B-but, I thought he wasn't a jewish puppet

Israel praises Trump for Cutting Funding For Palestinian Refugee. Someone please make a "friendship ended" meme out of the image they used of Trump and King Kike doing the predator bro flex.


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Cutting foreign aid is always a good decision tho

Then maybe he should cut the billions that Israel receives rather than cut a considerably lesser amount just to, and this is why it was actually done, suck Israel's dick in regards to how not giving the Palestinians a leg to stand on against Israel on the worldwide forum.

From the Article,
This was done solely to squash the notion that large numbers of Palestinians are placed under refugee status since Israel comes and kicks them out of their homes and steal their lands. That's all. It wasn't about the money, it was about opening up and swallowing a huge jewish load just so Israel could look good.

Also forgot to mention that this deal was primarily set up by Jared Kushner, easily the biggest problem in the whole administration as far as America being a ZOG puppet is concerned.

Not while it's to the enemies of the nation who attacked us on 9/11, who we're still giving more shekels than ever to.

Heh, you silly kids still don't get it do you? If you do what the the Jews want, you win. Its 4D chess.

The only truly good thing Trump has done is with the South Africans and further exposing the MSM's lies. He was always pro-Jewish, sickeningly so. The idea is that we have to get a civic nationalist Zionist first, then a proper nationalist later.

lel learn your shit kid. We were attacked by terrorists that were openly backed by Afghanistan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia with the intent purpose of waging wahhabist jihad on the West. Get fucked misdirection shill.

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Nothing you typed had an ounce of truth to it you filthy kike.

sick proofs for your non argument bro. Looks like you got nothing to bring to this conversation other than sperging out about muh jooz.

kill yourself

lol, the current state of 8/pol/.

Afghanistan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia? Hahaha.

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Trump becomes the bad guy.

POCs blame huwyatt man Trump.

Jews win.

Trump was always the bad guy. You just fell for CADRE memes.

you are a liberal OP. You are a jew. So Trumps better and your thread sucks

sage negated. cry more trumpcuck.


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This is just a part of the big chill. It is 36DD-dimensional underwater upside down backwards backgammon that only a master such as he, the great Orange one could possibly understand it is so intricate. Just any millisecond, everything will start happening to reverse all of the bad stuff and then everything will automagically become terrific

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Luke 12:1-2, Alf

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This has been only believed by eternal boomers for the last year.

Its actually a game of Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker you damn philistine. Get it right

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You're never getting your 10bux back, cocksucker.

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This is what normies actually believe.

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Wanna know how I know none of you belong?


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Trump = jew lover
How hard is that to understand?

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That too tho. It's complicated

lol kampfy no one cares about your bingo meme

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No shit


I remember there was one guy on this discord I was in that was adament that Trump was our guy and until Trump kissed the jew wall then he wouod support him. Well Trump kissed the jew wall and this guy started making excuses.

Paranoid much?

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Not sure who you are quoting but only kampfy found that meme. Hence why he stickied it for a week

Cut off Christians
Fund band of thieves in their desert lair

Fuck this cock sucker I hope that kike cock tastes good Trump. You just lost your reelection.

Hi schlomo! try that on Poland.

Israel is one the last western nations on earth that still respects individual liberty. That trump finds common cause with them is natural. I can only think of a few others: switzerland?

Besides, palestinians are wretched tools of destabilization. Their time has come and gone. Trump cutting off funding is just another bargaining chip he can use to end their retarded siege.

The absolute state of nu-pol

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You really can't be talking about "who belongs" Isaac.

Who do you think the original Christians are you dipshit?
I swear to God (the only God) that you fucks are going to get every one of us killed. You fucking idiots! ISRAEL IS THE FUCKING ENEMY! PERIOD!
WTC 1990's boming
WTC 2001 Bombing!

Look at this utter piece of SHIT!

That mother fucker is shaking hands with the MURDERER of 1000's of Americans, sending BILLIONS to them and cutting off the funding to Christians!

Fuck you and Fuck Q!
Israel, if you're hiring, fucking call me. I'm sick of being on the side of fucking retards!

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I swear to God if you aren't a shill, just go stick your dick in an outlet because that would be way more intelligent than anything you've ever done with your life.

Trump, as known as Netanyahu's own personal cock-sleeve.

The United States government is under jewish occupation. Revolution is the only cure.

Neck yourself, moishe.

Reported for reddit.

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This needs to be watched ever single day.

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this operation was a failure
Pollar is still in prison. we haven't released him despite the constant whining from bibi. Pollard is no different than what the US would do in other countries if given the chance. The real issue was that pollard COULD do what he did without anyone finding out. the US has had horrible opsec for decades. We need to get better…
All indications are that LBJ, the fucking president of the US, gave this the go-ahead. LBJ was probably the worst president in this century. Yeah israel deserves some blame for this, but the real blame is with LBJ.
There's a lot of blame to go around for this one. This war was so bad, WWII was basically an after-shock of WWI but with more destructive technology.
see above.
Going to have to see how israel was behind this. It's possible they facilitated some things here for the obvious reasons, I have just never seen this evidence.
It's an open question who was responsible for this. Clearly the US knew about it and let it happen. Was it solely israel's plan? If I had to wager, I'd say there was a lot of US assistance. See LBJ above.

I don't think it's a good idea in general to apologize for people that kill americans. But when americans in power are helping them, I say it's the americans that deserve more of the blame. The rule of law is still important. The great game operates on an entirely different level. There is hardly any rule of law at all when it comes to international relations.

Define "revolution".

Its always funny how much shit on 8/pol/ has become flipped upside-down since late 2015. Opinions that were sacred cows 3 years ago gets you called JIDF today.

>I don't think it's a good idea in general to apologize for people that kill americans. But (((when americans in power are helping them)))

Less than 20 days to go.

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let my pe/pol/ go you altright human trash

So tired of these posts. Is/isn’t a kike puppet. Majority of Americans have 0 clue the evil that is Israel. You don’t sway people overnight it’s a long process and any leader who tries to go full blown anti Israel has 0 chance of being elected. Jews are slowly losing sway over Americans, the muh holocaust means less and less. It’s our job to educate people on their crimes. Arguing over Trumps feelings for Israel is a moot point, because we get more in Trump than any other leader in recent history and anyone who will run in 2020.

LOL! The bros from #reddit are here to stay. The spergs from teh chans are powerless to stop it!

Basically "muh public relations"

No it’s electability. Educate people first. People have to know WHY they should be anti Israel.

Same fucking thing as far as your mentality goes, how little you know of any of those things. Your fear-mongering, you would say "Don't wait for Hitler, settle for the (((conservative))) neocon substitute, MAGA bro". I have higher standards than you, and so do enough of us to make a difference, "electability" or not.

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dog of ZOG

Is this John McCain shitposting from beyond the grave?

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Remind me again how much power David Duke and Richard Spencer have to change laws or anything for that matter?
Again I will say educate people as to why they should hate Israel and the rest will follow naturally. If you don’t youre just the crazy guy on the corner screaming gas the kikes race war now instead of the homeless man screaming repent the end is near.

Richard Spencer and Donald Trump are the same thing you ignorant pleb.
Not if you care about "electability", do you even logic motherfucker?

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Don't you have some tranny porn to be watching, Alex?

Hillary would have been the better option.
It needs to get really really bad before the idiot masses will wake up. Their children need to start getting raped in the streets by mongrels. They need to start missing meals and not having gas to get to work in the mornings. The entire US needs to look like Detroit. The sooner that can happen, the sooner we can get our people to rise up.

Donald Trump is the enemy. He's soft walking the Christians to their demise. Don't push truth away. There is no way they would have given him a platform if he wasn't (((their guy))). You need to wake up. Snap out of the Q bullshit! WWIII is just ahead and all these idiot Christians are going to go wipe out the last of Israels enemies, then we're the enemy. Once we're weaker from the final great war. "Never start a war until your enemy is engaged in war with another nation."

Don't be a lemming.

Gentiles, you low energy shill. Christ had serval arguments with his disciples over this because they couldn't understand why he was offering the goyim salvation. It's why the Pharisees had him killed. It's why 2,000 years later Jews have an undying hatred of Christians, because they "stole" the Jew's birthright.

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I have to disagree, people need to be reminded that neither political party is good, they're all bad. They're all jewish.

don't respond to them. Don't give them a platform.They're powerless without their words. Just filter and move on. Engage our people only. You'll get nowhere. You can't win because they aren't human. You can't offend them, they don't have a conscience.

Have you even read Paul's epistles, nigger? You haven't, there's lots of donations to saints in it by the ethnic jews who have disavowed their religion like Jesus and Karl Marx. The gentiles were Greeks as well as Romans, it was subversive decadent jewish nonsense then as it is now. Nietzsche was right, Christianity made us weak.

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Yes but the faster we can sink this ship the faster we can swim to shore.

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Alex jones is controlled opposition.

What the fuck does that have to do with LBJ facilitating the attack?

I have no intention of sinking the ship faggot, I plan on taking down the crew and replacing them. The Republic will not fall.

Anyone over 90 IQ knows that all politicians are controlled. The Trump worship you see here is a psyop to keep people voting instead of taking action.

MIDF detected

We can hate the kikes and the mudslimes at the same time you fuck.

you literally agreed with me then called me a low energy shill

There sure are a lot of under 90 IQ faggots around here though.

I've already experienced that form of Hell during the time Barry and Michael were squatting in the White House.

Are you seriously wasting this much time typing up lies? Jews are behind it all. I will kill you when shit hits the fan.

FFS people can't actually fall for this shit? Jesus, the Son of God was a Pharisee? Lol
I can't believe I really live in this world. I will stand alone and fight this shit if I have to, but fuck me if I'll bend over and let the retard possess my spirit.

if that's true, then the US is just a bunch of sub 90iq idiots that don't even deserve shit anyway. Good luck killing me you literal moron (by your own words) see:

I don't beleive that for a second
t. 140+ iq mayflower descendent.

You are beyond retarded

Filters are downvotes, go back to reddit. America isn't a sinking ship, it's the fatherland of the superior Anglo-Americans.

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It's not just the US, but most people in general the world over. The average person is an absolute fucking moron who wants nothing more than to be told how to think and act.

There are no jews on earth. There were exterminated in 70ad. Every last one of them.

“The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20

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i really like the first one. The music sounds somewhat good and it also reminds me of the current state of Jewnited States of America… a "nation" occupied by jews fully and that falseflags every 5 minutes or so

we waste many orders of magnitude more than that not on israel.

Well you also admitted to being a zionist, so you'd be part of the psyop

You can literally show people this shit and they still don't see the jewing going on.
Those of us that get it need to defect. Just give Arkansas, nobody gives a fuck about Arkansas.

I don't even know what zionism is in 2018. Israel already exists and is the promised homeland for the jews. what does zionism even mean? Is it transformed into dominating a one-world govt? Lulz.

The only psyop I can tell is the shit coming from the hillary clinton politically-aligned actors in govt. They may have had some plans with israel vis-a-vis syria. There is no doubt we'd be in a full scale iraq-style war in syria right now if hillary were president.. Maybe that's the open wound that hasn't healed yet.

Israel has gone a bit funny. Jerusalem isn't a spiritually healthy place. Nowhere is if too many people have noticed it. Modern world's a mite strange in many places for that, though humanists make the best exorcists on earth, fantastic people. Not too many of them putting down roots in Jerusalem. The place has a fug of spirituality like half the desert, but moreso. So much moreso. And anyways, the land's subsiding. You know what makes a country sink beneath the waves? You know what makes a world flood? Yeah? Do some math, pups. It's gonna be great.

Get out kike and take Trump with you.

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hi Zig Forums

We know,

Matthew Chapter 21

42 Jesus saith unto them (the Jews), Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

43 Therefore say I unto you (the Jews), The kingdom of God shall be taken from you (the Jews), and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

Luke Chapter 3

6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.

7 Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers (Jews), who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to [our] father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

9 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Romans Chapter 10

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Modern Israel has rejected the Christ, the Messiah. They are now literally the synagogue of Satan and are of their father the devil.

All the real jews died a long time ago, it's only LARPing khazars and other assorted delusional trash, even DNA tests prove this. The only 'real jews' today according to the bible are christians and all those who follow Jesus Christ.

Kampfy, have you been taking your good goy pills lately? This is a low energy post.

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