Unsealed Indictments Arrest 30 MS-13 in Mendota where Illegals&Foreigners Outnumber US Citizens-

thegold water.com/news/35858-Unsealed-Indictments-Raid-30-MS-13-Most-in-Mendota-Where-Illegals-and-Foreign-Born-Find-Haven

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No wonder, it is easier to go over the wall than it is to complete a mile run.

Looks like they're ding dong ditching the door of America.

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Love how this yid is lumping scandies and hungaries together with beaners.

And you can fuck off with that yidwater crap.

Try less than half that.

Still under 200,000 deported

see those bags? They're sealed in duct-tape to evade narcotic sniffing dogs. Seeing how the weight was pushing their backs down, looks like they packed a lot of valuable (((stuff))) in it.

Can you imagine how many Hyperloops we can make if only we seize all their $1.8 billion worth of coke, weed, and meth?

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Fuck off.
Reminder that there is net nonwhite immigration of ~800,000 per year under Trump. There are no deportations.

we already do, how do you think we can keep a black budget?

Have a bump just to piss off ASSHOLES AND ELBOWS

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Reported, and sage.

You gonna pay the staff in cocaine?

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no, sell it back to the CIA

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It's actually more than that

Golly gee, its not like they don't have cameras, motion detectors, and patrols as well. By the time they get over the wall the patrol would be half way there.

Maybe the gov't can sell it to other countries with
(((Open Borders)))

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What would be the point of mass deporting when the wall isn't complete?

Every day they are in custody costs us a shit-ton of money. Deporting them again after the wall comes up will cost less than housing them until it is finished.

You know a whole lot of these illegals have been deported 20+ times because of how easy it is to walk across an imaginary line.

They don't. It's just a fence.

Not as if there's a half of Congress that fights tooth and nail. Not to mention Obama appointed judges.
First you need to get the parasites in the administration out before you can take out the trash properly.

And if you read, I make mention of this. It costs more to keep them here the entire time.

And entire industry is making a killing on housing illegals, just like they made a killing on housing pot-smoking niggers. Prisons have their place but they aren't there to make yids money. Or rather, they shouldn't be.

Are you ever not a lying sack of shit?

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More shit not happening according to assholes and elbows.

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Military will be jumping in to assist with construction soon. They have been training on the approved design to get up to speed on it. They have already been clearing terrain. The wall is coming and you can't stop it.

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Wew are they building a fucking moat too?

And? What's you(10)r point? My statement still stands.

The wall that will stop illegal spics, not legal ones. Our country is still being browned up and Trump is no better than fucking Reagan or any other (((Republican))), go back to reddit you blue-pilled faggot. You're not ready for this place.

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They can't do that. The "alligator moat" idea was Stephen "Two Scoops" Colbert's original trademarked idea and he'll sue Dronald Blumpfenstein.

Too bad citizens can't just shoot the fuckers crossing.
You'd get a whole lot of sadistic fucks moving to the borders just to hunt invaders.

They're about as tough as a nigger one on one. And that is to say: scared shitless.

Awww shit they're actually building more than that tiny fence?

Much needed white pill

Something I always wondered was what's going to happen when all the non-whites leave/deport from US/ Europe?

There's only the blue pill and the red pill, and you took the blue one.

30 feet isn't tiny, user. That thing you're looking at is a temp fence they put there while building the moat.

How do you propose we liquidate drugs into assets?

There’s only one way to deal with this.
Sniper rifle 30.06.

"The Wall" or the absence thereof sounds less a problem that Commiefornia itself. Everything is in-place for Commiefornia to not only allow this, but to promote it, while ignoring Federal laws.

For a while, there were good things going for the wall, kicking Commiefornia out of the Union, deporting illegals (or at a minimum, making them willingly decide to deport themselves), holding accountable those that hire them exclusively, pressure on the Yid subversives(doxxing the fuck out of them/bringing unwanted attention) … and today, not much of anything is being said; much less done about the issue.

The Queue LARP'rs even suggested that infrastructure was being put in place necessary to target all subversives (MS13 on the Left coast and (((foreign agents on US soil))) on the East coast; specifically Florida (Broward County a hot zone), Indiana, Connecticut and of course Jew York

Reminder that every raid thus far has been outbred by the end of the day. Reminder that “legal” immigrants are the primary problem, and yet Trump is importing 800,000 nonwhites per year.

When an user seizes drugs, he also seizes truck loads of cash being laundered.
- the drugs you burn, underground or massively hide them where they cannot be found/retrieved. they can be sunk to the bottom of the sea, where even if they were retrievable, they're unusable. a lot of lives are saved as addicts are never created, at least by illicit drugs. And when you take a large enough chunk of drugs out of the drug market, you wound the traffickers and those that benefit from "busting bad guys"
-As for the money, a page can be taken from the Paddock book as far as what 'to do' and what 'not to do'

Reminder that California can’t ignore federal law and that every member of California’s government can legally be arrested and executed for LITERAL FUCKING TREASON at this point, yet Trump abjectly refuses to do it.

on balance, not everything is up to Trump. the queue LARP achieved much acting as a relief valve for those that could very well do Gods work, but now will not as they are in 'Hurry Up And Wait'-mode. They truly believe that any millisecond, arrests will occur, important bad-actors will be disappeared, and they may or may not hear about it publicly. It was/is a fucking brilliant LARP; all as controlled opposition to confuse, cause chaos, dissent, disbelief and an insurmountable amount of "hope-ium" ingested while they wait for nothing to happen. Meanwhile, we have the primaries approaching for the next chapter in "the fight for our lives" followed by a Presidential election "when things will really start to happen"

Now I just need to see which ones reply to this with some incoherent message.

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Shills die in a fucking fire. Literally. I hope you and your Jew families burn in a 5 alarm in South Slope tonight because your Jew landlord (your cousin Schlomo) doesn’t adhere to code.


LOL anybody notice EVERY TIME somebody mentions the actual, true statistics of a REAL snapshot of the US's demographics (sub-50% white, by the way–60% according to 2017 Us census estimates plus another 20-40 million illegals), there is ALWAYS a shill lying and trying to downplay the numbers.

Know why? Because they KNOW that the real numbers CANNOT be allowed to spread and become public knowledge, because whites will realize WE ARE ALREADY A MINORITY.


Remember that accounts for a small fraction of illegals because they do NOT answer surveys. Census massively underestimates obvious signs of illegals living in structures surveyed, so the "estimates" are a joke. And the "non-hispanic" whites number includes kikes and certain north africans and middle easterners. Whites are sub-50% NOW.

LOL at how EVERY TIME somebody mentions real numbers–numbers that we see every day as our towns and cities are completely overrun–the information control kike shills jump all over it

Yup. Lol. Things are always just about to happen, yet surprisingly, nothing ever does. Lol at this joke of a banana republic shithole the US has become

Free homestead and legal right to shoot invaders. I'm in.

still believing trumps is going to build a wall.
t. $38 billion

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That they should be deported/executed immediately, nigger.

*whites getting murdered*
*whites getting raped*
*illegals getting away with it*
*states going less than 40% white*
*Spanish becoming official language*


*fake news stream directs all the attention to deportations being a massive success under Trump*
*next Democratic candidate elected in 2024 removes ICE*
*opens borders*
*whites die*

T-t-thanks Trump

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20 guys 1,954 miles

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well the real number is 119 years 11 months and 8 days.

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By the way ShareBlue Jews, I’m going out to South Slope tomorrow to look at a property I’m thinking of buying (I live in Tribeca but I’ll happily collect your rent LOL). I’ll be meeting one of your Jew owners at the Starbucks on 7th Ave at 9:45am. If any of you cretins from OFA or ShareBlue want to meet me and have a personal discussion, look for the biggest, best-looking goy in the place with a tan. I’ll be drinking an iced-tea. I despise you and your people and would welcome meeting you.

Tic, tic,
Tac, teik.
𝐌𝐒-𝟏𝟑 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭.


Nothing wrong in filling the noses of those whitos with coke and making money out of it.

That's bad even for a kike.

Zig Forums should unironically be doing this. Gather a team of strong Aryan brothers, barge into a degenerate drug gang HQ, slaughter everything that moves with a Moon-man style reckless abandon. Destroy the drugs (or plant them in a Synagogue). Seize the weapons for the next round, and use the cash to exercise political control. We revolutionary now!

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“Trump only got these 30 murderers and rapists, this time LOL!”

Yes, what a complete pussy that he hasn’t successfully completed the Final Solution in his first 18 months in office. What a cuck! Republicans sure are screwed!

You kike shills are going to die. And your families. I will curb stomp your skulls with my Gucci loafers and laugh and laugh as I do it.

May God damn you to Hell (guess what kikes, it does exist, and you will be there for eternity).

Onward Christian Soldiers.

I like it

This is actually a sinister yet believable scenario. I thought at worst there was no harm in Q even if he’s not real and he gives out whitepills so whatever, but goddamn the kikes are sneaky fucks.

If true more proof they need to be exterminated like the cockroaches they are.

I agree. These people shouldn't be deported. They should be executed on sight.
They are MS13 gang members. They are not citizens. They have no rights. Two to the heart, one to the head. Double tap those bitches and make sure they are dead. P.S. Pic is not MS13, but the point remains.

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Meh, I think US should deport all spics except the MS13 gang members and kill them

There should be 30 hispanics being deported out of the US by the second

Why cant we just execute trespassers? It would certainly create incentive for them to stay the fuck put

This. Zig Forums knows, newfags don't.

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Dream, white boy.


You can't do shit but sit on your dark room and cry.

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I know you're just larping, but who could ever feel pride in turning wherever you go into a shithole?

Leave it to some west coast white cuckold LARPing as a shitskin to post some hollywood faggotry instead of something a beanshitter would actually post assuming one could ever use a computer long enough to find this place

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Ayo, esse, you just a cumskin whiteboy cracka trailer trash mothafucka, who hates tacos and beaners, esse.

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