It is a day of good news. I didn't know this but German Laws don't apply to invaders from other cultures. Feel free to shoot them in the head and feed them to the pigs anytime you like, GermanBros.
Other urls found in this thread:
the nigger aint wrong. The laws don't apply to migrants.
Follow me down this alley nigger I swear to god I'll leave you there. Every time a nigger has tried me they back down when they realize I'll actually kill them.
Brilliant THANKS!
he doesn't sound too convincing, as though he and his have now conquered Germany/Europe. He sounds more like someone wondering wtf is going on with the White man. Though he's likely in Europe as a "financial refugee" or "a better life", he sees what's happening, and scratches his head. Whitey, specifically Germanic Whitey, went from the top of the heap globally, to a whining pile of mush unwilling to return fire
>Whitey, specifically Germanic Whitey, went was forced by us amerimutts at gunpoint and after destroying and invading their Nation, from the top of the heap globally, to a whining pile of mush unwilling to return fire
I mean I have never seen such transparency.
well, where's the lie.
Not even sure if this guy is even for real, or if he's a pro-German civnat who made this video to help nationalists redpill German libshits. Either way, good stuff, thanks OP.
A last hurrah from a Summer fag. No one cares what some retarded, big lipped nigger has to say. We know they're all delusional subhumans. Tryone the ape has seen
Kill yourself shlomo at least get history correct the bongs and frogs were ahead of America in trying to defeat Germany. Fact is, we are the master race but we aren't without fault and now finally we can end the brother wars so stop trying to devolve us.
the point of this video is that it can be used to redpill normies, you dumb nigger
Even sissy arse chinks stomp niggers to death. Why can't whites do it?
that was a problem then as it is today with the "I'll just follow the President' orders"-group. They know what they've been told behind closed doors about "plans" and what to expect/how to respond when any number of scenarios occur on US soil. Veterans have a wealth of info but they're programmed to see their own as enemies/potential enemies. The US soldier "just following orders" will have to make some resolutions within their own minds, just like the Bundespolizei
The indigenous German possesses today, that which put him at the top, and just as user says, "there shall be no more brothers wars". We have a single, common enemy with which to contend hat takes priority over all others
Chinks group up. That's why there's a Chinatown in AnyState, US. Whites have had their identities so atomized, that none knows who he can trust, save for those that shared trenches
Denazification is a real bitch, under the guise of routing out nazis they destroyed ethnic german culture.
That was my take. There's no way a fresh invader would be able to pickup German that fast. All they know is "ficki ficki" or whatever they say.
Despite any perceived differences, We are one; one culture, one people
Thanks user. I needed that. Heil.
Except we need to end them forever this time user, so that they can't come back to bother us again and we can live in peace. All the other times we did not end them remind me of the time that we 'threw out the jew' time after time after time; always they return to parasite; always we are lenient with them and forgiving; we do not treat them as the threat they really are…we did not do our duty for our own people. Indeed WE ARE THE ONES WHO LET OURSELVES DOWN BY NOT DOING WHAT IS RIGHT AND CORRECT. We put off our duty to our nation and people and showed mercy, care and tenderness when it was not deserved and it has only injured us and those we love. The time for mercy is over. Strike hard and strike them forever. ALL OF THEM.
I think it's more racial than that, though. Whites have always been too merciful and understanding to their enemies. The catch is that whites consistently commit the most mind-blowingly brutal atrocities when you finally drive them off the edge from exploiting their good nature.
Clearly not an actual migrant but some pro-right agitator. The question is, who is he working for/with.
German right? Some foreign country? Russia or US maybe? Could be both at the moment, as Trump doesn't like globalism, and Putin just likes fucking shit up in the west.
Oh hi there Ethnoglobe user.
This is an actual baste nigger, he is doing to awaken germans.
Spread it.
as much as we would like to choose altruism, to avoid the entire insanity of yet another groundswell of earthly imminence; it is a moral imperative also that we do so
Fucking spread it.
It is fucking gold.
I used to think that was his modus operandi…but that man is almost opaque to me at this point. I have spent years studying him and now believe that 'Putin' the figurehead is simply advanced AI and a figurehead who does that machines bidding. However, as I said elsewhere I was a little surprised to see the genetic similarity between the Russian people and the European people (I am still studying this and lightly the current politics of the Duma…I may have to review some more of the revolutionary Duma stuff I have found online and put it into perspective).
I know, I am closing my eyes and trying to sense which skien this is of the web and who is prowling around in it and where; for what purpose…careful not to become angered and looking at the connections and implications of who this is and what it could really mean. If he is a provocateur he is either luring us into danger or trying to make us misjudge something critical. Despite how much I want to plunge a knife into his aorta and be done with it I have noticed in whispers across the web and innuendo that there is a parallel agenda to ETHNO-GLOBE that is being sponsored in alternative places. I am tracking everything I can with this situation. I hope you anons are doing the same, cool brutal assessment and planning.
Hi user.
This man is an actual baste nigger, you shall not wish him harm for speaking the truth.
No such thing, reversion to the mean.
There is such thing, truth shall be protected.
There is perspective, from your perspective that is 'truth' but not from mine. This man's genetic structure is that of our mortal enemy. I do not protect my enemies and those who wish to kill and injure my own people.
His truth is true in our perspective (not just you & me), he has betrayed his own genetic brethern to speak of it, and for that he shall be protected.
No he shall not! If he was good and 'for us' he would understand what is more important, the ceasing of his parasitic and predatory genetic line in service to Life on this planet. If he is not capable of understanding this, in whole, I have no use for him at because he is evil. If they were anything other than debased evil they would recognize that they should all kill themselves so that Life itself could have a chance at continuing in the hands of its caretakers without their destroyer DNA acting on the planet. But they don't because they are nothing but EVIL. You are failing to understand the nuances of the situation or PROPER JUDGMENT and 'black nighting'. Individuals might act in a way that is beneficial to us for a specific term, BUT THEY ARE NOT BENEFICIAL TO US OR TO LIFE'S CONTINUANCE because the trouble is within them on a root level (genetic) they are destroyers of Life…just like the jews.
Him killing himself is self harm and unnatural, a sin, but when he speaks the truth to awaken everyone, that is worth more than a hundred of his death.
You are only seeking destruction and carnage, the short term, your dream has blinded you from the truth, the good.
You are making the cardinal mistake. It doesn't matter what an individual is, they can be judged by god for any of their behavior on an individual basis (you have ABSOLUTELY no way to verify their intention; only God can do that)…you must judge as a man and with a man's limitations. In this case you have to judge the genetic line in terms of its value or detriment to our people over time. How many FUCKING LIVES is letting this one man (with his destructive DNA) going to REQUIRE later of our flesh and blood?
You think you have the right to judge 'as god' with a survey of intention and you DON'T! You may only judge strategic genetic reversion to the mean and what you know about a nation and their behavior. This NATION and THAT GENETIC LINE IS ONE OF DESTRUCTION for themselves and all life on the planet. Thus, someone WHO HAS PITY will pity their own future offspring, will pity the future of animals on Earth, will pity this destroyed abomination of a people themselves and will pity their existence as an unfulfilled potential that will never be realized in any sense of the worlds standards. YOU ARE BEING SPITEFUL and you don't even recognize your own very bad behavior and hatred of life.
From another thread this morning.
>“What to do when a ship carrying a hundred passengers has suddenly capsized, and only one lifeboat is available for ten people in the water? When the lifeboat is full, those who hate life will try to pull more people onto it, thus drowning everyone. Those who love and respect life will instead grab an axe and sever the hands clinging to the gunwales.” - Pentti Linkola on Democracy, Quotes from "Can Life prevail?"
As I have said, your dream has blinded you, you are only seeing destruction and carnage.
You howl & roar, but it is hollow, for thr truth has left.
Whatever…what you have is not Truth. You are not capable of it.
Deny it as you want, you know the truth, you just cannot accept that it comes from a black mouth.
No, it doesn't because I am not black.
Thus you are blinded by your own rage.
I am not raging. I am pragmatic. I am logical. A bit cold, yes, but ultimately my judgment is for the preservation of BILLIONS of years worth of life on the planet and yours is pathetically short sighted and hinges upon something that is maximum 30,000 years old, defective in character and ethics and a detriment to Life. You are not being reasonable and I am done with you. Filtered.
Cockroaches arent the problem in this case, the problem is the guy launching them inside your house.
You are raging, your forsake logic the moment you deny the truth, that creates logic.
Filter me as you want, but truth rings true.
No, both are problems.
But this cockroach advices humanity, so it is worth commendable.
Look man I don't know what you mean here but if you're saying that he's based or whatever, you're fucking dumb.
IF he was based, he would've gone back to his home country and tried his best to make it somewhat better.
Well cockroaches can't cooperate with the trebuchet operator but in this case this is a joint effort between the cockroaches and the trebuchet operator; with the sole agenda being the murder of our own people and the final end of all Life on the planet. The 'cockroaches' are so pathetically retarded that they don't realize what will happen when the caretakers of Life and civilization are dead and gone. It will be Zimbabwe but on a global scale and these destroyers will hunt down every last shred of life trying to survive and parasite off the last sputters of Life, setting the Earth back, like I said, billions of years. There is nothing that they have to offer us that is worth the cost that they would require from Life. THink of it in terms of a cost benefit analysis. NOTHING JUSTIFIES THE COST THAT THEY REQUIRE FOR THEIR CONTINUANCE ON THIS PLANET.
Perhaps he is doing that, but his current action is redpilling actual germans.
This is an educated man, do not be mistaken, he gives a shit, and for that he is "based".
Based is a nigger word, which is fitting for him too.
i knew some of you fags would go soft when the time came
wanna suck his dick too for being a based black man?
Bad news, Tyrone, my ethics don't apply to you. My vision of the future doesn't include you nor anyone who looks like you. If it was legal to feed you a lead salad, you'd well stuffed.
This subhuman can speak fluent German,and you can't
No? But commend him, yes.
Remembers that Hitler called Jesse Owens a jungle ape but still shook his hand.
Talent and truth are to be praised.
Damn Blacked AND blackpilled!
Ummm …
Uhm, that is right though.
His honesty is rare among the niggers. We should kill this one quick.
his words are pretty much the sweetest music I've heard in a long time. It's the sound of awakening and war. Show this to other people and they will join you. Do what you can to enrage the other niggers so that you've got more fuel. Mix it with some jewish redpills and we've got thousands if not milions people more prepared for what is necesary.
His words are far better then what we hear every single day from that didndu race.
If anything we should help him get a following of niggers in Germany, and a counter movement of whites.
So the migrants have no rights. .-. WELCOME TO HOLLYWOOD! Bring your children and leave without'em.
He works for AFD as I understand it. That's what german commenters were saying on the bitchute upload anyway.
Kek. With what guns?
wrong. you 40% white at best amerimutt mongrels were the ones who condemned us when you could have just been minding your own fucking business but wait no, you are and always were slaves to the kikes. like, the original kike slaves, way ahead of time. that's what you've always been
Do something germans
there is Chinatown in every single place in the world. even in euro countries. they ALWAYS network, group up and support each other — what the white male will never do because he is too individualist and too much of a COWARD !
why do you even reply to such obvious textbook talmudic pilpul ?
Germany, Austria and Finland have the most guns per capita in Europe. Though I reckon Eastern Europe has a huge number of illegal/unregistered firearms.
That video is fucking ancient. Plot twist, that guy is AfD supporter and just showing how most foreigners think.
Fucking retards.
Whoopty shit.
Oh, we have guns. We just don't give them to every retard.
I mean, he isn't wrong.
Germans do not have balls, this man may be a nigger but he's correct.
crazy cyclist nigger did nothing wrong, cagenigger tried to kill him.
Once a spineless commie fucktard, always a worthless gibs-addicted nigger. Believing for a split second that an egotistical eurotrash speck of shit is superior to anyone else. You deserve everything the muslims will do to your frail buttholes, you elitist faggot.
moer liek
amiright guis
It's for over half the population. You dumb nigger. Who is at fault if nobody in the cities owns them?
He works for Goldman Sachs? Oh well that explains everything. He is probably employed by that Lesbian JEW BITCH Weidel…no wonder that other nigger was pushing to save his life.
Keep crying, scooterboy.
When I reply to people like that I always factor in that I am actually building my argument for everyone who reads the thread. It is a chance for me to sway hearts and minds to what I believe is the correct answer for my people, (I am German genetically so they have my heart and loyalty; MY TRIBE, national boundaries are meaningless since they were drawn up by ZOG and imposed upon the tribes of the Earth). I will respond until I decide that people can learn nothing more from the interaction and then I block them. Arguing with a worthy opponent also helps me to practice arguing or think of points to use against them that I hadn't thought of before.
In this case the opponent was worthy for about 5 responses until they lapsed into 'robot repeat mode' and started to have a breakdown. At that point I blocked him. I thought it went rather well…actually.
Fabulous…photographic evidence that he works for Goldman Sachs…perfect, thanks. :)
Jew looks for every evidences to keep the germans down.
I am going to have to look into that photo and figure out how many are juden…course, you don't have to be juden to be a slave to ZOG. ALT-KIKES are everywhere nowadays…looking to utterly destroy the last remnants of our people. At least it is obvious that there is nothing 'organic' about AfD and people should not be surprised any more than they were surprised that the ENTIRE ALT-KIKE movement is a sponsored by jews and jewish interests as well…
That one nigger is worty a thousand you.
Just, because Alice Weidel used to work for them that doesn't mean that her party, the AfD, isn't the best fucking choice we Germans have. Speaking of Goldman Sachs.
You can't win elections if you go full gas the kikes race war now you fucking leftard.
Never mind the yid, they fear AfD and hold special grudge against them considering they are actually getting more and more radical.
fake, no migrant would ever be brazen enough admit this no matter how true this is, they are all cowards. Ask yourself why would they leave Africa in the first place.
Yeah, good job, Sherlock.
The opposing narrative AfD provides alone is worth having them in the gov. You cant keep the brainwash going while truthful opposing viewpoints exist.
Isn't the this guy who did the parody a few years ago?
He's a legal immigrant who was pissed off at what was happening in 2015 - so he did a video like he had just arrived to show what they the invaders were thinking and wake people up.
Because there are white govs corrupt enough to pay them to rape white local womenz without any consequences and if the local men pipe up they'll be arrested for life.
yeah, I think this is fake. I saw it a few years ago.
The long time legal immigrant guy was pissed off people were not listening to his warnings that the migrants shouldn't be allowed in, so he made the video pretending to be one of the invaders.
People figure this out since
This man is a literal paste nigger and jews fear him.
So Goldman Sachs is your 'choice' for your people? Why don't you just come out and say you love ZOG? I swear to god I am so angry at you right now that I can barely type.
Indeed you are, I can feel your buttpain over the internet.
OP is a shill digging out old shit that has been proven to be critic against Germanys immigration politics, because he can't stand to see that
Germany is finally waking up
It's just German ZOG enticing gnatzees to attack migrants so they can have an excuse to retaliate.
The channel deleted posts that called the holocaust a lie.
Only jews and kosher golems, do that.
Jews come, and no, this thread aids the other thread, no confusion in message.
We are the people is a nice sentiment to chant. Now all you need to do is purge your elite by hanging and you have your country back.
Who in fuck all would think based on what I have written here that this is the case, ONLY A FUCKING KIKE!