Oh no!

Mel Gibson’s New Police Brutality Movie Is a Vile, Racist Right-Wing Fantasy

In S. Craig Zahler’s ‘Dragged Across Concrete,’ Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn play a pair of abusive cops who turn to crime to make ends meet. And boy, do things get ugly.



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Nice hyperbole for your baseless strawman. Surely this doesn't have to do with the fact that Mel GIBSon is universally known to be overrated and his moves not making much in profit. You'd have to be an idiot to waste your money for tickets to one of his shitfests.

So basically Bad Lieutenant?

Now this is a good example of how to handle any leftist manufactured outrage. Never apologize or go on the defensive, just dismiss or mock it casually like it's nothing.

now this is good marketing

I'd rather watch this that listening to Dave Chappele cry and placate for 40 minutes before he can tell a real joke


Nike Cops as Pigs Socks will be sold out, better get some fast…

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I like Gibson but this reeks of advertising (hehe, those right-wingers will love it!), keep this shit off Zig Forums.

Can't wait for the salt harvest that passion 2 will create.

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This. Leftists live on handouts anyway, and waste what money they have on brand products - such as their "identity".

That's like saying the germans in Schindler's List was propaganda for nazis.

Just another stupid hollywood flick where they pair an actual real survival-instinct together with being "bad". Because let's face it, cops doing crimes aren't the good guys in the story.

Reminder that lethal weapon 2 was a thinly veiled softcore jewish porno

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i wonder if kikes will ever realize that this kind of articles are the best endorsment this movie could possibly get from them

Where to download this movie?

Riggs is back!

It is telling that the jewish media goes on and on about his jew comments, but I have never heard of this at all.

I remember how he called some kikess an oven dodger.

No such thing as bad publicity

How do Australians keep doing it? Australia no!!!

the saddest part is that i would probably watch a movie with a name like that just to feel the cringe
it makes you wonder why they havent tryed the "so bad it's good" angle to push leftardism
are they really so shit at writting that they can't even make properly amusing bad movies?

I don't watch that many movies anymore but I really liked Hacksaw. Ridge. Sure, the battle scenes were a little bit over the top but the story and characters were pretty good. I will definitely give next Mel's movie a try. His Apocalypto was quite good as well. It really showcased the brutality of pre-Columbian Latin America.

Made my morning.
I just finished watching There Will Be Blood yesterday with the wife, and she was complaining about how it seemed there weren't any good movies coming out anymore.

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it was christian propaganda made to demonize aztecs
sure they were primitive but they were not that savage nor violent, the movie makes them look like a mad max tier army of ravenous canibals, literally parroting all the "atrocity propaganda" spanish christcucks spreaded about them to justify their genoside
but that was not what triggered me
the sher amount of historical inacuracy did
the whole movie was a set up for the ending in wich Spaniard conquerors are shown arriving by boat with the sun raising behind them as if they were some sort of god sent that came to bring order to the loand as oposed to just another gang of marauders and thieves

Go back to Yucatan and stay there

You seem upset and confused.

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I'm not a christcuck myself but even still Latin America was violent as fuck and human sacrifices were still a thing down there. Spaniards did their fair share of raping and killing but spics were always pretty violent themselves. They still are to this very day. The conquistadors were a bunch of experienced warriors who honed their skills battling the Moors and knew how to pit one spic groups against the other. Plus they had a huge technological advantage as well. They manged to subjugate spics and as clear winners wrote the history favouring their side. It's one of victors' prerogatives. After all, victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.



Looks like Mel Gibson is going back to his more Lethal Weapon roots.

There's a tape of him yelling at his ex after they'd split up in which he said that and some other stuff. He didn't say anything that wasn't true though.

I'll also add, if he wanted to "accidentally" kill the guy, he could've just "dropped" his gun and tried to catch it, pulling the trigger in the spic's head's general direction in the process instead of turning him into a perma-cripple that'd still desire to be fed

>>>Zig Forums

Lefties and NatSoc's actually agree on this

Everyone here will probably defend Mel, and not for no reason but… He is probably controlled opposition

Witness your own retardation and learn from it.

Yeah, no. Archaelogy has confirmed those accounts because they actually found tzompantli recently. Your subhuman ancestors are now proven to have sacrificed at least 100,000 fellow Aztecs and used their skulls to build towers. Just do the math on the number of skulls vs. the size of those towers and you'll understand that the article massively underrepresents the truth.


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Forgot my 2nd pic. Mel waa right, the Aztecs were little more the monsters.

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I watched a documentary in (((anthropology 101))) on how the Aztecs sacraficed people. All I gained from it is that if one wanted to pull out a still-beating heart, cut under the sternum, reach up through, and pull it out. If done properly, t's so quick the body doesn't even have time to go into shock before the heart comes out, and properly knapped obsidian is sharper than surgical steel. polite sage

based Mel

"Jews can just fucking SMIIIIIIIILE AND BLOW ME!!!"

Anyone here should listen to Opie and Anthony covering the Gibson tapes, it's fucking gold.

Incredibly butthurt spic detected, you and your people are still savage and violent to this day Lopez.
The cartels are there to prove that the aztec human sacrifices still live to this day and age.

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The Hollywood kikes Mel because they have no power over him. What a great guy.

Aztecs killed about 700 people a year in human sacrifices.

The article in OP is jew-authored and published in a leftist shit rag. Sage.

you couldn't be any more jewish if you tried

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Of course they are, EVERYBODY likes Mel's films. They're high quality and uniformly great. The vicious and perpetually offended leftists are trying to create a groundswell of support boycotting him for previously having an alcohol problem that caused him to speak the truth about topics deemed "off limits", but the reality is nobody has any problems with his films; if anyone is boycotting him, it's for their idiotic political reasons, not for any legitimate reason.

On this topic of idiotic boycotts, House of Cards with Kevin Spacey was actually pretty good. I don't care that he got drunk and had sex with a drunken 17 year old gay guy who was sleeping over in his hotel room for the specific reason of having sex with the famous actor. But hey, take away his Oscar, this lame 20 year-old failure in his personal life totally reduces the quality of his work (if you are weak and force yourself to see it that way). DUH.

Kek. Try closer to 20,000. Even kike scholars put the total number of sacrifices around 2 million since 1500, and that's just the victims counted since first contact with whites. The sacrifices probably also served as a source of meat, as there were no domestic meat animals in the Americas outside of the llama and alpaca.

Today, modern cartels carry on the pointless cruelty and brutality of their ancestors.

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So… its not kosher (enough)? I wonder if any of these production companies are jew-infested: imdb.com/title/tt6491178/companycredits
This is the writer of the movie, he doesn't seem to have written anything exactly vile.. imdb.com/name/nm0951975/

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columbus hung 12 aztecs a day for 7 days because the spanish were treating them too softly and getting beheaded by them in my opinion it should have been 122 a day for 77 days

I've never listened to them.. Doing it now, brilliant. A few timestamps


'Aztecs were not all that evil guys I swear it was all a misunderstanding' ! said an incredible nervous spic trying to convince us that the view we have on mexicans, aztecs, or mexicas if you prefer is wrong.
Let's take a look at modern aztecs to see if this user is speaking the truth shall we ?
this is just a small sample.

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(1) of course, why even bother posting Mordechai ? you're not going to convince anyone in here to hate Mel Gibson of all people, you didn't even put any effort into it.

Little late to the party, rabbi.

The fake asiatic "natives" were a violent and bloody people that killed the native ancient Europeans and stole their land and wonders. Imagine we didn't document history and someone landed in the US 100 years from now and it had been 100% taken over by beaners and niggers… one would find artifacts of the moon landing and beautiful cities built and for White people and they'd ask "how did these subhumans achieve these things and just forgot how to do it?"…

The worst thing the Spaniards did was leave so many injuns alive, they should've completely genocided the continent. Also, never brought niggers as slaves.


As far as the kikery in Hollywood goes, Winona Ryder hasn't been involved in any real bad kikery. Still, she should get the oven.

I find it intresting who ever wrote this dose it in such a way that this film just mocked there religion, and not about how 2 our of touch cops cannot cope in today's (((modern))) society.

Why don't they make a film about Black Racists, they have done everything else?

Not to comment on those things but generally:

On August 2, 1492, more than 300,000 jews were expelled from Spain, with which event Spain's prestige began its long decline,
and on August 3, the next day, Columbus set sail for the West, taking a group of jews with him. They
were not, however, refugees, for the prophetic navigator's plans had aroused the sympathy of influential
jews for a long period previously. Columbus himself tells us that he consorted much with jews. The
first letter he wrote detailing his discoveries was to a jew.
The pleasant story that it was Queen Isabella's jewels which financed the voyage has disappeared
under cool research. There were three Maranos or "secret jews" who wielded great influence at the
Spanish court: Luis de Santagel, who was an important merchant of Valencia and who was "farmer" of
the royal taxes; his relative, Gabriel Sanchez, who was the royal treasurer; and their friend, the royal
chamberlain, Juan Cabrero. These worked unceasingly on Queen Isabella's imagination, picturing to her
the depletion of the royal treasury and the likelihood of Columbus discovering the fabulous gold of the
Indies, until the Queen was ready to offer her jewels in pawn for the funds. But Santagel craved
permission to advance the money himself, which he did, 17,000 ducats in all, about $20,000, perhaps
equal to $160,000 today. It is probable that the loan exceeded the expedition's cost.
Associated with Columbus in the voyage were at least five jews: Luis de Torres, interpreter;
Marco, the surgeon; Bernal, the physician; Alonzo de la Calle, and Gabriel Sanchez. Luis de Torres was the first man
ashore, the first to discover the use of tobacco; he settled in Cuba and may be said to be the father of
jewish control of the tobacco business as it exists today.

From that beginning, jews looked more and more to America as a fruitful field, and immigration
set in strongly toward South America, principally Brazil. But because of military participation in a
disagreement between the Brazilians and the Dutch, the jews of Brazil found it necessary to emigrate,
which they did in the direction of the Dutch colony of what is now New York. Peter Stuyvesant, the
Dutch governor, did not entirely approve of their settling among his people and ordered them to leave,
but the jews had evidently taken the precaution to assure their being received even if not welcomed,
because upon revoking the order of Stuyvesant, the Directors gave as one of the reasons for the jews
being received, "the large amount of capital which they have invested in the shares of the Company."
Nevertheless they were forbidden to enter public service and to open retail shops, which had the effect of
driving them into foreign trade in which they were soon exercising all but a monopoly because of their
European connections.
my.mixtape.moe/xhztft.pdf page 17 Mind you the writings generally are somewhat dated and some authors' works seem approving (?)

Or just claim he didn't know what a gun was or how it worked.

fuck off already with this projection

That's a wretched comparison to make.

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That's nice, fuck off flappy, you cancerous faggot.

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The worst crimes any human could ever commit
Cohencidentally the only group that they cannot be committed against is straight white men

That's a good thing.

Yes. That is how it works.

So, basically, this is a Jew making a 'raycia' movie with Gibson and Vaughn in it, but they never mention that do they?

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Some things never change.

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Wot de fokk? Aztecs are black/jewish?

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I make sure to buy two blurays of everything Mel Gibson makes.

No, but Jews are subhuman, just like aztecs and niggers.

Be sure to grab three this time, so the jewish writer/director gets what he deserves - your money.
You keep worshipping these hypocritical Hollyweirdos though.
Good goy.

Only Hollywood man to fo full 1488.
Not even Brando got that far.

He deserves your full support, cause you know damn well that he still holds the views, but has to keep his mouth shut.

I stopped watching new TV and movies about 6 years ago, I just rewatch the classics, and old shows I never got the chance; but I'll break my boycott to see Mel.

Getting sick of your shilling JIDF.

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I've always been more of the opinion that it should have been all Aztecs in one day, and then every other non-European on Earth the next day. On the third day, assuming these Spaniards were still inclined to exterminate something, I would have recommended the British.

the entire Aztec people were one of the most degenerate, barbaric, sub-human animals to exist in millions of years of evolution of life on Earth.

i am glad Cortez and a mere 50 Conquistadors utterly destroyed the Aztecs, and defeated their army of thousands, and subjugated and enslaved millions of blood drinking jungle niggers.

pretty much any mammal "society" is more advanced than Aztec society. ritual human sacrifice of tens and hundreds of thousands of men, women and babies at least once per month, which was elaborately celebrated like a fucking citywide party, and using forms of execution that are more gruesome than being eaten alive by
a hungry wild animal–fuck that shit, the Aztecs were pure Satanic Evil and deserved to be purged.

1. skull racks holding 100,000 human skulls
2. being tied to a pole and shot by 2,000 archers, hanging victims from ropes and swinging them to smash them into rocks and cliff sides, putting infants into canoes and floating them off waterfalls and into whirlpools, "heart extraction was the most common sacrifice"
3. "thousands of babies every year immolated"
4. "girls 11 to 13 years old—the age of most goddess, few women older than 13 were victims"

i only lament that Cortez failed to finish the job and didn't entirely exterminate the entire race of subhuman animals in South America. we're still fucking cleaning up their shit centuries later. there is something sick and evil and primitive in the instinct of every descendant of the Aztecs, and so the problem never goes away as long as any of them live.

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Wait so Mel made a movie about right wing death squads…

but wait, it get's better. let's read a thorough description of the human extraction process.
after you walk a mile to climb the slippery with a flood of blood stone steps of the pyramid to reach the Priest and the altar on top, you will be held down and the Priest will cut out your heart with a stone knife so fast that you will still be alive while he rips out your heart and holds it up over you.

then you get to look forward to your corpse being thrown down the steps, your head being removed,
and being cleaned to leave only your skull and shreds of your hair and scalp. then your painted and decorated skull will be mounted in people's homes as decor, or keebob'd with other skulls on a pole
on a street.

fuck the Aztecs. they needed Jesus more than anybody in history.

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Gibson is a professional Hollywood boogeyman.
If he was legit, he wouldn't be given the platform he is. His role is "anti-semite", misogynist, racist etc.

Didn't Passion hold the record for fastest to $1b or longest or something?

Nope only $600 million.

"Won't you take me to, Funky Town?" Love that video you posted, going to go listen to some oldies now.

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How can a man's eyes look so dead inside? It's some sort of basic intuition we all have.

This is also a reason why I can spot when someone is a dirty kike ready to stab a friend in the back before he actually goes and does it. Even when said kike is smiling in a "friendly" manner.

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Loved that show. Vic Mackey got shit done.

All of his movies are awesome.

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I would have been gladder if they killed them all instead of fucking them.

Isn't the (((Daily Beast))) owned by lying kikes? My J-dar senses are tingling.

He had a reputation before his recent exposure as a creep who liked young boys. Kill yourself.

They are kvetching so hard as if they ran out of foreskins to bite. So it looks like I will have to go and see this one in the ((((((theaters)))))). I haven't been in one in probably a decade or so.

Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast On Blood Of Kids’


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natsoc is to the left

only right wingers are retarded enough to praise government crime

But that movie sucked, and hes a Jew.

I've read elsewhere that Vaugh was based. Perhaps Mel has informed him of certain (((things)))?