Q larp EXPOSED!!

Q has been exposed as cuckservative twitter troll microchip. Started by his crew, then later taken over by others

He's dropping chat logs on gabbai right now:

Attached: 5b8f40f4d3234.png (1242x2208, 446.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 5b8f425eb1ae3.png (1242x2208 374.87 KB, 485.75K)

Q is clearly a LARP/psyop, but I don't know if I buy this.

I was kinda hoping it was just some boomer.

Attached: 09c.jpg (818x768, 253.67K)

I was hoping it was terry Davis

Attached: 1cbc920584c6349ce4b49d90e1d031184bf2bac2cd2cd690f21d31f6b68bb21c.jpg (800x800, 81.71K)

How is 4/[pol/ taking it or they haven't gotten the news yet?

just leave me alone with your q fagging

You jest but this is EXACTLY what happened and you know it
Also pee pee poo poo pisssssssssssssSS
Praise Kek and all that

Go back plebbitor.

Wow. This totally isn't fake and gay.

Fuck you faggot I was god damned born and forged in the hate fire here
I ain't going anywhere fuckass


Q is a larp pal

Get the fuck outta here you boomer fuck.

BS. Microchip wouldn't have been pro-regime change in Iran.

Q is boomers. Trump is a boomer. They could be the same.

Q is a larp but Microchip is also larping trying to take credit

Because the date on the screenshot is proof, right? What is inspect element

sure, where's the log hosted?

Qlarp and all that, but how is a CIA controlled (mobile) discord screenshot proof?
I don't know who the autists in the screenshot are though.

No shit, Sherlock.

Right here you dumb nigger.

It's a screenshot posted on Gab today, which is PROOF that the chat actually happened at the start of the Q larp and is not doctored?

Explain your reasoning here, I'm not understanding how someone can be this retarded and still be able to type

About fucking time. This 'Q' bullshit has been sucking the oxygen out of the fucking campaign. If blue wins this midterm, an impeachment is absolutely guaranteed (and no, they don't need any fucking evidence, only votes)

I don't know what you would accept as proof, but this dude obviously has an online history that goes back a while

Learn what an archive is, then produce one with that screenshot from before Q became a thing.

Already a thread, twat.

Yes, it's Microchip, he's been trolling since the election. He's been referenced in articles and managed to convince journalists he has a huge bot army


Something more than a screenshot which is incredibly easy to fake, especially by someone like Microchip who spends most of his time trolling the media. Something with at least some sort of proof of date, like an archive post

Can you even archive discord?

How did Microchip get pictures that were taken from the exact airspace AF1 flew over before it was known that AF1 had changed its flight path to go over that area?

How did Microchip find out that Anderson Cooper's mother was a satanist?

How did Microchip notice that Hillary Clinton and Chelsea both wear upside down crosses in public?

He must have quite a lot of people working for him!

what do you mean ? Are you saying this couldn't have been just done in a vacuum by a couple of guys sending SMS messages on their android phones ? lol.

AFAIK - Q user is Hal Turner

This never happened

Q was bullshit form the beginning, we investigated it, we realized it was a farce, we watched all it's claims flounder, Zig Forums is always right. Sieg Heil.

Attached: pol is always right.png (1332x903, 2.15M)

Hivemind mind-fucking. And most are the resources are stolen from 8/pol/, 4/pol/, reddit, disc0rd and twitter groups. (luckily no Matrix)

Jews don't do anything that doesn't serve their god. Money.
The problem with Q being a LARP is there is no money and there has actually been an anti-money push coming from Q telling people to stay away from any monetized information.

Calling bullshit on this famefagger.

this is common knowledge to some who have studied these people for a long time. Q even says all this stuff he has talked about publicly available. those of us that woke up years ago, already knew alot of the things Q has brought up

Do you have any care whatsoever how demeaning that is to you? It is everything that we despise about your kind all wrapped up into two words and you can just throw it around like candy. this is the level of filth that is your reality. You do shit without a care that a White man wouldn't be belittled into doing.
jews are the absolute scum of the earth.
The opening to attack Q and Trump is to attack Trumps relationship with Israel and the fact that Q has stated they will gladly die in his place.
Well, guess what. I'd gladly die to have a go at pissrael. Millions of us would.

Microchip may be an arrogant prick and that's coming from a guy whose taken the opposing camp many times against him. But he knows his shit and is damn good at what he does. It's definitely something he's capable of and just like weev regardless of feelings underestimating their capabilities is something only a fool does.


Microchip was a supposed user who doxed some people during baked alaska drama… Hes a person who wants to be famous.

This x 10. I tried telling these fucktards that all he was doing was rehashing shit every conspiracy theorist already knew for years/decades. It's brilliant, yet annoying, example of confirmation bias/agree and amplify. The people that gave it ALL its momentum were conspiracy theorists that already knew this shit. Then they presented this to magapedes who lapped it up feeling like they were apart of the presidents scooby gang.

Nobody likes being the victim to what Hortler referred to as, "The Big Troll", but it happened. Suck it up boomers and new age millennials.

Only way I'm doing that is to take out a few of you.

The Q shit originally probably started with some user fucking around writing riddles, got pretty popular on Zig Forums and then our (((media masters))) just ran with it until it became the cringey shitfest it is today. I can't even find the original Q post from October 28, 2017 on the 4plebs Zig Forums archive. Does anyone have it?


Q is just a re-hashing of the "mass arrests" Drake/David Wilcock LARP from 2011, could even be the same guy


reminder that discord timestamps can be faked by editing elements

Attached: Capture.PNG (444x149, 9.33K)

Yeah, but that's a lot of work for a stupid double-troll

Attached: bcfb3f24ea8cbd5c8b757d7159ce005ed580791ced998037ad6337f794fb495e.png (2438x5894, 1.25M)


I think he's calling you a Jew and that's why it's supposed to be "demeaning" to you.

you do realize that it takes alot more effort to maintain the Q larp than edit a few elements right?

Q-LARP was exposed in November of LAST YEAR when EVERYTHING IT CLAIMED WOULD HAPPEN didn't happen.

next you're going to ask how did we know it was the jews. fucking lurk moar that's how

Effort? It's just vague shitposting

The guy who legitimately thinks he may be a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. There's a reason the New Age gets shit on for their fake "spirituality" of endless love and pacifism. They fall for anything and everything.

i meant the actual time spent working on it. compared to editing some elements it really isn't that much.

I honestly think many of them will kill themselves after they realize Q is fake

Q predicted this

Go back to reddit forever.


Because planes always fly it. It's a fucking great circle route, queer.
This didn't happen.
He's a buttfucking jew. It's not that hard to figure out.

A troll that hard even when it became so obvious when they started SELLING it? Yeah, and I think is where Micro is coming in with trying to end it. My thinking is that after Trump he wanted to fuck with your basic bitch conservative alt-lite types just to show he could make asses out of both sides and when it got to the point of a religious cult where actual Trump people are sitting on their fucking asses doing nothing thinking q jesus was going to save the world he realized it was having negative consequences.

Basically he mind fucked the people closest to seeing the full picture (conspiratards) into a coma. If they all drink the kool aid who else are we going to bring to our views lol?

Attached: 3545757125.gif (259x137, 1.96M)

He could be lying too. These screenshots are not hard evidence.

Attached: person-smoking-crack-o.gif (320x216, 47.52K)

Know what IS evidence, though?

It knows that.
They don't belong here. All you have to do to know who's who is read replies in a yiddish accent while rubbing your hands together and if it sounds like something a yid would say, there's your fucking yid.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (3752x1236, 448.29K)

Yeah, we know Q is fake dude, but the true believers don't. If we got hard evidence that it was started by some random faggot from twitter, then mass boomer suicide could commence.


And this is the shit that got tens of thousands of people to believe it.


*It's technically a counter-coup in this scenario because the actual traitors are being arrested and the true rule of law is being restored. I'm a stickler for correct word use, seeing as the kikes want us to fall for their dialectic and perverted definitions.

And I'm the pajeet spammer.

Not going to read the entire thread so apologies if this is a repeat post but here is the Blisset novel Q in English translation for PDF download


Here is links to other formates like Kindle and Mobi


Yes, this is another Mossad op. Very odd. They don't understand the true right, or the potential here. They think it's some kind of construct to be vanquished, not realizing that the cuckservatives were the dam holding us back, and now we are unleashed.

But such wrath, on the part of Mossad, against Q and Alex Jones. They definitely hate him so very much. Such hatred, surely distilled as perfectly as the terrorist (who were kikes) who brought down the twin towers.

No down-sides then.

The format of these early posts is completely different from how the larp developed later, with fake tags n shit.. It's obvious looking over the long term that the larp has changed hands multiple times.

Reminder that Q-LARP is a proven hoax and we're going to slaughter you and your fellow kikes.

That's from the 31st, not the 28th. That's the oldest one I can find on 4plebs too. Thanks anyway, user. For those who want to view the thread instead of in a screenshot: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/

You should probably kill yourself.

They posted chats claiming to be Q a couple months ago.

Attached: idont.png (644x500, 353.65K)

I have seen this aggressiveness, but why did the kikes take out Alex Jones? It was a Mossad op. And why do you threaten to kill me, though I am whiter than you are?

It's exceptionally odd to threaten to kill someone. That indicates the person is not located in the United States. Gee, what country could that be?

Checked. So, what's your thought? Why does Mossad hate Q and Alex Jones? The way I see it, they're both in the way of a true and authentic right-wing. But there's this weird thing. Mossad, pros attacking Q, Alex Jones.

They didn't, retard. Reminder that your hoax was disproven a year ago.

So, I haven't followed Q. But I have observed that I will get attacked with a level of anger that is not consistent with a true white man.

For example, you aren't a white person. This is readily apparent. A true human, a white person, would be slow to anger, and wouldn't make assumptions.

You see, because you are a member of the raid, you know which parties to attack. But authentic persons have a lot of uncertainty, in many cases.

And, as you admit yourself, there are people who are real white people that have been bamboozled by Q.

Meanwhile, as I stated, why are you Mossad agents against Q? I find it off - as you point out, you made him, you oppose the whites who are merely even-tempered about it, and not wild and insane like a semite. Such an odd situation.

But since you are not a true human I expect nothing like a response, but more animal screeching of kikes.

And that's OK. This board, indeed this chan, is mostly kikes who are eager for the bloodshed of whites. Bloodthirsty semites!!!

Whether Q is real or not, I don't believe those screencaps. They read like a ham writer's lines on par with the quality of a high school "winners don't use drugs!" play.

You clearly have, as you show all signs of a Q-LARPer.
Because you follow a proven jewish hoax.

An outrageous claim. Name one (1).

Always the same:
-post some user that is the super redpilled or some garnage like that
-the user is showed as a con

If media is showing that (boards are media too) then it is controlled opposition and media always care about the carrier of the words, not the words.

Checked. But I don't think you asked me a question. And your hot-headedness makes you nigger-like.

Honestly, you faggots need to stop bumping this thread. This is Zig Forums not fucking /qlarp/. For months you cringey niggers that are obsessed with q have been screeching, "This is it WE KILLED THE LARP NOW!" But then the larp keeps larping. It doesnt bother me either because they don't come here and shit up Zig Forums with their cryptic shitposting. No, it's you niggers trying to slay a fucking LARP.

You want people to give a shit, go to the fucking qlarp board. No one on Zig Forums gives a shit about a god damn LARP, thats why its Zig Forums and not /qlarp/. The fucking cringiest thread I've even seen was when Zig Forums was making memes about a fucking larp. Seriously, some of the most pathetic attempts to fucking meme something that is so obscure, so fucking irrelevant, so fucking retarded and here is Zig Forums making some dumb ass memes about it.


Attached: 8715627896124.gif (640x360, 1.96M)

So, if you're curious, the reason I avoided Q is that it was written in an obtuse form more akin to a delphic oracle. So I knew I had no chance of understanding what the hell it was on about.

But then something odd happened. Alex Jones was taken out by Mossad, who posted a pressure point on 4chan. It was pretty extraordinary. They were removing Alex Jones.

And if there was anything Jones had done, of late, it would surely only be the Q thing. Nobody cares if he's rude toward victims of violence or whatever. That's bullshit. When 2 dozen kids died in a school bus in Yemen, as result of Hillary's bombs-for-sandniggers program, they didn't cry one goddamn tear.

So we are in a very strange situation. Angry yids. Real fucking angry. And over Q, of all things.

Remember, this is also what happened to Rosanne Bar (spelling?). Bich went Q, got eliminated. BOOM. And don't tell me anyone gave a fuck if a kike doubted the brown-ness of their bleached nigger.


As an example of the insane ramblings of rage that typifies high-end trolls, have a look at this madness:

Now tell me how the hell I should reason with such a clown.

Witness how obsessed with a fuckin LARP you are. No one cares. Return to your LARP board nigger.


You didn't read what was written.


That's not an argument.

Are you to suggest that intellectual balance and high IQ are markers of literal Mossad pushing Q, I must say this:

Where has that occurred? I haven't seen that here, definitely not. If Q is pushed, it's in a completely incoherent way. And those like you, attacking it, are typical of trolls.

What do I mean by typical of trolls? You attack me.

How the hell shall I go past your (((ad hominem)))?

Shall I grace you with my tremendous mind, and contribute to your self-development? Child, that hot-headed people such as you prosper is the downfall of civilization.

Checked. Yes, they do have quite the temper fit.

Here's a theory:
1. Kikes invent Q.
2. Then promote it
3. But also work against it
4. And with messages on both sides hot-headed, and full of anger, avoiding discussion
5. Result: all topics become dismantled by their utilization of the "Q ploy"

Just a thought. I've seen similar in my years.

Bump because it scares you that your hoax is being exposed.