HABBENING: New Trade Deal Will Pay for the Wall


This was the plan from the beginning when a wall was being talked about. It won't be a direct thing in the deal where Mexico must acknowledge it, but the money saved from mexico would be more than the cost of a wall.

Anyone who thought El Presidente was going to hand Trump a giant novelty check for 20 billion dollars is a shill, the money was always going to be extracted via indirect avenues.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Bump, before kikes slide this thread into the memoryhole.

There will be no wall without violence and bloodshed, and honestly a wall doesn't even matter while we have 90million illegals running around on this side of the wall. Pull your head out of your ass faggot.

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You can't meme the race war.

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figured it'd be like this, i don't mind much
what i want to know is, what will become of mexico's drug based economy? will mexico fall?

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we could build the wall for a fraction of what he agreed to send to pissrael this year.

yay, big win for us!

Mexico is on suicide watch tonight!

Thats where you are wrong bucko.

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nice to see people using gab … fuck twitter

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a wall still matters , you dont want to add to that 90 million.

you are a complete retard

trump and jewish star . png

time to go back

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>the wall currently being funded and build won't be funded nor build unless you go suicidal
Holy fucking shit, you suck at shilling.

Thats because I am not shilling. The wall is not being funded or built. There have only been minor fence repairs.

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Wall is already being built.

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Yay, more pro-Trump and anti-Trump shit flinging to shit up the board more. CONGRATS ON THE DnC NIGS

Donald Jew Trumpstein is building the """wall""" (ie a glorified fence) to keep all 40 million illegal spics in this country,

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Before the shills attack this, those bars are hollow for the concrete inside!!

Thanks for this, I can add it to the fence repair post to show Trump is lying about the wall.

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There is a wall mid-construction.

Slit your throat, Sinead.

Keep telling yourself that while Trump's presidency quickly comes to an end. When hes done with his 8 years and theres no wall you are going to look back on this and realise how utterly stupid you were. We need to make this a bigger issue and DEMAND that the wall be built.

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Is that a threat nigger? what the fuck is a sinead


How will you win a war when all you do is watch anime?

That's good news, user. I hate to be a blackpilled faggot, but the spics have already dropped more than enough anchors to outpopulate our people. Physical removal will still be required, each and every one of them.

it's for detecting newfags

You better stop watching cartoons and get busy then

Violent white nationalists have no place in #Baste Kekistan. As long as Hispanics are legal, they're not a problem. We just need to take the time to explain the benefits of free markets and free speech to them.

Did you run out of 10 bux and now you are posting here?

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we can meme whatever we want.

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I'm serious, you'll never build a white paradise if you spend all your time watching anime. You are only reacting that way because you know you aren't being the best you can be, don't shoot the messenger.

90 million? Cmon now mordecai, you'll have to do better than that.


want to stop a boat for sinking?
plug the hole

Violence and bloodshed, eh?
Send US Troops, tanks, choppers, etc down to the border, as it is being constructed, and gun down every shitskinned beaner who tosses a dirty glance our way, let alone tosses a rock.

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This exact same shill bullshit is on half-chan.

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who the fuck is "super elite texan"? this proves nothing.

the Trump cock sucking surely knows no bounds

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< vote for niggers and Hillary, goyim


I swear, at one point, the wall will be finished, built and wider than originally planned. And there will still be buttblasted redditors and leftyfags coming here claiming there will be no wall.

I hope so, but right now it doesn't look like the wall is being built.

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Every single time.

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It will only take a couple of terror events for people to be clamoring for the wall. It's inevitable, it just so happens. There's only the question of time.

Remember, we were (((told))) the terrorists in 911 came from Canada. Believe that, nigger?

Terrorism, drugs, crime… these are not the reasons for the wall.
the wall is to keep the beaners out. Even if the beaners were perfectly well behaved they need to be kept OUT.
The wall is not being built and we are being lied to about it.

Haven't we already had a thread every week claiming something can be used to fund the wall and it never happens? In fact where the fuck do these funds even go because I know for a fact those fence repairs don't cost that much. I mean I'm sure I already know where the funds go(into some kikes pockets) but yeah


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Embarrassing, never mind, this news is fucking fake.

We just got a nigger and Hillary wasn't even elected

why these cuckolds root for (((our BFF's))) while watching their own nation get destroyed by shit policies and useless wars which we finance, fight and die in is mind-boggling

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spics are almost 40% of the population, that would actually be more than 90 million. We're fucked even if America had a 1 mile high wall. Trump's failed horrifically and you MAGA fucks need to realize this.

it doesn't take a magafag to see you don't belong here faggot

nice lack of an argument leftypol

There are more people here than you realise who have come to terms with this already.

Kek, more signs you don't belong here.
There is no argument to be made, you have come here to sow despair and attempt D&C but for the initiated you stand out like the big gay clown you are with the added bonus of a target on your back flailing your arms around while holding strobe lights. The world would be a better place if people like you quietly gasses yourselves.

What kinda retard logic is that?
It's like saying because i get a discount on some wares at the store, they gave me money

What are you talking about? This guy seems fucking BASED.

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They are all Christians. They will integrate in time just like the Irish and Italians did.

Your plebbit god emperor isn't going to help make you great when you are murdered by Pedro for a loaf of bread.


Its kike logic.


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Of course you're insults rely upon the presupposition that I am a rabid trump supporter and that what you say would bother me, instead I pity you. When the time comes the invading foreigners, you and yours, will be hung from the street lamps at every corner.


A wall would be great, but it's useless if people can still (((legally))) enter the country, and if (((they))) are still in control. A wall in the hands of our people would be a blessing, but in the hands of the enemy it has potential to be a release valve on our rage.

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larp harder, maybe your handler might give you that much lauded 0.0005 cent raise

These kike OP Trump worship threads just keep getting better and better.

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…dios mio

you're bad at this

Fuck off outgroup, you keep trying to act like you're from here but you keep missing the marks.

Zig Forums is the internets hate machine, you're the only one that doesn't belong by using shill D&C bullshit like 'blackpill' to prevent the average Zig Forumsack from rightfully getting upset. No one talked about giving up, just facing fucking reality. You'd have Zig Forums trust the word of some Israel first magapede kike mongrel because it's not 'blackpilling'. Fucking leave already, asshole.

You're so obvious it hurts.

nice, now you're outright lying by putting words in my mouth. Here's the only guy that said blackpill in the thread besides (((you)))

And he's right and not even being defeatist like the guy I originally said was.

That is exactly what you and 526493 have done this entire thread, you've said nothing positive or remotely hopeful and defended those that attempt to sow discord and despair while lying like the fucking kike you are. The only way you could begin to save face is by saying in your next post that Israel and all jews everywhere should be exterminated to the last.

So did you change IPs or are you one of their Consensus engineering friends?

Is having 90 millions spics and counting not reason to be worried for the future of this country? How are you going to remove that many people?

Concerned yes despair no.
If necessary one Bullet at a time.

Yeah, except the news is fucking fake and from some jewish abominations yidder account. If not for the 'blackpill' anons in this thread you'd have people shilling and falling for literal fake news because it's not defeatist, or blackpilled, or whatever bullshit term you redditors use. Everyone knows mass deportations and retroactive repeals of anchor baby policy are the only options, and we're not even getting the wall anyway if people have to rely on speculative jew posts and months old pictures of a fucking fence repair that even Onigger signed off on. I have family who live on the border and drive up and down it for work and there's been NOTHING. If people rightfully got upset and stopped being so gullible and worshiping false idols as Gods maybe we could force these god damn traitors like Trump to actually do something the people elected him to do.

Keep worshiping jewish cock while you "make america great again" with your civic nationalist bullshit.

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Nothing you wrote had anything to do with what I wrote in my post or the text you quoted and you've failed to make any redeeming statement to prove the merit of anything you have to say. At this point I'm beginning to wonder if you're a bot. Regardless I think it would be best if you went into the garage, turned the car engine on and just sat there for a while.

definitely a bot

Fuck off faggot, there won't be a wall period not because of muh violence but because Trump is a faggot, and a wall WILL do difference

user that is clearly a Poojeeta


you know

unless you need to upgrade the wall at some point

then muslims with box cutters might manage to fly a compule of planes into the wall

but don't worry, Trump will catch Osama2 bang tarden, by god he'll get him, and fuck man, will some country get bombed over it

and there'll be people that say what the fuck man, jews really did it, but it's ok Trump will hire them as his lawyer while the top cop that was around at the time is investigating him

based trump, wtf i love imkampy now yay


it's the new chant guys get into it

fucking christ where do you faggots come from

Don't fall for kampfy posting like this ((( )))

i know man, i'm sorry it's just that I think Israel did 9/11 and Donald Trump isn't even going to lock up hollywood paedophiles.

yeah bros, i'm a shill. I know man it's like normies want the perpretrators of 9/11 to go down and for like the media to actually get exposed and shit and for like cool shit to happen

but your legit user autismo, they wanna talk about the economy and this wall that might be happening. Pffft everyone knows that's cooler and the most organic.

and you need to lurk two years you god damn turbonigger.

Fuck off cuckchan and reddit level shilling.

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yeah how does that work?
so you get pissed off about spics raping and killing, but then you see a wall and go

Thats exactly what happened when Trump got elected. Now whites are just sitting around complacent while they feel secure about their halucinated fence that isn't being constructed.

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Fucking boomers.

Keep posing that tired ass pic from 6-7 months ago. If the wall were actually being built dont you think Trump would have updated pics on it every month posted on twatter?

I can't really make fun of this, I can understand why those whites are just trying to grapple onto something that's actually for them. The hope that the entire world isn't against you existing, that your government isn't your enemy, that your doing something to fight the bad guy. Its really sad but understandable, like with most things normalfag Whites do.

I see right through your tricks, Scholomo

It is being constructed user, but not nearly as fast or enough as people would like to see. And only in certain areas too. Not enough funding right now because it is Congress that is blocking the wall from being fully built. Republicans and Democrats both support amnesty, only Trump stands in the way, thus all the media panic because the kike media supports the death of the white race.


Note that when I say this I understand Trump's an Israeli stooge and all that. But to say he doesn't want a border is not true, he may actually be jealous of Israel's wall in fact. So there is some truth to him wanting the wall BUT it is the US Congress that won't allow this to happen.