Trump Appoints Sheboon at State Dept to Carry Out ‘America First’ Agenda
Once you under that a huge part of ""Make America First" is sufficiently bribing non-whites to make them compliant with the israel-centric agenda because White America isn't going along with the program and has been used up, it makes perfect sense. Blacks and spics have zero problem murdering Russians.
Russians haven't been a problem since they were (((Russians))).
They are now because the (((Russians))) all came here and now form the core of the (((Republican Party))).
Good going, Trump.
What YOU perceive to be a problem or not is not relevant since YOU aren't the one making policy.
Those aren't Russians. Those are kikes and they're from israel and they don't hide it.
We have the best people, don't we folks?
Yes, exacctly, (((Russians))).
just another zionist nigger
You're being obtuse and using obfuscating language and trying to lead the conversation in a diversionary tangent to derail the thread. Filtered.
Please don't ironic shitpost.
There are already enough /leftycuck/s here to make it hard to figure out.
Trump is an absolute joke.
Learn what those words mean before (((you))) use them. I'm being direct by calling a kike as a kike. (((you're))) the one saying "nuhuh user they're (((Russians)))" then using a buzzword riddled salt reply.
That's better than some puppet of the Jew. Did you know when Trump sanctioned Venez. it shut down Abby Martin's show. One of the only places that dared to criticize report Israel's war crimes.
Let Pres Nixon explain
That thing really does look like a monkey.
A very dangerous joke.
Trump is no more dangerous than a gun.
In the hands of Jewry, there is danger.
Nope. Almost every (((Russian))) fled when the USSR fled and form
the core of America's and Israel's governments and powerful institutions. America and Israel are the new USSR, in effect.
Sounds about right.
Zig Forums you are embarrassing with your reactive racist attitudes.
From the linked article
Yes sir
You'll notice that once sufficiently embedded we picked up right where they left off in Afghanistan, fighting the exact same war.
If this is parody of low-effort shilling or actual low-effort shilling, you could really be spending
your time on more fun or productive things today
Right now Adelson is by far the top Republican donor for midterms. You guys are the suckers.
But why? What is there in afghanistan besides poppies?
second pict
If only words could kill…our lives would be so much easier.
The public justification is almost identical to what the Soviets used. The government had to be deposed [the reasoning here is the only real departure and its largely superficial] and then the country would be "modernized".
Same reason as South Africa: minerals.
Ha. Niggers hate kikes more than we do. Unfortunately, they usually fall for kike manipulation. Not hard to fool a nigger.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Woops, was I reactively racist again? I'm more of a proactive racist TBH.
It is not shilling but actual low-effort criticism, which is a reflection of the low-effort thinking that goes into most posts ITT.
Yep the Germans wrote about how they did this to Russia.
EVERYTHING we do as far as foreign policy is FOR WISH GLOBAL HEGEMONY. Look at the defense spending while all the other programs get gutted.
read it,
if that's "her", that's as much a woman as michelle obama is.
No, they don't. Not at any level that actually matters. Working stiff niggers around your neighborhood who made an offhand comment don't matter.
You forgot about their treatment of animals and the environment. Those canals in Haiti are also used for throwing dead nigger bodies away in. It is HELL on earth. I can't believe that Trump appointed this nigger bitch and there are going to be people on Zig Forums who still can't fucking fathom that Trump is as Multicult MARXIST as it gets. He is a globalist pawn.
Have you considered suicide? Your life really isn't worth living anymore. Go ahead and run in front of a truck.
Just like the last years of the USSR.
Based! Racist stormweenies absolutely BTFO!
Businesses that employ people based on their skills and ability fare better than businesses that employ family members regardless of whether they can fulfill their job requirement. You are reactively racist because (from my low-effort reading of your posts) none of you have even tried to give an excuse of a reason why she is not fit for the job given her credentials or experience.
She >>>>>>> average Zig Forumslack
that was one of the most difficult assessments to actually understand/interpret. the entire core goal of her both today and before her appointment was to focus efforts on 'America First', which could mean any number of things. 'America First' does not mean 'US-first'. 'American First' has the unique sound of a globalist narrative; wherein, the North, Central and South Americas become a single economic bloc on a planet consisting of a total of 7 financial blocs
Everyone here would agree that any self-determination of the White Caucasian Goyim of Euro-descent has been given over wittingly/unwittingly to the emerging Jew World Order; thus, 'America First' is used as opposed to 'US first' because it is in whole an integral part of the 7-finanical trading blocs of the Jew World(one per continetent) Order
USSA, yep
Why does he keep doing this…. they always end up needing to be fired, and then they turn on him.
jej meine freund.
Oh hai Alamo. Trying to convert white separatists into good future Republican votes, I see
Cuckservative race traitors will hang before shitskins
Seems like an obvious political move, insulating himself from calls of racism and bigotry. Which is precisely all the evidence the left needs to prove that he is, in fact, a racist bigot.
"HAHAHAHAH" when our country is getting shit handed to it. It's more often than not that you types care if they were right or not rather than the state of the country itself.
they think jews are another white ethnicity, ala dutchmen, germans, etc.
Because White America is a thread to Trump's zionist capital interests.
Don't get caught up in the theater. Loud, obvious opposition to Trump is intended to galvanize his support among dissident segments of the population in order to defuse them.
Not on any level that matters. Not going to go back and forth on this.
They could be less obvious, but that might be too hard for them.
Because Trump is an anti-white cohen-servative like all other cohen-servatives. How is this news to anyone
Not an argument.
I realize that. But to forgo calling them out for being citizens of israel and their allegiance is solely to israel is a shit move.
Because when it fails he can blame the nigger.
Wew, no one could have foreseen this.
Let me pick my jaw off the floor.
I agree with you, fag. learn2id as well.
Who will raise and produce apes.
The few exceptions prove the rule.
Why don't the capable negroids go help fix Africa?
they know that there is a difference between the Goyim and the Jew. They know that Jews aren't White.
The Clinton cabal and Co. see Haiti as a disposable group; just as Haitians themselves see one another. So, enter the 'Life extension' concept where organ-harvesting becomes big business for (((people with lots of discretionary goybuxx))). It's a multi-Billion shekel industry where Haiti is for those that don't have the capital, and the West is the preferred organ stock
Takes more than a brain to fix africa and the niggers smart enough to do it know it.
I understand this. But why should the west crumble because of niggers' own lack of ability and problems?
I'll take your suggestion of doing more productive things, and leave considerations of suicide for the rest of you, because as I look around here I feel an incredible joy, optimism and gratitude about my life.
It shouldn't. I'm just saying you shouldn't expect them to self deport as it were.
that was a mistake. Hire a nigger and the nigger knows you can't fire them without accusations of racism, so you basically can't fire them.
I actually laughed. If this is subtle parody of a completely insufferable faggot, it is excellent.
The state department is about to get a big brain drain…unbelievable
I thought the nigger just appreciated the little things in life.
I haven't seen the most important question here, which is, what is this critter's attitude towards the PNAC?
Yeah, thats jews for ya.
From the threat title:
You already have the answer.
I mean a real answer.
You got a real answer.
we democracy now
You may laugh, but can she do a worse job than canada with the pig and the bitch?
Well, Assad is probably going to be murdered now. Are you happy?
Listen, Niggers hate jewish people as much as white people because they think they're white, and that's more than enough hatred to get niggers to kill whites. If white people ever disappeared enough, jews and mexicans would be open season to them.
Assad will be fine. Geopolitically the US is already completely defeated. It has absolutely no credibility and no options left besides thermonuclear war. The real trouble is here back home when Trump's zionist forces begin to mass murder White people [under the ostensible cover of killing "liberals"] to distract and satiate their reliable nigger hordes who are receptive to capitalist distractions as White America once was.
All Trump does these days is pander to muh niggers and spics. What does he want, an award for best optimizing the spic-nig cycle? Look at his recent tweets, he's obsessed.
Somehow the meaning of my post was lost on people like you.
He chose this nigress because she embodies the core characteristics of the State Department.
Expect more shit like this in the coming months. He's given up on trying to fix shit, so he's burning it. either that, or he's a completely controlled candidate
He's literally Hitler.
Before Israel existed, they were (((Russians))).
She's a nigger. A bipartisan swamp nigger.
Look at that democracy.
You're the kike, though.
The first half of your post, I can understand. The rest of it, if you believe this is happening, do some digging. Wasn't a similar thing supposed to happen under Obama using SEIU and ACORN as the gun?
Would you want a nigger organ?
The only weenie is the cocktail one in your pants.