Ready for the blue wave?

Ready for the blue wave?

Meet Ayanna Pressley, the latest victor in a democratic primary upset, unseating 10-term incumbent Michael Capuano.

Gee, where have we seen this before where dems are coming out in droves to replace their white incumbent men with brown women?

The behavior exhibited from the left shows their desperation. This November is going to be lit af. Don't expect a red wave for sure.

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And I gotta say… she's one sexy nigress.

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user, she has rope for hair…

No shit, Sherlock. You're missing the point.

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the point is not a single republican politician will run in Massachusetts? is there not a single right wing person in the entire fucking state?

I look forward to her spectacular and 'untimely' public failure.

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The dogs have gone off leash with this one. At least getting that kike-filled bill that disallowed republicans to contest vote results will now at least make things a little more interesting.

No, there literally isn't. Do you really know nothing about massive jew shits?

Wow, I wonder if the news media will shill her as hard as they do Kamala Harris, whoever the fuck that's supposed to be.

I guess a bright side here is that Wu didn't win his primary today. He announces that he will try again in 2020.

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Hopefully he tries to an hero well before then.

And succeeds.

So, she replaced some old democrat, congrats?

I support this
I propose he supermans off of something big like really fucking big and livesgreams the whole thing on his phone on the way down

This bitch will import millions of spics into my neighborhood, I guarantee it. Nobody believes me when I tell them our safe, 96% white town won’t stay that way, but it’s happening. I don’t think she’s in my district, but Somerville is close enough that they’ll make their way here.

apt post my dude

White leftists are getting the rope. Whether by us or nonwhites, nobody likes a traitor.

This is good, the more white libs loose their power and money, the better. They need to be stripped of everything. White America has been lead to its grave by these shiteaters, its about time they suffer for their actions.

No- bad. Go stand in that corner until you can behave.

Mass is jaw droppingly blue, but since it is primarily an ethnostate- they can do that until they cant

In an uncontested election. Girl power man.

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Fuck off nigger. You should be permabanned just for that.

Massachusetts has other issues that drive it ever leftward.

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Uncontested in that there was no republican candidate. However, I don't think this thread is about her winning the seat, but how she was able to unseat a while, male, fellow democrat incumbent.

Like boxing, never bet on the white guy. That's about what it's coming to in democratic primaries, and possibly the actual elections going forward.


Yes, white leftists being disenfranchised and eliminated. This doesn't impact us at all because as long as we win, there is nothing they can do. If anything, this will allow us to take the next step into pure racial politics, something "muh workers" leftists do not want. White leftists are the single biggest enemy alongside kikes.

Its almost as if democracy doesn't work and needs to be overthrown.

It's not that hard to comprehend, you fucking civnat redditor.

gas yourself

you mean jews, user?

the civnats and redditors are notorious for their limited grasp of the war we find ourselves in.

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As this kills establishment dems, it could only help us. Pelosi and other heads are going nuts dealing with that Cortez spic alone, this is great.

Kek NBC is done for.

fuckin weave looks like a ball of yarn

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well the senate passes the leglislation so its not like hes vetoed anything from them that you would want

and as far as his own actions he seems pretty good with the executive orders

and his supreme court pick is good

are you a complete idiot? why didnt you just post the picture of him touching some jewish rock you retard.

This faggot everybody.

the eternal magapede…

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He didn't veto the shit omnibus
Which executive orders have lead to change in administration or achieved anything policy-wise?

where the wall at? 20 months of trump and under 70 miles accounted for. why is hillary free and not locked up? weiner in jail when? huma abedin? what about the awan brothers and their scam in congress? they're both out scott free.

I trust you'll find your own way to the oven?

She defeated not just some old timer Dem pol, but one of the most radically leftist fuckers in the

I sense a that something is coming and it's not a BLUE WAVE…

More like a BLUE SWIRL, right down the toilet.

Abolish ICE sounds so good for a SJW to triumphantly proclaim, their hearts beating with hot blood coursing through their veins.

But really who the fuck wants open borders?

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Autism is real.

On one hand she must be one with the workers, the proletariate…

On the other hand she must oppose Trump in all things.

This should provide immense amusement as November approaches

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I wouldn't get over-confident right now. The midterms are really anyone's game. The left has a lot going for it right now in that they are more unified than any party has been in the last several decades. They are in near complete solidarity, functioning almost as a single mind. Then you look at our end of the political spectrum and it's a mess in many places. Look at 8/pol/ and how divided it is. Women like Laura Loomer are putting in good work for us right now exposing Islamist and jihadists, but you got faggots here being all like "BUT SHES A JO00oOOOO!!". Unity is one thing our side lacks right now, at least in comparison to the left.

Did you just wake up from a very long nap? The left wants open borders so that they can import all those democratic votes.

>defending (((Laura Loomer)))

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Women voters. They are cancer to every society for a reason. Jews wouldn’t successfully push Marxism if it wasn’t for the women of the west.

Fucking disgusting, I can't believe leftists morons elected a fucking spic coffee maker I can believe it nowadays over somebody who had been there for 20 fucking years. When their district loses all that influence to a retarded nigger in this election it'll just be another bit of what was once "America" being unraveled by the non-white mongrel masses, I want something big to happen, all we need is a spark to get something going nationwide.

Also this user is pretty much on point, but it still astounds me they didn't want to try this in a place where they MIGHT actually lose instead of a 100% chance of winning so they can showcase their "diversity" against evil whites, but they won't ever do that.

The irony.

(dubs) beaten by (trips)

Except for not fully repealing shit like DACA which could have been done by executive order. He has done fuck all in regards to immigration. Notice everything now is about bringing jobs back from China other economic policies? No talk of "Let's stop importing all these fucking people and prevent them from working."

>>defending (((Laura Loomer)))

If my memory serves correct, a federal judge from Hawaii (the federal judge meme capital of the US) said DACA had to be renewed/reinstated.

She's interrupter-in-chief.

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Your based kikess is a proven fraud (the “slashed tires” incident comes to mind) and the fact that you’re shilling for her and invoking the >muhhhh joooooz meme shows that you’re from Reddit. Filtered and reported.

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Should be poop wave.


holy fuck

Citation neededplease.

lel, because this invalidates her every action

Typical 8/pol/ degenerate who still hasn't recovered from the turkroach's ouster. Things are different now. Deal with it.

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dems kicking their old guard aside for crazy new blood is not a recipe for success. ocasio-cortez is a fucking nightmare, and I'm sure pressley is going to expose herself as a nightmare too. They're essentially running on "free shit for the working class and poor." Throw in open borders, soft on crime, anti 2nd Amendment and they are nothing but anchors around their parties neck. There will not be a blue wave, which is a defeat for the left.

It's the fate of all people who defy science. I'm sure there were people who continued believing the earth was the center of the universe after Copenicus revealed the heliocentric system. Those captains who did got lost at sea more often than the ones who switched the new system. The belief that monkeys are equals is also a cute belief. The Bell Curve proved it wrong. White Americans decided to punish the authors rather than switch to the better system. Now they will go extinct with their stupid beliefs. And good riddance.

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Leftist hubris never ceases to amuse.
Playing musical chairs within your party replacing establishment dems with wacky extremists doesn't mean you're resonating with the general population, it means you're fracturing and infighting.
Watch more of your base look at the usual suspects like the green party or fuck, play with going red, just like Michigan did.

Until the dems show in droves and dominate with sheer turnout alone. Said it already… don't get over-confident. November is anybody's game. Gotta vote. Can no longer rest on the laurels of our 2016 victory.

Burgers, what the fuck are you doing? Even in leafland there will be token person on the ballet to run against. So in a scenario like this the people might just vote the saner option in.


fuck you
some people work hard and get fans
fuck you

Turn your district into Chicago today



The thread should have been deleted at this post.

Mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

Drowning in a sea of shit. Nothing can be done about it. Tragic!

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You faggots are going to throw this election and blame it on "muh nazi stormfags".
Calling it now.

Laura, you can stop posting now

The brown wave will flood the Democrats with shit tier candidates and an even greater number of activists, until it collapses under the weight of its own fecal colored agitators.

Remember that million woman march on Washington right after the inauguration of Trump?

A cursory check of the crowd found that most had not voted.


White women voted for Trump by the way.

I don't doubt that this is true. The MSM had all the lefties convinced Hillary had a 98% chance of winning, so many stayed home thinking everyone else would carry the vote.

They know that's not the case now and will be out in full force in November. The only way to have a chance is to get off your laurels and vote as well.

shit waves…

Is this meta-shitposting or are you posting from another timeline?
Ummm no sweety, it really isn’t.

Wait Kushner is actively working against what we want and is hiding everything from Trump



Born in Chicago, Illinois… grew up on the north side of Chicago… went to the prestigious Francis W. Parker School… has been public about being a child survivor of sexual abuse… … She was also sexually assaulted while a student at Boston University… senior aide to Senator Kennedy… John Kerry's political director…
Mother; who worked multiple jobs to support the family and also worked as a community organizer… :(
Father; struggled with addiction… :( became a college professor (of course)…
DIVORCED (of course)
Another Groomed Manchurian Candidate Cherry Picking Districts…
Ocasio-Cortez similarities?

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I thought I was the only one that called it that. Thanks user.

she's also Warren's inevitable replacement. this is the one to watch out for, not the dipshit from queens.
boston has turned into bel air. jesus christ. these districts used to be filled with guys running numbers out of a garage or a social club all day. wonder how many of these exist out there that will soon be colonized. dead districts that can become launching pads for lunatics.

but donald trump is the kikes and Israel's first choice as president. if anything, kikes would kvetch harder if Donald trump was not elected again

Oh god, not another sheboon in politics. This is just a fucking travesty.

Laugh all you want now but this is the beginning of the end. Le 56% nation wasnt so bad till now because minorites werent in any positions of control even of liberal politics all of this is just demographics catching up.

There are right wing ppl in MA, but not enough for anyone to waste a bunch of cash to run as a Republican. The district she won is gerrymandered af to pick up minorities and white libs. Shes also a carpetbagger from Chicago btw.


No everyone did go out and vote, Trump just won because we still live in a republic. Sadly, it has become a Reublic of Weimar in the end.

The "blue wave" is going to be socialists against establishment Dems, not Republicans. We're going to see more Occasio Cortez types usurp big money Dems because the normalfag democratic base is just not motivated to vote. But progressives ARE motivated. These are the Bernie bros who stayed home and didn't vote for Clinton in 2016. They will vote en masse in the midterms. Many have defected to the right or other 3rd parties since then, but enough of them are still commie faggots that we can expect to see more long shot "socialist" candidates winning.
Look at the statistics for that Cortez win in NY. Many more people voted for her opponent two years ago than even showed up to vote in the primary. That's why these outliers and underdogs are winning. We'll just have to see if enough Republicans and Independents care to show up in November and push them out. Something tells me all the press they are being given is actually going to be a detriment to them when average people see how fucking socialist they really are but we shall see. Either way get ready for happenings.

Taxachussetts may be mostly white, but the 7th District sure as fuck is not.

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Which stankmonkey or stankmonkey fetishist do I vote for this time? Decisions, decisions.

That is pretty good, but there is a lot more brown in the democratic party.

what animu is that