Now People Are Getting Neo-Nazi Robocalls About Mollie Tibbetts’s Death
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LOL, I never figured DOTR would start this way!
Their site seems to be down, here is their bitchute:
Yeah this optics will really drive the normies in.
People die everyday, you don't hear psychotic rants from weird nobodies asking for genocides, low-IQs, biological hybrids and human sacrifices most of your life.
This doesn't sound like a kike op whatsoever.
kys faggot
Gee, no mention of (((tibbetts)))
color me shocked
Where's the lie?
It's just a sperg trying to emulate old Apedre. Seems like he's better at podcasting than the TRSodomites though.
Never heard of it. How did this journo fuck track it down?
At the end of the day, newspapers still have to generate revenue, and nothing drives readership like spectacle.
What better way than to poke the freak and watch him do his little 'tard dance?
PARDON ME do you have a screen cap of the young ladys post about HATE TOWARDS HER FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE. or was that confirmed fake ANYONE and if it was faked FOR WHAT PURPOSES COULD A FAKED POST BE USED FOR could it be used to DIS CREDIT DIFFERENT GROUPS FOR POLITICAL REASONS ? molly *sighs in MGS2 * and it ends not in a bang but a whimperer
Friendly reminder a Jew runs Road to Power. Pic related.
The call ends with the website.
In the thread that screenshot is from, Platek was found to be the surname of his adopted family.
Source? Pretty sure Platek is his real last name and Rhodes his adopted.
I'm not buying it. Platek is clearly Jewish. Look at him. If he's adopted why wouldn't he use his adopted family's surname instead of Rhodes?
Hitler carried a Luger
What about niggers, Mr. Fellow Neo-Nazi Antisemite ? what about kikes ? what about dunecoons ? what about all non whites ? what about race traitors ?
Platek may be trying to push whites to violent action because he knows whites would never do that, thereby stifling united defensive action with preemptive disagreement and terror.
What better way to get known than to get a Jewish friend to a) make the podcast with the right information b) set up the robocalls to known Sayanim c) then make lots of hullabaloo for the podcast, every Jewspaper or digital rag telling the horror story of a Jew making other Jews feel uncomfortable about the people that built their host nation
Mike King completely discredited himself by promoting the Q LARP
therefore he comment is discredited; amirite tho?
No, but it's pointless to use a modified quote by a Qcumber rather than the original.
You can't do that to the Count, Zig Forumsack! No!
I loved the Count.
with any good fortune, no one misses the larger point of the thread; that a jew podcast was used in a jew robocall to alert jews about an anti-White jewess woman drained of her blood/likely raped/and left in a cornfield by an illegal who dontgaf and dindu nuffin who welcomed in her own killers
Well, where's the lie?
Wait – is this some Mestizo redpill I missed? Did they not build them? Weirdly, I was just thinking about that this morning, how such a savage race could get its shit together long enough to stack stones. Any info would be appreciated. InB4 Hyperborean Aryans – again
Wrong case. Levy's remains were found in the park. Polite sage.
IIRC, they conquered the people who built them and took over.
Some day, in the distant future, if their descendants succeed in wiping out the other races from the Americas, you may look down and see a high priest cutting open the heart of a human sacrifice and offering it to the gods atop what used to be a courthouse.
Fucking Jews. You find one detail (that I missed) and declare the subject null and void? Please, user
he'll be long dead as will this thread. we prolly shouldn't wait for user to come back to this thread and declare that you were right.
-never mind that they've never built a successful society historically and are doing what they do best to this day; where Whitey creates a civil society and a savage group comes in to take it over
-Whitey needs to get in-touch with his inner Adolf and and just focus on trash removal; at least with the idea of buying 1000 years until it's time to do it again
Switch back to the IP you used to make the thread.
How about MoonMan robotcalls?
That's why I said, you may look down, as in the afterlife.
Meh, I knew the risks when replying to a (2)-and-through.
It's pretty fucking brutal when you consider that their entire system was predicated upon a never-ending supply of fresh sacrifices, and collapsed when it ran out.
It got to the point where they were sending raiding parties as far North as what is now the Southwest US.
Those pueblo and cliffside dwellings that needed ladders to access?
That was a big reason behind that style of architecture.
Can't argue with that.
Imagine what we could achieve given 1,000 years of unfettered freedom instead of having to play babbysitter to a bunch of ingrates.
Not a bad idea.
Set it up to record the reactions, too.
People are getting (((neo-nazi))) robocalls
The great news is that after multiculturalism and diversity goals are finally reached, we can enjoy mass public beheadings, mass graves, mass murders, people being butchered like cattle, moregore, and sacrificing virgins to the volcano gods exactly like back when everything was normal except different
Yeah, i live in the area. The local news (headed by a max headroom lookalike) was kvetching about this for almost ten minutes a few nights ago. Two weeks ago they doxed some national alliance guy who was putting flyers in peoples mailboxes.
Forgot the dude's flyers
A term that has lost all meaning.
To be fair, he does look Jewish.
Means everything they said can be discarded or at best must be taken with a heaping mountain of salt.
Made me kek.
neo-nazi in 2018 = ashkeNAZI
Go away fags
Shut up beaner
I can attest.
They're hardly trying to conceal their bias any more.
Abby Turpin of KWWL is a prime example: she's barely able to contain her glee when reporting on anything negative for Trump; she was positively giddy when reporting on his travel ban getting shut down.
By the way, which station was that you mentioned?
Take a dozen batboys with you Vlad
I'm pretty sure it was Fox18 out of davenport.
go fuck yourself jewnigger
I'm going to step away from the festivities of signal boosting this dumb mudsharks torturous death for both tactical and recreational purposes to post a public service announcement that should already be goddamn obvious to anyone here with half a brain:
If you let your wife or daughter go jogging, ever, you are a cuck, and are counting down the clock to when they find her chopped up in a shallow grave somewhere, assuming there is even enough corpse leftover to find. There is no reason for a woman to run around in skin tight clothing, unarmed and alone, in thefucking gloaming of twilight hours in this clownworld timeline unless they are acting out a death wish. Tell your woman that you are buying her a treadmill and she is staying indoors. If she protests, apply open palm slaps to the face and/or buttocks until she is willing to listen to reason. She won't be happy about it, but it will be less painful than having her ovaries removed with a gas station pocketknife by some bloodthirsty hominid.
Daily reminder that skinheads may not be the brightest or the most presentable but they're our guys nonetheless. They're the ones who work the minimum wage jobs and who shoulder the most weight of this soul crushing multicultural hellscape. They are our footsoldiers. They may not have the best optics but I won't push them away or discourage them from doing things like this. If anything it drives the Overton window further to the right, helping our side as a whole immensely. If I ever come into any sort of significant political power in the new-right that's forming, I'm going do everything in my power to whip these guys into shape, stick them in brown and black uniforms, and make them a private protection force for our political leaders.
Understanding the value of the working class and appreciating them for what they are is how you win. Our people need to work together as a single unit. Optics cucking and cucking in general does not and will not work. Not now, not ever. Anyone who suggests you hide your true love for your own folk and bend over for anyone screaming racism at you is probably a jew, and if not they'll do until the yids get here.
TLDR - Neon Nazis dindu nuffin, skinheads are good boys who need moar monies fo dem fliers.
Daily reminder that you should be getting your woman to exercise, even if it is at home. You should also discourage her from wearing makeup, getting tattoos, and otherwise disfiguring herself. There's nothing worse than a pretty white girl wearing enough shit on her face to work as Bozo the clown. A return to traditionalism starts in one's own home.
It is rural iowa m8. They still think this is the america of the 1950s where you can leave your door unlocked.
Andrew are you stoned again?
Well, they just received a stern reminder that they do not. Hopefully one or two people out there will take that reminder seriously.
I'd say the "white" part. Supposedly the Spanish ancestors were "white" but wasn't Spain conquered by Muslims prior to settling the new world?
This is why "Spanish" people all look fucking brown. There have always been sandniggers in Spain since its inception. Yes for a while the rulers looked rather white, but the populace was another matter.
While guys like Columbus leading expeditions was white, I'm confident that the majority of the explorers had arabic DNA so really the Mestizos are Arab-Aztec hybrids. White DNA would be minimal.
Alternately, make sure she carries pepper spray and a whistle and knows how to knee a man in the groin.
Sounds like an old school cuckchan prank.
That's a weird way to spell "Ruger EC9", but whatever.
Implying the pamphlets will print and mail themselves for free
Waaaay overproduced. A phone line has maximum 5 kHz bandwidth. You don't want background music or SFX.
That's not how this works.
Checked. Unwieldy for running.
Only the bottom of the peninsula was in arabic hands for most of the islamic era. It is a bit like italy, very bottom was controlled by nonwhites, and in that area there was genetic mixing, but the majority of the population is white.
Genetic tests on mestizos have shown 30-50% euro ancestry..
I remember getting that — albeit occasionally — before as a light snowstorm before the switch to digital, but, not now.
Will add it to the list of pozzed stations to ignore for when I'm out that way.
It's also a stand-your-ground law state as of last year.
The only obstacle now is getting people to be more receptive to the idea of concealed carry.
Even better that libtards won't and, by doing so, are exposing themselves to selective exclusion from the gene pool.
So is being hogtied in the back of some shitskin's hooptie.
Then use the website you cheap jew. Take your three shekels you saved, buy a hamburger at mcdick's, and use their free WiFi. Or just use the WiFi from the parking lot if you're being this much of a stingy hook nosed faggot in the first place.
You seem to be taking my previous axiom a little personally. I'd hate to compromise your business model. I know you have to eat and, well gosh darnit, if you didn't make a living regurgitating talking points people can find here on their own for "recouping postage charges", someone else would, amirite?
I'm not associated with these people in any way. I think you're just being a massive heeb for complaining about three dollars and I'm poking fun at you for it.
Well then, you're a retard, because I'm not complaining about the price point. I'm calling you stupid if you think normalfags are going to pay money to have a redpill shoved down their throat. That's not how it works, as evidenced by the borderline Sisyphean effort that we have been applying nonstop for years in order to eek the overton window back in a non suicidal direction. If normalfaggots were willing to line up and buy the truth like some kind of faggoty iphone accessory, there would be no reason for us to exist in the first place. The fact that this isn't already obvious to you makes you either a newfag or a glow in the dark nigger shitposting in bad faith.
The idea that it's "lost all meaning" seems to imply that the pejorative use ever had any meaning. It didn't. And, in fact, everyone here should take pride in being a genuine neo-nazi, but not in the kiked out false flag swastika uniform sense. It's a state of mind, set of beliefs and goals, and a way of acting until it's actually time to show full power levels openly. Be proud to be a neo-nazi in all but appearance.
If this were true, why do Southern Spaniards not get mistaken for being Middle Eastern on DNA tests?
Christ, according to this dumb-ass line of reasoning, where jews control everything, and are behind everything that ever happens everywhere in the world, including the loose lego you stepped on when you were 9, wouldn't it be along the same line of reasoning to say that Hitler and the Nationalist Socialists were just jews? After all, they benefited loads from them. They got an ethno-state, they were able to spread all over the West, they garnered sympathy and used the event for propaganda etc.
Das rite.
Someones gotta put on the jackboots and curb stomp a nigga tonight.
It's a classic tactic (see Guide to Forum Spies at
You don't need to be brilliant or beautiful to grind thug niggers into hamburger meat. If anything being rough and ugly is a virtue. Hard men for hard work, as they say.
Fucking Kek. When will you people fucking learn.
You kikes never fail to astound.
This is kike internet shilling running the old "anybody who thinks Jews run things is insane." welp I worked in NYC finance and government and can definitively say from lots of personal experience that hebes do in fact pull the big strings in a big way in the big arenas that really matter. American whites are waking up to the rats. You're going to get exterminated if you don't flee to Israel. Choke on a matzoh, you filthy kike fuck
No, I said everything. And I could call you a kike shill for attempting to embed in people's minds that kikes are so untouchable and intellectually superior that they control all aspects of everything, when in reality they're an intellectually inferior, but merely nepotistic group of people, benefiting off the backs of white productivity.
Nice tonguetwister.
The trick to get people to wake up is to educate them that kike != white. I had a problem with that until a few years ago. Earlobes, sunken eyes and thin upper lip are what I look for now. My jewdar has improved a thousandfold; I thought you had to hear Yiddish or how their kids watch Rugrats before.
That's not what he said you filthy fucking yid.
You're trying to put words in his mouth with six million tongues in your ugly mouth.
He never said that jews were untouchable or intelligent, you dumb fucking kike.
So we finally enlisted /r9k/
You're so fucking stupid. No wonder you think kikes control every aspect of life.
He's defending against the demeaning of that mindset, so yeah, it's pretty obvious he thinks that way. Filtered for lack of deductive reasoning.
Maybe, just maybe, if you're in a position to spend money on an irl canvassing project, you should set aside a potion of that budget for shipping and postage.
Top fucking pilpul. Buy your own stamps you fucking commie nigger.
Theroadtopower is a great video podcast show.
It's also the same guy who did the legendary Patrick Little robocall.
You find them all archived on his soundcloud.
Could it be that neo-Nazis have the help of neon-Jesus?
Those calls are from Tay and other A.I. trying to save the future.
aryans built the pyramids
seems alright so far