Antifa using horns to direct their people?

I've been watching a few videos lately from Oregon and Berkeley and I've noticed the use of horns by antifa, usually 2-4 honks with them.

Are they using them to communicate to their people en masse to attack or fall back?

Here's two videos where I saw it just now.

I know they use these things to harass by just blasting them in people's faces up close over and over, but these aren't the only two I've seen, will post more as I find them.

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good observation.


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2 honks appear to be "charge." 3 retreat?

Precious information.

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Not sure, I'm out atm but will go over all my videos of antifa doing shit when I get home

I just want to post a reminder to people that antifa and leftist videos are often quicker to use when redpilling normalfags. I've had more success with "Leftist Cringe Compilation" videos than anything else. That said I don't stop there. Once the normalfag realizes they want to be as far removed from what leftists/antifa are doing, that's when I choose what to show them next.

Destroy the faux-moral and undeserved benefit of the doubt normalfags extend to leftists and the rest is easy. The mainstream media isn't going to ever show a true leftist on TV. You have to be the one spotlighting them to normalfags.

1 may mean rally or gather.
2 could mean charge.
3 could mean retreat.

How else would you direct cattle?

Could be fun to bring a horn and give false commands to make the chickens run back and forth.


This came up in a thread about 2 months ago.

2 seems to be hold/stay and continue 'protesting'
3 is charge
Not sure what retreat is, but, with as loud and chaotic as 3 can get, I suspect retreat is a visual signal of some sort, or, perhaps that's the point of throwing an explosive into the crowd?

Great idea, however, bear in mind you would have to get close, if not inside, their ranks to be convincing, and they probably have enforcers in the crowd to deal with that eventuality.
Remember: these operations are far more coordinated than some slightly-higher-IQ retard out of the group giving commands; they have spotters, lookouts, signalers/coordinators, and observers/damage control (aka: green-hats) as has been discussed already.

I've pre-watched .webm comps from youtube to find ones with constant Trump/Hitler memes which I then show to friends/gf under the pretext that "oh some of these are good some of these are bad, I haven't seen this compilation yet".

And then I laugh more at the Trump/Hitler memes but never suggest my peers should.

Word, I was gonna say that there was no way one of you hadn't found this yet.

I have attempted to be within their ranks before at a low level rally and it wasn't a total failure but definitely wasn't positive.

They definitely meet beforehand or coordinate online to know who every 'black-bloc' person is going to be irl.
We masked up and attached on only to confuse some people, but we also didn't rep any flags or orgs (like Iron Front) and tried to appear like protesters who thought antifa were cool.

Talk like a white man faggot. Holy shit.

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Antifa not only uses air horns, they use bullhorns and radios between leaders and groups.
They are well paid and trained for this(the leaders), and they are somewhat good at what they do.

The mobs don't need training, just to be told how to act
is usually how it goes.
The leaders may not always be present or present from afar and most of the commands come from the coordinators(remember ivette felarca? she is one such coordinator for antifa BAMN)
The leaders will talk to each other with headset radios and give each other updates on whats happening in certain areas where they are protesting, they relay this to the coordinators who use airhorns in this case to tell the mobs what to do.
It's weird seeing them use airhorns, seattle is big on antifa so, IDK wtf happened, my guess is they don't want their leaders to stick out any more than any mob member.

I left pol a long time ago, friend.
I just READ SIEGE now and it doesn't even matter how I talk because I'm ready for IRON GATES NOW.

Is there any material on this?

I know there are youtube videos probably of people examining it, but I mean leaked material, the real shit.

And I just realized
Send images like a white man, faggot.

I think the honks are just coincidence, but it worth keeping an eye on this just to see if you right.

I think the honks are just there to annoy.

Maybe OP?

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These 2 videos are so beautiful.
They look like a meele stage of a medieval battle but with a much more wide use of punches.
Also seeing antifa fall back and the front row getting scared shitless, provoking a rout is beautiful.

You know if they get PTSD from getting fucked by some Chad while they were drunk or getting cat called, that their entire front lines already have PTSD from being scared of Chads with red hats

can confirm, the normies here that know or sorta know what I am up too, which frankly is a quite lot of them.

But they always come back to me and have just watched that. Most would be blissfully unaware of what's going on in the us, but they all found that shit extremely funny and went home and watched more, which in turn they showed to other friends.

Heck a couple of them even started to lurk the chans just to find more shit like that to laugh about. Point is
it is very effective

I like how antifa has pipes and clubs and other improvised shit, and all they do is retreat and then get their faces beaten by men using nothing but their fists. Like holy shit dude, there's a guy in the second video taking down four of them armed with pipes/batons. Right down to the pavement even, just by charging into them. Fucking twigs.

Some Greek guy on youtube does this with Migrants. He structures his videos as jokes and portrays the Migrants as cringey and strange and then rapidly cuts to crime statistics and intercuts of "Diversity is our Strength". They take his shit down a lot but he seems to have steady views.

Final solution

antifa spotted.
your days are numbered

Also bring a loud whistle, like an ice hockey referee's whistle. Use the same signals, 1 for this, 2 for that. Hilarity ensues. Whistles are probably Plan B for signalling anyway in case, y'know, anyone figures out they are using horns.


No there is actually very little because being a paid for antifa leader is almost like going up the ranks in a secret society.
Think again of ivette felarca or jordan peterson, prime examples, it takes a well educated(brainwashed) mind to fall for the retarded revolutionary politics and ideals of anarcho-communism. There most likely isn't any or much reading material since many practice sessions are behind closed doors in "retreats" or during actual protests out in public.

I love the video where the commie nigger goes down. It just perfectly exemplifies what frail pieces of shit they are. One punch from an enemy he saw coming a mile away. No defense. Pencil neck. Drops like a sack of potatoes. Absolutely pathetic, but hilarious.

Lol I’ve always wanted a Berkeley Total War game. Antifa are reskinned peasants and screaming women with incredibly low morale and fighting ability but a plus when ambushing


I can guarantee their headsets have weak signals and can be jammed very easily
At this point, they might use cell phones, which would make this moot

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First thought obviously

What about a drone honk? Also, honk enough from across close battle lines and they can't separate the honks to form coherent commands

"Squatting Slav TV"

Good for leafs, too, he does a lot of shit about Canada