GOP official resigns after calling kneeling NFL players ‘baboons’


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No room for racism on the trump train, Q said that these race baiters are deep staters themselves trying to foment civil war. Use critical thinkin here people

They're scared because this is only going to keep happening.

I can't tell if this is shitposting

you are right.

but there needs to be a strategy where phases like this are not racists but realists. We need to shame this part of black culture.

She is just as bad as the flag traitors. They are unpatriotic by not standing for the ideals of the flag and she is unpatriotic by not upholding the ideals the flag represents.

They are both unamerican. I think a secular state may be possible. I dont think an unpatriotic state is.

Allowing the populace to normalize a traitors mentality is not acceptable. We should be moving into Mc Carthy like mind set of creating a "red scare" around this type of behavior. Just as a counter propaganda.

I'll just call it…

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why are you a complete and utter idiot , think

you dont need Q to see whats going on

wow shills dont like to think

She clearly meant 'Buffoons', user. All she has to do is recognize what she meant to say, apologize, and then get back to work

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empty shit.

To all that are saying this is bait then you trully do want a race war.

You idiots are pathetic. Just respond with pics its not like you have a brain

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Blacks are the only group (other than their owners, of course) that can act like militant terrorists with the privilege of never being called or convicted of militant terrorism.

football is fake as hell. im never watching that crap again. protest whatever you want. taking a knee when a song plays changes fucking nothing. it just gives these idiot political dip shits something to talk about rather then the real problems. its nothing more then a distraction.

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Zig Forums is so full of retards that I cant even tell if OP is being serious or not

Which episode did he say that in?

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Niggers should kneel for the playing of the glorious national songs. How about that?

what would a mulatto do?

Nice argument, shitforbrains.

I love seeing niggers get on their knees while the white man stands. Those jungle monkeys are learning their place.

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Hmmmm I don't know. It's been a really long time since that has been the case.

purging indians and making mexico surrender in days were the last legitimate military actions we've done.


you *need* to kill yourselves, immediately

Yes. Yes we do. Are you aware of what website you're on?

You are clearly not from here. I'm seeing these same kind of 'anti-racist' posts all over 4cuck. Throw yourself on a knife.

baboon = nigger
I'm okay with that

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Where do (((you))) think (((you))) are?

Q here, calling from the hale-bopp comet.

Drink the kool-aid and join me.

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Joke within a joke. Nice.

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If you can't say, 'fuck off' to anyone who questions you after a comment, don't say it. These cucks have no backbone and instantly fold. It doesn't even take a real paper running a lengthy story on them anymore, just a few nuts of twitter is enough to send them running.

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R here, I outrank Q. He's a faggot that got discharged from the alphabet rank being being full of shit.

Fired for naming niggerball.

S here, R quit shitposting and get back to your desk. Last thing I want to have to deal with is T getting on my ass for letting you slack off.

and while people just shit post others stand by and spectate like they do every sunday.

If its not football its another shit show like half of Zig Forums.

OP has something here, if you are not a bot the realize you dont have to agree with OP but the fucking topic is important.

Im not saging idiots like you, I coming to your post and burning it down

Zig Forums. Im just bringing it out. Instead of doing dumb posts like you.

There are meaningful posts on Zig Forums that talk about race war and preparing and there are shit posts. I know where Im at. I see the emptiness in posts like yours.

You guys will reply to me all fucking day and Ill use you as a sign of how sad this board has become.

Youll keep replying with simple bull shit and Ill keep bumping and people will know that

1) a race war is being pushed
2) it is being pushed by the weakest , saddest of america and they are most likely kike shills


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only if you post something meaningful , degenerate mtv fag

If you cuck, you lose. Never apologize and never go back on your opinion.

1/4 black people in the US still call themselves black, thus mulattos are black. They would kneel.

He did nothing wrong.

What the FUCK!

yes, I do truly want that

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damn this shit is not even fucking making sense anymore.

OP is nowhere to be found so has this become some crap pusedo nigger hat thread.

Its like you wanted to create a nigger hate thread but instead you wanted it to target whites to make them angry.

3000% subversive … really sad

"hate blacks , all blacks are bad … see im real 8chaner look at this image , this dude is a kike lulz"

no fucking thought in this thread … it shows more that there is no fucking thought in the board.

first 4chan then Zig Forums … the internet is fucking dead

god black women are the worst

It will hardly be a "war", just spring cleaning user. Know your history, we do this from time to time. It's called ethnic genocide.

The idea that the Jews want race war is fucking stupid. The Jew will lose everything if a race war happens, he is fundamentally a parasite, he requires a peaceful civilization to leach of off to even exist. Moreover any short term gains he might acquire through selling weapons/munitions to one or both sides are going to be minuscule in terms of the long term gains he has leaching off of our peaceful society. Never even mind that if a race war was to kick off, most whites would be either Jew-aware or very open to the idea. This is like when people try to argue that the "liberal elites" are pushing for civil war. No dipshit. No one in power pushes for the fucking system that they derive their power from to be destroyed.

oh yes and 69 is a fucking appropriate post number for you, you fucking retarded faggot

blah blah blah, i really dont even know what you are referencing by "we"

in history many sides have battled and died there is nothing fucking new about that. But here you can tell the internet and modern communication has changed things. So even with the past in mind all I see is a bunch of fags crying on Zig Forums and not even being able to discuss the topic at hand. All they want to do is post shit picture. Look at have of the responses to my posts and tell me that you think you can trust your life with those types.

let me stop you right there. Lurk more or just pick up a book. Jews dont fight their own wars retard. They put nations and cultures against eachother. This is fucking Zig Forums 101

another show of the fucking sad state here. No fucking substance. You are even too scared to give a direct reply so you just fuking reference the number.

I cant possible be more right.

I'm not entirely sure what's worse, blacks or kikes I bet kikes

OP has what exactly? That the GOP are cucks? That a woman saying an only very slightly "pink-pilled" CivNat comment that was "mean" to "basketball americans" led to her being kicked out of the GOP?
How is this news? It's bullshit, but it isn't news.
It's worth talking about, I suppose.
It's the kosher sandwich.
GOP is shit. They SHOULD be the "party of White America," but instead they are trying to be the "party of BASTE shitholers!!!!!!" (While actually being weak-arm party of ZOG)
It's all bullshit.

ZERO non-Whites should be in the USA other than the north-of-the-border feather indians on their reservations.
WHAT I CARE ABOUT is White Nationalism.
I am a White American.
I want to live in a White country for Whites only under a government of White Americans, by White Americans, and for White Americans. And no jews.
That's what I care about. The rest is bullshit.
CivNat is bullshit.
CivNat is WORSE than bullshit. It is White genocide.
I don't want war.
But everything that I care about is being desecrated, debased, and destroyed.
The ongoing genocide of White America must be stopped.

White countries for White people and only White people.
Blacks can go build their wakanda in Africa.
They keep claiming that they can.
Indeed, Whites should help them reach their potential by expediting their journey to their new homeland.
Physically remove all squatters from Liberia to elsewhere in Africa, then physically relocate all blacks in the US to Liberia.
AKA "New Wakanda"
"I have a dream" indeed.
I would look forward to the flying pyramids.

White countries for White people and only White people.

As the kikes and their pets keep pushing whites to extinction a race war is inevitable. Whether you want it or not is irrelevant.

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Kys kike

Please stop double spacing you street-shitting ESL motherfucker.

U here, aka Netanyahu himself. Get back to work

Are you retarded?

Basically a civnat saying the same dumb America this and that except slightly racially edgier

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Let me guess: Trump did nothing to support/defend her? Another fine backstabbing courtesy of the orange nigger.

Orange Jewlius?

I like it.

you guys have this tier newfag too? well at least i can actually post here.

That isn't how panties are worn.


Have a better idea

Every time someone makes a gaffe like this, shower them with support. Have "racist" Twitter basically endorse them. Send them flowers and notes of well-wishes.

Turn their scapegoats into our martyrs. Get these people firmly and openly on our side.