push it into reality even if it's not real (which this is real). Lie, push, scream, flail, whatever you have to do, get loud and be proud! This is our movement and our time to wake up the spirit of the sleeping Aryan. We've been shit on for 50 years in our own land. Our wages have consistently dropped, our opportunities going to foreigners for the lowest shekel! You get mad or get the fuck out of the way. We're carrying this sword to the fight!

The people you're talking about don't know what love is, user.
All they understand is cummies and monies.
They think their utopia will work because the Jewish media raised them to think as much, while their parents pursued cummies and monies of their own.
Its when you suddenly realize how worthless the cummies and monies actually are, as food turning to ash in your mouth, that you become a danger to the status quo - and the status quo has made it so bad out there at this point, that many are realizing all that the future holds if something isn't changed is more cummies and monies and less of everything noble and good and they are willing to get a little dangerous.

Just say "k" and carry on. Not "okay", no arguing against it. People fucking rage when they think they gotcha and you just ignore it and don't react in any meaningful way. The "you're a racist!!!" line is meant to get a reaction. Whites have been failing and taking the bait for decades.

Wow, look at the cope on this fella.

I'm a truth-fag, lienigger.
The OP is a lie, because thousands of people AREN'T saying that - but it didn't have to be to send a similar message, because while thousands of people aren't saying it, they aren't screaming out against it either. In fact, they're applauding.
Could have made the same OP with
and been more honest about it.

Go back to TRS.

Attached: 1524458825971.png (932x846, 1.72M)

Good luck Germans!

I'm an honestfag and you make a good point. I got excited.

Other Germans noticed the camera and flicked it off. Is it not out of the realm of possibility a spotter saw the camera recording, and they let the chant go?

Attached: a33cbcfb522ef678cc70db8f72190683afec1a33b30782ff44d76439f9b890a9.png (558x614, 32.15K)

You should.
People cheering such chants IS a huge step in the right direction.

I remain wary only in so far as curiousity as to the motives of those who did it - but that doesn't really matter in the face of the response. Which is glorious.

Remember, in other times, such a chant would have painted a very poor picture of the protestors - it would have pigeonholed them greatly. These days, not so much, but most of our opposition, especially in the European establishment, is still functioning on the old playbooks and aren't adapting quickly to the new conditions on the ground.
I could easily see someone in the German government - or some extra-governmental agency/organization tasks with policing 'hate' or whatever; ie, doing the bidding of international Jewry - trying to orchestrate some shit like a bunch of masked "thugs" chanting about being the "hooligans(?) of hitler" in the midst of a march like this, perfectly placed/timed so that a photographer could get the footage (and especially the audio, because the footage actually serves to undermine their message to a degree, as it does the OP's) andd attempt to use that to smear the whole protest.
I don't think that's going to work anymore though, as this footage suggests - when you take away peoples hopes for the future, you're ensuring that accusations like "NAZI!" don't have as many teeth as they used to, don't bite as hard, and eventually, if the paper-pushers aren't careful, those accusations will be embraced and espoused and wew lads when that starts you're going to see some serious shit.

Attached: No Title.PNG (938x767, 1.15M)

This is a valid point.
Isn't it illegal to say stuff like that in Germany?
Could it be a tactic to stifle the momentum
by saboteurs?

Attached: fight_racism.jpg (617x805, 133.3K)

A lot of low quality bait in this thread. Nothing ever changes with you people.

Stay trashy pol, stay trashy.

It is.
It most assuredly could be.

However, I don't think that's going to work anymore.

Stay angry lelypol, stay angry.

Attached: Modern Femininity - Canadian Strike Team.jpg (800x799, 224.52K)

That's a really good sign. If this was a few provocateurs in the crowd, trying to discredit everyone, they would have started when they saw the cameras, not stopped.

mfw it's real. It's really real, and we've all lived to see it!

Attached: Hitler_Dank.jpg (500x489, 55.05K)

Relevant developing article section about this on Wikipedia guys:

Only mention of "Hitler" so far is the title of the biased Washington Post source:

Hitler salutes and fireworks as weapons

(((Authorities))) probably want to outlaw the Roman Salute which is not the monopoly of Hitler, just like the Swastika is not. Free expression is very oppressed in Germany, hopefully this changes it.

Hurry up with it


>(((Authorities))) probably want to outlaw the Roman Salute which is not the monopoly of Hitler, just like the Swastika is not. Free expression is very oppressed in Germany, hopefully this changes it.
Fuck free expression! Gas the kikes!!!

You can hear the words "Adolf Hitler" extremely clearly in the video.

I can't, perhaps you can. Maybe my shitty hearing is why I only got 55% in 1st year German. At least tell us what second mark it is best audible in.

No, humans cannot compare to the care comfort lizards can provide. We're too panicky.

They started chanting the Hitler stuff RIGHT as they came into frame.
They chant it once, RIGHT as they're passing in front of this camera, and then immediately cease.

Just saying, coincidental perhaps, but perhaps also cohencidental.

Fuck yes take back your homeland.
Even those that seem the farthest lost can take it all back, don't you kikes and subhumans forget it.

Me too user. Me too.
It makes me think of that picture of
>born just in time for the race war or some other thing, there are like a dozen different once