Terry Davis -- Remembrance Day

A old man who shook the scars of battle one last time, a pilot one last time, he slipped the earthly bonds and build the Temple of God.
Terry Davis, a man who we will all remember has passed away. He created a means to speak to God in a Commodore 64-like enviornment. He revolutionized the simple process of Computer usage perverted by satanic Apple/Microsoft for way too long.

It is men like Terry, that go on to inspire more better software like CloverOS. It is men like Terry who defy gender roles and traverse the West like the frontier it used to be. Finally, it is men like Terry that give the message of God through compilers.

Also, if possible, bring back After Egypt so we all can experience the digital Temple of God.

May God bless his soul and ensure him everlasting life.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Godspeed, Terry

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RIP Terry

Pic related, it's the N. Koreans mourning the loss of their chief programmer to communicate with Kim.

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He had coal black frizzy hair in his twenties and weird fucked up physiognomy in general. He looked and later revealed his ashkenazi prone schizophrenia by spouting bullshit and got a bunch of even crazier losers to worship him. Good riddance and I hope his "OS" site is taken offline once the no one cares about him anymore.

Sage for ultra low quality and off topic thread.


fake and gay, I'm not gone.


How do we get those with ashkeNAZI blood coursing through their veins to meltdown sooner? We need to know their triggers and exploit them more often.

Who was a better programmer Terry, Linus, Stallman, or Ritchie

A star up in heaven now glows brighter than any cia nigger I've ever seen.

He was an Irishman, nice try though, yid.

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cianignogs killed him because he singlehandedly ruined their reputation

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Still any confirmation aside from the sketchy posts from yesterday? poor bastard has been disappear thenI hope he is giving those glow-niggers hell right now

>>>/back/ I have no words for the level of disdain I have for your ilk

So what you’re saying is the kike kike mob chased him with faggots all around the desert.

It’s going to be hilarious when Terry gives us an update, and starts doing streams again, right?

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OH look new UID's.

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We need to investigate to ascertain whether or not Terry is actually dead. Providing that he is dead, we need to investigate the circumstances of his death, as I suspect foul play.

Foul play is confirmed, trying to upload pictures from another proxy

Notch Persson

remember who?

i'll believe Terry is dead after source more reputable than some faggot on cuckchan and/or after it can be legally confirmed, like with an obituary in a newspaper.

1) there is no Zucccuck page showing what's in the screenshot that appeared on cuckchan

2) doesn't it seem odd someone with "liberalist" chat open on Facezerg would have 10 friends in common with Terry's mom?

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It might be a ruse by some bong.


It's not looking good unless this is a fake account

you can view her album without logging in.

there's not a single mention or picture of terry.

scam topic. no credible sources.

Terry A. Davis will rise from the dead to punish all CIAniggers and the Synagogue of Satan because he is the Messiah, God's Chosen Programmer.

After the Jews are physically thrown into the Lake of Fire, Terry will code 6 million sentient JewAIs to burn in virtual Hell on a Heavenly server

It's actually kind of sick and twisted that all you people think you are laughing with him when you are really just laughing at someone with a mental illness. He needed help and obviously couldn't get it.

Except the one in this post: archive.is/WJAgZ
The old man in the album seems to be the same as the one in pic related: archive.is/wE2ZE
Timeline: archive.is/4hnKb

The Prophet is probably the black sheep of the family.

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You'll need help when every nerve in your soul is stimulated with pain, forever in Hell, kike

This is most likely a way for the people that fucked over Terry to cover their tracks. Their going to do everything in their power to make sure he doesn’t upload any more content. They have full control of his Email account/website, and Terry isn’t in the correct mental condition to figure this shit out.


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This is almost as bad as that coalburning retard stupidity.

Good response there, retard. What do you think I actually said there? I was actually sticking up for Terry more than any of you fucking dickheads did but by all means MUH GLOW IN THE DARK CIA NIGGERS AMIRITE MY FELLOW TEMPLEOSERS LOLOLOLOL MENTAL ISSUES ARE SO FUNNY YOU CIA NIGGER

It was the kikes over at /g/ that started this, by sending him emails pretending to be Diana fucking niggers. If it wasn’t for that he never would of got off the meds, started drinking, and got kicked out in the first place.

Fuckin kikes. Maybe his TempleOS was too close to some truth and had to be destroyed. I'm sure some kikes use computing/ai in a similar fashion to communicate with.. something.

I hope God will let me take a vacation down into Hell, with an asbestos suit, so I can visit you dirty kikes. I'm going to make you swallow molten silver and inject lye into your eyes. Psychiatry is Jewish, and mental illness is a Jewish invention. Execute all psychiatrists via forced serotonin syndrome via drug overdose

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I'm going to become the Doom Guy, I've been working out yo. Also, you are in Hell right now user if you haven't noticed.

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If the internet was a physical place; tonight a mob of sad angry and liquored up oldfags would form, and beat the shit out of all those faggots who exploited and abused Terry so badly they would be crippled for life.
And if Terry came back tomorrow none of them would feel bad for a second.

Ohohohohohoh so thats your problem. I know all the jewish bullshit but tell me, o wise one, what was wrong with Terry then? If you think he was just a normal, sane, well together person you are so fucking retarded.

also, kikes didnt invent mental illness they just use it and pervert it and took over the institutions of it as they always do you goddamn fucking retarded cunt

Terry is/was a normal, sane, well together person, and there is/was nothing wrong with him.
Yes they did. Real "mental illnesses" are actually demonic possessions, ala drag queens. Jews are demons themselves, and so long as they exist on this Earth they will always channel in more fellow demons to roam for and possess wayward sinners. Indeed, it's possible that physical contact with a Jew by a bluepilled, Godless sinner induces demonic possession, like a germ spreading.

If tis be a ruse than I hope they realize terry will be immortalized as a meme and will never be forgotten. Rather he will be remembered in the history books of the future generations as a saint.

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holy fuck you are even more retarded than i could imagine. well you do you man but that's it, i'm out, you shilled me good.


This high IQ Aryan came to an unfortunate end. In a non degenerate society, he wouldn't have gone the way he did.

Keep killing CIA niggers in the after world, big guy.

Fucking CIA niggers finally got him. Fuck… Another victory to the jew.


fake account
first pic is obviously photoshopped.

motherfucker no


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Where's the obituary?

maybe his family decided not to have one published

to confirm someone needs to call the dalles oregon police department and ask for the name of the man struck by a train on aug 11.


when it was reported in the paper, the name wasn't released because next of kin had not been notified.

Terry aint dead

Holy shit, RIP.

Hell of a way to go. It sucks that all we know is it’s some accidental death. Still, at least he found that peaceful place he seemed to like before he died. Poor guy.

Fake News. OP is a CIA faggot.


The account that took the screenshot of the death announcement on Therese Davis' facebook timeline is a turbo-autist by the name of TheTemple. He created a fake Terry Davis facebook account 4 months ago and LARPed as Terry so he could stalk Terry's family on Faceberg. Webm related is the recording of a voice chat from yesterday night where he was asked some basic questions about the account and why he was friends with Terry's family (he spergs out multiple times and won't give a straight answer, go to 9:45 for example).

TheTemple deleted his discord server when he woke up yesterday, scrubbed his youtube channel, and wasn't seen until a couple of hours ago. The moment he reappeared, Zig Forums started getting shilled by anons saying that TheTemple dindu nuffin wrong because he was just trying to help Terry "manage his online affairs" and keep contact with Terry's family in case there was an emergency. Meanwhile, Terry's family believed he was the real Terry Davis the entire time, and Terry's mother even DMed the account and told who she thought was her mentally ill son "I love you".

This saga is still unfolding.

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Pics related are some examples of how TheTemple larped as Terry for 4 straight months on facebook, not only fooling Terry's entire family so that he could stalk their private timelines, but also fooling many people who interacted with the account.

He posted hymns, pretended to be infatuated with PhysicsGirl, posted bible quotes, talked about his new laptop and how he was creating a new order of Templars to live on the streets with him, and personal messages such as "miss you guys".

This is some stratospheric autism. His twitter account is also full of Terry Davis content, and his youtube channel used to mirror Terry's videos. But regular fanboyism wasn't enough for this sperg, he actually had to become Terry Davis, going so far as to deceive Terry's own mother (who would have assumed that Terry was alive and well while Terry was on the streets by seeing TheTemples larp posts show up on her facebook feed every day).

Archive of TheTemples fake Terry Davis account:

Attached: Terry_A_Davis_facebook_1.png (1024x1474 171.49 KB, 159.48K)

So in the facebook announcement about Terry's death they request donations be made to Brain and Behavior Research Foundation:

Been looking into it a bit, the CEO is (((Jeffrey Borenstein))):

Who is also the editor-in-chief of Psychiatric News:

I'm not sure I would recommend sending money to these people. Further digging should be probably be done first. MKULTRA ties?

Check out this info.

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Are you saying that TheTemple is fooling everyone into thinking Terry is dead?
Or is he really dead and this is just some autistic fuck that should be put down?
Either way, if he's alive he'll probably give sound soon.

At this time there is no hard evidence that the faceberg announcements of Terry's death are fake. Therese made a public comment today confirming that Terry is dead, pic related:

The only strange thing about this post is the "4 family members just died LOL" tone it has, and the fact that someone archived it 3 minutes after it was posted, but that proves nothing. The other three people who are said to have died have death announcements on their facebook pages:

This is correct. He stalked Terry's family and tried to use Terry's death for personal gain (going on streams to help launch his eceleb career), and there is more to the story yet to come out regarding his association with other people who were orbiting Terry who may have in fact been stealing his money and preventing Terry for publishing content.

There is a lot more to this story that needs to be uncovered.

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Woops, actually this is "4 family members died LOL" post.

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He is on Aldebaran with Space Hitler and Axel Stoll now.

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Info on Terry being fucked with by the reddit autists who were orbiting him.

This tSheiks faggot disappeared and scrubbed himself from the Internet. TheTemple and his friends are directly associated with him, including this faggot called Mr.Mimes.

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Thank you, user

Is there any proof hes dead? I haven't seen any.

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TheTemple may have contributed to Terry's death. He pretended to be Terry, and Terry's family thought that Terry was doing fine since TheTemple posted frequently on the fake facebook account. Meanwhile, Terry was slipping into a suicidal depression, which may have culminated in him jumping in front of a train.

On facebook, Terrys mother was sending DMs to the fake Terry account, messages like "I love you Terry". TheTemple claims that he ignored these messages and did not respond. Just imagine Terry's mother's heartbreak as her son refused to accept her loving words, refused to speak to her.

Maybe if Terry had received that love he would not have killed himself by jumping in front of a train.

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Discord faggots ruin everything

This ive heard he got attested but thats about it.

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What the fuck is up with the audio? The faggot says "he's fine" then says "he's dead"

Terry Davis' death record appears to have been found.


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I wish I'd sent it the day before..
RIP Terry
You were ring zero only

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The reward of sucking semite religion cock this hard.
Guess he failed the "test" of his god ;^)

He wasnt 87 though.

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The YouTube user THE TEMPLE has impersonated Terry on FB for months now, he infiltrated his family in hope to keep tabs on them while Tsheiks and the temple STOLE VAST AMOUNTS of money
From Terry's paypal, patreon, merch sales, THEY own his website and have altered the source code for TEMPLEOS…… these niggers WILL pay

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And the word "death" does not appear on that webpage anywhere, it is a fake screenshot and I've deleted it. I was rused.

In case anyone saw my other post before I deleted it, I accidentally accused myself of editing the screenshot and told myself to fuck off, because I thought I was in the thread where I got the screenshot from. I need to sleep.

Proven to be some nigger called "Terry Dennis Davis".

Can't we ask /x/ to remote view him/his whereabouts?

He was a fucking nut so this isn't a major blow tbqhfam.

t. TheTemple

Its so funny that the atheist normie fucks dont get terry, dont understand his greatness… remember sedition is traitorous and when we find you fucks and prove tro the world YOU ROBBED TERRY AND CAUSED HIS DEATH…. u are done..

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You glow in the dark, nigger

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Never heard of this guy, can someone give me a quick rundown?

He wrote an operating system called Temple OS. He also invented the phrase CIA niggers.

I have been watching a few of his videos. What is he getting at about his OS being a temple of god? What he was talking about was odd but it may have a lot deeper meaning.

Dont some places in america have coroner registry where you can see the names of the dead ?


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He said God commanded him to create an operating system as a place of worship of the LORD. God gave him various specifications, such as a screen resolution of 640x480.

He means this literally.

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So what exactly did he do to get the CIA to kill him? Making an old style OS should not be enough to even get on their radar

To be 100% fair they didn’t alter TOS source
Terry himself put afteregypt and several other programs on another iso to cut down on lines of code

They did add a text file to the iso but that’s it. No major changes
Terry likely isn’t dead and these sick fucks are fucking with his family while he’s in a mental hospital or jail.

And if he is dead, we should seance him into this very imageboard and commemorate every instance of quints with terryposting.

On halfchen now, pol Terry thread dismissing him as lsd crazy…
This poster IS the temple, find him

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