The jews roots are founded in swindler gangs. Several of them would find a vulnerable target, maybe a woman that had just lost her husband during a war, and move in. One would occupy her focus, console her while the others would pilfer the house of any valuable goods. They would then go to the next town and set up a table at the bazaar, display the goods with an extreme price and wait for their next target to come to the table. Initially the target would look at the items, remark at how high the prices were, then moves in the tribemate to remark at how wonderful the prices were and start to "buy" (with their own money, of course) the goods as if it was the best deal in the universe. Making up a story about how he had seen similar items sell for 10x's that amount in a city 2 days walk away. The mark would then offer his bid for the items and the con was enacted. Thus was the birth of the tribe.
It would only stand to reason, since these merchants held occupancy at bazaars across most towns, that they would fix prices. Stealing low and selling high became their game, injecting the disinformation jew when necessary to move a fence-sitter to the purchase. No, the jew has never known a straight game.
These mountain inhabitants would venture down into towns and adapt the language of their prey. Many would dress like their prey and do their best to imitate their prey. They were born soft, weak creatures and their jealousy of the host would seed itself in their minds until, over time, the creature would become infected with hate. They grew disdain for their host because, to them, they couldn't understand how anyone could be so dumb as to allow an outsider in, based only on their words. Eventually, over time, as things often do, their cons grew larger and bolder. However, their wickedness was so hideous that it infected every aspect of their being including appearance, thus they never did win the affection of the host women. This spawned the inevitable kidnapping and raping of those women, which turned into the sex-slave trade we see into this day. Even further along, this spawned the kidnapping and mutilation off the hosts children in the night, giving rise to the "vampire" stories we area all so familiar with.
Rumors grew into outrage until death squads were sent out to find these hordes and kill every last one of them. A thousand year period of peace ensued and the worlds greatest advancements followed. The tribe was lost, but not culled. Not completely.
By this point, we can drop the charade. I only speak to you now about the Pharisees who hijacked the name Jew from a lost civilization after one of the regrowing-tribe creatures heard about the religous texts that pre-dated the story of their prior extermination. A text that left a hole to be filled by a conniving brood of crafty swindlers. After the initial extermination of the Hebrews, the only ones left were mixed blood heathens that had been birthed as bastards to victims of rape and incest. Evil infests their blood as good infests ours. Not a one of us can walk past a dying person without offering our hand, but every one of them would clean his pockets and drink his blood if it served their desire. They prey on the weakest of us just as they preyed on Eve in the garden of 2 humans. Our only hope is to continue breeding out the heathen blood which contradicts our good nature.
There's one thing on this board that we can do, which needs to be taken seriously. Filter!
Remember who these creatures are. Remember that they push and push until they get their way or they get exiled or worse.
They have no limit and they never admit defeat. They are jelly that oozes as it's beaten in one spot, only to fill another.
Filtering takes any power they have away. They cannot filter us, because their tricks are based upon our reactions. Think about that a minute. They cannot filter us.
This will allow us to know who they are because they will, provided we start filtering en masse, reply with the word "filtered" and then continue to reply and try to spin the information. Once you see this, you know to filter that UID.
This will also make them reply to good posts with "filtered" which you can then just filter that UID that replied.
Picutre it as they started. The second they get an objection from their buyer about the price, they can say no more. They are banished before they can get to step 1 of their con. They can never win under this scenario because they can never use truth. Evil can never use truth even when truth helps their cause.
Filter. Use it.