Hasn't anyone realized this by now?
Microchips in Vaccines
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Fuck off, kike scum.
How does that make me a kike scum?
I placed that meme in the top left corner of the photo because it perfectly describes what the Jews are thinking in their minds because most Gentiles don't know about the microchips being in the Vaccines.
What if (((you're))) secretly just a Mossad sock account trying to discredit me?
sage for (((Disinformation)))
This is disinformation. Vaccines cause autism and other disorders because of a far more ancient ailment known as heavy metal poisoning. Kikes have put mercury and aluminum several hundred times the legal limit in vaccines under names like thiomersal.
The faux-existence of autism and other disorders are used to cover up the source of the problem. Likewise curing the heavy metal toxicity is overlooked. Psychology is a jewish invention after all.
Either way it doesn't change the fact that (((they))) still put Microchips in the Vaccines…
Do you actually have any proof or are you just shitposting.
Keep in mind that words like "English Reduction" and "LCH Kabbalah" are forms of Gematria.
Gematria is a (((practice))) of coding numbers into words and phrases.
You nature hating kikes really rile me up now and again.
I could go on.
Vaccines, for the most part, work and are safe. However, these are not mass produced vaccines that require preservatives such as mercury and formaldehyde, these are vaccines individually manufactured, packaged, and prepared on site at a physician's office. DTAP and Polio are the only real important ones, all the rest are bullshit and are only needed by weak immune system-less faggots and vejans.
Google "Microchips and Targeted Individuals"
Also fuck your jew number game. It means nothing. Thanks for th /x/ post I enjoy interesting theories.
No. Answer my greentext questions. Mostly how they are powered and communicate externally. At what ranges and with what frequencies. This is important because A. it gives anons an idea of how credible your claims are and B. it will enable anons to sdr the devices if they do exist.
I like this kind of response because it forces relevant information into the thread. These are simple questions that the OP or other parties should easily be able to answer. It also provides a way to post this more relevant information into the main post so that questions like these aren't asked later in a thread and conversation can go on more smoothly.
All in all, the "No, I won't google it, you tell ME. " response is good for the board. It is a solid counter to disinfo and distraction threads because it forces the op to either capitulate and abandon their point, or to provide more solid information for anons to see and learn more of.
Remember that the "I don't have time to teach you, google it." Response was spawned on reddit and tumblr. People who use chans DO have time to teach you, because why else would you be here?
Not to mention that the RFID chip at top right is too big to pass through the vaccination needle shown to the left of it.
RFID chips are real and I'd rather not have any implanted in me, but I'm not worried about having ones implanted in me covertly through vaccination needles.
The Verichip operates at 134 KHz
No proof. Sage for cuckchan/plebbit tier topic.
Click the link and then go to the 40th slide
Low quality bait. That's not even how Gematria works.
you are not from here, are you ? also many vaccines are first purchased by individuals before administration in many countries. so can't we just examine the contents of vaccines to see any evidence of chips ?
Fuck off cuckchanner.
Can you post some evidence OP? This isn't reddit.
This is so easily proven or refuted if its the case Op
Why don't you provide evidence?
wow this is some low effort disinfo. honestly, there's no evidence.
Are you sure about that? Gematria is a Jewish practice of coding numbers into words. (((They))) have always coded certain numbers into their rituals.
Stop bumping the thread you fags.
This is some shizoposting if ive ever seen it.
Although its interesting that they finally cracked photoshop in tel aviv
Pic related is the leve of shitposting this seems to be on.
I mean microchips aren't a 'fake' invention, and I know your post isn't saying such things. I just wanted to clarify that in general. But I will concede and say that the idea of putting them into a vaccine isn't feasible vs just getting people to willingly chip themselves for whatever monkey-brain reasoning.
I am gonna go ahead and endorse your post my nigger, for, you are right in the things you say… The poisoning of the well is easier and cheaper than producing microchips in Ching Chong's satellite countries. Especially when you own the media by the neck and ballz.
Kill yourself.
There sure is a lot of hamfisted shill bullshit today.
yeah i dont think they have the technology to reliably do this yet unless they inject it into your head
sage for trollpost
also, consider the technology that they had in the late 90s when alot of you were kids
What the fuck is this? Is there a bot that copy’s posts form here and posts them on this shit with fake names? Why?
Sage for trash thread
On this week's episode of "TFW Nursing School"……