Utilizing Twitter as a redpill factory by pretending to be insanely anti White Jews

Since Twitter bans anyone to the right of King Nigger now due to algorithms made by the ADL and SPLC, why not just make fake Jewish accounts and just harass Magapedes as much as possible for being White? Nothing is more redpilling than having anti White Jewish mobs attack cuckservatives. We could also use these same accounts to mass report conservative accounts and further radicalize these people.

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Self bump

Bump. Fucking great idea.

This is unnecessary and can backfire. Just RT the real ones.

You can do both. Just agree and amplify with the blue checkmark faggots


You know, the more "we" know we are hated, the more likely "we" will embrace that hatred in our hearts, and lash out against (((them))). I support this idea.

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This is Anglin tier stuff of old. Just search for "how to be a nigger on twitter". Lulz assured, redpills… I don't know. Do you know, son, how fucked up is the world?

noone actually uses twitter besides celebrities and the incestuous media user. real americans see that shit for the cancer it is

Nah, a lot of people use Twitter to follow the president

brilliant cartoon

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If you say 'faggot' you get locked out of your account for 'bot behaviour' or some shit.

No OP, the White man doesn't do that. That's a jew faggotry.

Yeah, then write better strategies

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When attacking from the right-wing perspective, we force them to retreat ever further to the left, seeking safe space. By advancing the narrative from the leftward flank, we can begin driving the Overton Herd towards the center by normalizing core Centrist ideas incorrectly associated with the "Right".

Over-Fishing, Plastic in Ocean, lack of carbon in soil, over forestation exacerbated by ethanol agriculture.

Devaluing what it means to be a female to the point that everyone and anyone can become female at will, also diminishes the validity of uniquely female issues, or issues that when addressing, need to be done so through definitive female lens.

Menstruation, sexual abuse, domestic violence, child birth, feminine health issues, etc.

you should read the butterfly war thing.

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Why does this sound so much like a way to help the kikes? This stuff already happens and it doesnt redpill cuckservatives on jews. It just makes them hate liberals. Doing this is a kike move and only hurting us/them.

Ok rabbi

You are really unimaginitive. There are plenty of ironic kike and leftist accounts that are doing us a favor by looking totally ridiculous, yet not to the point where a true kike would be able to disagree or point this out.

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Excellent idea. I would go as far as doing the same with niggers, poo-in-loos, gooks and other subhumans (even though they're already doing this on their own…)

Fuck off kike.
8ch don't be your shield.


I think you should livestream your suicide with a sign around your neck saying something like "I'm sorry for being white and I won't take any more resources from our betters"

Boy, won't that rouse some support.
I'll be waiting.

This is probably another buzzfeed article bait thread. There’s no need to pretend to be an anti white Jew as there are plenty of real ones

You can be any race and do the same thing. You can attack "my fellow whites" while pilling.

Seems like 'some people' don't like this idea. It's actually surprisingly fun to spread black propaganda. Getting to mouth off sarcastically about intersectional nonsense—it's so obviously contrived that it comes too easily to me. Reminds me of Jonathan Haidt's findings that the right can easily mimick the left, but the left can't mimick the right because they don't actually have much exposure to right wing ideas.

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I find it really difficult to pretend to be a nigger because I occasionally write like a human by accident.

There is a guide online on how to behave like a nigger on Twitter


Ah yes, the tale of the Emperor's New Cloth. I surprise myself with the fact that I haven't made the connections yet with the story, and prominent social media and the MSM spreading lies throughout.

I like to answer the JQ by pretending to be overwhelmingly a fan of jewish people for their "thankless efforts to lead the progressive movement from behind the scenes. Jews truly do make the world more open and tolerant and never get any of the recognition they deserve."

It's great fun. I've even got invited to join jewish organizations online from it and kikes are unused to praise so they eat it up.

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shh it's a butterfly war