(((Five Eyes))) Governments to Force Tech Jews to Build Encryption Backdoors

Memo issued today:
Statement of Principles on Access to Evidence and Encryption


The Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are committed to personal rights and privacy, and support the role of encryption in protecting those rights.

Encryption is vital to the digital economy and a secure cyberspace, and to the protection of personal, commercial and government information.

However, the increasing use and sophistication of certain encryption designs present challenges for nations in combatting serious crimes and threats to national and global security.

Many of the same means of encryption that are being used to protect personal, commercial and government information are also being used by criminals, including child sex offenders, terrorists and organized crime groups to frustrate investigations and avoid detection and prosecution.

Privacy laws must prevent arbitrary or unlawful interference, but privacy is not absolute. It is an established principle that appropriate government authorities should be able to seek access to otherwise private information when a court or independent authority has authorized such access based on established legal standards. The same principles have long permitted government authorities to search homes, vehicles, and personal effects with valid legal authority.

The increasing gap between the ability of law enforcement to lawfully access data and their ability to acquire and use the content of that data is a pressing international concern that requires urgent, sustained attention and informed discussion on the complexity of the issues and interests at stake. Otherwise, court decisions about legitimate access to data are increasingly rendered meaningless, threatening to undermine the systems of justice established in our democratic nations.

Each of the Five Eyes jurisdictions will consider how best to implement the principles of this statement, including with the voluntary cooperation of industry partners.

Any response, be it legislative or otherwise, will adhere to requirements for proper authorization and oversight, and to the traditional requirements that access to information is underpinned by warrant or other legal process. We recognize that, in giving effect to these principles, governments may have need to engage with a range of stakeholders, consistent with their domestic environment and legal frameworks.

Attached: fiveeyes.png (1024x1365, 186.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The Attorneys General and Interior Ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand affirm the following principles in relation to encryption.

1. Mutual Responsibility
Diminished access to the content of lawfully obtained data is not just an issue for Governments alone, but a mutual responsibility for all stakeholders.

Providers of information and communications technology and services - carriers, device manufacturers or over-the-top service providers -– are subject to the law, which can include requirements to assist authorities to lawfully access data, including the content of communications. Safe and secure communities benefit citizens and the companies that operate within them.

We are always willing to work with technology providers in order to meet our public safety responsibilities and ensure the ability of citizens to protect their sensitive data. Law enforcement agencies in our countries need technology providers to assist with the execution of lawful orders. Currently there are some challenges arising from the increasing use and sophistication of encryption technology in relation to which further assistance is needed.

Governments should recognize that the nature of encryption is such that that there will be situations where access to information is not possible, although such situations should be rare.

2. Rule of law and due process are paramount
All governments should ensure that assistance requested from providers is underpinned by the rule of law and due process protections.

The principle that access by authorities to the information of private citizens occurs only pursuant to the rule of law and due process is fundamental to maintaining the values of our democratic society in all circumstances – whether in their homes, personal effects, devices, or communications. Access to information, subject to this principle, is critical to the ability of governments to protect our citizens by investigating threats and prosecuting crimes. This lawful access should always be subject to oversight by independent authorities and/or subject to judicial review.

3. Freedom of choice for lawful access solutions
The Governments of the Five Eyes encourage information and communications technology service providers to voluntarily establish lawful access solutions to their products and services that they create or operate in our countries. Governments should not favor a particular technology; instead, providers may create customized solutions, tailored to their individual system architectures that are capable of meeting lawful access requirements. Such solutions can be a constructive approach to current challenges.

Should governments continue to encounter impediments to lawful access to information necessary to aid the protection of the citizens of our countries, we may pursue technological, enforcement, legislative or other measures to achieve lawful access solutions.


Attached: intel_ceo.jpg (725x483, 62.58K)

techcrunch blocked archive the link won't work

Checked, kike free ,etc

This is just formalizing what they already did for years.

I think this method should work.

Attached: howtoarchive.png (1185x1437, 482.65K)

the memo

Trump and Qanon looking like bigger and bigger fools every day

I thought they had buckets of evidence and were going to get something done ? Nope turns out the enemy is the people again, can't do anything even though they have all the evidence, now they have to compromise everyone because apparently they can't get the evidence they need. Big fish openly being corrupt right in front of them but they do this instead.

btw I was banned from this board for posting about 9/11, which Israel did.

Quite right, they have compromised everything for the best part of two decades, common knowledge by this point. Once codified into law it can be utilised as a threat, the data will likely be used outside of closed courtroom trials as well.

yep that worked i'll have to remember that


Also on >>>Zig Forums964707

Trust the plan.

Eat shit, ziocuck.

Hey man, I'm a pretty chill dude but that's a really gnarly attitude you got there. We hang together brother, or we hang separate. Not a far out concept dude.

how about you just hang? faggot.

Kill yourself you faggot fuck

It's a pretty obvious boomerlarp.

Notice how the 911 threads are all but gone now

>destroy (((Tech)))
easy peasy

Big fucking deal. They already have backdoors or are just trying to get headlines.

feels kinda good man
in seriousness tho gcsb suck a dick, protect us from the commie chink invasion you useless fucking cocksuckers

Attached: t1larg.zoolander.two.jpg (640x360, 45.19K)

Other sources too, just because
[archive.is/gwjRr] itnews.com.au/news/five-eyes-nations-to-force-encryption-backdoors-511865

[archive.is/TxkNc] via.hypothes.is/https://www.csoonline.com/article/3301353/security/five-eyes-threaten-to-force-encryption-backdoors-privacy-is-not-absolute.html

The sad fact is that they are working very hard towards that which is in truth nought but an end to the technological and thus moral dominance of the west, and they don't care so long as they get to be in charge for a short while longer. Great candidates for permanent gardening leave.

Forgot to add the punchline


Funny. I made a "call to action" thread yesterday about how we should change tactics, and tell people about 9/11, and I was b& pretty quickly.

they can't force a backdoor on open source encryption but they could outlaw it.

what they're targeting here is service providers, google, facejew, twitter, etc, not personal computers, though cell phone's will naturally be targeted due to their closed source nature.

- only use open software
- don't use smartphones, if you must, realize it's almost impossible to secure, assume it's all insecure.

really the people who are going to get hit the hardest are goyim leftists who go balls deep into all this cloud and social media garbage. remember the fappening and imagine that occurring on a massive scale.

Checked and
Our whole fucking species has been tricked in to buying, investing and living on a system that is designed to destroy us and subvert us. Communities fractured, families destroyed, privacy willingly eliminated, narcissistic behavior prized, minds corrupted, information filtered… etc. etc.
People treat the internet as if it is the real world and not a tool that exists within the real world, therefore the real world crumbles more every day whole they argue and battle over the internet. An easily controlled and subverted means of communication that replaces meaningfulness with mind numbing entertainment better than any system before.
Of course it is a shit show.

If you've been following Q Research, you'd see that it's no coincidence that the Five Eyes and the rest of that cabal have had their communications, satellites, access to the NSA, etc., BTFO. So, it's only natural that these fuckers are throwing a temper tantrum like spoiled children and wanting to ban encryption. They're dead in the water, can't do shit about it, and they know it.

As for your ban, I haven't once seen anyone on *this* chan get banned for bashing kikes; only on cuckchan. Were you really banned because of 9/11-Israel, or was it something else? Maybe you just acting like a massive, anally-prolapsed faggot.

Probably because you're an insufferable prick. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Backdooring the encryption doesn't matter if you have access to the encryption keys via a hardware backdoor.

Now that the project name went public it was cheaper to use it as a ´campaign' than to trash all over under a giant rug.
5 Eyes… used to be so secret.


They are making it legal something that they already do but it is illegal.

There’s a bunch of 9/11 threads on 4pol right now and I’ve watched 2 videos about Jews doing 9/11 on YouTube tonight. Guess they can’t contain all of it. Look into corbetreport account. One has a former marine Jew who talks about it.

open hardware would be nice but it's only trickling in. you can buy a talos power pc if you want to drop enough for a car, and even then there's zero guarantee it wasn't fucked with at the factory.

there's still ways to deal with fucked hardware though. monitor the network, air gaps, etc.most of this is common sense.

I like how a bunch of kike slaves, whose only apparent talent is tricking niggers into voting for them, are the arbiters of what rights we do and do not have. I'm sure they only use their powers for good.

Use one-time-pad encryption and watch the NSA niggers glow in the dark trying to crack it.

For why friendo?

Fuck me

Hitler would just gas all the paedos and have direct rule not let you filthy christkikes run amok ruled by your yid overlords


some interesting behind the scenes progress.


This .png isn't actually their public facing depiction of themselves is it? I want to think it's just anti-Five Eyes propaganda to demonstrate how big brother they are, but it's impossible to tell with so many sentimental gentiles that think the kikes don't need to die. Seeing Britbongistani TV license threat ads and how they address their hostaged European population also might be playing a part.

They always love to throw in the catch phase

" For your safety goyim "
" This is keep our democracy safe"

same meaningless bullshit everytime designed to lul the lemmings into a false sense of security.

You should reserve different boxes (computers) for different uses. Cheap used laptops. Cheap used phones. The things you want to hide don't even need to touch your personal life. I use a raspberry pi box for torrents, I use a cheapo laptop to browse, post and save political content, chatrooms, posting here (the laptop is only used for politically sensitive things like extreme racism) the stuff that would get me marked down for state hacking (the UK have legal powers to do this) and another laptop for hacking and external hard drives with hacked databases on them nice and encrypted. I don't watch porn though because I'm an adamant nofap boi. I often leech neighbours wifis too but this is less safe than ethernet, so I only leech that sometimes to play games on, with yet another computer (my main desktop I use for making media/games and shit). Then I've got a normal phone for friends/fam, a work phone and a phone I use to just browse anonymously. Seems excessive but if you don't want eyes on you then you must take extreme measures.

Sounds just like why (((anyone))) says we need (((them.)))

Thinking of cops.

In the U.S. there is a bill introduced called the Secure Data Act of 2018 directly addressing this:


Attached: Zuckerberg interview on stage at D8 2010.jpg (632x312 915.1 KB, 7.08M)

Nice digits but these are the nations that are openly participating in European genocide, so I doubt that they have some sort of incentive to 'force tech jews to do anything' other than continue their genocide of Europeans.


Encryption can't be backdoored


Can't stop the signal.


What? Oh, simply this: That we are free from them, for we have the knowledge now of making encryption - there is nothing to stop we, the free speech peoples, from existing so flagrantly in speech they despise.

ID 33 dubs.
Checked and Checked.

< but
Opinion discarded. Thanks for playing. Bye.

That was an NSA agent LOL

Dumbest title thread ever: the tech Jews and ZOG are the same team.

implying the "us" is everyone and not just jews

nice quads
This part is known as the Faggotamble.

Nothing to see here.

It already did, see 'Snappening.'