Bernie Sanders introduces the BEZOS Act, slamming Amazon's low wages

The "BEZOS Act" would tax corporations for every dollar that their low-wage workers receive in government assistance.

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This is good from a quick glance. Why the fuck are these kikes like broken clocks?

Broken clocks are an amazing thing.


Did you take influence from the last poster, or are you shills?
Also, nice get

C'mon, Boiny needs a new car kids!

Or, you know, tax speculative instruments when they reach a certain amount to encourage they place assets in things that benefit on the societal level and not just the financial level. Say, when a company is valued at $1 trillion mandate that it may not use 1099 contractors to do daily tasks essential to it's valuation and all employees must make 120% AMI. This ensures that no employee of said ultra rich company may live in assisted housing, receive material assistance, or otherwise be a drain on taxpayers - also ensures that subsidized housing is given to those who need it. Generally 120% AMI is enough to live comfortably wherever provided you don't piss your cash away. It's not a final solution but it's a step in the right direction more so than hurr tax for welfare use.
also fuck the minimum wage, that's for high school kids; pay living wages for hourly employees and institute a maximum wage for executives who get billions in stock options

Bezos is using his money to cure aging. Bernie Sanders is a deathist cuck.

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Fuck off.

This is a good thing. (((Bezos))) needs to be put in his place.

That's cool, even better would be removing personal income taxes and VAT on non-luxury items on top of that.

also property and land taxes. Your property taxes shouldn't sky rocket because libshits voted for crap stuff.

Jeff Bezos is a Jew?

No, but he might as well be given that he banned books that tell the truth about what didn't happen during WWII.

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You have to be right at least once for that to apply

kek approves of Bernie, in this case.

Or you could just get rid of payroll tax AND get rid of all the socialism shit.

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I could get behind this is the money raised wouldn't just be used as niggerspic breeding subsidization.

wouldn't that be the SBEZOS act?

Here's the thing, these multimillion dollar corporations invest millions into symbolic virtue signalling (look at @WokeCapital to see what I'm talking). Why can't they spend millions into helping their own employees earn a living?

I would rather have them pay their employees than have them waste money into the gayest shit imaginable. Fuck those corps.

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So if McFatties doesn't pay their burger flippers $20 an hour, McFatties gets taxed for gibs?

jew wants to double dip. shocking

Those corporations kind of have to at this point. Since there is no middle class any more to pay it.

Its a Berniebro fucktard invasion!

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I don't see any other mention of whether this tax revenue will indeed be dedicated to those very same programs.
Am I safe in assuming it is instead going to go into the general fund or to some other programs?

Uncle Boiney wants you to sit on his lap.

I wonder how quickly Amazon and Walmart would go out of business if it had to pay all the bills for the zoos and prisons their employees squalor in.

t. soyboy feminist from silicon valley

Classic shitlib policy. Go after the popular yet impossible target with no hope of success.

You know that old saying about broken clocks.

I was in the captcha at the time.

Maximum wage looks pretty good.

Flat rate sales tax as only tax, government would have to be a more careful with how much money they ask for if everything goes up by the same tax rate.

Payroll tax was always stupid and never should have been a thing, though this should really be more of a fine for making other workers and customers of these companies have to foot the bill (((they))) should be paying.

And take your underwears off.

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On a side note: what ever became of Trump's ape-crates?
I was looking forward to delicious tears, but, no mention of it after the initial couple weeks of outrage.

fun fact, income taxes were supposed to tax gains from not working. Noticed it's not called a wage tax. We need to tax amazon and it's ilk back at 50's levels. those brutal taxes meant the larger and more monopolistic you got, the less incentive you had. Giving a chance for innovation and competition.

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In the 1950s there wasn't (((globalization))) and (((international commerce))) yet user, today companies move overseas if you tax them too high.

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Dubs checked.
Sounds like communism to me.

Yeah - so he wants to tax these corporations so that they move out of the U.S.

bullshit globalization is just code word for slavery there were also customs duties and import taxes

Yank their charter and bar them from selling in the states, then. I'm pretty sure taxes don't go away if you operate in foreign markets, though. Having companies move overseas, and gutting the middle class etc., was part of the plan via abusive regulation.

Opportunistic commie. 'See the injustice of capitalism?' lets be like Venezuela now.

they already left. They use tax loopholes and other scams to avoid costs and max profits. Amazon can't move out. They are a retailer

they should not have an ounce of corporate protection. Liability exemption was for public benefits, thus they got a charter.

Amazon doesn't make a profit anyway. This is a typical bernie scam. They are a stock swindle. If they were treated as though we had laws against monopolistic behavior they wouldn't exist.


The problem is race, not fucking economics. Wake up. Whether it's communism or ancapism, the success of a nation is in its ability to work together.


you miss the point, he is trying to double nothing. They don't pay taxes.

Wasn't there a push to privatize the USPS recently because of Amazon and Bezos abusing last mile delivery?

The USPS has legal protections for deliveries that private companies don't. Imagine a lefty company refusing to deliver your ammo or knife because you're not a baby killing faggot, or opening and scanning your mail for "advertising purposes" and putting your profile in a database.

The USPS, back when everyone was "going postal" got screwed by regulations the drained their budget to make market room for UPS and Fedex…

Bernie has nothing on the Zig Forums's. If the Bern hasn't asked the Zig Forums's for help in his quest, his adviser's should be fired now, mkay

Literally hot air.

kikes aren't exactly the smartest bunch

Yes, he is a crypto-kike.

The government GIBS shit to Amazon tho

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remember if you rape her user , its her fault

Like all taxes, small businesses will be the ones destroyed. (((Corporations))) will get all the best loopholes, waivers, and deferrals.

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bernie will win in 2020 , trump will not run again.
Whites are saved, jews are gifted the democratic party and all the minorities of the land.

There will be no race war , crisis averted

Taxing $1 for $1 is dumb. It equals out and doesn't really mean the company will pay more in wages. What would be better is taxing $2 for every $1, making it more expensive to not raise pay outside of qualification for services!

Woah, what kind of (((company))) would give up helping it's own society like that? I'm so "shocked" you'd assume such a thing you neocon ape tier subhuman.

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If only he named it "freeze"

Squalor is not a verb.

But now it is. Love it.

As corporations are purely legal entities, created by and existing solely under the purview of a legal system, there is no reason why laws do not apply to them.

I see no problems with this.
I mean if someone is working full time or is prevented from having multiple jobs due to the terms of employment.
Then it is not unreasonable to expect the employer to pay to cover the costs of social welfare if said employment is not enough to live on.

Overall though a better option may be wage ratio caps in large companies.
So say guy at the top can only take home ten times what the guy on the bottom takes.
That way if he wants a pay rise then the guy at the bottom also has to have one.

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UK has similar problems except the Royal Mail did get privatised.
Problem is they privatised it and shafted it.
It has to sell wholesale access to its sorting centres and delivery network.
Chances are if you've gotten a parcel in the UK then the delivery company have just picked it up from a Royal Mail sorting centre and delivered it from there.
The only exceptions on this front being shit like UPS who receive substantial US government subsidy to build their networks so that the CIA can use them to run drugs.

But though that wholesale access the Royal Mail has to sell? They can only charge less than it costs to provide it. Fucking them further.

Genocide through mass immigration is expensive since you are effectively dismantling the society that supports the welfare the shitskins rely upon to survive in the host society they are corroding. Bernie, who wants to kill all white people, realizes the need for more taxes so that the cost of the invasion can be met.

But you're taxing them the cost of providing their employees with welfare. Not more than that.
Since illegals can't legally work for them or claim welfare they aren't a factor here.

You're naive if you think illegals don't manage to gain welfare benefits while simultaneously working for a low wage.

True but thats a law enforcement matter and one Trump is no doubt keen to wade into.

This keeps money out of worker's hands. Why don't we just scrap wages altogether, and have employers pay the state your wages to redistribute to the completely welfare-dependent public?

So. While normies will cheer loudly let me give you an explanation of the results, provided this is as successful as it can be.
The most successful result of this:
Even more of the work is outsourced, even more people that are due a raise will be fired for the smallest legal reasons, more seasonal hiring (which usually escapes these types of "protection" laws), and as you guessed it, the real problem is not addressed.

You know the kikes went too far, when Zig Forums is agreeing with Sanders. This shouldn't be an issue, but, companies have found a way to externalise employee cost, by using the gov't as copays, for their employees. If you look at Amazon's history you will see that they are probably the best when it comes to externalising costs to the communities they operate in.

Not that this is bad in itself, because they usually find a way to hack systems that haven't responded to new threats that groups like Amazon pose. For example, back when it started Amazon would order books, and since the book publishers had bookstores in mind, you had 3 months to repay the book, to give it time to sell.

well amazon would only order books they already had an order for and had that cash handy for 3 months. After a while the publishers got wiser.

Socialism has to exist in some form, because capitalism has a large incentive to fuck over workers. The interests of workers and the owners are both conflicting and symbiotic. It is a really strange relationship.

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I am confused, I work for amazon part time and I make 13 an hour for five hours a day. FC workers make 15 an hour in the DFW area with raises, health care, and numerous other perks.

Amazon employees for instance get discounts for a lot of things like shoes, pet insurance, verizon, etc etc. Where are these low wages coming from?

Why only 5 a day? by choice, or is it Amazon trying to fill their warehouses with part timers of which they don't really have any legal obligations too?

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This, "Bezos Act," may thwart corporate/economic growth and may influence corporations to either,
a.) remain outside the U.S., or
b.) Leave the U.S.
Bernie Sanders is a Communist and a Bolshevik.
He is not to be trusted under any circumstances.


wew lad, this occured a long time ago. Basically socialism in the US funded China. Ban minimum wages, and accept the evils of capitalism or else it will find a way to bite you in the ass. I think noble oblige could compensate for the power imbalance that capitalists have, but, in order to have that you need ethnic cohesion. Can't really work with kikes in the mix.

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We are a delivery station that is fairly new, besides management it is all part time, although I can not work more than that due to other obligations. They do not want to pay full time benefits however, this is due to apparently delivery stations do not make a whole lot of money, but helps cut out the middle man of ups and usps.

the image also looks like 6 people doing group anal
wtf is wrong with kikes?

LMAOing @ all these berniebros whining about #Baste capitalism. Judeo-neoliberalism is what makes America great.

I don't see where this is bad. What are they going to do? Raise their prices? That undermines the entire function of their business, which is to undercut competition at unrealistic prices to put them out of business. I mean, there's obviously better ways of going about this, but this is a better-than-nothing step, which is surprising because it's coming from some dirty old bolshevik kike. Then again, the government wants money wherever it can get it. So long as they're taxing them and not us. Companies like amazon and walmart literally can't do anything about it besides lay off employees or raise prices, and both hurt their business model by stifling their competitiveness, when that, not service, are what they strive for. Now let's aim to get rid of the illegal beaners and lock up the border, as well as more heavily institute tariffs, so American workers have a stronger platform to argue from, being more in demand. Also let's decrease regulations and taxation and open the market back up so small businesses can compete. At the end of the day, this is a better-than-nothing move, but it literally changes nothing for the rest of us. As a matter of fact they'll probably just put a team of lawyers on it, and you know who'll end up paying the price? Small local businesses. As usual. After all, every regulation the dems. put into place hurts small businesses.

only thing that makes money at Amazon is the fat govt contracts with Amazon web hosting. Amazon has always run at a loss, and still does, except for that profitable division. Others make tiny profits, but, they don't justify the stock price.

see image

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Socialism is a system. Single elements like having a minimum wage, or 5/6 day work week etc. are not socialism. Stop attributing shit to socialism. You either are socialist or you're not. There's no in between. A single element of a political or economic system is not solely and eternally attributed to that system, especially not one as new as socialism. Many so-called "socialist" ideals existed before socialism, and independently are not socialist ideals, but ideals socialists utilize. Fuck off. I'm sick this stupid shit.

Right off the bat he pretends like the Testimonium Flavianum is authentic. How big-brained do you have to be to think that Josephus—who held notoriously anti-Christian beliefs until his death—was a Christian that referred to Yeshua bar Josef as a Messiah?

something I can actually agree with "breadline Bernie" about; at least at face value. Mega Corps should not have the power they do. They should not be wage slaving America.

I am pretty firm in my belief that happiness and freedom should come from small business. Although, increasingly, most goblino Americans lack the mental fortitude to provide for themselves in the information age. Still, I don't think we should although mega corps to exploit them.

The guise is really wearing off. The united states is really started to show it's corrupt empire status. It's becoming clear what a banana republic we are for kike printing presses around the world. Mega Corps are only on their side. Not the peoples.

I've had a drink or two and I want off this ride.

Cheers faggots.

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Black or white thinking, to prove your points. You can have socialist policies, thus socialist elements. It is not full blown social but it is socialist in nature.

and socialist elements, do lead to SOCIALISM. Snowball effect. polite sage for you being a nigger loving faggot nigger dyke.

So is this a national socialist board or not?

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Nope, this is a neoliberal civnat board. Go back to Ironmarch, LARPing faggot.

It is now. Used to be fascist but now that the normalfags (untermesnch) invaded it is a socialist board.

Death to socialists, long live elitism!

isn't China a natsoc country? think about it.

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At a glance, it seems like a surprisingly not terrible idea, but I can't help but feel there's more too it. It's a too good to be true sort of thing, and I only fear that I'm not smart enough to see the trap.

Consider this… Two workers work the same job and make the same (or very close) pay. One (we'll call them A) recieves government benefits (due to having children, for example), the other (called B) does not. Under Sanders' proposal, the employer would now essentially be footing the bill for A's paycheck and welfare benefits. B would gain nothing he didn't already have and isn't likely to get a raise for pointing this out.

The entire system is fucked, and I don't see the BEZOS Act doing anything to fix the underlying problem.
>When pay is low, responsible (white) people are less likely to do things that cost a lot of money like starting a family.
>This should result in a lowering population, which in turn makes labor more scarce and thus more valuable and the while thing is cyclical

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No it's not. There's no "socialist element." There's socialism and not socialism. Elements of socialism are not inherently socialist unless part of a socialist system. Stop trying to spread your stupid fucking ideology by labeling everything you think is decent as socialist.

Case in point, the policy differences between National Socialism and Marxist Socialism. There's no such thing as a "socialist policy" unless it's a part of a socialist system.

muh absolutism. Okay define precisely when a country becomes socialist and when it isn't. You got a line in the sand? I just see a sliding scale retard.

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I've been here probably longer then both of you faggots, and I don't think either of these views are correct.

I hope this is fucking bait. Otherwise you need to rethink your fucking life. I know for a fact this board is not ready(or happy) to pay the tax man for goblinos nationwide. Especially when we live in a ZOG banana republic.

I wish I knew more to answer this question correctly. That thought often crosses my mind. They certainly have a lot in common. Probably their biggest difference is philosophical. I doubt the Chinese governments commitment to the people, and to honor. China probably would be relieved to have millions of Chinese die off in whatever fashion. They also have a severe lack of respect for nature and the natural world. They literally are poisoning the majority of their population to produce dollar store throw away trinkets. The Nazi's would not do that.

China's exploitation and colonization of Africa is probably their most impressive feat. They are taking the best methods of colonization and financial dependence to own that continent. I can only hope they plan to exterminate African niggers with extreme prejudice. Or a tleast make them all Hapa china niggas.

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So… Give big companies incentive to fire their workers and switch to illegal slave labor? How could this possibly go wrong?

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When a government is instituted that propagates policies that, together, create a socialist system. A mixed economy is "part socialism, part capitalism." That's fucking retarded. How the fuck can a policy be socialist when it existed before socialism? Fucking explain that.

A mixed economy isn't*

The "trap" is probably, like with many of their regulations, to put the remaining local mom and pop shops out of business. I would wager many of them pay very little, due to having a relatively small market, and thus this extra out-of-pocket cost would put them under, allowing the giants with teams of lawyers and bottomless wallets to sweep in and take their small cut of the pie. When has a democrat regulation not hurt small business?

Unfortunately, I think all bets are off for having any economic system having a morsel of logic when Jewish printing presses are the basis for the global economy. Really it's too late to eliminate fiat and flip the system to start making sense. Demographics alone prevent that from happening. Not to mention the other bullshit strangleholds on our economy. So much of U.S. GDP is literal abstract finance horseshit. No I think this Banana Republic is going to chug along paying graft to all the bosses, until goblinos nationwide vote in socialism. Then we go broke and jew bankers get all the U.S. government owned lands. Hopefully, at that point there are enough white people around to start loading magazines. Honestly, I am looking at getting Hungarian Citizenship. Hopefully, we can get some white persons egg banks setup.

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