Holocaust Denying Jews

What is the game-plan of holocaust denying Jews?

Picture related. It's Murray Rothbard, he argued extensively that the aggressors in WWII were in fact the Allies. He was largely criticized by the Right for his revisionism and denial.

I don't believe it has anything to do with the Jew having a moral sense. I think it's a case of Meta-Jewing. The Jew mind has such a need to deconstruct and criticize, that it is applicable even to the supposed Holocaust.

Somewhat unrelated, can you image another Jew and Rothbard sitting down for Sunday brunch or whatever it is they might do. So how about that shoah…awkward pause….

Attached: MurrayBW.jpg (391x565, 38.72K)

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From advancing a personal agenda to trying to save their skin. It can be anything.
Just like those Orthodox Jews who think Israel shouldn't exist and Zionism is wrong - even if they disagree with other Jews, they still consider us goyim, want us dead or enslaved, and think nothing of molestation and ritual murder of our children.

Remember, once and for all:

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Jews were doing holocaust denial on Donahue and other talk shows when USSR collapsed and camps opened up.

Theres a bit of a schism between zionists and orthodox. Power struggle and fight over true judaism and corruption by zionist. You can see Trump's faction vs voting of other Jews for a microcosm of the viewpoints and support.

Why specifically deny the holocaust? Religion and interpretation of writings. Believe its a fake burnt offering used for power and control of all Jews/the faith.

Attached: jewVoteOrthodoxVsZionist.jpg (606x1200, 45.08K)

Making it seem as if not all jews are bad. It also fucks with the minds of the libs, as they can't really criticize their choice for they have deeply engrained in their brains the belief that any criticism of Israel/jews is antisemitism.

I think this is an epistemological argument.

I agree there are no good jews. That is a tautology.

However, there might be Jews in name who are not Jews in spirit, though they themselves calls themselves the Jew.

However, for the purposes of racial salvation, all must be eliminated. The GodHead will know his own.

Not jews, just one, David Cole, who was brought onto the scene by the ADL sodomite David McCalden, and given his library after he succumbed to GRIDS.

No, there isn't. Anti-zionist orthodox kikes are a tiny fringe, with the vast majority of them fervently supporting Israel.

"We're not all bad, it was just a little exaggeration so you could understand the horror!"

Same as any potentially useful non-white. Use them as much as we can then they get the oven.

Kikes will screech "MUH BASED KIKES/NIGGERS/SPICS" because they're terrified of us using their golems and traitors as a weapon against them.

But make no mistake, Rothbard gets the oven too when he is no longer of use.

Jews don't have a plan.
They just think in the "now".
It was convenient for him at the time to say that.
Nothing more to it OP, there isn't a grand scheme or a grand plan, ultimately all the things jews do they do merely to get something out of it.
Even their entire religion, they don't do it because oh the holy spirit or whatever the fuck they believe in, they do it because they get rewarded if they act that way.

There are no LOST tribes of Israel. God afforded the remnants of Israel 40 years from 30 AD to 70 AD to repent. They didn’t. So the hammer came down on all of them.

The words of Jesus:

“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!” Matthew 23:38

Desolate means no more. No more remnants. No more Hebrews. That chapter is done with. Today’s Jews are not Hebrews. All Hebrews are irrevocably dead. DEAD. Those Hebrews who became Christians were not killed and have since intermarried with other Semites of the area. Hence, they’re not pure-bred Hebrews.

There are no "good jews" because every jew knows the above and still calls themselves jew, knowing they are not.

Every single person calling themself jew is guilty of identity theft. Hijackers of an ancient, extinct tribe.

Just saying, by using their terms you are submitting to their game, never use their terminology if possible
They created them to control you.
t. German camp skeptic

Nobody cares about your jewish fairy tales, faggot

Aside from (((you))), obviously.

Some other user covered the point clearly. Even Rothbard states as much. Jews only think a couple of steps ahead. Culturally they are the true reactionaries of any give situation.

Like the old saying goes. The Jews always accuse you of what they are doing.

Rothbard was an interesting character. Having read his work extensively. I can tell you that he’s clearly the most honest if not the most forthright Jew to have ever lived outside of Bobby Fisher.

As a result of this the other members of his tribe, he was Sephardic btw, generally outcasted him. The Ash Jews hated him, and in general they treat Serphardic Jews terribly, which is strange because they are the actual outsiders. Murray was homeless for a long while even after getting his PhD and was denied employment for quite some time and then later denied tenure for not bet willing to play ball and tow the tribal line and support the left leaning (read as Ashy) Jews outright.

I do understand that he was also an ardent Zionist, and while I don’t like the Trotsky faction of the Zionist movement, I agree with the premise of a Jewish homeland just as Hitler did.

I think Rothbard got a shitty deal in life. He was born a Jew to a well respected Jew family with ties to Jewish royal bloodlines. Yes, they have those as well. He took a career path that ended up destroying his future chances of living a good life, and he stuck to his message no matter what others of his tribe said about him. After he received his PhD, from what I understood when I was reading about him, even the Rabbinical order wouldn’t touch him.

He is the reason I agree with Hitler. His work to reveal the treachery of Adam Smith and his coopting of the scholastics and outright plagiarism is the groundwork for my defiance to Jewish power.

Basically everything everyone thinks they know, is a carefully crafted narrative to create an illusion of Jewish power, and it’s simply not real. It’s the greatest illusion of all times. Rothbard taught me how to see through that illusion.

While I am not a Libertarian, I respect this Jew for being one, and teaching me how to see through the mask of Jewish power.

With any population, exceptions are going to exist. All exceptions do is further prove that the rule is real

Jews are not one monolithic block. There are some who simply will question and tear down anything instinctually, including holocaust mythology. There are some who are actually committed to the truth no matter how unpleasant. However we cannot separate the wheat from so much chaff. The whole thing burns.

Idk user, the non-whites should just go back to their countries.

It's possible some jews are aware that the holohaux is a lie, and they're denying it now to avoid the blowback when people stop believing.

Controlled opposition same as in every single other subject

The media bring forth another jew to play the role of opposition against the jew.

Rothbard's parents were German-Jews living in Poland and Russia, i.e. Ashkenazi, , not Sephardic, hence the germanic name "Rothbard."

Take that noam chomsky guy he is picked to represent the opposition against israel in america, what the fuck has he done in all those years ? said israelis are sometimes mean to arabs a few times. Its all theater to give the illusion there is a debate going on where there is none. The jews job is to play that role and dont take it to far.

Yet another example that there are no good jews. They simply can't tell the truth.

"Rothbard was interesting, I've read his work extensively."
Yeah, I bet you have, Ezra. I bet.

There are no good jews. They deceive til the bitter end.

Israel is like the holy cow of conservatives, comparable to multiculturalism for lefties, they repeat meaningless platitudes like "Israel is our greatest ally" equivalent to the liberal catch-phrase "diversity is strength.", which makes as sense! Israel attacked the USS Liberty, and the troops who survived wrote books saying they absolutely knew Israel did it on purpose. The Lavon Affair was a terrorist attack perpetrated against the US by Israel, that was to be blamed on Egypt to get the US military involved in that region. Israel gave their operatives medals of honor for this failed attack against USA, Israel has taking US secrets and weapons and selling to other countries. Israel has the most powerful lobby in America, which has given them their nukes, jets, the highest amount of foreign aid of any country, etc. So they can attack Middle Eastern nations in the western name, So Muslims will revide on western nations. Conservative leaders letting their cities decaying but giving billions to Israel annually. Israel has dual citizens all over USA government exerting their influence on, these 2 % are over-represented on the media, the academia, the banks, the Silicon Valley, the corporations, AIPAC/ADL/SPLC and especially in foreign policy. Israel even admits to having the "Samson Option," which is a nuclear attack on every nation on Earth if Israel's interests is threatened. The relationship with Israel is noxious, risky, and has zero benefit to receive.

But it doesn't end there. Edward Snowden confirmed that the NSA sends all the data it collects on us to Israel, Julian Assange said Forget Russia, The Real Threat to America comes from Israel. Hebrews vote overwhelmingly in leftist politics.

They are pioneers at push auto-destructive feelings for assuming caucasian id to bash caucasians who are advocating for their own interests and step back to their semite id to advocate for their interests. Barbara Spectre, who heads a Jewish organization for multiculturalism in Sweden, admits that Jews are playing the leading role in pushing third world immigration into Western countries. Meanwhile, in Israel they round up Arabs and African immigrants esterilize them or put them in concentration camps, pass laws against immigration and multiculturalism. Several prominent multiculturalist hebrews says immigration is bad because Israel will lose its hebrew identity at the same time they push it on western nations, One set of rules for hebrews, a different set for the gentiles.

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We should use them as we can. David Cole was a propaganda coup for revisionists, a shield against the charge of "antisemitism".

"There are no good jews," correct: but there are useful idiots and dupes among them.


Checkin em!

Here's the USS Liberty book for anyone that wants to read it. Most of us have heard the story but I recommend reading the book to get a new level of hate-rage going that you may not have experienced before.

we could go on ancestry.com and hijack a name. Use that jew name to start a podcast. Make it very pro-israel, anti-white for the first 3 months, get the blue check, then go full 1488 as a jew!

The kabuki between Elon Cuck, Trump and a bunch of kikes may be a way to push people into Israel in order to strengthen it (which is great because you can blow it later).


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Bobby Fischer is a bit of a dilemma for me.

Occasionally, for some kikes, kiking the goyim loses its thrill and they turn to something even more taboo. Betraying their own race.

Betrayal is in their nature, but some of them need even greater thrills. Use this, but never be fooled into thinking them as friends.

Full retard.

I've seen the academics who only care about knowledge, and hate everything about who they are and where they come from, being autistically stubborn about finding the truth of this world. They repeatedly anger those with political motives to control and distribute power, and as a result they become outcasts from their own tribes.

They are some of the most tragic creatures you will ever meet.

I'm a quarter Amerindian and the rest European, but if you guys get rid of the Jews I will jump in the oven last with zero questions asked

The only good Jews are those who accept Jesus Christ into their heart and fully recognize that zionism is cancer, who are willing to admit that marxism is a Jewish invention created to subjugate the goyim, that also admit that "anti-semitism" is an invented word to prevent criticism of Jews, and that the numbers in the "Holocaust" are enormously exaggerated. In other words, they don't exist.

On the topic of Christianity:

Jews subverted Christianity in the late 19th early 20th century. Watch Marching to Zion for the details.

The fact that some of his views are pozzed doesn't take away from the fact that he fully exposed how kikes subverted Christianity.

Retards on here actually watch Anderson for anything more than a few laughs? Even for a christian you are fucking stupid.

He was a master at analyzing multiple pieces (with varying capabilities) in a controlled field with infinite permutations, the motivations for each move, the possibilities available. The array is a reality, there are no lies on a chess board; it's naked truth. That's why he hated communism so much; it's a giant combination of lies. Fischer hated anyone who proverbially moved a piece in a way it isn't meant to be moved. Cheating, in other words; to Fischer this was the worst thing a person could do. He expected people to live by the rules of the game, as it were, and scorned those who do not. People who scoffed the integrity of rules and behaved as if they did nothing wrong were pure evil to him.

Wrong. The only good Jew is a dead Jew.

It's the same thing. Jews rejected God and thus cannot accept Jesus into their heart. I expect a slightly more educated crowd here, but I guess there's always the outlier.

It wasn't part of a game plan, he just read about the holocaust which of course means he realized it was made up.


I need more information on all his past actions. Otherwise gas.

maybe they're just being honest

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44

There are no jews. They were exterminated in 70ad. What we have today are hijacking identity thieve occultists.

There is no truth in them.

Just pissed off kikes kevetching because they aren't receiving gibs.

Great summation. Thanks.

There's a schism and I see it as stemming from Lenin being poisoned and Trotsky being forced to flee.

I think the banker jews supported both the rise of Hitler and the rise of the Soviet Union. Where did Hitler get his money from for Germany's miraculous economic recovery?

The jews love this kind of baffling paradoxical complexity. It is in many ways one of their most potent weapons.

Also it's worth mentioning that after the commies murdered the entire Russian officer corps, they needed a new officer corps. Who trained them? Germans/Prussians that's who, in exchange for letting the Germans train secretly and illegally with their armored divisions in the USSR leading up to WWII

Remember, Hitler and Stalin were allies who carved up Poland together.

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Lol, nice (1) there Ismael! First day on the job?

That can be debated, the tape worm that kills the jew then dies afterwards can be argued to be good.

If there are any lost tribes the jews/natives killed and ate them.

No, christfag, we don't play retarded semantic games here. Specifically, jews are defined based on their genetic lineage. Even if they met the criteria for a "good jew" that you gave in

they would still need to be extirpated.

…not least because they literally carry the seeds of our future destruction. Even if these figment "good jews" somehow existed, their progeny would revert to the mean, as a matter of genetics.

Good argument Zig Forums, really made me re-evaluate my opinion on things.


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Don't forget Dr. Norman Finkelstein who coined the term "Holocaust Industry." He lost his tenure, has been arrested a couple times, etc. I honestly trust him more than I do David Cole Stein who seems slightly shadier. I did enjoy his "trip to auschwitz" video and the classic stint on was it Geraldo or Donahue? was lulzy.

It's pretty simple. Controlling all sides of of 20d shekel is a survival mechanism of kikes.

Attached: ancient egyptian 20d die with (((phoenician))) numbers.jpg (1200x1200, 80.22K)

Hey kike, no one is falling for your d&c tactics.

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OR cuckchan or a plebbitor.

The holocaust is a racket, not all Jews get a part in it, so they may as well try and ruin the money grubbing for others. Besides that, the holocaust is a hoax for the express purpose of trying to expedite an end times prophesy that many Jews had to die in order for the nation of Israel to be reestablished. I imagine some greedy kikes don't want the world to end, because they can't take all their riches with them.

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I don't like that at all. You're betraying your allies.

You can't go against morality if you don't have it. Humanize jews and have your vengeance.

I agree with you. We should toss them in the oven before they can worm their way into the spot of ally

The only one that is retarded is you.

1. of, relating to, or arising from, the different meanings of words or symbols; to give or know meaning.

Origin: 1655-65; < from Greek 'sēmantikós' = "having meaning", equivalent to 'sēmant(ós)' = "marked" ('sēman-', base of 'sēmaínein' = "to show", 'mark' + '-tos' verbal adjective suffix; akin to 'sêma' = "sign") + '-ikos', '-ic'.

We don't need to betray anyone. The weapons jews have given to us work even if they were to kill themselves.

meant for

This is what I get from overdosing coffee.

The truth.

I think there really do exist some that have an statistically strong sense of fact vs fiction regardless of their sense of right and wrong.

They play both sides of the sheckel.

Wrong. They play one side with the fanaticism of a monotheist, with different jews on every side. They've never had any issue killing off other jews.
You should come to understand just how feminine they are.

kek. Anyone have that movie clip where the guy explains how judaism is a female religion?

One of the most sublime moments in the entire history of the internets.

Don't have the clip, but they really are feminine.
You know how women love to baby the men they like or use? Well, that's basically how they view the goyim. The way women trashtalk men among themselves in their endless feminist organizations, or on a "ladies' night"? It's the same.
You have women and jews forming harems around powerful non-jewish men. 20 ugly old rabbis around a president or a king, no different from 20 consorts or concubines. The way they treat weak goyim is the same manner in which a woman treats a weak man. It is also telling that they have another word entirely for female goyim; shiksa. Merely another manner of shame-control for their bitchbois. Whom they, by the way, ritually castrate with the circumcision.
The feminine approach to work is also very different from that of a man. Men like to accomplish something with their work, but to the woman all work is chores. That's why you have jews writing endless lists of useless garbage books, and why they avoid all physical labor. They cannot value accomplishments, just how women can't.

Jew is just an ugly, bitter and wombless woman. We should gift them cats and be done with them.

Forgot to mention, but judaism as a religion is nothing but a list of chores. It doesn't matter how loyal you are to your g-d, satan or God, what matters is that you remember to do the chores.

Hey guys, I know the Shoah aspect of the Holocaust is fake (6 million Jews didn't die) but what about the alleged 5 million (Romanji / Slavs / homosexuals / retards) ? Which of these two stats is closer to the real numbers? Even if no groups were systematically murdered, death via negligence (disease in prison camps, starvation because of Allies cutting supply chains) is inevitable for prisoners of war, so what were the real numbers and which group actually suffered more?

Unknown number of Eastern Europeans disappeared to the Siberian tundra. No massive amount of ashes were found, so the Germans didn't exterminate them.
Gypsies? I wish they were all killed off.

It would make things nicer. Also beware the Ismaili…

There's a lot of them in Canada…I've walked into one of their big meetups by accident.

I think they're actually much worse than jews and gypsys combined…

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There was Weimar era cooperation. That in the Nazi era is basically a hoax to trick based goyim. Funny to see it still being used.

My guess as well.

Yet more retarded attempts at a semantic argument. Either that, or you're attempting straight up kikery by trying to meme that jews don't exist based on idiosyncratic redefinitions of terms.

See above. Only jews attempt to assert that straightforward definitions of common terms are incredibly complicated and somehow supposedly mean the exact opposite of what everyone understands the term to mean.

Jews exist and are defined by lineage. They don't magically turn into "not jews" if they adhere to christfaggery (as was earlier asserted). There is nothing magically preventing a genetic jew from becoming a christfag. Everyone else can recognize this, Schlomo/Moishe/Levi. You people need to try harder next time.

But Zig Forums loves Murray, this is a pro-capitalist board after all.
