Immigrants, fearing Trump crackdown, drop out of nutrition programs

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No wonder we're being raided by the La Raza shills

Read the comments everyone is happy about it

No more corn tortillas, flour only!

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Welfare should be done away with entirely. Replaced with local food aid centers that give out only basic things like dry beans and rice and then only if you are a legal us citizen.

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Didn't we end this anchor baby bullshit already? These spiclets are not citizens if they're illegally here.

No I don't think so. Would have been big news if we did,but we sure as fuck need to.

Fuck off La Raza shill


Look at the watchdogs


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Still racemixing.

WIC — formally the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children — serves about half of all babies born in the U.S



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(((Eric Booth))) is in extreme damage control mode.

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No they need to go back home and make mexico great, also they need to stop being poor fags and producing 4+ children when they can barely support themselves.

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it's not just the spic's there's a ton of strong independent single mother white women who are on this shit too after they dumped the father and got on the government gravy train.

remember you don't get shit from welfare if your single. 250/mo in stamps and maybe another 200/mo in cash with a looking for work requirement, MAX, and that's if you report absolutely zero income and zero in the bank. If you make more than 500/mo in income you get ZERO welfare.

A strong independent single jobless mother on the other hand pull's $3000/mo with WIC, more if you include section 8, which they are put at the top of the list for.

What does it mean for the spic grocery stores like Bravo, Presidente Sedano's and Supermercados in SoFL?

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the vast majority of those white women are drug addicts, or semi-hookers with boyfriends (pimps) when I was a social worker I never met a "normal" person on welfare regardless of race or gender. all of them had some kind of major malfunction.

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I support this. All of the aid for the poor used to be taken care of by private charities. This is what we need to return to, it is the only way to stop the flow of people into our nation (STOP GIVING THEM FREE HANDOUTS).

Corn is the cheaper of the two.

>The Trump administration is planning to amend the public charge rule that has allowed the government not to grant admission to the U.S. or permanent residency for legal immigrants who rely on government assistance. The provision is expected to be expanded to include all family members and could affect illegal immigrants if a pathway to citizenship was offered to them in the future.

That's pretty great. Poison more wells and make these shitheads self-deport.

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Aryans are brothers. The state is the Brotherhood. Sometimes it will be necessary for the Brotherhood to sacrifice on behalf of individual members. So long as they remain righteous in the Cause, they should not feel their shame publicly, for it is the duty of the Brotherhood to provide all brothers with high-quality welfare when it is needed. Would you turn away your own family, which looks like you, shares your blood, and believes in your God simply because they once sinned and now suffer in punishment? To err is human, to forgive, divine.

This. But even with this, the size and scope of the Federal Government is not going to go back to where it was in 1791 (unless we go back to pre-industrialization).

The anchor baby bullshit is because of the Fourteenth Amendment being (((misinterpreted))).

That's a scary thought, user. It isn't fair that a people begin eating unhealthy foods, rejecting the stellar diet of the gods they have used for decades to achieve such Aryan standards in peak health, the absolute pinnacle of excellent human physique and all of the other high-standards that we see displayed by this single, humble, unassuming culture. We have to stop this before immigrants begin looking like Brown Oompa-Loompas

Oh nice, it's the esoteric Aryan mestizo shitposter.


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What factual basis do they have for believing this?

Trump has deported less than 200,000.
700,000 nonwhites are coming into the US annually under Trump.

Let us know when anything changes.

Yep. White genocide continues under the ZOG Emperor.

Is that beaner Terry on the left?


The majority of 8/pol/ has given up on shitskins. While I don't personally believe in white global takeover, 8/pol/ sees that as a future solution.

Fuck off

nazbol detected

Speaking personally, I do not support genocide.
I support Volkish Nationalism and separation.
I support White countries for White people and only White people.
I oppose "globalism."
I oppose ZOG in all of it's forms. Also, jews do not belong in White countries.
I support uncompromising rapid deportation of all non-Whites from White countries.
I support an end to all "aid" towards foreign countries.
I support strict border control using lethal force when necessary.
I suspect that the genocidal "ethnoglobe" poster is intentionally poisoning the well in an attempt to divert people away from healthy Volkish Nationalism by trying to "link" it to "genocidalism."

I thoroughly oppose the ongoing genocide of White people and White America.
Opposing genocide is not supporting genocide.

That's all well and good but ima. Fucking jew that cant live other Jews…I'm ehitish… can I apply now

We speak English here on 8/pol/.

Hey retard, how do you propose the separation comes about? Asking the parasites to leave of their own volition?


the Jew has given us the blueprint for determining the futures of those that don't play well with others globally

Well I mean you can threaten them to leave and if they don't torture/shoot them.

You know what's beautiful? You know why we won't be able to avert the inevitable civil war? Because a progressive can write something like that and genuinely expect the whole world to be shocked and sympathetic with the wetback freeloaders. Jesus Christ; do they think nobody fucking pays for that? Did their social studies teachers tell them SNAP cards fall like literal manna from heaven?


Yeah, they look thrilled. Politico is organically popular and in no way buys web traffic from bots.

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Just scrolled down to the allegedly human commenters. Holy shit. It's like being trapped in an elevator that only goes in circles:

no u

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WHO ARE YOU QUOTING? You stupid fucking retard nigger.

Progressives aren't renown for their thinking skills, as one user put it to me earlier that modern man has no natural instinct for danger and that these are the people who must be purged because they are unfit for life. Who knows maybe that is all this is really all about. I wouldn't mind a more tribal lifestyle myself. Anything really to not have to live around subhumans.

Fuck yeah look at all those trophies on his desk behind him
Not bad/10

at first i thought it was that they were starting to think, as it should be, that illegals should have no right to anything and if you have to have something to do with the official world, you're gonna be reported and kicked out.
but apparently it's because they find it funny that an immigrant, to be considered useful, should pull his own weight.

ius soli is really a diabolical thing.
what were you thinking, burgers?

Aren't you supposed to capitalize the L in "Life"?
:^) I know who you are.

hahaha i was going to say the exact same shit. before i clicked on your response, i assumed you said it already and i was right hahaha Mardi Gras spic version of Terry kek rip Terry

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these are our tax dollars being stripped from us to pay for illegals food, housing, you name it.

Now to scare them out of the country.

Daily reminder that the spanish aren't white.

Veterans can’t even get help, but illegals get everything handed to them.

Commietard doesn’t understand what happens in revolutions. Che was a card carrying party member, and he was gunned down by a no frills fascist.

that cuckchan shitpost self-bump shit isn't allowed here nigger

there is no welfare, you dipshit. that's WIC (women infants and children). its tiny and its technically money for the child, all of whom have to be US citizens (or perhaps legal permanent residents)
which don't work, and are more expensive than just going to walmart yourself with a SNAP card
yes, let's feed people food for horses and let them develop scurvy

you're a fucking retard

Fat fucks need to go back.

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The spics are obese enough as it is. They'll be fine.

Plenty of fat to last them through their winter siesta. Then they can walk back over for the summer jobs.

Calm down newfag. You done outed yourself already. Put the sperg button away.

Biggest kike ploy in a long time, essentially encourages beanspics to outbreed and get rewarded with having their spawn spit out on our land solidifying their presence through a ridiculous legal loophole.

I've been seeing even more spics in the past two years than in recent memory, good thing they'll all vote for Zognald Trump in 2020, ammrite fellow MAGAkike?

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You're a delusional moron. The welfare state is not "the European way." The welfare state is antithetical to the European way. Our way is fight and never give up. Welfare induces laziness and complacency and strips a people of their ambitions and desire to fight. Look no further than Sweden, one of the biggest welfare states in Europe. Even before the immigration issue, a huge double digit percentage of young adults were unemployed and on welfare. That's not normal or healthy. Welfare is easy life. Easy survival. It's literally, if we're to compare our evolution, it's how niggers evolved. They evolved on a continent overflowing with food, which never froze, where survival was easy. Nature basically provided them with welfare. Everything they needed was available without need for advanced structures, or group dynamics, or tools etc. Meanwhile in Europe we needed tools for hunting and simply existing in the frozen climate, we need advanced structures and group dynamics to survive the winters, we needed to learn how to preserve foods etc. Total opposite of welfare. Welfare is no a helping hand, it's subservience. It strips you of your will and ambition and makes you a passive, inconsequential, weak, nonthreatening begger. Governments love welfare because it destroys you. It destroys everything you stand for and make the government your lord and savior.

Anchor babies, then? With nothing, of course, stopping the illegals they're hiding from eating the food instead of the kids.

The very idea that we're giving free shit to illegal aliens is disturbing, but as we know from the Veritas videos the government is completely full of slimy traitor pukes on the long march through the institutions.

Its' just temporary sheboonish hysteria. Once they realize, no jew is offering apartments that slaves can afford, they will go back on welfare.

And it's not Trump. It's leftist racist propaganda that's scaring them.

Beaners are so fucking fat. They look like their eyelids are inflated.

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This. I can do more with dry goods and vegetables for my family than anything else. If people can't cook? Offer classes and recipe books that have simple, healthy meals in them. This blindly handing out gibs is the equivalent of giving fish to feed for a day. It's time these programs be revamped to actually help people, instead of making them dependent!

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I think this rises to the level of treason, and it's already illegal to aid an illegal immigrant in ANY WAY.
Trump needs to start arresting State legislators, governors, city councilmen, and mayors.

Maybe, when he gets control of the FBI, he'll start doing just that.

cia niggers force Terry to fake his death and construct a fake identity as a bearer. One day he will return to us.

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Assfucking faggot, it does not matter that they're more expensive, they are less desirable than buying shit from Walmart, and encourage people to get off welfare, instead of living off it forever.
And you can't really sell a ration of rice and beans to get drug money. You need several SNAP cards, under different names, in different states, to get enough highly desirable items to sell below retail, to get drug money.

LMFAO! MSM makes up names for things yet again!
Japan "Surprise" Attack not Sneak… etc.
2016; Three-quarters of Mexicans are obese

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LOL I've heard this before, it's literally a lefty shill talking point.

Reminder: when your hard-earned tax dollars aren't being spent to pay million-dollar bonuses to bank executives who traded grandma's IRA into the ground and then seized her house, they're paying 4'10" 200 lb goblina animals to have five US citizen children who not only flood the nation and replace whites throughout giant areas like
the southwest but also grow up to be gang-bangers and ultimately rob, knife, and shoot you and any children you ever have.

shoo shoo with your kike blackpills jew

Future 80-IQ, hostile gangbangers need milk so they can grow up muscular enough to pin your daughter down

the absolute state

People: read this and the comment it was responding to

Triggered the blackpilling kike so hard he replied not once, not twice, but THRICE.

Good job Jew, you outed yourself and you're mad. Better get Maalox.

Good post

Holy cow.

Yeah I know, you're really exposing yourself today. Shilling should be subtle, just nudging a bit here and there. You're not that good at your job though.

Bullshit. All the spics did not magically drop leeching, they're all still fucking here sucking down "gibs."

You didn't even read the article. Why even change IDs when you try your constant blackpilling? You're not fooling anybody you dumb kike.

Nice lack of reading comprehension Mr. Blackpill. Or is it Mr. idiot?

Hey faggot, you ever heard of /r/The_Donald? You should go there and stay there.

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Zig Forums created The_Donald you reject. Normie outreach, look it up in the cuck chan archives. You're clearly new.

Whatever you say redditor. Also, even if we suppose it was created by Zig Forums, considering how cucked reddit is, who is to say it would've kept its (supposed) original spirit and wouldn't devolve into a cult personality group?

Zig Forums has always been a national socialist board and never promoted the values of Neo Con Don you stupid hasbara kike.

National Socialism is a failed ideology and Hitler worked for the Jews. He was instrumental in both failing to genocide them and securing their homeland. You're sure hitting all the shill talking points though.

Lets suppose you're correct. NS is a failed ideology. Well, communism is as well, and we see the reflection of capitalism in the US (particularly in the late 1800s) and socialism in Europe. So, those also failed. What works, pray tell? Civic Nationalism which throws all genes into the gutter? How about being a centrist where you just let the people above you do as they please because they "normalcy" they form and you become used to is always "ok" and anything different is too "extreme."