Jews are tricky

=="Whites racists" are being scapegoated by private prisons== Child separation costs $800 a night per kid, it's wrong and the medias using it against to push open borders.
They Jews want us divided/
The wall and illegals are meaningless
Changing the 1965 law is all that matters.
Blacks are naming the Jew.
Patrick Little's black reparation policy is our chance.
We can domesticate them or get killed by them

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Wew, get a load of this shill. This is next tier bullshit and so is your garbage thread.

Right on dude. Like totally. Why didn't we think of that before?

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11:30 in the video
What's your plan,
Deport all minorities?
Do you really believe the US will be an ethno state, that's retarded.
You can tell by the media coverage the Jews want white vs black.
Ask yourself, are you helping or hurting their plan.

No, thats sensible.
1 in 10 US niggers is retarded.

It's right at the top on their agenda and lowIQ whites jump right into it.

Only an idiot would come out and say what it is they want while others that want something different still have authority to influence the outcome.

the jew isn't the only tricky one here. what's next? "hey Whitey, sorry for blaming you guys for slavery, murdering your people, constantly asking for more gibz with a serving of reparations on top. We apologize for blaming you for the sins of the jew, with our hands in one of your pockets while the jew has his hand in the other. We're sorry about destroying your once prosperous cities, running them into the ground financially, turning them into 'no go' ghetto zones, …." yup, that's totally going to happen

Jews are tricky
Water is wet

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There's is going to be a financial collapse like when the Jews plundered the Soviet Union.
We are going to be down in the trenches w minorities. We have to come together and dethrone the Jews or that is our fate.

South African whites were much more racially aware and against the blacks and Jews. how did that turn out?
Should we copy the successful Jewish plan in SA or copy the plan that failed.
When Jew's overthrew the Russian czar they did it from the left. We are facing astronomical odds, it's late and we don't need enemies

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Slime is slimy.

Being smart does not protect people from propaganda.
Some other country needs to become the white ethno state, maybe Australia. Maybe take back Rhodesia and then some but here in America we are stuck w multiculturalism so we have to use it to our advantage.
People are seriously under estimating the power of propaganda.

These niggers are dumb as fuck and call Jews 'White'.

Nope. US will be the White ethnostate. You can leave. You will leave.

That's our failure, we just forfeit blacks to the Jewish team when we could have them on our team.

Pretty pathetic to submit like that. However you are right that the LAWS are what guide the normie and the system, and only through LAWS can we really make functional and noticable difference.
And any means, any tricks are valid in achieving this. Nothing is too low, when it comes to the survival of our people. Honour is only something we show those that understand it and reciprocate it - no mercy, no honesty and no loyalty to those that are not of us.

Whites are still battling the J v. not J question. I'll type this slowly to be as comprehensive as possible: Blacks … not … only … don't … know … the … difference(s) … between … Whitey … and … the … jew; they … don't … give … a … fuck! there is no making Blacks happy. they are killing Whitey in S. Africa, just as they did in former Rhodesia. They want a chocolate continent for themselves, +Latin America, +Haiti, +Europe, …. their appetites are as insatiable as the jew

What's wrong with having the US as a white ethnostate? I mean the reason why the 80s was a glamorous decade WAS because of whites.

Yep we just let the Jews scapegoat us.
Those blacks were getting plundered by Jews for centuries With minimal effort they could be on our team. We're righteous people, remember.

We are righteous people, but they are not. Do not project us onto them. Only we are on our team. At best we can hope to pit blacks and jews against eachother - much like the jews does us and everyone else.

Deportations don't work, look at the blacks in Israel or the Palestinians, they've been trying to get rid of them for 70 years.

It don't work, we have to join forces and stop the Muslim influx and plundering of our wealth.

How to spot a cointelpro spy

Not an option.

They just want. They'll

They can never be on our side, because they are only ever on their own side, as they should be.
Niggers don't want to be your allies unless you intend to serve them, and they don't trust you to serve them anymore than they do the Jew.
Nor should they.
They don't work with Jews because they like Jews all that much, they do it because it allows them to hurt a perceived enemy while gaining something for themselves.
They know we have no intention of offering them what they want, they don't think the Jews will actually do so either but they think they can 'take' the Jews. They take their own side.
Which is what you should be trying to get Whites to do.

We need to look at social engineering and see whats possible. We need to use the Jewish blueprint that's worked so effectively. Not our tired old plans, dreaming of Hitler and shit.

*They just want. They'll want to the point of destroying themselves, in their basest environs. They don't think, most of them CAN'T think in abstract concepts, and those that do don't care about any of the hug-and-kiss faggotry. They want to rape and plunder.
They want what is best in life. As they should.
And you should want the same in return. The problem on your behalf is that you don't, we don't, as a people at this time. That'll change though, soon no less. A whole bunch of disillusioned White men in a highly-polarized, highly-politicized society in decary?
Where have I heard of that before…

Whites aren't capable of doing what needs to be done. The Holohoax planted that silly notion in our mind as well. We need some savages fighting for our interests, The Jews are masters at this shit and we don't even try to change our game plan that's dumb

I agree. And our adversaries use it excessively on us.
For example the globokikes used video games to heavily shill for and form a certain view on "REFUGEES" as that word appeared very often some time prior to, during and after the "migrant crisis" really became a storm.

In videogames around that timeframe. First games that comes to mind that did this, was Dragon Age Origins and WoW, but pretty much every new game around that time had that odd little thing in common.

>falling for the (((alt-right))) race realism meme
Blacks are waking up to the jq in droves, they are fast becoming our strongest allies on this topic. A United goyim is exactly what “””they””” are trying desperately to prevent

Go Alinsky elsewhere, pal. Thanks.

Prove it.
No they aren't.

A goyim united AGAINST (((THEM))) is what (((they))) are trying to prevent. A United goyim UNDER (((THEIR))) CONTROL is what they want.
And they appeal to the minorities, by stealing from Whites, such that its nigh-impossible to appeal to, especially, niggers. Too low IQ.

It is naive to think that the jews are the only enemy. That without jews there would be some childish harmony and balance with peace on earth.
Every other race and ethnic block in this world is fighting for a piece of the white man's land. Whether they realize the jew is demonic in nature or not, they will still fight you.

I know, we've never even tried to make meme's to divide blacks and Jews. Maybe some propaganda raids, we have whites who create video games, well time to use it to our advantage. Stanford U has been studying video games and social engineering since the early 90's. We just let the Jews use it against us.

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Without Jews America would be over 90% white. That 1965 law fooled even the cosponsor of the bill.

reparations? those niggers owe us! and you can't domesticate niggers, even under jim crow when they were kept in place by instant capital punishment, they still killed and raped our people. no compromise!

report/sage this shill/slide horseshit

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Blessed post.

wait they can kills us, they are strong than us and will be us in a battle. We dont have better tech and we are not smarter than them. We are also less healthy and will not be able to withstand conflict. Their doctors are the best in the world and will be able to heal their warriors faster than ours.

Ohs noes. Based blacks win. I want welfare please.

i am i jew from jew country.. and i can tell that the whole gov is currpt

I really don't hate other races, I just don't want them invading white countries.

Have you looked at their fucking crime rate? Jews may have brought these niggers here in the first place but they're not as omnipotent to force Tyrone to commit crime. Nah, fuck off you piece of trash nigger and or nigger lover.

Its not about hate, its about survival.
I want you to read something.

Attached: War Never Changes.webm (904x854 7.46 MB, 123.72K)

What part of "lurk two years before posting" was unclear?

Governments can move armies across the globe over night. Germans with 30's and 40's tech are believed to have rounded up and executed 6 gorillion very easily. What are you? a holocaust denier?

Meaning half of the nigs here have an IQ lower than 85, and if were using older psych standards before the entire field was kiked and dismantled, retardation was 75, meaning there is a significant amount more than 1 in 10 retarded nogs, with even more Mild Mental Retardation, Moderate Retardation, Severe Mental Retardation and
Profound Mental Retardation

1st. Learn to red text
Learn proper grammar nigger.
Ay. That they do.
I don't follow; explain yourself please if you would.
Eh; It's it a bit more complex than that lad
Well; tbh; it's not that hard for a pet to identify their owner. Simple biology tbh

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There is no domestication of niggers

Well he won't win anyways and if he did it still wouldn't happen. We call out the Jews but Catholic Charities is bigger than the Jews and the corporations are worse than both.

Right now prob the best play for whites is to get with Jewish chicks. marry into money and get some of their merchant skills in our dna.
Make some master race, have kids that can move to Israel.

I know it's against our usual way of thinking but that would be ideal. Instead of alienating Jews we should infiltrate.

No, I'm an ideas man, your job is to clean up my grammar.

The media and both parties talk only about Illegal immigration. There's only 10 mil and falling.

Legal immigration is estimated to add another 125 mil non whites in the next 30 years. They will be mostly black and Muslim. Much worse than Mexicans.

These are the Rohingya Muslim refugees that the ADL's teaching our kids to embrace.