Senomyx is the process, see images.
i am speechless. this is beyond fucked up i don't even
eradicate tbh. every time you think you've seen an end to their disgusting perversion and depravity you find something even more disgusting and depraved than you could ever imagine.
wew, source plox
Interesting I definitely noticed when the flavor of these change around that time
Foreskins for face cream, the rest for food enhancers.
no fucking wonder all that shit started tasting bad to me after 2010
because the kikes were poisoning you with their satanic bullshit
also it's hilarious how everytime I googlesearch anything politically sensitive, the first result is systematically a "fact check by (((snopes)))" (and of course always "false")
What the ever living fuck.
Kek kill the kikes
It also correlates with the massive demoralization and despair we were experiencing circa early 2015. I'm so glad I kicked that shit right when i noticed, especially since it was before i got redpilled
Wikipedia links to a 404d FDA page
That's probably better confirmation than it actually still being there.
I'm sorry but you didn't know this?
There's a backup of that file on
Always handy to check there when something is missing
It's not clear if the cells are in the food, or used to create chemicals that are in the food.
We need details. I would starve if I stopped consuming most of these products.
my first thought upon reading the thread title
>or if the dead babies are in the chemicals which also get put into the food
Frig. the only think on that list i even use is the Sobe lifewaters.
I'll have to delve in and see if they're tainted. Is there a specific product name their using or is it just hand waved as "artificial flavoring"?
At least it help explains why kikes were desperate to disprove and fact check O'Keefe's old video of Planned Parenthood selling aborted fetus parts.
Based chicken tendies don't have babby kidneys.
Looks like im safe.
The cells are used to develop and test the chemicals that are in the food. The cells are not used to produce the chemicals that are in the food.
It's more accurate to say that these people are using aborted babies to test their food products, rather than to create their food products. That doesn't make it any less evil, but it's a worthwhile point to make.
I wasn't aware of this, and I'm glad that I don't consume any of the products on this list. Notably, though…
what the fuck
Ex porn stars are known for their 'fastidious attention to detail' and 'rigorous work ethic'. I mean when I think of the words, 'ex porn star' they are synonymous with 'fact checker'. I can't believe anyone would feel different.
All aboard the holocauster.
It isn't put in the food. They use artificially grown taste buds to test the reaction to various flavor additives. The taste buds will react to the additives and give an indication of how "flavorful" (i.e. addictive) they are. Then they put these additives in soda and doritos and it becomes like crack for dumb slobs who eat junk food.
but maybe the list is only partial? i suspect the actual list is way bigger, and extremely long if products derived from use of this demonic industrial spirit cooking in a way have to be counted. i might be a little bit pessimistic though, but i would expect kikes to go "all in" with that, just like everytime… now you fellow goyim know what it means when you see a product with "improved recipe" or "improved taste" labeled on it :^)
If im eatin chickanuggets, i only eat the ones that are shaped like dinosaurs. Alternately, anything from chick-fil-a but thats mostly just for the feels of going into a fast food restaurant that is staffed with the right amount of people and the service is kind and polite.
The only reason why tendies are safe for now is that the bitter blocker program they had going for hydrolyzed soy isn't complete. They currently don't have a product to (((enhance))) meat products.
This is kinda hard to believe, I mean out of all the options for flavoring why would you use a probably very expensive fetus derived one?
fuck off
I though they used a soy preservative which was injected subdermally into the chicken as a moisturizer. I don't recall that much about it but I was so appalled when I watched one of the random videos online about it. I guess it keeps the surface cells 'glossy' and can keep something from aging or decaying for an prolonged period. I came to the conclusion after watching the video that after this subdermal procedure any chicken products were basically inedible in my mind due to processing, I swear to god it almost seemed like they were injecting the chicken with plastics. I only buy organic now and I want to switch to a local cage free, cruelty free organic farm meat (but that stuff is EXPENSIVE!).
I am not sure, but this does not seem to be true. However, Jews do put goyim children in food.
belief: zero
I cant believe a big corporation wont realize the PR disaster when this sooner get public knowledge.
They must be putting that shit in for other reasons
Basically they harvest stem cells from aborted babies and use them to test their flavoring chemicals. Probably in part to test safety. They don't actually put the cells into the food.
It's a fact. They grow taste buds from stem cells.
Well, we don't really KNOW what they do. This is where non-disclosure agreements come into the setting. Even if people wanted to tell us they couldn't after they signed a NDA. Also, think about it…many large corporations now have a larger army than many small nations. It would not hard to have you bumped off if you said the wrong thing.
So what's the problem then? If Snopes said it's fake, then that's it. They're an authority on the subject, not some rag tag meme discussion board that affects politics in literally zero ways
Current (((enhanced))) meat is mostly saline solution with some other shit in it. It's supposed to be a cheap solution to add weight and shelf life to meat products. The original debacle on that one is the meat industry being accused of literally selling water as meat by weight.
(((Snopes))) on the case once again.
Yep. It's fetus kidneys.
This is pure evil. Jews need to fucking die already. They have no limits. Not only are they genociding us, but they're feed us our unborn children.
This has been posted here before.
Well, case closed. I mean, wouldn't you trust pic related.
Sweet now I can eat this while making fun of soygoys and say I REALLY EAT PEOPLE
Apparently they add potato starch to meat too.
Are you being serious? Snopes' authors and owners useful idiot gatekeepers at best, who happen to write about many things and some hit the truth.
AVOID IT, seek sources instead.
1. This is old news.
2. The cells don't actually end up in the food. They literally do AB testing with human taste cells to see what is more addictive for us.
Creepy, and wrong, but not OMG DEAD BABIES IN THE FOOD.
I use small amounts of potato starch as part of my pork chop marinade to enhance the meat's tenderness, it's probably for the same reason why they add it in.
Thanks user. We generally avoid corporate jew products anyway, but I sent my wife a list to avoid just to be safe.
Amazing, isn't it. Kikes get your women to abort your children, then render them into reagents used to create poisonous junk food that they sell back to you. And if your children are born, they still try to snip off their foreskins and poison them with holohoax and trannyism since early childhood. One way or another, kikes take their toll. The Shakespearean pound of flesh, spanning nations and generations.
The world's most cynical fiction writers couldn't have conceived a reality more evil and abhorrent than the one we live in. And if this vile shit is what we are catching, imagine what occurs away from our eyes.
This world needs a cleansing. A hard reset with a bloody fucking sunrise on the very first day.
No this was definitely subdermal injections of soy…some sort of product that I remember thinking to myself…that is just like injecting plastic in the meat.
Now I am going to have to find the video…if I can it was a while ago. Will post it, if I can find it. I remember how repulsive it was to me.
I remember this too.
The sensationalistic headline really befits a board of internet warriors that fancy themselves superior beings.
Zig Forums is a joke.
As expected.
And in what way does being on Tor invalidate what I wrote?
>HEK293 cells are a cell line widely used in biological and medical research, immortalised through a genetic modification and many, many generations removed from the original human embryonic kidney cells taken from a healthy, electively aborted human fetus in the early 1970s.[2] The receptors in the assay are used to identify flavours; they are not used as flavours themselves._
>No human taste receptors are used as ingredients in any flavourings.
But no, everything is the jews'.
You people are hysterical.
Not to worry. In a little while we'll never have to say it's the jews again. Won't that be a relief for both our species.
I'm not even Jewish. I just hold myself to a higher standard than some of the hysterical hordes here.
First I learned about foreskin wrinkle cream now this shit?
You never are…
That's what I figured it was, thanks for clarifying. It is very important to make this distinction, because (((Snopes))) will just say it's false, and ignore the fact that aborted baby cells are used in R&D of these products.
This is a moral issue rather than a cannibalism one.
Seriously, get a hold of your limbic systems. This place is madness.
Damn this thread is being shilled hard, must've discovered something
A goat on fire doesn't stand out as much as you do. Not even the ones who fuck up after two years of lurking are this bad.
It doesn't, and what you said is right, but you're still a torfag. If you want people to take you seriously don't be a torfag.
Yeah, instead of acknowledging my valid points, you managed to discover your inner paranoid schizophrenic.
This is what happens when you advocate for immoral things and have a powerful, influential, and profit-driven evil population in power. Don't ever expect anything evil you might rationalize for pragmatic reasons to not be abused by kikes to denigrate gentiles.
pls go
what in the fuck man im 30 and for the last 5 years i have been considered a millenial but now im considered a boomer? WHERE IS THE FUCKING LINE HERE AND WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP MOVING IT! boomers are my parents.
*tips fedora*
It all started when oldfags started noticing themselves enjoying mowing the lawn and gettin a laff out of dad jokes.
Anyone that watches "What The Health" will be buying far less from grocers and far more from local producers. What has happened to the food industry should culminate with a kike hanging from every lamp post. It's unnatural, unhealthy, it is the reason why we see Walmart people, and it is killing us.
well the kikes have finally gone and done it.
Soylent Green is no longer some trippy scifi cult classic from the paranoid 1970's–it is reality, today.
as if i wasn't already pissed as fuck and on the verge of going full blown Ted Kaczynski, now this.
i feel sick. i regularly eat many of the food items on that list.
how long have i been eating dead babies?
every last kike must be gassed for this egregious unforgivable crime against humanity. if we do not draw the line right now at halting the industrial food supply chain from harvesting babies
and tricking all of us to eat dead babies, then there is no hope left for our future and nothing matters anymore and it is finally time to just start killing (((them))).
starting with the CEOs of all these megacorp food conglomerates. Mr Bosses of Pepsi and TriCon Global and Starbucks and Nabisco–you are hereby sentenced to die like a dog being shot in the street for your participation in forcing cannibalism upon your fellow human beings.
i'm not sure which is worse. the banality of evil of society-wide infanticidal cannibalism, or doing it to pad your corporate revenue to add .001% extra profit for your (((WallSt))) masters.
at the very least, this will trigger the Mother of All Boycotts. BDS will look like a lemonade stand after the 70 million Christians in America mobilize and protest and sabotage and torch the factories and plants and warehouses and distribution centers of these cannibal corporate Satanist globalists.
tbh there really isnt that much of a price difference buying straight from a farmer. The only real benefit from shopping at a commercial grocer is being able to buy shit from the other side of the world. It's bullshit globalism and nothing more. If you live in Florida somewhere along the line you made a conscious decision that you don't want to be able to afford to eat halibut. Buying food stuffs that are unattainable locally aside from commercial importation is the nutritional version of boomer tier kicking the consequences down the road. All forms of globalism need to be cast aside.
indeed. we were doing very well before 1835/1836. (Not sarcasm)
and, the shopping bill will decrease as impulse purchases and junk food go by the wayside. I ate like a king on $80/month on greater than 90% vegetables. Vegetable Pizzas were a staple, and Seafood, Fish and Chicken were free, as once or twice a month there would be a barbecue at my house, and my buddies brought lotsa goodies. I weighed 176 lbs. then, rode my bicycle 20+ miles per day, and worked out at the gym.
Now I look like 250 lbs of unbaked Vanilla cookie dough, butt at least I can afford my shit-tier diet cuz Walshart
Glad I could help user. I briefly worked at McDonalds in the past, the meat always seemed to scream when put down on grill. There were always little parts of the patties that looked different. Sometimes when I would eat my discounted burgers on break this angry, stressed feeling would rise up in me out of nowhere. As completely schizo insane as it sounds, I think I got that feeling because I was unknowingly participating in cannibalism. The burgers have human meat in them, goy meat, (((they))) trick into eating our brothers.
Snopes is the best truth website everything they say is false is guaranteed to be true.
Your not alone in this user a lot of us are becoming less sane by the day, but the most sane is to be insane what these kikes are doing is unacceptable, I honestly feel sick I do not know if I am eating my own or not…
They're not an authority on anything. It's literally just some random cunts.
You're gonna have to do something about that redditspacing
It's always the most le 56% tier foods. I seriously hope nobody on Zig Forums eats hotpockets or drinks soda.
Targeting our children.
it's exactly because Zig Forums is a joke that so many beautiful seeds bloom here.