Drag Queen coloring book given out at libraries


Featuring twenty pages of coloring and activities for kids ages 4-12:
Create your own drag name
Spot the differences
Match the styling objects
Circle your pronouns
Connect the dots
Name the planets
And lots more fun and fabulous activities!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Welcome to the Reich.jpg (656x754 53.85 KB, 122.9K)

We live in a clown world with clown people.

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Attached: degenerates3.webm (1280x720, 3.18M)

Have you ever contemplated the possibility that maybe we're actually all dead and the sick, twisted world we witness day-to-day is, in fact, hell?
That maybe we're being punished because we did something in our past lives to deserve being here?

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Attached: of course.png (479x39, 6.29K)

The world died in 1945. We’ve been living in a coffin ever since

That it did.


Attached: morrownaz.png (720x715, 342.68K)

They aren’t hurting anybody, get the fuck over it.

Interesting thought, if we are in hell, it sure is a wacky ride.

That is some bad bait.

Attached: benny.jpg (319x198, 15.68K)

Looks like I have another reason to play with fire. Wonderful.

Attached: wed1.gif (250x141, 458.93K)

You're not prepared for what's coming to you and yours. Stay scared, faggot.

That book looks pretty flammable to me.

Attached: DmFD_S9VAAEHWgR.jpg (977x977, 155.42K)

Don't worry, user. History will repeat itself. It always does.

Actually on a more philosophical note, it's interesting to me that since the dawn of recorded history, there have always been very distinct personality roles and archetypes that pop up again and again, same for major historical events and the like. It's kind of humbling to think our ancestors from the BC era had to put up with the same degenerate bullshit that jews did back then, too


Here you go, user

Is this supposed to be bait?

Attached: jokerpopcorn.gif (460x426, 299.24K)

The fact that you think this isn't harmful in any fashion just lets me know with great certainty that you're in reality a pozz-ridden faggot yourself.
Off you go.

I want to believe; my favorite bible quote has always been.

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It would be purgatory, as we still possess autonomy, we are in effect being goaded to do the right thing and end the madness and if we don’t then we will be in hell, punished.

Although such madness as we witness today has flared up repeatedly throughout history, it hasn’t been able to fully take root before but that isn’t to say it could not this time. Evil doesn’t change but its support mechanisms do. The biggest risk we face is technology. Once everyone carries the mark then resistance will be much harder.

>(((electronic devices, smartphones))) in the hands of children before they can even walk
>(((drag queens and various faggotry))) to kids in preschool, parents close to forced at gunpoint to send their children in
>(((diversity and racial programming))) to kids starting from earliest age
i really hate this timeline

this is something i have been asking myself a long time ago. this place surely looks like hell, especially when looking at the human condition (also life in general pretty much, wildlife is like a permanent battle royale)

None of these other answers refute your point, which means their responses only serve to bring satisfaction to themselves. I will refute your point:

1. They are using propaganda against children.
2. The LGBT community, while fine in private with consenting adults, becomes an issue in the public space because it begins to affect society as a whole. If the public accepts LGBT (which, scientifically speaking, are unnatural mutations that cause the affected to seek out incompatible sexual partners), society will gradually lose its structure based on male-female partnerships. Other types of partnerships, eventually extremely strange ones, will prevail, and society will collapse from a lack of stable population and complete disassociation of moral values by following the ultimate LGBT fashion of tolerating anyone's desires (pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc.).

For these reasons, to ensure a moral and stable society, the LGBT community cannot be allowed to publicly propagate. But once again, private consenting matters are a separate issue.

We all wretch at this because it's sad how they're fucking with kids heads but the irony of it all is - these are THEIR kids not ours. They're essentially ensuring the end of their biological lineage in their mad quest to "feel comfortable." This degeneracy must be stopped and should probably be illegal - especially when it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see there's obviously pedophiles behind this.

Attached: 10308297_10203273393422937_6515439039603869954_n.jpg (261x237, 5.95K)

What point?
There's not a sliver of an argument being made in his post, it's simply an affirmation with no further elaboration, so what makes it deserving of anything more in return? Not to mention, it's an statement that cannot possibly be argued in favor of because reality itself contradicts it, no sane person (or without and agenda) could possibly look back at the last century and deny negative effects that granting faggots and other diverse abominations rights have had on our societies (things you mention yourself). These "people" are not worth, even in the slightest, of being engaged with, only mocked and derided for their stupidity. Also, do you really think this is the first time any of us here has argued with one of these "live and let live" fucks? At some point that shit gets old, very old.

Also, I don't care, fuck you and fuck your sanctimonious/holier-than-thou attitude.

Attached: Ey6pQXK.jpg (1536x2048, 223.71K)

1. Collect all of them
2. Start a bbq with free almost-coal

this guy has an entire web series on kiketube where he abuses and sexualizes young children, he(?) calls it "Sez Me"

Attached: child_abuse.png (1909x1055, 1.46M)


Attached: itsajew.png (1077x650, 81K)

They are doing one next month in South Louisiana. (((They)))are doing their best to normalize it but still have some pissed off coonasses fighting it. Archive doesn’t work for link sorry.

Digging into this Mor Child abuser I can't find much but he's close to that "Desmond is Amazing" which there has been threads on here before about.

OPs third pic.
this is that kid the LGBT pedo's have been parroting around.

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Did they already move on from Lactatia?

Attached: lactatia.mp4 (640x360, 5.27M)

Talmud claims 4 million / 40 million / 4 billion Jews were killed by Vespasian in Bethar.

this one must have gotten too old.

Even I can draw better than these niggers

You do understand that everybody here already knows this, right?
It's why people don't bother refuting obvious bullshit.

Takes one to know one I guess.

I think it was actually good bait considering your actions.

I’m sure there is meaning behind it.

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Note image name format in OP.
And above.

See below analysis for posts by user ID:

90ea29: 6 (15.38%)

Cast your sights upon these dubs!

> 11's (1 total; 33.33%)
> 55's (1 total; 33.33%)
> 66's (1 total; 33.33%)

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God damn, shit like this makes me go livid. I have a civnat roommate (that says nigger and at the very least entertains my "i hate niggers" attitude) but for some reason finds this not a terrible thing. It boggles my mind but he's about as lolberg as can be while also trying to maintain consistency with his views to see the most solid on his shit that gay pride parades and the general "clapping for infants for literally anything will continue them on this path" tendencies that mere children have. I played with GI Joe shit mixed with barbies and always had them in their respective roles. He somehow doesn't unserstand that people corrupt children by saying "Oh you want to wear a dress that means you're a woman and you want to defy gender norms" when they're being literal fucking children. I've gotten into multiple arguments with him about this lone fact, and it's always been projection. "Oh you hate trannies so much you must like them" Just straight up retarded arguments against it. I don't think he's a fucking homosex, but the lolberg idea of "live and let live" has gotten the best of him, because whats good for the family is good for the town. What's good for the town is good for the state, which is good for the people.

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I find myself more put off by the eyes. Going by the position of the feet the… thing is clearly facing forward, yet the eyes are offset in a completely different angle, almost as it had been made by two different people with conflicting ideas on what the perspective of the drawing was going to be.

When did this start being a thing again?

As I expressed before, this is one of those things I've heard so much IRL (not to mention the internet) applied to different things (niggers, jews, gays, muslims) that I've become utterly and terminally tired of it; whenever someone pulls that card on me I just cut the argument off because that lets me know the whole thing is not worth my time and it's very unlikely anything will come off it. Some like to claim this means you're backing out of the argument and that they they've "won" but fuck it, they probably would have walked off thinking that about themselves anyway.

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The thing is the argument dissipates when it comes to sportsball teams (I try to be a normie at times) and we both like teams that hate each other. Oh, so because I hate your team I'm secretly a fan of your team? or him of mine? It makes literally zero fucking sense in "relevant" things to him. I must love trannies because I talk about how gay pride parades are pure fucking evil and gay pride parades are encouragement for children to be degenerates because they will get cheered on into doing sadistic shit.

Our best bet to end the kikes is to kill (((YHWH))).

Only thing I could find is some Chinese astrology jumbo jumbo. “One Is Bigger Than The Other: Those with eyes in different sizes tend to have an alienated relationship with one of the parents and need to beware of sentimental problems and inharmonious love life.”
Also, openly calling it programming of kids.

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More like, they're handed dolls, frilly outfits, heels and make up to play with and then photographed for social media by their faggot/liberal parents claiming it's a choice they made all on their own with no outside influence whatsoever; all for the sake internet brownie points because they're oh so open-minded and supportive of their children's decisions.

I've always thought the most hardcore and fervent defendants of the "live and let live" doctrine are those who personally engage in some sort of conduct themselves that could be constructed not necessarily as degenerate or perverse, but still unhealthy or detrimental to oneself, you know, in the line of "it's my body, I'm not affecting anyone else by drinking two cans of monster with lunch everyday", and don't wish to be berated for it. Sure, the thing they do might be relatively inconsequential but the real problem rises afterwards when they start applying the same logic to everything because they take themselves as a reference point and consider things only on an individual level, incapable of conceiving how the acceptance of certain behaviors can be detrimental to society as a whole. This, of course, talking about naive individuals rather than those malicious in their intent (not that that excuses the former, but the distinction might be worth making).
Also, keep in mind that you two are arguing from completely different moral standpoints, for you homosexuality is, rightfully, unacceptable, while for him it might be something he has simply no strong opinion on, so even if you managed to get through to him and make him realize that allowing these freaks to roam free will always cause them them to try and convert young ones into their perverse lifestyle, he might not ultimately care or see anything wrong with it because he'd be indifferent even to an end where they succeed.

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You say that as if perspective had been a consideration for the egg character. In places where they tried to give some illusion of depth, it's just completely off or wrong, and not in any discernible stylistic way. Just look at that star with the handle on the left. In others, there's nothing there. Bezier lines and the oval tool usage, placing features and details in a way where they're visible and not eclipsed by other lines, nothing more.
Some of those lazy ovals are placed in the right spot, probably because whatever tools they used to make them helped them snap it to the middle, others are just completely copy-pasted around and cropped off.

At least most Calarts fuckers know how to make their noodly armed abominations read well and have some semblance of consistency and unity in how they eschew perspective.

Attached: resting easy.jpg (710x508, 338.65K)

Usually I'd chalk that up to a simple coincidence ("oh it just refers to the scheduling of content/events") but given the situation at hand and that we're dealing with kikes, who knows.

Honestly I just zeroed in on the… thing, didn't even pay attention to anything else.
Isn't it a lemon? I mean, considering the color and all the other fruits on the back of the cover.

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I am not Joan. I don’t know what else to tell you expect your theory on file names is flawed.

fucking hell…

fucking hell
shill detector

Attached: shill_guid3.png (660x531 548.96 KB, 260.37K)

Attached: Screenshot (4985)_LI.jpg (874x606, 953.15K)

I am not Joan. I am a nobody living in a small midwestern town. If you think I’m Joan, then the file name thing is wrong. Here I’ll upload another.

Attached: 306C9A72-C58A-4290-AC10-BC8DCCE94ED4.jpeg (1200x859, 247.44K)


Thanks for bringing this subject up again, user.
There is actually a lot more hebraic shenanigans occuring in libraries, where jews have been positioning themsleves as information-gatekeepers.
Their reach is coordinated through the American Library Assosciation (ALA) and the UN-affiliated International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) which is kike-controlled and has been responsible for propagating the campaign of ‘fake news’ awareness you will see advertised in every public and private library you may have visited following the 2016 US elections.

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Blame the liberal, pizza eating parents.

I work in a university library. A lot of librarians are tumblr people. They’ve had an influence on education that doesn’t get a lot of attention because most people don’t care much about libraries, or think librarians only shelve books.

While most librarians are left or left leaning, a lot of them aren’t hyperpolitical, and just want to do their job and go home to their families at the end of the day like most people. But the ones who are vocal and influential, like on ALA, push far left ideas.

Some of it has to do with librarianship attracting people who are introverted, awkward, spent time alone reading, and maybe were picked on or at least not well received as a kid. They go power crazy when they get a job with some influence.

Some of it is over the past 15 years, more of the job has been automated, so there is less real work to do, and people are doing all this bizarre activism in its place.



If they have to return again, he will return again.

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Hello Fattest Sister, hope you're earning those shekels for your tri-daily vente soy chocolatte with extra lard.

Pretty girl, shame she's been dragged into this political nonsense.

You’re calling me shill based on image id? Hate to break it to you but I’m recovering from surgery and I’m forced to use a tablet. All my images are made on an ipad. Granted that is reason for scorn but not to call me a shill.

Didn’t know shills spent their time making Hitler memes. And talking about Jews programming children into degeneracy.
Sage, forgot image.

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If I was Joan, I’d sit on you.

Attached: D6A69003-9E4D-4846-8A6F-66341246800B.jpeg (1269x1636, 1.83M)

That is what they all say.

Okay it first starts taking off that guid system.

they're hurting everybody

I'm beginning to think so. Perhaps the world really did end in 2012.

Does anything like this come as a surprise to anyone anymore?

Attached: shill_guid1.png (801x765, 207.03K)

My images have successfully tracked you…

Tyler McCarthy,
age 22
occupation: college student majoring in accounting
location: Kansas City, Missouri

Attached: 1C7DC345-EB42-4CFC-9147-2F0568C4AB82.jpeg (1000x667, 123.16K)

Face us faggot…

Gee I sure hope that a VPN protects me.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1681x550, 423.76K)

I’ve turned over your IPs to the Southern Poverty Law Center. We’re contacting your employers, friends, family, and neighbors. Soon, they will know that your heart is filled with hate.

Since I’m here, AMA.

Attached: 87AF79DF-F85B-4C98-B51C-70A2B147B9FB.jpeg (1280x720, 219.28K)

Go back to cuckChan you tech illiterate imbecile.

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>Yet no coloring books from Zig Forums

What do you plan to do to the majority of us who have no employers, friends, family, or neighbors?

We are stealing your NEET bux. Samuel Witcomb Hyde is a black cube agent. We crafted his persona specifically to appeal to you pathetic weasels. We instigated his bans from social media to attract attention, and ultimately money through the HydeWars platform on Gumroad.

Lauren Southern is also an agent from the T.A. division of black cube.

All the money you send them is funding the Israeli army’s fight against the evil Palenstinians.

Attached: B6EAE85C-A804-4DC3-AA4D-9CFECA387EA5.jpeg (800x600, 74.58K)

I don’t know why I’m bothering to even respond but here goes. The only thing you idiots have accomplished is to out phone posters; primarily apple users. Bash me all day for being on a mobile device, attack my points all you want but calling me a shill because of a number is lunacy.
I seem to remember when the Donald took over half chan anyone without a hive mind was called a shill. Didn’t matter if they made valid points, sauced their info or were a 100% right they were called a shill and EVERYTHING they said was ignored. You have done just that, you’ve ignored everything I said because you’re convinced I’m a shill. This GUID shit may turn out to be the biggest D&C we’ve ever seen.
Now tech side apple auto gens file ids, on half chan all apple files are labeled image with newer devices labeled image###. Here the auto gen is turned into a GUID and since it’s all apple generated of course you see a similarity.

Examples images I made, look at GUID posted from an ipad difference being I used my photoshop app to change the file name.

Attached: FCD7AE20-2C7B-4061-B835-6800DF4DEE05.jpeg (1767x1857 717.89 KB, 2.22M)

Here is a sample question from apple’s website showing the naming convention in use in 2014


It is, the only way to get ahead is to become the little devil with the pitch forks.

They are hurting themselves.

I was hoping someone would find something about this. I can swear I remember seeing file names like the GUIDs when trying to retrieve files off an iPod, and wondering what the fuck Apple's problem was fucking up my file names.

I've worked in a day care center. There was boy that wanted to dress up in heels every day, why? Because he enjoyed the noise they made. Another boy wanted his nails painted becase he wanted his nails to be the same color as his Dad's truck. Another boy played with Barbie dolls because he was curious about the anatomy of a naked woman.

Fucking imagine doing one of these things, then being labelled a woman, put in a dress, given horomones at puberty and having your dick chopped off at eighteen.


Yep, and there’s an entire thread with a picture of that Fat bitch Joan saying anyone with an apple GUID is a shill for her. Maybe I should post her nudes from my tablet…

Are any of them as meme-worthy as the one that we've seen?

Attached: eichenwald.gif (500x300 41.46 KB, 214.68K)

Honey, you wish you had my nudes.

Attached: 5A0D884E-FC6C-436F-84BB-D497FC4B42D7.jpeg (960x1280, 200.87K)

Best I could think of.

Attached: DDC3CE3F-B032-424B-9726-308B6F5CF43E.jpeg (500x300, 60.76K)

No, they don't serve Yahweh. They serve Baphomet through Lucifer's guidance.

That's the direct opposite of the truth.

But that's fucking wrong, you cunt.