Women cheer as Sweden's man-free music festival kicks off
The most unintentionally hilarious pictures I've ever seen.
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Women cheer as Sweden's man-free music festival kicks off
The most unintentionally hilarious pictures I've ever seen.
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All of the rapes last year were committed by men. Any sane person in this country knows that. This is actually a very good change of pace, now women can receive the protection that they deserve without the risks associated with allowing entry to males.
what man would actually want to go in there?
maybe if left to their own devices for long enough they might actually come up with something as cool asa the demoscene…. BWAHAHAHAHHA
0/10 try harder leftypol
I would wish muslims would have busted down the door and rape them, but those women are so repugnant I would not even wish them on muslims.
do you like the fika ?
No ?I prefer lesbian music festivals
you are so full of shit, the reason why this happened was because of sand niggers, and women not mixing with men is exactly what sandniggers want. so in what way shape or form is this good ?
Try going out of your states for once and figure out the world amerisharts
jag är svensk ditt jävla sär
inb4 explosion of peace
I wish I was at home fighting the patriarchy
The music is too loud
My feet hurt
I'm hungry
don't be fucking retarded, the rapefugees fuck goats, they would fuck those things
The goats are less annoying and more capable of something resembling human love than these, things.
It's a tough choice user.
What a bunch of sexist racists, they should at least let in men PoCs. Let us culturally enrich them.
by god, you're right
No men allowed..
Except the security, and the sound and light technicians, and the musicians, and all the grips and movers, and the EMT's, and the janitors..
Needs more Diversity.
Unpopular opinion.
Muslims gave all of those lesbian whores a chance at childbirth, via rape. Something no white man would do, because we respect women enough to attempt to try to get to know them, before sex, and thus, our low birthrates, globally. We fell for the ideas of love and romance, that were born on the isle of lesbos, via degenerate women / lesbians and the false narratives it created through the romantic period, have had a ripple effect on us, throughout the centuries, making us weak. Muslim men take what they want and kill what they no longer desire. I hope that these stupid, lesbian and feminist whores enjoy the endless centuries of obfuscation, belittlement, segregation, rape, torture, stonings, mutilations, and beheadings that Muslims will bring upon them and their children. Women were never worthy of the love that they wrote about so elegantly in Lesbos. White men will never be able to see them as what they truly are… a place to pump your seed, and then move along your way, to the next. Even the black man has acknowledged this simple fact, and will impregnate 6 or 7 white women, before settling on one who has a trust fund, so he can live an easy life off the work of her father. If the white race is to ever succeed, we must either rise up, and destroy the other races that pump their seeds in our women, or we must pump our seed, in our women, by whatever means in necessary, no matter how immoral, to increase our birthrates. Love and romance be damned.
Sweden celebrates falling in line with Shariah Law
Truth be told, it would probably be better, at this point, to fuck the goat, as opposed to dealing with soul crushing mental illness.
Your call though.
I really hate Swedes, the Russians would do them a favor by nuking them.
Why do we have to have an "all women" anything? Fuck women! They suck! Everything that's "all women" always sucks ass! Whether it's that shit Ghostbusters remake or Lilith Fair. There ought to be an "all men" festival just to piss these bitches off.
This. We need to get rid of women's rights all together. We need to bring back slavery.
Straight outta clown world.
Shut up feminist bitch
I agree, black people need to start picking cotton again
No. That's too good for them.
We need to enslave women but niggers are sub-human filth and don't belong on this planet. Enslaving them was a mistake. They're almost as bad as Jews. They lie and deceive whites into having pity for them and when they gain their freedom, the first thing they do is betray us.
Treachery is in their very blood! They are descendants of Noah's son Ham. Ham betrayed Noah and was cursed for it!
Both of you need to drink a glass of bleach.
Here's an anecdote, which may or may not be useful to somebody.
I recently talked with a Swedish guy. Eventually the topic of politics and (((refugees))) came up and I mentioned to him that I had heard about the existence of no-go zones in Sweden.
He acknowledged that they do indeed exist, and that there is one in his city.
What disgusted me, though, is that he didn't appear to give a shit about it. Not one bit. He just wished they would "assimilate into swedish culture" (which, by the way, is probably an (((EXTREME RIGHT WING OPINION))) by Swedish standards).
tl;dr sweden needs intervention
No they don't. They were replaced over a hundred years ago. They are obsolete. The land needed to grow food to feed nogs to pick cotten would be better spent growing a fuel crop to power mechanical harvesters which could harvest a much larger area. And mechanical harvesters don't end up being given citizenship by bleeding hearts.
single old ugly fat cat lady - the show
It looks like a faggot convention.
Any guy who still spouts this must be buried alive. Kill all enablers first.
Go back to the Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack you stupid mutt.
Stick to the goats
Release the gas
Looks like a double agent in drag snuck in, he's got that look on his face like he just saw peak degeneracy
That's not a tough choice at all. Pic on the right might as well be capital punishment. You're looking at a choice between disgusting degeneracy and debilitating mental scars for life.
It becomes more self-evident when you take the sexual aspect out of it, just ask yourself this question: would you rather spend the rest of your life with cheerleader goat, or with transgender Jay Leno?
I'm confused.
I only see two halfway decent broads in the entire lot of them. I thought Swedish girls were supposed to be attractive?
Or is it because they're all dykes?
Here in the U.S., almost all dykes are ugly as a pile of shit.
Is this what I'm seeing?
Man haters are as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside. How old are you?
Well, when you put it in that context, its clear that you obviously choose to check them.
This is illegal. Just report them to the ministry of equality and have some fun. Sweden takes equality VERY seriously, you can't just ban people based on sex.
Is that actually a real thing in Sweden?
Yes and they will shut this the fuck down in a heartbeat if you make a serious complaint.
Ahaha oh wow, you guys are fucking crazy.
I remember the Lilith Fair.
Also why are there not men bombing these women with surströmming to give it that final tinge of authenticity?
Because the only kind of "woman" that would be at this thing is a "woman" no man would want to be anywhere near.
Let them group together in their hugboxes, it keeps them away from the rest of us.
There's "Ministry of Family and Sex Equality" in Worst Korea, so I'd assume there is one in sweden as well.
Imagine the smell.
The only good thing that can be said of sweden is that it provides a potent example of the enormous power of state brainwashing.
This is good because it means when our kind is in power, we can brainwash the population correctly in such a way that this insidious jewish virus can never again aflict our people.
Obviously the intelligent men capable of rational thought will not require brainwashing, I am talking mainly about less intelligent men and all women (neither of whom will be allowed to vote even after their brainwash)
Tribfest ?
Now multiply that with SJW times feminism.
Any cultural enrichment happen yet? The male police are probably behind the scenes protecting them while they larp.
Fuck off white knight cuck. You're high on the list for helicopter rides you enabling faggot.
Shut up you fucking kike piece of shit…think you are going to come on Zig Forums and advocate for your retarded jew/islamic world order and that no one is going to notice your fucking degenerate kike bullshit. Actually, keep it up. It will help us all identify ZOG on DOTR…you are getting the ROPE YOU PIECE OF SEMITIC SUBHUMAN SHIT!
I think the majority of these girls were the less attractive of the bunch and got little attention from men. Couple that with the mass availability of porn and the men they should be coupling with are not at all interested in them, leaving these girls feeling ugly and unwanted. Now they hate men
You will be buried with the rest of the cucks and our treacherous women will get chained down for the future of our race. You dead fucking weight.
Reported for tumblr whore.
Reported for supporting women.
So wait, we've gone from:
Are they completely unself aware at this point in time. They've become the thing they were meant to attack.
Feminists are WORSE that muslims who segregate trains now. Makes ya think.
Oh boy what happened to this thread?
Barbary slavers already tried that one.
How is this even left wing anymore? It's totalitarian insecurity on a cultural marxist level. It's like how muslim women are segregated from men in trains.
That's how dumb these people are. Time to burn it all.
kek approves this post
Fuck off roastie.
western civilization and THEIR SAFETY NETS demPOOR girls and their FREEDOM TO GO OUT AND HAVE A GOOD TIME all on the TAX PAYERS DIME have your cake and eat it to THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR TRUSTING THE JEW
i tried 😃
Jesus christ.
Someone on it recognized kike filth and islamic thinking and called out the subhumans. There is a lot of 'pro-Islamic' thinking on Zig Forums. Anytime you see the faggot haters of women, you know you are looking at kikes. Also, the longer I look at islamics the more homosexual pedophilia there is in it, you know you are dealing with kikes or their semitic brothers when you see this woman hating bullshit on Zig Forums. They scream NON-EUROPEAN in everything they do, we don't hate women like kikes and semites do. THEY ARE NOTHING MORE THAN BASIC FAGGOTS.
If you're a supporter of women in current year then only a bullet through your skull can help you. Were Europeans to rise against their governments i guarantee you're gonna get it.
Also nice proxy there, your hysteric writing betrays you. Vapid cunt.
You want roachcock in your women?
You sound like the roastie user.
And by the looks of it, in feminism too.
This could work to our advantage. We need feminism to resemble islamic retarded segregation more.
Can we get them to wear hijabs?
I think this trap would be very effective at destroying feminism once and for all.
But women, especially women hired under diversity and quotas produce such amazing results.
The ministry of equality approved this festival because of course they did and equality never meant equality, it meant all the benefits to women and shitskins and all the costs on native men.
And the birds go "tweet."
This is the perfect time for a targeted carpet-bombing.
I thought Swedish chicks were supposed to be hot?
Only ugly chicks are feminists user. Good looking ones get laid.
Swedish women in general are attractive, but feminists in general aren't. Picture them as beta women with low intellect, they're the female version of soyboys.
Feminists are just the useful idiots that parade around outside to give the impression the majority approve of whats happening to Sweden.
Therefore there should be no refugee program anywhere, since everywhere is exactly the same as everywhere else.
Modern niggers would be completely useless at picking cotton. Niggers are completely useless at everything actually, let's just get rid of them.
All the good looking Swedish women have already been raped and murdered.
Yep. Dykes are almost always ugly. If they were not to begin with they sure as fuck take care of the problem. Consciously and as the result of ugly thoughts leading to ugly people meme.
kek spot the tits or gtfo. Always somehow the fault of men. How will you solve the problem if it is never your fault?
These women have shit personalities along with shit faces. You might be surprised but men also want a woman that would raise his children properly.
Can't do that if a woman is a cunt. Or downright mentally ill .
Fucking hell, she has a bigger chin that I do, and I have an enormous chin. I thought swedish women were supposed to be hot?
Put me down for the goat, at least the goat is making an effort.
Beat me to it.