I'm so sad guys. It's also the former Brazilian Imperial Palace. We had dinosaur fossils
The largest collection of mummies outside Egypt
20 million items
500.000 books
The building itself? 200 years old.
All gone now, like tears in the rain, no human will ever set eyes on these things again
Brazilian Museum Ablaze
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You shouldn't have let niggers and indioes take over your country, then.
This hurts to even think about. I dread the day when bongistans great collections get enriched.
I keep looking to find out specifically what cool artifacts are housed there, but all I'm getting are generic results like "it was books, dino bones, and mummies."
What specifically was there that is worth so much to humanity?
- Golden Mask - Ptolemaic Period c.305 b.C
- Sha-Amun-em-su Coffin - Dynasty 23, ca. 750 B.C.
- Dinosaur fossils like brontosaurus and prehistoric mammals like megatherium
- Beautiful architecture.
All lost.
As whites become more and more of a minority this same fate will befall all museums wherever you may find them.
I wonder who could be responsible
Imagine how much further society would be along if mogrels and shitskins did not exist. How many libraries and museums would not have been purposely burned down. Hell even isis dune coons destroy anything they come across like ancient Roman architecture.
The counternarrative.
huehues don't have any culture or history anyway because they are leftist progressive ultra mongrel utopia.
Here is something to get your blood boiling.
Look at what these niggers are saying
"Historic justice delivered by the hands of fate. It now burns the house of the family that for years dominated, killed and exploited the Brazilian people, while also being notoriously passive with the enslaving of american blacks."
Yeah I suppose this is no big deal. Half a million books that no one but a few nerds have probably read in the last century. Some old bones of things that died eons ago maybe a few old pots that were probably inferior to those that can be made in modern factories. Brazil can just replace all that old crap with newer better things. No problem.
These are nigger tier posts.
My blood still hasn’t stopped boiling since my nation help fund Israeli’s proxy army in Syria and let them run rampant and destroy hundreds of world heritage sites. I am beyond ashamed to live in the age where treasures preserved throughout the ages are being destroyed. Being destroyed by savages that could be stopped with ease, yet evil has such a firm grip upon us that we seem incapable. It has to change.
Dude, what's the problem. Its all on wikipedia anyway.
Daily reminder the jews are trying to remove ancient history.
Remember folks, as long as you have a picture of the Mona Lisa on the internet, you can destroy the painting all you want.
This is how you sound like, you ape. What a waste of trips.
Why do you think Gobekli Tepe was burried?
The saying, "As it was, so shall it be." is relevant now more than ever.
There are only two types of people in this world. Those who fight to accurately record and preserve history in all its forms, and those who fight to destroy it.
I also know what it's like to lose the history of your people only to dig for scraps after the deed is done. I wish your people the best of luck and hope the damage is minimized as much as possible.
These people are out of control. What remains of their collections needs to unironically be moved out of the country for safe keeping.
Probably an insurance scheme
I was watching the fire burn on Gloomtube while watching that Vincent Price movie they had on there.
That's how the jews want it to end BTW
By burning our museums down
I hate this fucking planet more every single day. I'm sickened that we have to share a planet, let alone countries, with these ungrateful, idiotic less-than-apes.
You know this is a robbery, right? user, there has never been a building fire in a building with sprinklers in recorded history. Are you telling me that you think that this building didn't have fire sprinklers? Top Kek…no, your nations museum was pillaged and then the remains were set on fire.
This. And they'll also probably make a few bucks on the rising value of certain antiquities that just became rarer.
this is a jew museum retard
Honestly thats super retarded considering hpw far pedro 2 went to ending slavery
Just imagine how much more sickened you'd feel if you were one of them. You were born white, don't worry yourself with what subhumans think.
If it had sprinklers, it was probably never properly maintained, because the money taht should be given for the spare parts/maintenance team have gone to someone else's pocket instead.
The Day of the 'Brazilian Reichstag '
The building structure must be completely compromised, I wouldn't be surprised if the building fell down 9/11 style.
IDK I doubt there was niggers running and maintaining a museum (we all know they aren't capable in any fashion to such a complex task) and the insurance would have run their own building safety inspections at the time of every new exhibit for insurance purposes, this was a total heist, of epic proportions.
You don't though user…it is time to walk the path of ETHNO-GLOBE…there is no reason to share anymore. They are proven unworthy.
Around Blacks never relax
Existe um futuro para o nosso país? Todo dia parece pior a nossa situação.
This is just a lesson on leaving your valuables around shitskinned subhumans.
I am sorry user… I legitimately heard someone else beforehand use this argument without irony. This whole disaster made me very emotional since I am a historian. My apologies.
Checking those numbers of extreme anger at this clown world.
Right on the feels… we are paying the price of our stupidity.
Recent findings says that Gobekli Tepe was even bigger than we believe and its like a big flood (sediment?) covered everything. They had a really advanced and strong economy for such a task and Nevali Cori wasnt big enough for just a few farms.
Daily reminder we need an ethnovirus to cull the nonwhite.
That is how civilization will end. Not a big bang, but a wimper. Piece for piece will erode, be broke, discarded and burn.
Do nigger have electric too?
It's going to get worse. This isn't an accident. The commies are pissed in Huehue land and are lashing out against those that want a better Brazil. The Right is rising and the Left are salting the earth. Never regret hatred, let it flow., ride it's currents.
To not hate your enemy is heresy. To tolerate evil is heresy. To care for inferiors is hersy. To let the enemies of the Emperor live is hersy. Hesitation is heresy.
Let them argue with the barrel of a gun.
What does it mean for the future that so many people feel safe saying things like this? rhetorical question
Fuck all. Those faggots outted themselves as the arsonists the moment they spoke up. All their commie bullshit is going up in smoke, and they got Venezuela shitting up the border towns. It would be obvious to the dimmest nigger that this was Arson.
Huecaques might be lower primates but their heart is in the right place.
This is what you get for releasing apes to intermingle with your people.
Nothing. They only had a museum because whites built it. It was filled with monkey junk, and journals of white monks complaining about the savages not converting to christardom. OH LORD, HOW WITH WE EVER RECOVER!?
What the fuck are you huffing, nigger?
Do you honestly believe that the Mona Lisa is one of the things that you have to experience instead of just see? It shouldn't be destroyed, but come on.
OooooOoooooYyyyyyy VvvVvveEeeEyyyyyyYyyYYYyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You could have been more subtle, Moshe.
I bet that jews did it. They are hell-bent on their plan to erase history.
Gee I wonder who might be behind this…
Sounds like a motive to me.
We are past way Poe's Law. This Clown World.
it s obvious who is behind this because the first to tweet about it (before even a fire) on brasilian social media is a leftist. The leftists are obsessed with destroying history because it shits on them so badly here everyone know sbest period we ever got was the period of the emperor dom pedro imperial almost fascist rule and now the elections near and they are losing they act out again i wish southern brasil was its own country so much fuck these commies and shitskins they ruined everything.
God is real
If you never saw it before you would probably pass it up at a garage sale for $5
culturally enriched by niggers and mulattos
but leftists tell us that should make your country the greatest on earth yet it is the opposite. hmmmmm
Brazil is the best warning against multiculturalism and mixing of races.
If America isn't careful, this will be the Smithsonian in 2030.
Blacks and Jews Don't have any meaningful civilization to preserve.
Their genocidal envy of Europeans and their children is not something to be taken lightly.
I doubt this was a accidental fire.
It is election year and the location is the former seat of the Portuguese King and the Brazilian emperor.
What more potent sign you could send than burning to a crisp the "white fascist man's former center of glory"?.
Welcome to "Brazil is a shithole: The final chapter".
The position of that word in that sentence its enough for a /xpol/ thread.
Oh, imagine that. When firefighters arrived, there was no water in the hydrants closest to the museum.
And what would the CIA have to gain by destroying that? What would anyone have to gain? The only people who do that shit on purpose are camel fuckers and they do it because "muh allah".
The fire hydrants weren't working. You know why? Not because someone turned them off. Not because of a grand conspiracy. Because the Brazilian government is corrupt as fuck, to the point where even basic maintenance of basic emergency infrastructure has decayed to the point where shit like this happens.
I mean this is like the socialists in Venezuela thinking their country's collapse is due to rich people hoarding all the goods. Or the Haitians who think their country is shit because "da white man still keep us down". No you morons, all your troubles are self-inflicted, and you deserve it. The only tragic thing is that the contents of the museum were irreplaceable pieces of human heritage.
You're probably right user. It's likely a coincidence. I wonder if I can find more.
Find all you want. If the CIA had anything to do with it, they wouldn't have burned it, they would have stolen everything they could. If a large portion of the stuff which was supposed to be in there suddenly shows up on the black market with no damage whatsoever, you'll have a case. Until then, you're just spouting bullshit.
There was another musuem fire in 2015, Sao Paulo, Brazil
A major fire gutted one of Latin America’s most popular and respected museums on Monday afternoon and killed a firefighter on duty there. The cause of the blaze at the Museum of the Portuguese Language in São Paulo — or the Museu da Língua Portuguesa — an important landmark and cultural resource for the region, has not been determined. São Paulo’s governor, Geraldo Alckmin, told reporters that the firefighter, Ronaldo Pereira da Cruz, had died at a hospital. The museum is closed on Mondays, a fact that probably averted additional casualties. The museum, in a building in the historic city center that is more than 100 years old, is considered a trove of information on the history and evolution of the Portuguese language. Early signs suggest that the cultural loss may be minimized. “We probably have many things backed up,” Isa Ferraz, a curator at the museum, told the Brazilian television station Globo. Mr. Alckmin, who visited the scene on Monday, pledged his support, saying of the museum, “It will be rebuilt.”
Another film is THE WIZARD & THE COMMODORE about the Moriori holocaust at the hands of Maori tribes in the 1800's on NZ's outlying islands. Now showing in NZ theatres apparently NZ's most controversial film of 2017.
hue hue hue
fuck off subhuman brazil no one gives a fuck. i wish many brazilians including you were locked inside to burn like the plagueniggers they are
Fuck Republicans and Masons who ruined the country in 1889.
So many crap to be burned, the leftist university that should maintain it included. Now they are throwing the blame one to the other. There was not any fire-preemptive equipment inside. No alarms. Nothing. Anyone, any commoner, working or visiting that place should have took initiative and changed that. Now they are going to find some generalized invisible institution to blame and pretend they had done everything at their reach.
This year was the building's 200th anniversary. Almost 200 years ago, in that very building, our independence was declared. 7th of September is the day we commemorate it. 4 days to go, and the best of our country's history is gone.
We all always wished Brasilia would burn like that. I hope I can see it burning in my lifetime.
You have the soul of a nigger. Probably a nigger outside as well.
our bloodlines are ruined, soiled with dirt and mud.
this was we had left, proof we were once great, all of our pride, gone.
only joy in this is i know unitedstatians will go the same way, they will too be just as subhuman mixed low iq mutts as we are and will go down in worse ways their libraries and historical buildings such as their precious librarby of the congress and smithsonian all burned to the ground becuz they are built funded by racist slave owning white men founders.
we are you just a couple decades into the future, never forget that unitedstatians.
you will pay.
They didn't, jews did what they have done everywhere else, used their ability to print money to seize political power then flood the country with invaders to occupy any indigenous who might oppose them.
That is because the Mona Lisa is an example of a jewish scam that creates false value. The reason that the painting is so famous is that it was "stolen" for a year, and for that year their press did nothing except write about it. Nobody went to see it specifically before that. When it was recovered it was now the most famous picture in the world, everyone who could read knew its name.
can you explain this kikery?
What poor luck.
Tough shit. That's how democracy works. Either the people who established that democratic system of government perish, or the state perishes. Same thing is happening in basically all democratic countries in west.
some of us already know. walk into a municipal government office's water or fire department at the people managing it. half are on their smartphones, half just looked up for a second. no one is doing anything but collecting paychecks until they stop. and do you think most people in new york really care about what's inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art? they should built a replica and replace it. no one will notice the difference as long as they can take a "selfie" in front of it.
civilization of monkeys with a 3-second attention span. you're optimistic with the "couple of decades." i'm guessing 15, max, before the fires become too frequent for people to continue to pretend it's all going to work out.
water was rumored to be shut off to the museum over a year ago due to budget cuts.
No. It did not have a working sprinkler system.
It's The Library of Alexandria all over again! Just kidding, you suck, nigger Brazil.
Could have been great. Fucking Jews.
The issue is that that which is on the internet can be changed.
have the books at least been digitized?
Yes, they kept the digitized copies in museum.
What has been lost.
I know it's easy to meme about 'huehuehue monkey' shit but seeing those photos and knowing all that is now gone ruined my fucking day man.
If it's arson I hope you fucking brazilbros massacre the fucking marxist shitskins in your nation en masse.
They wouldn't put in on the black market anyway. It would have been taken by ship to Tristan de Cunha and from there whatever was valuable would be moved to Antarctica.
Are you going to tell me that they didn't have sprinklers either?