Adjustment Day

The Author of Fight Club Hands Us A Memetic Superweapon

Basically Chuck Palanuik the author of Fight Club and self admitted reader of the Daily Stormer (only ironically he swears) wrote a book about DOTR and dividing US into ethnostates complete with snuffing liberal professors, shipping Jews back to Israel, and levitating wakanda space pyramids. Either this guy is /our guy/ or his head so is crammed with our memes hes basically our golem. Publishing kikes are trying to shut it down hard.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Eh. I dunno. My spidey sense tells me that the jews are going to gradually integrate bits and pieces of our ideology and worldview into the overarching pop culture in an attempt to demystify it and make it seem less dangerous as part of a deradicalization effort. This book is just another entry in a long entry in the recent deradicalization trend. The upcoming doom game is another example. Outright censorship doesn't work for them anymore, so they're slowly bringing it into the fold as just another quirky subculture that is to be managed, contained, and profited from.


You should pirate a copy and read it, even if just for research/entertainment. Boomer genocide is an integral plot point. I got a good laugh from that alone.

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Be aware that Chuck Palahniuk is a homosexual.

What is hacking bitcoin?

He is a gay.

Fight club is a good book and was beautifully written. I heard his second, survivor was good, but everything after was just ironic and cheap shocks. I read Damned, and it was mostly terrible. He described it as the breakfast club in Hell, and that joke is really all there is to it. The language is drab.

He also wrote a short story about a boy who gets his colon sucked out of a pool drain, and apparently when he reads it out loud at talks people faint. It’s actually beautifully written which was the point —take something horrific and disgusting, but use language beautifully to short circuit your brain. It’s like looking at a nice pair of tits on a tranny.

He wrote a guide on how to write that was good —he’s a good teacher. In it there was a short story that was really well written.

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That explains why Greggy and Counter-Currents are shilling for him.

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It was a pretty fun light read. Over the top sarcasm, not much character development, the ending wasn't particularly satisfying but expect to be amused, there are lulz. Would read for the first time again.

He is a gay portland hipster who hate white people. Well Oswego not techinically portland but it should give you an idea what kind of faggot he is.

Speaking of that, remember the Simpsons? Before I got redpilled I used to laugh at the jokes that had Homer as the butt of the jokes. But as I slowly got closer to the JQ, laughs became chuckles and then, no more.

It's still better than anything put out past Season 10

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They are shtting on the book's "kangz angle"

There are better alternatives, but still

Sounds like quite a book. I think I'll buy it and encourage all my racist friends to buy a copy too. Excellent new cultural signifier – may replace The Matrix and redpills, tbh. Let's spend some money, /Paul/!

Never come back, you fucking cunt.

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You would be surprised how many people steal inspiration from the chans, newsgroups, bar gossip, etc.

It's funny. The authentic Zig Forumsack is almost impossible to make a buck off of, since spending the Jews' IOUs is seen as an immoral act. No matter how much money we have for modern sporting rifles and 2,000 rounds of ammunition, we'll pirate a Bazooka Joe cartoon off the floor of a men's room if it denies the kikes a shekel.

I'm morbidly curious to see how the Madison Avenue heebs are going to Just Do Itify a mindset that came into existence explicitly to kill them all dead.

I don't put anything past them when it comes to monetizing souls.

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sounds like you're almost out and need to restock

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I think I got it:
EPUB version, PDF is for faggots.

Sure, but he illustrates the absurdity of the magical negro mythology vividly. He essentially calls bs on a number of sacred cows, including some concerning gays. I liked it. It's not great literature but like I said, lulz.

Budget's tight this quarter. And I just made the big jump into big bore.

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I stockpile components and handload, it's the only way user.

It seemed to me 300 pages of 'Hiter did nothing wrong' tier memes, but maybe that's only because I know Hitler really did nothing wrong. I'm not sure how it will be perceived by others tbh.


Being this jewish.
Nice image name; we broke that.
Meet Mr Filter.

planning on hunting bears with that?

review from (((wikipedia)))

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why the fuck is this kike thread back? fucking mods are kikes i swear and so is (((palahniuk)))
this jew mother fucker deserves a fucking bullet and his family deserves the knife

switching ids doesn’t make you seem legitimate kike. nice try

read rant

this. 1st post was clearly kike free

Watch Brawl in Cell Block 99 and Triple 9, most redpilled movies in the last 10 years

Stop cheating on me, user.

cool thanks

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Yill Kourself

I would bet that the Fight Club movie was a major influence on the views of a lot of Zig Forumsacks.

it was one of babbeh's first pinkpills for me to be sure


it influenced me and all the Zig Forumsacks i know.

Absolutely. Fight Club anticipated Zig Forums in a major way. It's almost unreal. I was watching the film not too long ago, and there's a bit where he's flying around city to city looking for Tyler, and he says that he can feel there's a fight club nearby whenever he lands in a new city. This is how it's going to be— a silent army, always waiting, everywhere.

Sure am. Bears wear 3a body armor, right?

Pics related.

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Sounds like a jew.

I still have a big enough soft spot for my first pinkpill sneakwatching Fight Club with my friends back in 99 that I've bought the new book. Don't let me down based gaynigger.

You don't write Fight Club without being /ourguy/ - whether he realises and wants to admit it or not.

Definitely the latter. He's a literal faggot.

While the money probably ultimately ends up in a kike's pocket, there's something to be said for getting movies like these to climb the charts. Seeing other people are thinking the same thing is a good motivator for normies who have inadvertently taken babby's first redpill but are scared to go further down the path.
Redpills are something that grow exponentially, everybody who takes one should be encouraged to distribute them to at least two others.

Daily Stormer is a psyop ran by the Jew Weev

Andrew Auernheimer has curly hair, beady brown eyes and looks exactly like the most famous Auernheimer of history, journalist and author Raoul Aurnherimer.

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Hi Joan


when's this coming out? I haven't seen a new movie in years and can't think of a single bad Mel Gibson movie - both as actor and director.

I love how shills getting tripps and id dubs makes them stand out even more.

And Mike Enoch is a jew too.

Yes, he looks Jewish.

he must be a kike then

In fact i now suspect OP of trying viral marketing for his shit book written by a gay kike
fuck off fag kike

Heh.hehe.hah.hahahahahahah. That is funny. Why? Because no one knows how many libshits, sjws, fags, commies, marxists and kikes wank to near death on how much fight club is for them, and how it would kill them to realize their media was made by "an ebil nazi".

I know you won’t believe me, but I’m not Joan.

I downloaded the photo from roosh’s twitter. You should download it and upload it to see if you get the same file name.

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that gun looks like it can shoot through schools.

t; johnny dangerously

yes, yes you are and everyone now knows you own a mirrorless camera.

On a different thread numbskull

If I were that fat, I’d kill myself


if this is true they are digging their own grave
i remeber being a teenager and getting into subcultures like satanic metal and edgy goth stuff cus it triggered soccer moms and self apointed christian moral guardians,
self reason i began to ironically post "hitla did nuffin rong" when christcucks became the butt of the joke that everybody laughed at and the new self apointed moral guardians were leftards
it was funny to trigger them, but even funnier to than triggering christians, as in "HOLY SHIT THAT'S TRUE!" kinda funny,
christianity's fuckups are very well known but they are also old, leftard fuckups' were fresh and still smoking
it didn't take me long to go from ironically triggering leftards with political incorrectnes to the realization that not gasing the kikes was the only mistake Hitler ever made

He lives with a pug named Arnold.

The book was trash. Civ-nat garbage. The South goes to negroes, California is made into a fag reserve, and Adjustment Day itself takes up like 5 pages. Also the idea was written down by a porn addicted beta male. And the negroes discover flying pyramid technology hidden bah da whyte mane.
There's a scene early on where two gangbanger negroes execute a liberal college professor and flip the inverted American flag in his office the right way once he's dead. Based!

It's at least a step in the right direction for the addled and subdued normalcunts. The fact that kikes are kvetching so much about it is a pretty good sign.

NEVER CEDE TERRITORY. This wouldn't even be an issue if we implemented ETHNO-GLOBE.

I forgot to add, the only good parts of the book where the auto mechanic turned Duke turns his assigned land into a set of Circassian villages, complete with period correct outfits and agrarian lifestyle, and the country-wide 100 year ban on STEM advancements so White men can get back to farming and fucking.

If you really can't see the value of ideas like 'a balkanizing total racewar in america between whites vs blacks vs faggot liberals' and 'mass execution of journalists and politicians for being traitorous liars' being shoved into the mainstream even more by a method such as this you're a fucking moron.

I'm guessing the SUBTLE satire regarding "day of the rope" nonsense has been missed here.

To some degree this is already happening. NatSocs/Nationalists agree on Nationalism for ANY of other cultures (that is; preservation of culture/people under a relatively strict homogeneous arrangement) including (((our BFF's))), but that ends at Zionism which is tantamount to allowing the globalist cancer to continue to spread and rob all cultures of self-determination.

Funny story user, that actually happened back in the 70s due to floor circulation outlets in pools with high flow rates and stupid kids who sat on them.

They won't do that because Aryan archetypes, and thus ideas, are very powerful. Often, these ideas negate/cancel (((degenerate ideas))) on a psychological and astral level.


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I'm sure some of them are close to it

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It's a poisoned well, silly. Sure you have a day of the rope, but it's organized by a beta male porn addict with oneitis for a Mexican college whore who tortures an old guy in a basement with a razor blade (Jewish ritual murder much?). Not to mention the civ-nat states of based homos and blacks and the paragraphs and paragraphs dedicated to the economics of homosexuals and how the homo state needs to trade straights to the white state for cash remittances or whatever bullshit.

I will say that the one nugget of truth is how society collapses when there's too many surplus males with no war to fight and too few women, but you can get the same conclusion reading Heartiste.

Really dont get satire do you

(((They))) realize that 'Replacement Cultures' work; even hypothetically. thus we see immigration at replacement levels, not to change the cultures through social and cultural engineering as we see today, but getting rid of them entirely as we see in the West.

(((They))) understand that attrition is not quick enough for their liking, so they will surround Whitey with biological enemies, pit them against one another, and stay int heir gated communities protected by Masonic goy LEO's, so nothing bad happens to them.


Lead villain is a jewess.

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It's called Guts and exists for the sake of shocking others like those copypasta that people used to share in SS13, grow some thick skin you nofun faggot.

I just saw this story as a copypasta on /b/. Shills must be pushing this author.

Yeah, everything must be shills.


Palahniuk came out as gay after an interview with Karen Valby, a reporter for Entertainment Weekly. Believing that he would be "outed" by Valby after confidentially referring to his male partner, he openly declared his homosexuality on his website.[48] According to an interview with The Advocate in May 2008, he and his unnamed male partner live in a former church compound outside Vancouver, Washington.[49][50] He and his partner have been together since the 1990s, having met while Palahniuk was working at Freightliner. He told one interviewer, "We both had these very blue-collar lives, and now our lives are completely different."[51][52]

It would have been better if you didn't reply to me altogether.

about 2 days ago he wrote about debating whether to get a $170 or $300 laptop. he's a fucking shitbird

Second faggit Chuck thread in a week HMMMMMM wonder who could be behind this

Fuckýng hate this newfags arab board

All you brainlets arguing about how he's a fag or a kike are missing the point. This book is a mega meme packed to the rafters with our memes and it can catapult our mind virus deep into hipster territory.

You what nigger?

Here's another. Buy yourself a coffee on me. Don't say I didn't do you any favors.

I don't have the .pdf for Adjustment Day. Have the whole version of Guts. It's very obvious that he's a degenerate fag.

Also /r/ing Adjustment Day .pdf, I'm sure it's controlled op like Mel Gibson's new movie, and there's obviously no reason to pay for either of them. However I believe it's important to read and watch both as it provides insight into what the left actually thinks the right believes, and more importantly what the left wants the center to think the right believes.

AKA we're winning.

We'll have to see, it makes sense that Mel will be forced to pay some (((penance))) in order to stay alive and employable after damaging the overlords the way he did

Kill yourself kikefy. Your new stock photo schtick sucks too.

Kikefy also despised board culture, way to out yourself. Next thing you know you are going to be shitting on book threads and anime tiddies just like the goon you are.

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Beware the bears.

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