I recognize the excellence of keeping races pure. Yet, I've been mixed up, in British, Swedish, German, and Sicilian grandparents. Does this mean I would be looked down upon by Nazi's ? Would it be the type of thing, of , first they come for the jews, and eventually they would come for anybody who is mixed at all? At least I'm still white. Even my sicilian grandmother was a pretty white version of sicilian. I married an extremely white Russian girl. Where do I fit in? It feels like I'm just European. I wish I was more pure. Just wondering how accepted I would be amongst a Hitler supporting crowd.
Am I allowed in the club?
Hitler's army was diverse (including many jews, surprisingly) and he didn't send anyone to "death camps", and the labor camps were not only for threats to society but were humane unlike any other. National socialists were not what some (((hollywood))) fanfic says.
likely shit slide thread, but still
This is true.
so you're nonwhite but blaming it on traditionally white countries? cool. fuck off pls.
I don't see user blaimg on white countries.
Race mixers and mutts get the rope.
There goes America… the whole continent.
This is nu/pol/, all you're going to hear from here is "DIE DIE DIE".
You’re white, retard. Shut the fuck up and lurk more.
This is very true. The quality of the board went to shit when idiots just kept screaming "KILL KILL KILL."
Sicilians are white. There, I said it.
America is an advanced cancer and the birth place of white destruction and globalism. Every white would benefit from a nuke dropped on that poztopia.
Grammar Nazis, at least.
When are you going to get tired and leave, Shecky? You aren't fooling anyone. We just filter you after the first comment.
He definitely inherited nignog genes.
I'm a Eurasianist, mate, not a kike.
Off by one, OP's maybe a troll or a mad argie.
Julius Evola was Sicilian, so there's something to be proud about. But seriously, only way to tell if you're actually white is by taking a DNA test.
not much of a death camp if they can't even kill the first 700 people to arrive, huh?
Dugin is a Jew.
Part Jew, from his father's side. But Eurasianism transcends Dugin. The spirit is in the heart of every man from the eastern bloc.
Thread bumplocked for QTDDTOT.
there is a difference between race and phenotype, you should look that up
unless this is a slide thread than fuck off nigger
The whole divide the goy thing is a Jew meme.
Why do people worry about this ethno state acceptance shit? You are going to be more busy with an evil system and ppl persecuting you than some reich realisation
they all feel like slide threads now.
because you're a idiot
Hilter had blacks, whites, and Muslims - all kinds of people in his army. I doubt he cared about that racial purity lie the deep state likes to spread
So, a stealthy version of LOL AMERIMUTTS? Shills are learning.
Most of us are European mutts, mixed between various euro groups. This loss of diversity is even more serious in the USA because there have been much more browns mixing with the whites, though this is only really prevalent in more recent times so it shouldn't be too hard for an ocular patdown to determine whether someone is white or not.
Anyways Sicily is in Italy, Italy is part of Europe, don't let the kike D&C convince you otherwise. Your mother being from one European country and your father being from another European country makes you a European. Unless you have some ashkenazi DNA I wouldn't worry about it, and even if the "exterminate" crowd had their way, there aren't enough purebred Europeans left to validate your fears of eventual targeting.
Nazi is also a kike-invented political slur equivalent to Commie or Pinko, so just call it National Socialism or NatSoc.
No nigger. You need to go back.
Germans, swedes and brits have the same roots so mixes of these groups are tolerateable to some degree. Your sicilian part and your russian girlfriend sucks though but that's just my personal view. The national socialists during the 3rd reich would consider you as 100% aryan since they regarded italians as aryans aswell for some reason. I guess you would feel a lot more comfortable in the USA than a european nation. You are not a nord, german, italian or slav but you are white which is all it takes to be accepted by US "nazis"
I dont see op being nonwhite or blaming any countries
That's what "amerimutt" used to mean before cuckchan turned it into that spic blob meme.
But he's right, which part of that do you think is wrong? Sounds like you need to lurk more.