Maryland Refuses To Hire US Citizens: Whine About "No H-2B Spics To Crab For Us 4 Minimum Wage!

You're paying more for Maryland crab!

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Spic-nig cycle.

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Is anyone making less money?

So huh, at no point do they specify why they need foreigners on work visas instead of native workers. Go figure.

Fucking Maryland is so cucked I swear

Top kek…no wonder so few find the Truth. It was so simple it was in front of our face all this time.

Fucking Planet is so cucked I swear.

Says right there why they don't hire Americans, cause then they won't get that free slave labor

Fuck these scum.

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you … you sick bastards and your sick jokes

false flag. born and bred marylanders have a crab guy and pick their own.

Is that a fried chicken bucket being used for seafood?

if no americans want to do this shit for $9.51/hr and all that bullshit in the h1b post that seems legally sketchy anyway (docking pay for fucking everything, forced employee housing, etc), then they can up the wage until people start wanting to do it, and jews can pay more for their fucking crab.

if they can't make it work and nobody buy's the crab because it's too expensive because of labor than the business is unsound and they should go out of business like any other normal fucking company that doesn't use H1B's.


Boycott it.

Good. Another liberal hellhole state going bankrupt.


No, you're entirely right though.
They're basically saying that they've become reliant upon migrants to fill their needs, so instead of trying to develope a means via which to get by without them - like hiring high school/college students to do the seasonal work and paying a decent fucking wage - they want to just take their ball and go home and force an increased cost onto their customers to make up the money they lost by not having slave-labor aztecs on hand.

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And now that I think on it, THAT is something Trump should be trying to organize.
But he won't because he's a faggot.

I'm a blue collar X'er who's dealt with boomer faggots like this for decades.

Meanwhile Jesus, Pablo and friends pay 10% of what I do for housing, 5% for transportation and then their shitty wage, which they instantly Moneygram back home every week is five times what they would make back in beanerworld.

These fucking crybaby crabbers need to be shoved into a woodchipper pronto.

the spics

that's bullshit, go on craigslist/indeed/monster/etc. right now and look at what low wage entry level jobs there are in your area. most likely, there are hardly any; most of what you see are driving jobs- either trucking, or (((uber/lyft/grubhub/etc.))). some restaurant positions too.

Seriously, can you imagine only having to pay $5 for internet per month? $45 for utilities?
These fucks live like dogs - which they're used to, because living like dogs in the US is still head and shoulders above living like humans in Mexico or Guatemala - and get paid shit and these boomer faggot scumbags want to shill themselves as "oh we're just a small mom and pop business and we can't afford to pay a better wage or hire people from this country!".

…was da origino native amerikangz n' sheeit

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Maryland crabs suck. Old bay is shit. Fuck this overpriced state.

And there's the problem.

Holy fuck! Not 5-fucking-dollars! Breaking the fucking bank! QUICK! GET THE BEANERS IN HERE! I NEED MY CHEAP CRAB MEAT FROM NONEXISTENT CRABS!

I hate this state.

Hope your business fails shithead.

This post gave me crabs

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Yeah and that's the thing. There's a gigantic cohort of Americans out here who really don't ask for all that much. A modest apartment or home in a neighborhood without piles of shit, needles, drunken mestizos or hordes of wandering schizophrenic street niggers.

Whoops, sorry can't have that because the 800 square foot property that should be $500 per month is $1200 because your town is flooded with thousands of wetbacks needing lodging.

Bust-ass on a twelve-hour shift? No problem boss.

Ah, but there's a catch, it's a rotating shift and the equipment you're using is broken/obsolete and will kill/maim your ass if you so much as make the slightest error.

Don't like it user? Too bad. There are literally dozens of illegals lined up out the front door every day of the week putting in job applications.

These fucking smug Chamber of Commerce assholes truly do deserve the rope.

Recently departed McCain came up with this howler in 2006.

can't get archive to work

I love crab, there should be an exception for the crab industry. To be honest, even though I make good money, I only buy crab when it's cheap. I don't want visa restrictions to shit my savings and meals.

Because self entitled millenials want to charge more money for something that isn't that hard. Fucking betas, a man grows up when he works hard for minimum wage, they need to so that in the crab industry.

I know… can't the state award temporary visas? No way I'm paying almost 30 dollars for a jumbo just because kids want more money so they can blow it off in (((degeneracies))).

where have we seen that hair … that nose? Ah yes!

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No exceptions. You are a part of the problem. Live your life in a thoroughly principled way.

Fuck off faggot, you're worth less than a Mexican temporary worker

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don't give it (you)'s

What a concept, jobs staffed by Americans with knowhow are just fine and even though they're enduring a hardship by blood sucking businessmen, they're still there. Unlike the spics who will cut and run.

This nigger is a living boomer meme.

don't forget about us small businesses pence! you support small business don't you?
praise jesus let the lord deliver us seasonal workers!

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i shouldn't have looked up this cynthia gil cunt, this must be parody.

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why not use prisoners as slave laborers?

there are 2.5 million """""human beeing""" in prison right now why don't they get some nice chaingang chains and work some seasonal work.

any business that relies on h2b's to operate doesn't deserve to be in operation, it's clearly not profitable and only being propped up by super low wage spic labor.

this cynthia gil cunt run's landscaping. if no americans in the area want to do it for whatever shit wage they are paying, then the market demands they up the wages or close. fuck these fucking boomers.

prison labor is a completely different issue. why don't they build a homeless compound and anyone that isn't crack addicted can live in a squadbay type environment and do these shit jobs for pay, no instead boomer logic requires we bring spic's over, because boomers don't like the homeless, why don't they just get a job!

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they're actually catching shit on some of their facebook posts, which they are crying on constantly about their lack of spic labor.
can't see all the comments without an account though.

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Control your spacebar nigger

Jesus, it's like a fucking parody.
And some people say the "boomer" memes go too far.

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fucking boomers…

prison labour it is! so they can get back something to the society they hurt

You dumb fuckers. The reality is ALWAYS worse.

Boomers are probably the most prideful generation in the entire existence of humanity, they would never admit that they need Mexican workers because they run a failing business and need to pay lower wages to make up for it. It's always someone else's fault.

Some people are simply too perfect a representation of a stereotype that it's impossible not to be amazed by the situation, like in this case.
I've personally never directly spoken with boomers the level of which I've come to witness and know of through Zig Forums, probably helped by the fact I don't use any kind of social media or watch TV and I've never gotten along with my extended (older) family.

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boomers generally support unions, liberals do anyway. i wonder what kind of mental hoops they would have to jump through to justify "nobody wants to stay long enough" if they unionized and walked out.

oh wait, h2b's can't unionize. guess that solves that problem. go unions!

"Oh no we have to pay a premium on something we don't actually need, and we don't have enough shitskins to keep the price low enough to indulge and that totally means we're going to die. Because we can't do anything but pick crabs. Because we're actually as retarded as the shitskins. GIB US DAT"

Also on that note isn't it more like fishing for the crabs? Doesn't picking imply they grow on a tree or a bush and it would have to picked like an apple or tomato? Crab fishermen FISH for crabs not pick them
Regardless boomer filth can starve

no, people rightfully call out the new kike d&c of calling people NOT boomers, boomers.


Picking means picking the meat out of cooked crabs and stuffing it into a plastic tub to sell to people.

Good. If they can't pay Americans, then they deserve to suffer.

tfw I love paying less for crabs and more for prisons and welfare now.

Look like a sloth.

It all makes sense now.
The ancient Aryans colonized Mexico and built the cities and pyramids and whatnot.
Rather than build exclusive ethnostates, they foolishly conquered and controlled native groups who they used as cheap labor.
Under their rule the brown shitholer masses prospered, relatively.
Unfortunately, they had brought with them a small population of (((deformed court fools.))) Probably as part of some early form of "welfare."
After centuries of moronic racemixing and low birth rates the Aryans dwindled. The cunning fools led an overthrow of the few remaining Aryans and declared themselves the new ruling class.
They then proceeded to implement their vision of the world upon the native shitholers.
Thus the brown cannibalistic chest carvers were actually led by (((giant-nosed brown cannibalistic chest carvers))).
Truly since time immemorial.

I went to a really shitty highschool in a very diverse and shitty part of town, so seeing some of my classmates come in high or getting high during the day was a common occurrence.
We used to call them "cats", because their pupils would become really dilated, making their eyes look larger than usual, and they would become really jumpy and twitchy, so much that we used to joke that at any moment they'd just leap off their seats and latch on to the roof with their "claws".
This picture is such a perfect representation of that, it sure brings back memories.

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Oh but I thought it was global warming killing the planet?
Boy are these soyboy electric car driving libtards in for a good one when global food shortages, especially wheat, become a reality the mainstream media will be forced to report on.
Fun fact, usually more co2 means more crops. We pump it into greenhouses.
But, its frost killing everything.
Where is the reporting on france losing almost all its wine?
The grand solar minimum is coming.
Good luck winter chan.
Oh also, Alaska and the Netherlands and Norway thrived in the 1600's due to those areas being unusually warm. During the last mini ice age there was vegititation in some odd northern latitudes due to amoc shutdown.
Make plans to bug out in the next 10 years if you're a prepper or have family user.

Don't kick out the immigrants goy or you'll have to pay more for crab goy.
Oh wait it's the weather.
But it's the immigrants goy.
What a fucking retarded article.