Did a whistleblowing cianigger just make the collective glow exponentially brighter?
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Did a whistleblowing cianigger just make the collective glow exponentially brighter?
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Hello Cia
Current thread on 4pol
< cianigger in question
yawn, try harder shills, no one is going to go on your IP logger honeypot.
hello cianigger
I'm sorry that you couldn't even lurk long enough to find the verification for the source
However, here's a nice image I'm sure you'll want me to share.
you're both fucking morons who need to be on your knees shaving ma fucking balls son.
literally anyone could have made that in photoshop, nice try though
That's why you review the information.
archive it nigger, we all aren't paid to shill like you
Maximum shilling in here, must be something. Start digging and post highlights. Dont forget to filter/report shills.
Sages negated
shitskin and shrill
the only shills in here are you, OP, and the sperg
Yep, this is officially now just another nothingburger lame larp thread.
tell your agency to stop saving files in grainy formats then
you sure are a scary guy, maybe just image dump the juiciest stuff you got struggler
tell your buddies you're going to be up all night shilling this dump :)
Do we notice some names here?
Why is this anchored?
the paranoid never sleep friend
Because its real most likely
Zig Forums calls the cia
speaking of paranoid, I wonder how the cia is feeling right about now
Because it might be interdasting
Who is more dead, Assange or Terry?
Is this your way of saying you would like to slide what this thread is about?
Pretty much both shroedinger at this point
Why the FUCK would you anchor the thread when in qresearch you suggested everyone DIG on the fucking subject?
Fuck you kike shill faggots
oh oh
but this right here makes me really think, a mod better steps up right now and fix this shit.
so it was the cia who brought the cocain to japan
hmmmmmm, better mods who are on the payrole of the elite anker this bread, huh?
so wtf
nothing is ever going to happen to these people
is this to just rub it in our faces?
fuck off glowworms
yo, i just found something that makes this shit 300% more hot.
there is a DOC file with all Anttorney generalk IP's
and they are actually not fake
anons,wake up now
It looks pretty legit.
Though fuck me the website the guy made for it is garbage and theres a lot of weird pointless extra shit.
If it is all fake then the guy put more effort into the forged docs than he did his website.
wew, another rabbit hole
look at the way he typed to the rockafella, rich people with bad grammar and spelling rule the world. why would you think the site is coherent. that said, shit is fucking legit. nam confirmed a psy op, bush shadow-ran a airline to smuggle opium. wouldnt be surprised if he killed kennedy being all reports place him as a CIA asset in dallas the day of JFK's shooting
Bumplocked by comped mods
Going to need another chan location soon
I downloaded it, seems legit considering the leaker has put his ID all over it so rip to him.
I'm currently trying to confirm the guys ID.
He claims to be a consul/ambassador from the democratic republic of congo to australia.
Looking forhis name is predictably difficult these days (miss the old days)
But I did find videos of this Eliaha Priest guy who looks somewhat similar and is somehow involved with the Congo. Not really watched through them properly.
Further searching revealed this:
They might be the same person. But source is meh.
I found docs many years ago that had been leaked on an bank account by the name of spiritual white child transferring trillions of dollars. It was co-signed by Queen Elizabeth and the vatican. Good to see it is back in the limelight again with fresh docs. These are accounts that operate above the normal banking level, accounts that are never seen in audits, grey accounts that fund wars and takeovers without anyone ever knowing funds where shifted or that the accounts exist.
So looking it up further it seems there is no embassy or consular mission from the DRC to Australia.
So where the fuck is this guy staying/working from?
Australia's diplomatic representation to DRC is from the High Commission in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Yeah he doesn't work for Australia though.
He's representing the DRC. Or so he claims.
they're literally children
Priest DRC Residency 2017.jpeg
Yes, look at the credentials. His adress is for Kinshasa, Gombe (the capitol). Not every diplomat is a permanent mission and not every mission has its own embassy. People wait in line to become African diplomats to smuggle diamonds to all kinds of western countries that have no embassy. Watch The Ambassador (2011) sometime.
Ok so this guy is a fake official diplomat from the DRC to Australia.
And he's Australian too.
So we got anything else on his background? Who he is? Why he'd be involved in something like this?
The thing I linked references his involvement in some SWIFT banking transaction involving a group called the five star trust?
Involving 15 trillion US Dollars?
Yes we have all kinds of info on this guy. Read any of the material in the dump, watch any of the videos, or maybe, well, you know, look into any of it at all.
Well its something
Also lol that we have any kind of relations with Congo, the capital of a nigger apocalypse
I got my doubts.
Look at the quality of formating and polished design of his several websites.
Why use MEGA for the drop?
I also noticed that he has a mutual friend with me on FB, a friend that i suspect of being a honeypot/ plant masquerading as an 'alt-right' agitator.
Will watch this unfold with skepticism.
Material in the dump is still suspect.
We don't know who or what he is. Independent confirmation of identity and possible intent is required.
So this five star trust thing.
Seems to be something from the cold war era involving Bush Sr. Heavily involving CIA drug trafficking.
While consistent with the overall story, something still seems off.
Oh yes do we have any froganons capable of translating this for us?
Wait I just looked up that guy who seems to have uploaded the first two.
Seems craycray
I've known about Eliilah for a few months now. He popped up on FB out of all places, wrote him off at first when he started bandying about the term "international courts".
Now he pops again with this Insignia thing.
I dumped everything i knew in the halfchinz thread, including threads which i suspect he might have made on here and /aus back in June/July.
Could you summarise or link?
Whats your general take on all this?
In the world where Dick Nixon got impeached for knowing about the CIA's crimes, shit's gunna make you sound crazy no matter what.
Yeah that guy is more "I AM A PHARAOH AND COMMAND YOU TO CEASE IMPOUNDING MY AURA!" kind of crazy by the looks of it.
The kind of autistic crazy that might write a bunch of letters to various government officials and banks just because he's crazy and thinks they'll do what he says.
A lot of this other stuff looks good though.
To much effort to fake it.
Though whats with the poor scan quality? Can't the USA do it properly?
possibly getting played to LARP his way into creating a false flag event which would force the powers that be to shutdown every method he used to communicate out this Insignia gate stuff.
I first came across him on InfoWarz OZ Faceberg group page lol. He livestreamed himself being detained in a mental hospital after he called up ministers in parliament and started rattling off stuff about international law justice and global corruption.
Whilst some or even ALL of what he says may have merit, he has been so flagrantly making videos (even a rap video in front of MI6 building in London), travelling the world, posting FB livestreams that I can't take it that seriously.
Also look at his fucking GF, she's attractive to look like she is a SpecOps plant or handler for him.
His FB: fakebook.com
Can you imagine being this fucking stupid?
So you're saying he's false-flagging Dropbox and YouTube and MEGA and Twitter?
Yes he's a wigger who fucking raps and does all kinds of shit I abhor. But take the route that he's a plant seriously: the only viable option is that he's a fucking Russian spy and they're not even doing this during an election.
We have the honor to request you to grant a stolen visa to MR Priest, Peter etc.. the holder of an Australian passport No. PA 2893397, a partner of the Head of State's civilian residence, from Australia, via South Africa, which arrives in Kinshasa this Saturday, March 18th, by the regular flight SAA.
please agree, blah blah, awaiting your reply etc.
high iq post
Probably a good thing this is anchored. Normally i'm all for hope porn that gives a glimmer in the darkness but this seems so incredulous. Not the content of what is being said but how he is going about getting it out.
It could all be true (CIA cartels, blood diamonds, super big trust fund) but it all seems crafted and dubious to me.
Why use mega?
Why reference 8ch and dump on here?
Why mention QAnon?
He is probably being played himself by some pied piper pretending to be a deep throat.
I tried to check out other people referenced and found LinkedIn profiles but don't have an account and refuse to give phone number to those kikes so can't check them.
His behaviour is dam fucking odd to say the least.
A lot of this stuff is stuff we already know or is already floating around out there.
Your idea that he's some kind of plant to try and discredit all this is plausible, his behaviour is certainly in line with such an approach.
And its not like the CIA doesn't have a history of doing it, there's probably a small army of crazies they're manipulating on this front.
But what is this guys background? How is he affording all this if he's so crazy?
there is a lot of shit going on, you better stay aware of all this shit and not get caught up in a psyops.
and by the way, it is odd that when ever anons start to focus on pizzagate, something big happens.
In order to discuss the business opportunities with the Congolese authorities, the Australian company HEAR OF AFRICA etc. which intervenes in a variety of sectors of activity, will make a working visit to the Republic of Congo from March 30 to 05 April 2017.
The head of the delegation is:
MR Priest, Peter alex etc. passport no PA2893397
Thus, the diplomatic representation of our country (DRC) is requested to facilitate our partner obtaining a visa for his stay in Brazzaville
Please believe ambassador in the assurance of my distinguished consideration
Yep. I agree with that 100%
You mean shit like all this getting dumped?
Are they distracting us from modern crimes with historic ones?
Throw the old/dead/dying to the wolves to save their skins?
Well what was really dumped?
Nothing really. Just sound audio files and .pdfs that look sorta official.
and I agree mainly that stuff like this comes out as a timesink for autists to look into as a distraction.
who knows, maybe if we focus enough (((they))) feel the need to start project bluebeam!?
Well a lot of the docs look legit.
Main issue we have though is that a lot of this stuff has been out for years plus a lot of those involved are either dead or long out of power.
Timesink is about right. Distraction most certainly.
There's nothing really new here.
We know the CIA is massively into drugs, we know the Dulles approved it, we know where they got them and where they sent them, we know Bush Sr was balls deep in it back in the day.
All this does is mostly provide details that provide a little flesh to what we already knew.
Perhaps useful one day but not any time soon. Certainly worthy of archiving I suppose. Gonna need more hard drives at this rate.
If only this dude actually listened to what's in those files or read the documents, lol.
Yeah, sure, presidents and directors of the CIA are shown to knowingly sell drugs to Americans and feel they've done no wrong. It's just a bunch of worthless pdf's goy!
But is that news?
We know this. We've known this for years. We talked about that shit on /new/ that's how long we've known
The whole thing is filled with stuff that's new, yes. It's like I'm watching a conversation of skeptical dregs talk about how to dismiss something they would prefer go away. There's a LOT of files that are way too big to post here. I just listened to two mp3's that are over an hour a piece that are extremely damning and I haven't even scratched the surface of everything here.
No offense my man. But like, yes, there's NEW stuff, worthy of being NEWS!
What I mean is. We've known these people did these things.
We've known the general events.
What is there to this that provides genuinely new knowledge that isn't just details and specifics to what we already knew in principle?
Is there anything we can use now? Against our current enemies?
Bush Sr going down for this now wouldn't accomplish shit. If you've got a time machine to go back to his presidential campaign with all this then that changes things.
the CIA CocainInternationalAirlines doc's are actually old ones
they even made a movie abou this happening with tom cruise, good red pill, worth to watch
If I wasn't the only one here digging, I'm sure there would be a clear and concise answer to everything that is new and usable. In terms of principle of what's new, no it's not going to give you a new conceptual reasoning of some new kind of corruption you were previously unaware of or leaning towards. But imagine catching Skippy on tape in the 80s talking about all the kids he loves to diddle and maybe you'll see what this is in terms of drug smuggling via government agency and banking that goes outside the normiesphere.
his website. His ideas should be looked at, regardless on his person. Facts matter, not the person who releases them.
Well right now my ability to plow through it all is limited courtesy of hitting my MEGA limit for the next few hours because I was downloading other shit to shift it to archive.
This stuff will also be added to aforementioned archives at a later date.
We do need to figure out a better way to get through stuff like this, digest and distribute relevant information.
I feel that our opponents may be seeking to drown us in information.
Well, apparently the Bush family is bad people and used the cia break into senator kennedys house to secure a document linking the bush's to 5 star trust
did the movie have bush shadow-running the airline?
this shit is totally fake.
ever since the ((Deep State))) silenced Assange and hijacked the Wikileaks Tor onion server to prevent further uploads of leaks and sabotaged the release of the existing pre-commitments which Assange tweeted about back in October 2016, and ever since this QLARP faggotry poor-man's-Wikileaks subsitute has been pumped out by JTRIG glowniggers and parroted into authenticity by (((Fake News Assets))) to soak up the public interest in leaks and divert Boomer MAGAtards to keep spinning in their hamster wheels by "digging" and "Trust The Plan, Goy"–after all of this bullshit the general state of Leaks is in the shitter.
now this faggotry.
these Boomer faggots with the short term memory of gnats don't even remember what the fuck a real Top Secret leak looks like, if they ever knew at all.
and notice how nothing ever comes out of the "digging", because it's all fake documents and fake e-celebs LARPing.
QLARP and his many clones are JTRIG's tactic to defeat leaks by making readers of leaks become passive participants who are dependent upon non-existent Happenings in each week's serial installment episode of the latest Soap Opera plot twists in the Deep State's sprawling Marvel-universe-like "Conspiratainment" containment psyop.
sure pal, it is an unquestionable fact that the CIA is helping Pedokike billionaires run Intl trafficking sex rings, so that CIA can extract Adrenochrome from the kidnapped pizzas to provide the only known fuel that activates the Pituitary gland, so that George HW Bush can maintain telepathic contact with the Archillean Ambassador aboard his cloaked Mothership in low orbit above the Earth, so that George Bush can continue his dastardly plot to betray humanity and assist the space alien's Invasion of Earth and the enslavement humanity and the conversion of humanity into food for the aliens.
sounds legit, keep digging Based Pedes! preferably, keeping digging so far deep down your own boipucci until it hurts and blood comes out–YOU MIGHT FIND THE TRUTH.
in this fake Insignia psyop LARP files on Mega, go to:
3. KEY DOCUMENTS -> Classified Gov Releases -> FBI_Eagle_i.pdf
i have read upwards of 50,000 classified dox, and this doc is the fakest shit i have ever seen.
you'd have to be a brain dead retard who has never seen a Top Secret doc to believe in 1989 that the FBI sent Senator Ted Kennedy a memo where the FBI
tells Ted that the CIA and George Bush have a secret fortune of so many trillions of dollars that there isn't even a name for such a cosmically enormous number, which was hoarded through CIA's Intl drug trafficking profits.
first of all, there is no Classification Markings on this document, just "For His Eyes Only", which isn't valid and is legally meaningless.
if this doc was real, FBI would be in total violation of USC Title 18, 3a.31, which requires all Classified documents to be properly marked.
do you really fucking think the FBI would tell a Senator this information? why does FBI know about CIA's super-duper sekrit plan for World Domination anyways? and why would Ted Kennedy only be finding out about it in fucking 1989? and you think Ted Kennedy wouldn't have immediately used this
info to blackmail and claw his way into becoming President?
it doesn't even take 5 minutes of critical thinking to see this document is fake as fuck–it's a clownworld level forgery.
the rest of the docs in this "leak" are just as fake.
this "leak" is 11GB of garbage and non-existent fraudulent top secret dox that don't reveal anything true–100% shitty fiction that is more like some bad scifi that L Ron Hubbard would write.
now just to show you faggots what is the difference between a fake top secret leak and real secret leak, i have uploaded an image which nobody has ever seen from a Top Secret slide deck which i stole from the NSA's former Chief of R&D, who i brutally hacked.
this is the difference between a real leak and a fake leak.
a fake leak gets your dick wet and keeps you with blue balls for hours and days and you waste all that time "digging", and the meaning of the fake leak is 100% up to arbitrary interpretation and astrology and "experts", and the fake leaks always, always, always makes you go "this isn't new, everybody already knew the govt did this."
a real leak is obvious within 30 seconds of looking at it, there is zero ambiguity nor room for interpretation and intermediary "experts" to tell you what to think and it makes you go "holy shit, i never knew the govt was doing that!"
the top pic looks really fake
are aussie licences that shit
Bump, here his YouTube! Interesting video btw. youtu.be
tl;dr he dumped his file collection which anons are so used to that they've forgotten its magnitude, and is a good review for anyone