Donald Trump is seeking to expand his powers as a president. He wants to build a marvelous wall. In order to succeed in his unquenchable passion, he needs a League of Humans to help him craft the wall. Will Trump build the wall of his dreams?
I hope you get raped by a ghetto nigger with a chicago bulls jersey using a vaccum cleaner
Landon Long
When will you feel how it's like to be constantly reuploaded? Will you ever reach a bigger audience other than Robloxian Jake Paulers? When will you make a non-musical video featuring real dialogue?
Daily reminder to keep watching Murdoch Murdoch for 10/10 voice acting, relevant references to Sam Hyde, Hannah Hayes, and that Alaskan Airlines plane.
Oy vey, both of those horrifying Adobe Premiere projects are badly written with a shit budget for animation/talents. That is why I'm stoiting my own "Women's Book Club" show on JewTube this Fall. It will cost $14 per episode, it will hit #1 Trending on YouTube like every other shit video. It will feature all the Tumblr/Reddit memes you will ever need.
It even has a budget of $14.88 million, straight from Disney themselves. This time, it will be a truly accurate assessment of the internet.
Will you feature Chelsea Clinton as one of the book readers? I'd love to hear the story of MLK, the death of XXXTentacion, and of course more reasons the EU should stay together and continue importing Syrian terr.. I mean migrants into Germany!
Anybody remember who the blue-dog Democrats were? They were peeps who gave us the 40hr work week,child labor law, & safety laws. Let all Ubercapitalists spew syphilitic cum drip now.
Grayson Wilson
this entire thread reads like someone took a reddit repost randomizer bot loose.
Anthony Rodriguez
Blue-dog democrats were the damn filthy scum that made this show right here.
That you are a raceless, genderless spooge-sponge. Who loves. Gov as long as they force you to work to pay 4 your betters.
Ethan Reyes
Jason White
Especially if you are a potato nigger! You pale potato niggers are JUST too hih maintenance!!!!!!!!!!
Hunter Green
Yeah, really makes me think that you have the IQ of a nigger.
Trump was running for pres in 2000 and thought about it in the 1980s. He's been flirting with the idea of running for president for a while. You, with your nigger IQ, really think that he'd say "No, I wouldn't let her date niggers" publicly, before running for president? Yeah, you would, with your nigger IQ.
Dylan Price
It's amazing how many kikes Israel has doing absolutely pointless psyops that will never change their fate.
Elijah Nelson
& they have enuff 2 post here…..
Jace Rivera
Strawmnan. In the video he said not only would he allow it, he said he wanted it. Guess you didn't watch the video friend. Why would you defend a man who WANTS his daughter to date a black man? He could have just said "no problem" to save face. You and donald must love that interracial porn. Sad!
Evan Adams
yes, but that's literally all they have. Have you seen their non-propaganda army films? Their infantrymen (and women) can't even scale a 6 foot wall. They are the most cursed creatures on earth. If 2 jews have 4 kids, 2 will be schizo and 1 will die before 3yrs old. God hates jews with a passion. Think about how fucking stupid they are. All they'd have to do is play nice and the world is theres. They already own everything, but now they need to continue on with in-fighting and belittling whites (their cash source and defense source) and general all-around insanity.
jews are cursed by God and they hate him for it so they try to make everyone else hate him too.
Mason Rodriguez
That was the Nazis, bro. They just copied it. I believe Joseph said that it was a good thing they were doing copying Germany in an interview before the war on youtube.