Jerome Corsi, Conspiracy Theorist, Is Subpoenaed in Mueller Investigation

He wrote a book called Killing the Deepstate (sold on

I've read it, the first 5 pages DISPROVES the collusion, and exposes all the real corruption

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Other urls found in this thread:

what a farce.

Hopefully this fat zionist bastard gets railroaded.


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why though? Is Mueller actually retarded, or just pretending.

He will find something to get Corsi on, like tax evasion or talking to a Russian person at some time in his life. Then he will be railroaded. The whole point of the investigation to provide endless propaganda to use against drumpf, so they need these constant hits.

Good, AJ just now faced Oliver DArcy and made him look like a cuck

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How will Corsi be able to continue pushing the Q LARP, that says Mueller is really investigating Trump's enemies after this? Who am I kidding, the boomers who believe Q are too retarded to ever think critically.

Kind of like Jonestein himself, who contradicted everything he ever said pre-2016.

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This is just allowing a secret meet up between Mueller and Corsi. Letting them form plans without scrutiny.

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This is good. Thorough.

You could empathize one day, if you ever became a father and champion of what you supposedly believe. Instead stick to your porn and shitposting.

Annnd now we have proof Mueller has literally nothing.

It has nothing to do with his court battle. A few years ago, the globalists were trying to false flag us into a war with Iran, now Iran is the #1 terror threat. Jewliuni used to be a 9/11 conspirator, now he's BASED. It's gotten to the point where Alex denies ever saying 9/11 was an inside job, and pretend Loose Change was a documentary about how the Saudis did 9/11.

He's a kosher conman who appeals to the mentally retarded, like yourself. He's also a faggot.

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But it's even weirder, because Mossad is the one attacking him. I saw the pro hit job in the 4chan archive. It matches up with this story:

So he's a good goy who's getting gored by the goddamn gestapo.

Why would a Mossad agent care about goys?

Mossad isn't attacking him, he is Mossad. He currently employees Stone, who even infowars used to admit was involved with sexual blackmail for Israel. He also cited Israeli intelligence in a smear article against McMaster.

And then there's the infamous clip with his shabbos goy boomer buddy this thread is about (embed).


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Why not both?

I have certain evidence that he was attacked by Mossad, yet you deny it. So what am I to say of you? You do not discuss this matter, and you refuse analysis. So are you a white man? Show your whiteness in some way.

Consider your post, which includes a naked man dressed in drag. Now, why would you have a homosexual pornography on your computer, if you are really a white man? And, why would you engage in an attempt to make me angry, upon dubious suppositions, I shall add, if you are a white man, attempting a conversation as an evolved creature?

These are questions you cannot answer, given your job role.


I caught you. You are a kike. Only kikes engage in such strict rules pertaining to language.

Us white people, we are nothing like you. you think you know the "rules of this place", but you know nothing, yeshuva head-basher.

Jones is an entertainer peddling bullshit to retards. If you ever found yourself taking him at face value you should unironically shove a fucking 12 gauge into your mouth.

This is what a CIA post looks like:

If you have evidence that he's being attacked by the Mossad, let's see it.

Only plebbitors use terms related to NS Germany derisively.

Your nose is showing.

He wasn't that bad in the early 2000s. I mean, he was still covering for Israel and saying that he'd done the research and they couldn't have done 9/11, but it was nothing like he is today. He also wasn't selling snakeoil then.

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'sup kike? Wanna post again? You've been outed, wow you're a faggot. If I wanted to chat with kikes I'd summon the devil and ask him to pass the line.

I'm FBI actually.

Kikes are clueless. You can easily wup 'em.

< it's a young girl, talking about herself
< she'll keep talking

So you can't provide any evidence for your retarded assertion that Jonestein is being attacked by the Mossad? Ok.

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Your (((fallacy))) is (((hasty conclusion))).

Now, if you were a white man you would know better than to be rude toward people. After all, we white folks are intelligent, but we also have our honor.

How is it that you claim to be white, yet know nothing at all about how we are, about our society, our culture, our values?

How is it that you pretend to be White, but don't even have the decency to capitalize the "w"?

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True. But, as a white man, I shall not give into demands made by those who are rude and insulting.

You see, we have honor. You shall never have honor, because you don't have a white soul.

So, how would you have a discussion with a white man, this I ask you. I think you have no idea, but I invite you to demonstrate your whiteness by explaining this process now.

Alex Jones's kids are kikes. He should have disowned them.

Fuck off, JDIF

Corsi is a complete faggot. Even acknowledging who this mutant is shows how desperate Mueller is.

Grammar Nazi's did nothing wrong, faggot.

>confirmed by (((unnamed intelligence sources)))

It's Grammar National Socialist, kike.

Attached: grammar national socialists.webm (320x240, 4.03M)

Well, that settles it. You insult people for claiming to be white, without any wit or reasoning. That totally makes you the white one here.


He wasn't a grammar nazi.

That's 100% exactly not what he was. He was applying imaginary rules of speech particular to the location, as a kike might, as if it were a D&D ruleset.

Anyhoo, why are you (((lying)))?

But at this point, don't we have to start taking Q seriously? I mean, if the kike hiring Mueller is trying to take on a guy known mostly for taking Q seriously, maybe it's time we did so as well.


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Reported for supporting Q-LARP.

Let's see who I b8ed:

Why does this keep getting repeated. Corsi was on board with Q, like Jones was, but started shitting on Q when Q starting bringing up Mossad and Israel being implication in international terrorist operations.

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That's not what happened. This is from the 2nd:

Waiting to judge Q by it's fruit, so far there has been nothing.

Well, I'd say op's topic is surely something. Why the fuck would Corsi be subpoenaed? He's a 2 bit nobody.

Corsi is still doing "decodes" on gabbai.

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News to me. Dude was shitting all over Q few months back, claiming it was compromised. Dudes a fucking hack anyway. Will say whatever he needs for another shekel.

Because of his connection to Roger Stone. You would have known that if you actually read the OP. Maybe you'd need it to include random letters, numbers, and movie names for you be able to comprehend it?

Reported for admitting to spam.

Yep. So why is Mossad attacking Q acolytes?

Many other people are "connected" to Roger Stone.

Also, Roger Stone is a nobody.

oh my. You have totally upended any chance of me participating here.

Where's your proof that? Still waiting on that proof that they're attacking Jonestein.

He was Trump's original campaign manager.

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OK, here's your assignment: find the first post respecting Jones and the tranny porn. The first post on the Internet. I'll wait.

He's probably referencing the coordinated MSM attacks on Q. As well as Jonestein acolytes 'exposing Q'. Why he defends Jones is beyond me tho.

And Stone? Nope, not a campaign manager jejjed. He's a nobody.

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It isn't a defense of someone to observe correctly the events as they unfold.

Though, admittedly, these days, the concept of a neutral POV is denied, not by reason, but by screechings of lunatics, who are barely better than animals.

Did the Mossad mind control Jonestein into becoming a sodomite and watching tranny porn?

You really can't understand that the reason the media gave it attention is because it makes Trumpniggers look retarded?

You're right. I remember it wrong, he was a campaign adviser, not manager. He's still significant though, and at least pretended to have insider knowledge about Assange.

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it's people like you who give the q larp credibility

Jones is a limited hangout and controlled operation. He makes for good memes though.

I'm not defending Jonestein you god damn retard. Learn how to read.
Oh because the media has been so fair to Trump supporters. You're a fucking idiot.

i don't even know what's going on anymore

What is a "pressure point"? Answer me that, if you're not Mossad or glow in the dark.

Oh thou fountain of lies.

I think this is a plausible perspective. I quit reading infowars some time back. People complained that they'd been censored, and I believed them. Nevertheless, it's fascinating that Mossad, and it also seems the CIA, are attacking Jones. This strikes me as extremely weird. Extremely.

Austin is a VERY gay town.

austin tx confirmed fag town

I never said you were defending Jonestein. Learn to read IDs.

Yes, the left-wing jewish media is anti-Trump, and the Q LARP is peak Trumpnigger retardation. Why wouldn't they take advantage of that?

Jonestein is a sodomite who slipped up and showed his viewers his gay porn. You can't blame the Mossad or CIA for that.

When are you going to show that proof? And if you were actually jew-wise, you'd know it wouldn't be the Mossad attacking him online, but JIDF, Hasbara, Talpiot, etc. But of course, they wouldn't be attacking Jones, because he's 100% kosher.

This seems plausible, though I would urge caution there as well, but let us discuss the matter of how he was outed.

Have you done this yet? Found the first instance of the information pertaining to his viewing of tranny porn, the first time it appeared on the Internet?

That's not true at all. See this recent article:

An infotard plebbit-transplant on cuckchan noticed it, apparently just thinking it was funny, and not realizing the significance.

The Mossad does real life operations, other groups handle online shilling. You know this if you were jew-wise.

They aren't

There’s a subset of qtards who worship Doctor Corsi. Always thought he was controlled opposition.

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the top cop of the country during 911 couldn't possibly have anything or know anything.

there's no way this couldn't all be a load of bullshit theatre or if anything real was going on it was just dirty bastards neck deep in shit figuring out how to take the other down without also taking themselves down, probably while some Rothschild laughs and tells them the rules of the game and runs a betting ring with his new crazy Chinese friends

So, is Corsi gonna Queue-splain the whole Queue-thingy? … or is this just about selling books about a pretend fantasy about a pretend fantasy that is nothing more than a pretend fantasy?

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Too be fair is "snakeoil" is good, I've tried about 12 of his supplements so far

fuck me

What if he just read the book at the hearing?

OP here, this appears to be just a (((hollywood))) director making a new movie starring jewler Koshersi

nothing to see here

Mueller and Corsi*


Cool your autism, user. He's joking.

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You only need to believe, user.

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please stahp baiting me

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Trust the plan. Now hop in bed with me.
- Q

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How did such a bugeyed blinking spice monkey like that get such an English esquire type name?

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It's a big laf that he's subpoenaing Corsi. I literally laughed aloud. It's like interviewing the fucking janitor.

Wow, that's pretty homophobic. You must have a real good pro assessment of our collective beliefs and values, so as to cater to the local audience. Bravo, you have such talentness, Mr. CIA.

Thanks. I love how the bugman starts furiously fingering his fone.

NEVER in all my years should I think they would call up Corsi, who I used to think was crazy until all his writings started coming true and then it's clear what is happening now is how much the deep state fears this guy. He knows.

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Ohhhhhhh, this is Good! This guy may be a kook, I don't agree with him at all about all the "Qnon" larping … BUT…. but this guy does know a heck of a lot about Mueller and his corruption. He knows all about the DNC associates to Fusion GPS and all those dirty tricks they played, how they hired Russians to try to frame Trump's associates, etc. The whole nine yards.