I dont like JEWS but i dont think they deserve our hatred

i mean look whats coming out with trump as president. all of the Q drops.

the jew question and hatred is spread by them to keep you looking into the jews and not the bigger picture

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Other urls found in this thread:


basically want im saying is, we should hate jews as much as mormons, catholics, jehovas and muslims

A good thread had to die for this shit. Reported.

judaism > frankism > frankfurt school > cultural marxism > progressivism
jews are merchants of death and destroyers of nations

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Hate their father, the devil.

yes they do

also this

a good thread died for your fucking idiocy, if you're not an actual IDF shill then please, in the future, consider the "cost" of such an inane OP as this, put it in QTDTOT or something if you MUST but don't make a fucking thread when there is literally no reason to do so

i hate you cunts as much as j000000000000000000z

don't kid yourself you fucking idiot Zig Forums is slow as shit, theres about 20 anchored threads still floating around

why cant you stupid cunts commit sudoku already fuck

i mean jesus christ even you're just trying to troll, even if you're just trying to shill, you are so fucking retarded my iq is lowering by the second

oh shit now ive caught the retardation and now i cant stop myself

oh fuck wont someone stop me from posting inane bullshit, im not some faggot like op

too late now im a fucking retarded piece of shit like op brb blowing my brains out

Pretty much this. Whether you want to hate them as individuals is up to you, but as a collective they do the will of the devil. They are the physical servants of spiritual wickedness. Sure there are other people who do evil as well, but they follow a creed that is dedicated to it. They are antichrist. They have been trying to pervert and destroy this world for millennia. If anything is worth hating; it is the enemy of all that is good. As a collective or as individuals, or both; is up to you - but know that it is good to hate evil.

turn right the fuck around, and fuck the fuck off back to halfch

do you fucking retards really believe in some bullshit that jews invented?
christ, the state of this place

thanks for the demonstration of both the pitiful mental capacity and shit tactics of your shilling

Do your own independent research, don't let your handlers stop you, the pay per post shill lifestyle isn't for you, you'd be far better eating paste, perhaps elmers has a taste testing position or something, that would really brighten your prospects

Anyway since the thread had relevance - yep, this is another good thing to come out of Trump's presidency, if there are successful AntiTrust suits against these corporations as far as I am concerned his legacy in my eyes will be a positive one regardless of the REEEEing of the kike media and paid shills/actual retards like 5c0459

Here's hoping to see heads roll.

stop trying to shill this thread as if its something good you worthless cunt
there's a reason im saging and you bumped you jew blue share cunt, you're getting paid, i do it for free, fuck you and your kin, the holocaust never happened but it should have and it fucking will

This is either a slide thread or you need to lurk more.

Q is Trump's way of leaking information to the public while pandering to his base of conspiratards. Unfortunately, it's all sort of an ambiguous mess that's up for interpretation; it's all a nice gesture, but it's sort of useless.

You clearly haven't met any IRL. I have, and every kike who wasn't slightly retarded was evil to the core. (That said, the ones who *were* retarded were pretty nice.)

lul posted in the wrong thread

bahahaha this OP was shit and you are shit and I hope you die swiftly

agreed on that, the holocaust never happened but it fucking will, truer words never spoken

anyway I'm out, 5c0459 if you're not a shill why are you such an idiot with your posts, your first two posts made your intentions completely unclear

btw if you didn't notice the first part was in response to you, the second was in response to a different thread, this thread and OP is shit and is an utter waste of space on the board

kek means

you're the dumb cunt bumping the thread, i'm just saging because this thread is a retarded piece of shit
if you don't know what sage is go back to reddit and don't fucking come back
btw yeah you're fucking retarded cant even post in the thread you meant to, i wondered what the fuck you were on about that's why i quoted the relevance part
holy fuck is your iq on par with niggers?
just fuck off

get the fuck out of here boomer.



Are you lost, faggot?

i didn't even notice the reddit spacing before wow this thread is making me retarded
you can choke the same amount of cocks as op

ah fuck you're completely right didn't realize I wasn't saging

ok fix the reddit spacing and stop being a nigger tier retard and maybe you can stay, at least you admitted your mistake

ps LOL

i'm thinking this could be an anti-shill tactic, just spam shill threads with absolute inane bullshit (same thing as shills do) just sage the fuck out of it and keep fucking going, report everyone who bumps and maybe if mods are any good we could make pol great again

how many threads are there now

Attached: Cultivating The Moon (1991) by Robert McCall (1919-2010)

we need to practice board eugenics ffs

who is your favorite touhou and why do you hate the kikes?

my favorite touhou is patchouli because book loli and i hate the kikes because they are greedy and mean

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what is a touhou

christ you guys. im not saying you need to stop hating jews. im saying they are but 1 of the heads thats actually controlling world shit.

why is that so hard to fathom?

fuck off op you piece of shit retarded cunt and dont bump your fucking thread again

the reason i bring this up on the board is because as much as it sounds like im shilling im not

i want the focus to shift from one of the (((heads))) to identifying the others and the most importantly the body.

we got trump elected. we could bring down the oldest organization in the world if we opened our eyes

makle me?

think its technically your thread fren

that's my point fam

the jews are the head of the hydra you fucking retarded cunt
it's only the jews and their shabbos goy like you, don't worry there's oven space enough for you all

please stop posting

yes, please fucking stop, i dont want to be here anymore

you're worse than OP. stop trying so desperately to fit in. lurk for at least 2 more years before posting.

hahahahahahaha ok buddy

found a sensitive spot, didn't i?

yes im so sensitive i just wish i fit in with 8ch

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you are the imageboard equivalent of a mexican. you come here, make no attempt to understand our board, or our board culture, and then get uppity and triggered when somebody calls you out for obviously being an alien. fuck off, spic.

so what's with these filenames being posted? UIDS? hex? it's just what i saved it as?

i dont get your point? im saging/spamming a shill thread
who fucking cares?
you are the imageboard equivalent of a fucking retard, fuck off nigger

point being is that despite you convincing yourself you are somehow helping this board, you clearly don't belong here. this thread will be pruned by janitors sooner rather than later, yet i'm sure you will be in other threads, shitting them up with your obvious newfaggotry and autism.

i literally just want to converse and try to find a way to better tell normal people about the NWO.

obviously leading with ITS THE JEWS doesnt do it for a lot of people. and i have personally had better experience explaining the Illuminati and how the jews are but just a piece of the pie.

fuck off, retard,

do you have evidence to support your fuck off?

well then the answer is LURK MOAR
you don't post a fucking retarded OP, go check out QTDDTOT, just lurk and read and maybe post if you have a relevant question to a relevant thread but dont fucking shit up the catalog with this retarded shit

i'm not doing any harm am i? i'm fucking sick of just sitting here and retarded fucking retards spouting their shit and in case you haven't noticed the only thing janitors do these days is anchor a thread and it still fucking sits there cause this board is so slow
i dont post in other threads unless i have something to contribute, this thread is a piece of shit so im shitting in it
why dont you go fuck yourself you stupid cunt

you are letting kikes off the hook for hundreds of years of meddling and influence pre enlightment era, and if you read about what the actual illumanit was, it was just a loose collective of european thinkers who were disbanded in the 1800s. the illumaniti and their symbology, like other things, are use to poison the well and confuse/appease mouthbreathers like yourself, and to keep the spotlight off of our real enemy, which are globalist jews.

again, i am not concerned about what you are doing in this individual thread. as i have already said, this thread will soon be pruned by the janitors and everything posted in it will be entirely irrelevant. what i do care about, is the fact that after this thread is gone, you will still be on Zig Forums, and will most likely post in other threads. given that every post you make in here reeks of newfaggotry and a desperation to fit in, i'm sure what you post in other threads will be much of the same.

Get a fucking room, faggots.

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you think janitors prune things? like i fucking said they just anchor it and it sticks around for ages because this board is slow, i've almost got consecutive digits in this thread
you just totally ignored my post so again fuck you, you illiterate nigger

Hello Shlomo!
How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

only if you're the ham in the sandwich you fucking faggot

this guy is alex jones tier. this is what i meant by the Illuminati theory only serving to poison the well and confuse retarded people. alex jones is used for the exact same reason. thank you for further proving my point

you fucking retard. alex jones was and is a controlled plant. you think they arent driving the thesis and anti-thesis.

springmeier did time in prison and im pretty sure was fucked with mentally while in by them

youre fucking numb to your own idea man

stop fucking bumping you goddamn motherfucking retarded cunts

The Judeas/Hebrews were wiped out entirely in 70AD. There are no jews left. Every single person calling themelf jew today is a fraud.

Of course you're spirit wants to tell you that no group is completely bad, but the fact remains that evil is pure evil. The jews, as they call themselves, are the pharisees. They worship satan.

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