Would You Take Advice From This "Person"?

This is Nancy Brown, CEO of the American Heart Association.

She and her non-profit wants you to stop eating saturated fat (as in animal products) and eat more unsaturated fat instead (as in vegetable oils) in order to "prevent" heart attacks and stroke.

Of course, that is the exact opposite of what you should do, because that is the opposite of what is good for health. If you don't know this already, do some research.

Attached are propaganda infographics from the AHA — for good health, do the opposite.

These people want you dead— No, actually, it's worse than that. They want to slowly poison over decades so that they can profits from your gradual descent into chronic illness and disease, leeching all your surplus wealth via doctor's appointments, prescription medications, treatments and surgeries, hopefully culminating in insanely expensives heart surgeries and/or chemotherapy before you finally exhaust your savings and/or will to live.

By the way, this photo is not photoshopped. It's the photo they posted for her on the "About Us" section of the website. Holy F*cking "Physiognomy", Batman!


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Other urls found in this thread:


wtf is the point of this thread? this isn't a fucking nutrition/fitness board

Neck yourself Nicklenose

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Definitely NOT kike free first post.

3rd pic is mixed - obviously sweets are bad and nothing wrong with avocados, but cheese and butter are Aryan-tier foods.

A lot of "nutritionists" are retarded.

- monounsaturated fat: good
- polyunsaturated fat: toxic (what she wants you to eat)
- saturated fat: meh
- protein: good
- fiber (meat or plant): good
- fructose: toxic
- glucose: also toxic, but can be beneficial
- starch: meh

t. biologist

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It should be noted that only real cheese and butter count by the way even if it really goes without saying.

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Lot of "professionals" are captive to industry in various ways

Correct. I only buy from local farmers (i live in an area of USA with lots of smaller white family farms still around).

She's an even uglier Sarah Jessica Parker. How?

What a fucking scary alien. I assumed it was photoshopped, but her other google images are nearly as scary

Sounds like her information is mostly right then. We all know most Americans don't get enough exercise. And she's not saying to ONLY eat fish, avacados, and grapeseed oil. She's just saying to eat these foods occasionally along with not going overboard with butter and animal fats. She may look weird but I don't think this is a plot to poison us.

This is Mary Elizabeth Harriman of the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation, and her serial killer husband, Russell Williams.


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I thought coconut oil was good for you?
Could anyone please elaborate?

Why are Americans so scary looking?

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The thing to keep in mind with saturated vs unsaturated fat is that all fats have the characteristic of being like a liquid sponge, they soak up any and all fat soluable substances. Protip: this is how and why soap works. Saturated fats are already at or near capacity, and when broken down provide a source of additional nutrients. Unsaturated fats are "empty" and when they are consumed any portion of them that is not broken down winds up "stealing" nutrients from the food that you've eaten, and can even leach hormones and already digested nutrients from the blood stream via contact in with the intestines. To make matters worse the body has a certain ability to digest fats/oils. Not all of them are able to be metabolized fully. And then you have shit like olestra which is a synthetic fat and the reason that potato chip bags back in the 90's came with a warning that they could cause anal leakage.. this warning was the result of a national study which showed olestra to be really vile shit the warning was only enforced for a short amount of time, fda created loopholes for including shit like this under different names and classifications to skirt health regulations Olestra is a literal petroleum based oil that is put in food. If you have the autism for it Id suggest reading through the actual fda food regulations and having a fucking looksee at just how many loopholes there are. On top of loopholes there are several terms for ingredients that can mean literally fucking anything. Plenty of weasel words, like there is one (I forget it atm) that has to do with added fiber content and can mean anything from celery fiber to fucking sawdust.

It's really high in saturated fat, way higher than animal fats even which can increase the risk of heart disease. It isn't really bad for you unless you don't exercise, and it's not guaranteed to reduce your lifespan like hydrogenated oil and trans fats.
Coconut oil has lots of good properties and you should still eat it but don't go overboard with it. Basically as long as you don't have a cholesterol problem you're fine.

Burger here. Im starting to honestly believe that we spent so much time worrying about the kike question that we forgot about the demon question. We have a serious problem.

Coconut oil is good shit and if you do it right can make almost anything taste amazing. That being said I wouldn't use it as a staple, I have a feeling that eating something that has such strong antimicrobial properties could wind up being detrimental to gut fauna health.

* just saying

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Couldn't tell from the thumbnail, so, I had to click-through just to find out if that was Fairuza Balk or not.
Polite sage for off-topic.

there's something really wrong with her face. it's like she's one of those things from They Live.

Supposedly, it's beneficial for people suffering type II diabetes.
Something to do with its high levels of dodecanoic acid.
It's been 20 years since I looked into the research, so, take it with a grain of salt.

shut up nigger that thing isn't american. it's extra dimensional.

I'm with you man. That thing ain't right.

Same satanic vibe as bachman

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So get most of my fats from cake and donuts?

Fiber is bad

How the fuck is fiber bad? So I shouldn't eat vegetables or fruit? Fucking dumb nigger…

Other photo isn't any better. Jesus…

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She is even creepier than pic related. I'm looking for another vampire, a late 90s to early 00s I believe, where vampires are nearly extinct and kept alive on reservations where they live supposedly in solitude. The hero visits one encampment and finds blue faced red eyed monsters butchering what is supposed to be animal meat, that is what this AHA thing looks like.

Also read William Davis and Shawn Baker.

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thirded. I do doordash for extra cash and I remember delivering to this guy in saratoga, california. thing answered the door and he looked white and normal for the most part, but his eyes were like Nancy's or like the Rothschilds' lot. Pupils too big and too bright and his eye sockets seemed too dark and sunken. I got the fuck out of there real quick.

Sanpaku eyes.

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pic related

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Nailed it.

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Bible says during the end times we will be commanded not to eat meat. 👌🏻

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All fats are find, until they oxidize or are warped by pressure and heat, which forms free radicals as well as lipid peroxides (also called megatrans) which cause cascades of damage all throughout your body. Oxidized and warped fats are the cause of cardiovascular disease. Plaque found is arteries is literally the body's bandaid for repairing the holes that are caused in your arteries by free radicals. Saturated fats, and monounsaturated fats are highly resistant to oxidation. Bacon fat and clarified butter are perfectly healthy and good for you, just avoid heating them to their smoking point and don't let them go rancid.

Remove all vegetable/canola/soy/corn/various other seed oils from your diet. It doesn't matter if their are health claims on the bottle or if it's "cold pressed" or other bullshit, it's been subjected to too much pressure and has been sitting in the bottle degrading for a long time before it gets to you. It should be noted that seed oils can be beneficial if you gently press the oil out of seeds yourself like your ancestors used to do, but be aware that you should not consume many carbs when taking them. Video related as to why. youtube.com/watch?v=pIRurLnQ8oo

The majority of foods found in a supermarket use these industrially degraded oils in their manufacture. Cereal for example is coated in seed oils (in addition to sugar) in order to give it better crunch (the oil oxidizes and forms a lacquer on the surface) and to keep it from getting soggy.

Cholesterol tests are fairly cheap and easy to do, they are also completely worthless because cholesterol is not bad. Cholesterol is just one of the body's energy and materials transport systems. To really see a problem you need to do a test which looks at the size and number of various lipoproteins. If you have a large number of tiny lipoproteins, that means that free radicals have likely caused the contents of the lipoprotein to leak out as well as destroy the receptors on the surface, causing them not be recognized and recycled by the liver properly. They then fall out of the blood stream in certain places, acting like a bomb when the remaining free radicals do their damage.

Consuming seed oils are basically like taking low dose of Paraquat (which is called a plant "desiccant", because it hijacks the metabolic processes of the plants, causing normal free radical production to increase and fail to get cleaned up, which blows holes in the cell walls)

The problems caused by consuming degraded fats and excess sugar are bigger than pesticides, heavy metals or xenoestrogens by orders of magnitude.

Go read chapter 7, 8 and 9 of Deep Nutrition, and sin against yourself no more.

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Tears up your intestines and causes gas.
A little is ok.

wasn't it also a tranny?

No, I'm sorry, polyunsaturated acids are actual toxins. Not only are they toxic in the fact that they raise incidence of cardiac disease, but they also spoil quicker and decompose into carcinogens and neurotoxins.

It's just dumb to have put that on there.

Milk and cheese is harmful to people who eat a block of cheese per day and don't leave their apartment all day. No one in America is that bad with regards to personal health. Cutting animal fat, milk and cheese is actually damaging to your endocrine system, bones, brains, muscles and renal system.

It's just dumb to try to remove these useful foods.

Let me guess, you ate a lot of fiber and forgot to drink water. If you do that you end up shitting actual bricks.

this cunt wants to make it ILLEGAL to serve (((unapproved))) foods and drinks in PRIVATE BUSINESSES

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100% fruit juice is incredibly expensive.
I'd bet my entire retirement that it's (((100% fruit juice))) and is like 1% fruit juice a lot of dye and some sugar. But it's turned into concentrate and that's still considered fruit juice.

Meaning you're making shit up. More disinfo shilling in hopes of making the right look stupid.

Fruit juice is also no better than soda as far as the problems it causes.

None of that shit matters by much you can eat the worst shit and still live past 80 easy.

The only way to extend life by a significant amount is calorie restriction. This reduces free radicals by never producing them in the first place. But it requires so much discipline no one does it.

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Yeah…that is the exact same thought I had. I would have never clicked on this thread in a million years but I wanted to take a closer look at the demon.

Oh god, this. Every time I eat green vegetables, damn.

WTF is that? Drum on a handgun?

Analyzing this from a purely Machiavellian perspective:

Looks as though she touched the meat.
Never touch the meat.

Of course.

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Still, Extended Compliance Date is January 1, 2020 and Petitioned Uses Extended Compliance Date January 1, 2021>>12097905

The "jews" will murder you any way they can.
BTW ALL high fructose corn syrup is poisoned with methyl mercury at the manufacturing level.
SURPRISE SURPRISE the FDA didn't catch one fucking product.
They're literally chemically lobotomizing practically the entire population right now. It's not some fucking dystopian sci fi adventure. It's real life right now.

Have the (((jews))) committed physical violence against you? YES.

soda pop is poisoned, so is make up. FUCKING pop tarts. Bottled water is chemical warfare.
You think that's air you're breathing now?

How the fuck do we not holocaust a people that are literally slow murdering us?


the poison is poisoned with poison.

what the fuck is this hellspawn abomination


It is long and somewhat redundant video but it is the only thing that even comes close to explaining the depth of their hatred for us.

nancy (((brown)))

I might have cared when I was a libertardian, but I now welcome all efforts to destroy Big Soda, especially since all of you (yes you, sodashill) are clearly onboard with globohomshlomo poz.

We do need to put together a decent nutrition guide
Perhaps even a book

That thing is has jew blood. It's not American because its not White. Remove the war paint, wig, and White clothes and you'll see a fat faced, wide nosed, horse mouthed neanderkike underneath.
Thread belongs in /fit/
Op is a faggot.
Sage for shit Zig Forums thread

Why do you lefty hippy retards spout this kind of easily debunked nonsense? There is absolutely no use for methylmercury or any other mercury compound in preparing or processing corn syrup. The thing that started the facebook tardpost you are repeating was that 17 out of 55 HFCS containing products tested contained mercury. The mercury did not come from the HFCS, the products are all processed snack foods and contain several common ingredients. If all HFCS was poisoned, 55 out of 55 would have contained mercury.

Nice try kike but I'm not talking about life extension, health and vigor are critically important no matter how long one lives. Waddling and weezing around, spending ever increasing amounts of money on (((health care))) just to try and survive to old age is not living, it's just another form of slavery people have fallen into.

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That does not work. It only works on lab mice and rats. Those are massively inbred to the point of having the genetic diversity of only a handful of individuals. You can not extrapolate anything from (((research))) done on lab rodents to anything else.

How come all these "nutritionists" looks unhealthy, weak, flabby and ghoulish?

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Pure maniacal evil kikess. Requesting someone paste the text from pic related onto “her” picture. Bump for getting people to realize just how bad things really are.

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Jew blood on the coasts.

except they aren't jews, they're fuckin weird but not jews, when everything is "jews" nothing is you fucking nigger

It's like rejuvaderm & planet of the apes had a baby
They're in league with the Red Cross and probably CF. Who is on the board? Why would anyone trust an organization taking so much money from device manufacturers and pharmaceutical corporations?

Safflower oil is a decent choice when needing to replace vegetable oils. Much better fatty acid profile. Buy oils cold pressed. Most unsaturated oils you see in the grocery store are rancid and deodorized by the time they even arrive on the shelf.

She'll eat your cock, OP. No one listens to the government for anything. Government doesn't know how to do anything but threaten violence to steal money. They're stupid cunts and you see it repeatedly in event after event. It's like Reagan said, if there was anyone smart in government, private business would hire them away. There's a reason the post office is Wakanda.

That random defense of kikes makes no sense given the context of what I said, you stupid kike. I called THIS demon a KIKESS, i.e., a “female” kike, which IT IS. Two S’s wasn’t a typo kike. “They” erroneously implies that I was speaking about more than one “person” at the time. I wasn’t. Just this evil kike bitch. She is a kike. I’m right. Nothing I said was irrelevant nor inaccurate. There really isn’t a refutation to it, especially your pathetic kvetch. Your nose is showing you disgusting faggot rat.

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Here you go user

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No. Not at all. I have long seen the merit of lard and milk products and the evils of plant fats.

She looks like an actual zombie pretending to still be alive. jfc

Thank you user. Have some art you probably already have.

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Red pill on fats and jewish food industry practices.





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The most enlightening is when the sotbean oil consumption rose (1956 or so) and the fall af american fascisim, and thereafter the infiltration of jewish interests.

Note: The X axis not being labeled on that graph poses a problem for memetic purposes.

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You have a very warped definition of what a toxin is. Cholesterol itself is what actually kills you, and yet no one calls it a toxin. As for decomposition realistically no one is going to have to worry about that, and anyone who is eating rancid oil is going to be eating a lot more worse things.

it is labelled just in a roundabout way, years, 1909-1999

"she" is a woman so of course not

I think you made the picture look better


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Heil’ed. Yeah, and you can probably infer dates, but what about the Y axis? How is consumption measured? Is it liters, fl oz’s, etc? Is it per person? Not trying to nitpick or derail; I just like my graphs labeled properly.
P.S. All kikes are demonic, spiteful, sadistic perverters and destroyers of everything that is good and pure. For the salvation of Man, this planet, and the laws of Nature herself, these alien parasites have to be wiped away, lest they destroy everything we know to be just, right, and which we all hold dear. Godspeed anons. Prepare yourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually for this battle which has been tasked to us. It is the DUTY of every man, woman, and child on Earth, from every race, to find the courage and conviction to devote themselves entirely to this struggle for ultimate survival. It is, in no uncertain terms, fight and win or die. There will never be peace for ANY RACE as long as kikes live. IF “they” have their way, the only race they truly and rightfully fear, the White race, will be extinguished, along with its guiding light, and every other race will be left to become literal goyim slaves to the kikes, completely under their sadistic, hateful control, and powerless to save themselves. “Jews” are hateful, deceitful, and dangerous. They wish to destroy the natural order and reign supreme as false and undeserving “masters” over all of mankind and, even Nature. Whatever you care about: art, beauty, nature, family, truth, justice, reason, etc., make no mistake, kikes wish to destroy it. They will destroy anything that stands in the way of their quest to destroy all that stands in contrast to their disgust, depravity, and squalor. If you haven’t devoted yourself entirely to the cause of fighting against them, you have not only betrayed your race, but you have betrayed yourself. Arise you “gentiles”. Whatever your race, realize that your first and foremost enemy is the KIKE. He hates you more than you could ever hate him. Do it for your people. 14/88.

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I think you don't understand how the body works

A lot of dietary information is wrong or inconclusive

You will find studies providing every diet is healthy and studies that prove the exact opposite. There are studies that prove that meat and cheese cause obesity and cancer, and other studies that prove that eating meat and cheese increase life expectancy.

In some cases, eating "unhealthy" foods makes you feel good while constantly having to watch your diet and eat "healthy" foods can stress you out and we know that stress is a significant contributor to illness and death.

So what's healthy for you? Don't be fat.

It's really that simple, if you aren't fat and you exercise, it doesn't really matter what you eat. There are certain tribes in the Arctic that eat ONLY seal, yet they're just fine. Indians eat barely any meat and are fairly long lived. Argentinians eat a metric fuckton of meat and dairy and live fairly long too.

The point is that the human body is very adaptable to different sorts of diets, and as long as you don't overindulge and become obese, you should remain healthy.

This face man…

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What a shoah! Let me turn on my shekel fountain, Mordecai! [screeching offensive kike music plays]