Daily reminder

Daily reminder.
Trust no one

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The CIA is the Mossad so it only makes sense they have adapted the Sayanim concept where they just find random people already in important positions and turn them into agents for Israels interests.

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CIA is incompetent, they are seeding mistrust, making them bigger than what they actually are.

They are also a civie admon org, so they are shit in actual combat.

Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad katsa turned author, wrote extensively about activities of the sayanim, as has Gordon Thomas. "According Ostrovsky and Gordon Thomas, the sayanim provide assistance of various kinds to Mossad officers operating in foreign countries. This assistance can include facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering. They can be Judges, Court Clerks, Expert Witnesses, Child Protective Service Workers, Assistant District Attorneys, Police Officers, or anyone with a great degree of power over people’s lives , and will do anything at the behest of Mossad case officers (katsa) for the State of Israel against its enemies or those perceived to be unfavorable politically to Israeli policy. (“By Way of Deception”, Victor Ostrovsky). Sayanim are supposedly not directly involved in intelligence operations, and are only paid for their expenses."


Also, important stress on
As in, testifying against you in court, the Mossad.

Sorry for triple posting but also that obviously means that given the Mossad puts expert agents into court cases to flip the verdicts, that introduces the element of doubt on all expert witnesses related to court cases where Israel could be perceived as having an interest in the outcome, since it COULD be a Mossad agent lying.

Auto mechanics?

Are there any black CIA agents? If not, we need to get BLM on to them.

Give me a fucking break you losers.


this is exactly what cia nigger would say

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Imagine being the one competent handler in your wing and your job is to filter and humour all the incoming 'hot tips' from the 10-20 shithead academics you employ as they start reporting the fat 17 year old in the pepe t-shirt at the pizza place as a potential terrorist.

Why? CIA does not speak the truth.


Yeah, that's what they say about the IRS too, but look at how powerful taxation is

Funny how it directly relates to the whole everyone is CIA/SOCOM from the shills.

It is like what CIA wants you to think.


Powerful to who? Because the IRS is basically a little cat to the top corps.

To me, a man getting 25% taxed

Only because nobody shoots the tax man when he comes anymore. The alternative is easier and ok in most eyes.

Change the perception that an thief in uniform is nothing but an thief that needs putting down. And if said thief is an enemy of your family in the first place working to destroy ones family from the get go and it becomes easier for a man to make the decision to grab the gun. Add in the final aspect of the culture/society/nation which said man exists in is an active enemy of said man and family and supporting such endagers such an man and his family and engaging an thief becomes not only an choice, and desire, but an outright duty.

We are getting there. But its not there yet.

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So not very powerful then? You can be fined by a street cop.

Christ, who gives a fuck?
We're beyond that, now.
Do whatever it takes to defeat the globalists and Jews, don't worry about supposed "CIA repercussions."

You are on the verge of losing everything, so who cares what the enemy knows or who it has lists of?
Fight without shame, fight without restraint, and defeat these traitors.

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Because CIA wants demoralization.

Maybe they want people to shoot each other out of suspicion of being CIA niggers.

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I was just pointing out that is what they would probably say

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BLM, BAMN, every gang, CIAniggers, basically all of your Antifa and street vermin including the Muslim Brotherhood.

This is obviously a trap, and being the straight male I am I will just be honest.

Shits weak stooge, this stuff works on weak minded people, not me.

yeah goyim, everyone is a CIA/jew, perhaps even yourself.

Except that is not what they would say.

CIA are boastful faggots.

If you start using their computer back door tools then yea, I guess you can consider yourself an CIA agent. You are doing what they do afterall… and its not like they can patch that shit out.

Say again, schizo?

no one cares CIA fuck off youre all gay niggers

If your that new, don't worry about it faggot.

Ok, schizo.

He's right
Shut the fuck up newfaggot

Ok, schizo.
Changing IP does not change your posting style.

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Get out, Schlomo, and then kill yourself on live feed, so we can all enjoy it.

Calling people schizo is not an argument, and the fact that you can't grasp the concept that the CIA is embedded in every organization that e80a4a mentioned betrays your cocksure newfag naivety. Now fucking lurk for two years before posting again, dumbass.

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Look up Project Bluebeam. Start reading wikileaks.

cars dont cut their own break lines and blow up randomly.

Niggers dont have to actually be qualified.

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It is absolutely an argument, considering the fact CIA literally wants you to think CIA is everybody.

Trump 2020

Wikileaks do not say CIA is everyone, that is schizo talk and what CIA wants you to think.

Wikileaks explicitly proved that the NSA has backdoor access into pretty much every device on the planet. Do you really believe that they don't share this information with the CIA?

I eagerly await your reply calling me a schizo despite the information being readily available

If that is true, Wikileaks cannot be trusted because even their shit can be edited.

Nor does it mean everyone is CIA.

Want to play this game, schizo?

No, I won't play your game because you're playing dumb and pretending anyone can edit wikileaks.

Enjoy your ban

I tried to 'edit' wikileaks once. The CIA kikes steamrolled the shit out of my edit. Even though I had 'sources' and it was a legitimate edit. That who shitpot is completely and TOTALLY controlled.

Are you CIA? You have a whole shitload of posts while saying absolutely nothing but personal attacks this entire thread. Seems this one hits close to home. Worried?

Everyone here is user. Everyone is everyone else, and also nobody. We are everywhere and nowhere. We are the masses of humanity in its entirety and we are the singular individual autistic tendie eater in his mothers basement. We are better at being the fucking CIA than the CIA at this point. What is it you are trying to say if not this? Are you trying to demoralize us in fear of some incompetent government agency rife with bureaucracy which actively recruits blue haired soyboys, entitled hookers and all manor of shitskinns as its army? Its a laughable goal when dealing with people whom have been born and raised in this worlds shit and piss and have found strength within ourselves and build each other up even as we argue and fight endlessly.

If the CIA is here, they will become one of us. They will become user. This is our nature, this is how they and their power will become ours. Why fear it?

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Haha, schizo retreating to his safespace.

Face it, schizo, if NSA got backdoor access to every devices, thus the same for Wikileaks.

I dunno, schizo, read my post here

Those schizos literally want you to think everyone is CIA.

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Why does that matter? Whites are about to get wiped out. Either whites unite, which requires some willingness to trust, or we will get wiped off the face of the earth permanently. The magic of the "glow niggers everywhere" meme and what makes it so effective is it cultivates distrust in order to stop organization and advocacy for whites.

They are schizos at best and CIA at worst.
Daily reminders that CIA are a bunch of pencil pushers.

Shit looks like I better stay inside forever then.

Lol some of the glow niggers will probably try to use pol anons or pretend to have ‘switched sides’ or something soon. Does anyone else not care at all about what the chinks did?

You ever watched reservoir dogs?
You have no idea how fucked things are.

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The CIA actively tries to recruit dumb and naive people. So they probably have a heavy representation of niggers.


Trust no one with a large amount of money or assets with no visible means of income.


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They're freemasons too, as are you.


Comrade, you are not a doctor and that diagnosis is discredited. Now go off and suck some more old man dick at your masonic lodge.


How is the parking at Langley? Oh wait, you've been filtered. HAND.

You have no idea.

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Dude you need to control your fucking spacebar immediately you quadruple wheelchair

Anything actually constructive to say before I filter you too?

Is this the new conspiracy theorist?

It's what freemasons use as their go-to insult when someone calls them out. Also, it's not a real disease, more like a DSM checklist. The Soviets used to use it as a way to ship you off to the gulag. Needless to say it's the equivalent of autistic screeching.

t. mental health professional

It was the original 'conspiracy theorist', you dipshit.

Yep. Control your fucking spacebar you quadruple nigger
Filter my twice bitch I don't care


What a faggot.

the CIA is so incompetent dont even worry about them, they probably want you to.

literally the worst people in the world

And they've failed at cultivating that, with race relations in AMerica at an all time low (and thus White tribalism at it's highest in recent memory), the recent march of Hitler's Sons in Germany, and not to mention Salvini flat out naming soros as the money behind the nigger waves and thus highlighting kikes as the goblins behind the curtain.

The only ones demoralized are 400LB hamplanet commies and cianiggers that know their necks are on the chopping block.

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Fits into one tweet better.

It's beyond reddit spacing you stupid fucking yid.

You mean like cooperate? For free? Nothing in return? That's anathema to kikes. No wonder it's not a well oiled machine.

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Don't act like a yid against your brothers.

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CIAryans are our race and a means toward the transcendent

The more redpilled the people in them, the more redpilled their actions.

user, I….

"r3ddit spacing" is a dog whistle the kikes on this board use to signal to the kikes on the mod team to shoah a thread.

No fucker, it isn't. Lurk two more years.

Say it with me now:

reddit isn't worde filtered on this chan newfag

In any case, especially that of a Zig Forumsack, I doubt they'll send a white guy in a black suit with black sunglasses in a black car.

Wish I could say more of what I saw, but I'm actually interested in the Intelligence community. I don't really plan on becoming an agent but they are doing a great job in many areas. Also, if I ever become president of my country (when I go back), I'll need their collaboration… intelligence is one of the most important if not the most important asset a nation can have access to.

The world is changing, do you want to have the culture of a renewed America, or that of China, or Russia, or poz Europe? We need to work together and pick a side, I plan to clean house as a diversion when I get back. What pragmatic plans do you have to make the +300 million people here better off?

whats with the lies in that image

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Shitskin is spelt with one 'n', not two. Otherwise, good rant.

CIAniggers abuse the term despite there being actual schizophrenics on here. Just call them nigger and be done with it.

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this is how i know you are from reddit

CIA can be posing as anyone, even your local Flight Planner!

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This is a weak ass scare tactic meant to be a counter to "anyone can be anonymous. Anyone can be a redpilled Zig Forums shit poster, you just don't know who". the alphabet soup is terrified and are just trying to project that fear outward by utilizing what exactly makes them so afraid.

You're glowing.

Uh huh.

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