anniversary of this shit, let's make it hit the turbine.
Other urls found in this thread:
iirc, this is something that Zig Forums opposed for a good reason
I just don't remember what that good reason was right now
I think it's cause he had a flag in a room or something but no one can see it so they didn't really care as it served no purpose but the camera is now in public so who gives a shit?
I hope you're quoting this from somewhere user.
I might die saying this several times - 8/pol/ never appreciated the people that came to the New York stream (jihadi jesus, jackie 4chan) because they represent civic nationalism.
Probably cause there aren't that many to start with. Seriously this place is almost as barren as my fridge.
Shia trying to NOT consciously be reminded about Zig Forums
Him being an SJW but also ended up calling a cop a fag cause he's in the closet like his flag
I'm watching it right now and nobody is paying attention to the camera. There are A LOT of very hot Polish bitches in whatever city this camera is. GODDAMN.
last time we got someone from 4pol to go there and read out threads
Well played.
there was a little bit of fun from poland but not much. most people there just don't care about this gay project.
did you see those kids drop the beer bottle? Its still sitting there
Honestly, I feel like it should be left up or used as a redpill.
Pretty simple - Link to it, and say 'This is what a white society looks like.'
cleaned up in 10 minutes
This is true, but he's being misleading. Poland took in about 150 Christian Syrian refugees - probably just so they could say they did if they needed to. Regardless it's a bad thing, but I could understand why they might want the ability to say 'We did take them, fuck off.'
ITT newfags who don't know there is an entire board for HWNDU
ITP: A worthless newfag redirecting people to a dead echo chamber with barely anyone active.
Fuck off and die.
Hey you try finding it without the tag. There's literally fucking 100s of these damn things to the point I can barely scroll by 1/7 of the total
I don't understand. Does he think they care?
this was actually pretty good
lurk 2 moar years is not a meme
No Levi, the accepted phrase round these parts is kys nigger.
I don't understand you?
It makes me sad my country is not this white. Is this the feeling of melancholy, jealousy, envy or despair? Or all of them?
The reason no one cares, is because the camera is behind a window. You can see the reflection of the camera lens in the current stream whenever someone walks by close enough to the window to cast a shadow across it.
not to mention how irrelevant a trump protest stream going on in yuropoor is
shia and luke have turned this thing into a complete joke and any political statement about america has went out the went long ago
The guy in the video said Poland did take in Syrian refugees. That implies that they took in a large number of them, which isn't true.
Fuck off back to half, faggot.
HWNDU was funny; only person who might be upset by it is a leftist.
Fuck off Lucifer you sodomite kike
Old school Astoria and that little sperg that ran around and got chia to chase him after saying Hitler did nothing wrong was classic.
It also implies the people they took in weren't White. There is a reason they were Christians and not Muslims like everyone else.
1)One of the Astoria guys claimed to be half-Jewish
2)Something interesting was that the other guy of the duo was a comedian called Greg the Greek.
Is this Syrian white?
huma abedin=human adrenaline
Looks white enough to me. That's the kinda guy I'd grant asylum to.
It was fun at first but then it got dragged into the ground by /v/ and reddit and got really old and embarassing when the likes of cake kike went up to the camera and started memeing like the disgusting jew rat he is.
Samir Zayne is a piece of shit progressive cuck who pushes for open borders and not all muslim shit.
You don't say.
Does he go to Poland?
And why Poland anyway?
Aren't they the country the EU is trying to sanction for not taking any rapefugees?
I've only seen a couple of right wing trolls on the stream, but other than that nothing.
He didn't think this through
This is the memory rape. The rape that happens when you are half passed out and you don't really know it's happening, then sometime, a week or a month later, you remember the rape.
Sad but true, I just wonder how many other white people like him are in Syria, politics aside.
What's your country user?
What's MM up to these days?
Easy solution- just give a political test before admittance. You know like they should be doing anyway
So we're all asking why poland? I wonder if its anything to do with this recent video about a certain peoples and what they want to do with poland
his skin may be lacking melanin but he aint white, we all know a certain other group that also lacks melanin but would you call them white?
Another thing, shouldn't this be illegal? You shouldn't be filmed without consent especially when it gets uploaded straight to the internet for the public to see.