Russia to start targeting anime pedophilea

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Well that's new

I though the promotion of suicide was in the internet scam called "blue whale" or something where retards were doing humiliating task that escalated until suicide?

The original article doesn't make much more sense.

Back in my day, it was about how Pokemon and Saint Seiya incited satanism, at least they've changed their tune somewhat.
Fucking what? Where?

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You don't need much of a reason to kill yourself their

wasn't there a case of some narutard jumping off a building after a character died?

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In what fucking planet? It's always either
or much more rarely

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That's the kid's retardation not the cartoon's fault. If they try flying like Icarus and get hurt do we forbid mythology? The bible if they play David with a sling?

Yes. YES. It is those dirty japs responsible for your woes. Now let your kids watch MY media instead. It is kosher.

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Well aware, was merely bringing it up as I recall is happening in Russia.

Nips have some laws that prohibit minors using substances in televised media. It's a decent enough idea but it does place some shows in a weird place when a plot point has drugs involved. Kara no Kyoukai had an ep that could fall into that category where the story would be broken without it.
The Haruhi mystery island arc had them getting drunk in the light novel, and it worked fine with it missing in the anime.

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Aye, had a giggle about that one.
But this seems very russian to me. Same with banning loli because a lot of "child modeling" happens in russia. They just do something for show that seems vaguely related and don't bother with the actual underlying problem: A poor, miserable, drugged up and drunk population with aids.
Kinda like throwing aid at niggers and expecting any outcome that isn't mode niggers in now worse conditions.

Sounds like Russia doesn't like grand blue

Russia also banned Zig Forums. Their legislation being retarded is nothing new.

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So what anime are they talking about?

I only watch anime that makes me want to kill kikes.

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The instance that user is referring to (Ep. 6) takes place in a catholic boarding school, all the students there were underage, so they had to change some things from the novel (a prostitution ring was also a plot point in the novel and was removed as well).
Leo, Mikiya and company are all adults by the time of Ep. 7 takes place, so mentions of them ingesting drugs is not really of concern.

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Yeah, I don't remember the teenage cutter faggots who smoked and drank anime either

Japan is pretty innocent when it comes to drugs. I think it's so rare that most don't even know how to do them. There was some show where a guy was going to do cocaine/meth(?) by rolling it up in a cigarette paper and smoking it.
Wait, can you do coke/meth like that?


russian anime when?

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So Russia state government is anime enthusiasts?

What the fuck is going on?

That's korean pigdog.

I would watch the shit out of this if it were an anime, even if it is dog-eating gook rip-off. Also this is the only time I'll say this (t. ausfag) but I must protect New Zealand-chan's smile/

Some Russian kid named Pavel cut his head off because of a video game and somehow they are spinning it into anime and video games.

Karen is cute for a hapa.

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wew lad

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Based Pooters.

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Daily reminder that news source OP is referring to is part of the left wing msm fake news propaganda outlet, the same thing goes for (((tokyotimes)))

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This. Marijuana is HIGHLY illegal in Japan.

Pick one and only one.
To put it another way:
Nothing happens.
Because drawings aren't real.

It is, indeed.
BASED Russia!

They are right on the homosexual part, but Japan does it not because of any liberal agenda, but because it makes things less threatening. The main consumers of homo shit is women who do not feel threatened by depictions of men raping one another. Same goes for lesbian porn, because the girls are depicted in a sexual manner without being 'defiled' by a penis.

I cannot recall the last time I saw a run of the mill anime or manga which had underage drinking. Everyone smokes in Japan though. Copiously. I'm not sure where the cutting of the wrists comes from though. That seems like such a minor fucking nitpick from some niche. Or perhaps some edgy villain character?

How you call russian bombers?

Saint Seiya (dat music for kids was a gift) incited faggotry and pokemon animal cruelty and buying garbage.

Kid detected.

Looks like a tranny. The eternal shapeless androgynous Asian woman.

((( )))
> saint seiya (knights of the zodiac) incited faggotry
Maldito mierda vete a la concha de tu puta madre, hijo de mierda… la puta que te pario tuvo que haberte abortado, invalido fracasado puto huevon. Como puta te atreves a decir una bastarda tan grande gringo come verga, eres de (((Sweden))) no?

Saint Seiya is an amazing anime, you fucking shill. It has great music and even though the plot is a bit repetitive, it made up with how the story progressed. Get out of my Zig Forums because that's outright slander. Just go watch my little pony because you have no taste for the good stuff; Knights of the Zodiac is a great manga AND anime. The only issue is after the Hades Arc Sanctuary Part because the (((studio))) fired all the original cast when their contrived movie (Overture) flopped.

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Calm your burritos matey.

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Ever heard of Nu Pogodi?
Episode in pic related gave me plenty of keks as a child in Tula

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don't know how to feel about this…

wtf? can you screencap?



Not necessarily for censorship, or banning a anime. but what they are saying is not wrong, this stuff does mess with peoples heads.


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It's just another boogieman to demonize anyone who watches anything that is not state television. Young people in their majority are liberal (but as Pelevin says, don't you faggots confuse Russian liberalism vs American liberalism), and gubinmint just wants to crack down on anything that may sow even slightest wrongthink.
No, horseshoe faggots can choke on dicks, the mirrorlike difference is due to menttality of people who equate Communism and Conservatism, and also hate niggers and churkas at the same time. To any American user this might sound like a horseshit, but it's true. Russian conservatives are pro monarchism AND communism at the same time, they hate niggers and want as little gibs as possible (you are supposed to cheat and steal to survive, not to receive gibs), and liberals are against communism, monarchism, they want to break Russia into smaller pieces, governed independently, they furiously and mindlessly jerk off to US (Soros sponsored or not, this is a genuine reaction, as many liberals see Murrica (and especially Canada) like heaven on earth).

Yes, it's fucked up.

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That's horrible. First they make 3d girls too expensive. Then they ban 2d girls. Sick, sick people.

Isn't Moscow the Russian version of Jew York? That name sounds philosemitic as fuck.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Person of the year doesn't work like that, and you should know it, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just a well-meaning retard.

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lel I've seen anons here saying not to fap to porn but fapping to 2d is alright, when they're equally as harmful. Idiots.

Good. Animefaggotry has to end

Its actual name is Moskva. It's a standard russian name.

Kikes get triggered by anime for some reason. Their Neanderthal brains cannot process it properly.

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Russia sees the banning of anime as a way to increase their birthrates, tbh they're probably right.

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The regulations aren't absolute and can be overturned in some cases if the activity is depicted negatively.

Kara no Kyoukai is a movie series and thus should have no requirements other than censoring genitalia.

Except there's no suicide encouragement in anime, and on those rare occasions that you'll see underage characters smoke or drink it was only allowed because of being depicted negatively.

How are they supposed to be equal?

Then there's no reason not to also ban everything that you like.

Japan's low birth rates have nothing to do with anime, and they are also partially Western propaganda because of the fact that there are plenty of countries that have rates lower than or equal to Japan's, which nobody ever talks about.

Every country on this planet uses pedophilia as an excuse to ban what they don't like. In this case, it's either old people who don't know what they're doing (common in relation to Internet, games etc.) or it's yet another 'protect the youth' type solution. Perhaps they've drawn the conclusion that Anime creates social misfits and hikkys.

Doubt. How many young men spend their days obsessed over Anime, and lose out in social circles, dating market etc.?
>, and they are also partially (((Western propaganda))) because of the fact that there are plenty of countries that have rates lower than or equal to Japan's, which nobody ever talks about.
This has more to do with the fact that Japan has no immigrant niggers.

Anime is an effect, not a cause. If it wasn't anime it would be something else. Putting all the blame on men is something a feminist would say.

I agree to some extent the Japanese need a warrior culture to function. The Japs can't have that because of the US gelding them, so they flounder like the rest. Anime is just a medium for their race like back in the day it was much more wholesome but even so that doesn't mean it does the same thing for our race. One of the biggest problems Anime has created is stifling a real White kind of animated art movement which could be used for our stories.

Both give dopamine rush and if you feed your brain enough of it, you'll do serious harm. I've posted links but too lazy to dig them up.

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Great! When is this site going to start doing the same??????

I don't think it does. Allot social outcasts watch anime as an escape from their own culture. Many just happen to commit suicide. I'm pretty sure the rate would increase the moment they take anime away.
In my shitty area everyone i knew became a wiggers, those who didn't stayed at home playing vidia while watching anime.

American animation cucked itself long before anime became popular.

How does THAT make them equal?

To be fair, everything koreans make is a bootleg of Japanese creations.

oy vey, but how else are they supposed to combat antisemtism?

But it's jews who control all western art schools leading to calarts cancerous blobs with LITERAL sameface and degenerate propaganda and not the Japanese who are only guilty of making something that isn't vomit-inducing

It's both. The culture surrounding Anime is like a venus fly trap for adolescent and disenfranchised boys. It's like that here, it's like that there. They need religion, real goals and a shared identity.
Anime offers fake versions of all of those.

i am wholly oblivious to east european animations, unless they get dubs

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Japan is not religious in the same sense that Western countries are, and people need hobbies too. If by goals you mean a job or something, many people have become professionals and semi-professionals through the anime/otaku subculture.

Every religion is different in a distinct manner. However, it doesn't remove the fact that religion is necessary for a human society to function. Heck, a society can function with multiple religions in it, so long as there is one that is hierarchically distinct.

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LOL. Oh russia, you so funny.

What the hell is this board filled with weebs? Anime is degenerate as hell, the kind of trash should be rightfully prohibited. What do you think uncle A. would've said about anime?

I'll check that there id.

As for anime? Wholesome, when contrasted with the available women.


wut the fuck are these ruskies watching?
if characters smoke and cut their veins then it's definetly not a kid frinedly animu, and when it comes to fagotry there are only 3 types in animu:
1) the fags that are played for laugh and are the comedic relief/butt of all the jokes
2) the metrosexual straight guys who act kinda efeminate but only supérficially
3) the fabulous fagotry of jojo that is so fucking fabulous that it's somehow manly as fuck
back in the day this shit would have triggered my censorship alarm but considering what a fucking bloated cancer the moeblob has become i wouldn't mind if it got chemoed

If you had the opportunity to show Uncle Adolf an anime and you chose some degenerate shit that's your own fault. There are plenty of slice of life animes that aren't degenerate at all. Some are even redpilled. Vid related.

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Real men don't blame others for their failure, especially women.

You forget about the kid who wanted to be like a sand mastaah ninja and his dumbass dad helped him bury his head in the sand.

The absolute state of russia

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i forgot to mention the fagotry of saint seiya
it wasn't as prevalent as in jojo but ooooh boy,
when the author came out of the closet he came out with a bang

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MGTOW fags get the bog.

There are too many brainlets in the West who can't separate anime from real life.

Moeblobs don't exist.

The blame falls on whoever deserves it.

I bet the Russian boomers are just confusing anime and games, with anime/art style. remember the attempt at a new moral panic?

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Women don't control my life.

You didn't even watch any anime, did you? You saw some hentai that was recommended to you while you were watching cuck porn. And now you come here to preach about moral purity because all anime (what you call hentai) is degenerate. It's like saying anything recorded by a digital camera is degenerate, because they use digital cameras to record porn.
Führer was a weeb himself, he would have most certainly liked it.

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The fag who killed himself wasn't even playing ddlc, it was some other game called mystic messenger.

I wish that manga wasn't canceled. I think it only ever got four chapters

Alright, so they are banning anime for other reasons, time to think through the reasons why kikes want to ban anime.

Maybe because niggers aren't featured in anime?

Game sucked massive wang babbys first VN, i could see why people would want to kill themselves after playing that dumpster fire

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Whatever. The blame still falls on whoever deserves it.

Fag, no one deserves blame except yourself. You sound like a fucking woman.

more then one kid is dead now. the game is being blamed for a few suicides now. the Momo 'suicide challenge' is also being linked to anime.

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Blame for what? What are you accusing me of? Why are you claiming I sound like a woman?

i've never played it, but I know it has a large and growing fandom. thanks to all the youtube celebrities hyping it up. (this song is huge in Russia right now)

Checked. It's just Mossad shills.

Because you are blaming others for your own failure.

Fuck off, kike enabler of weakness.

Russia boomers at the state level been attacking anything with an anime art style or japan related for the last 8 years or so. blaming all kinds of shit on it. wouldn't surprise if they believed DDLC was a real anime show that was giving kids/teens bad ideas. because they are too lazy and incompetent to do any real research. (they most likely just read badly translated UK click bait)

Where did this happen?

Its an all around internet crackdown.
They're still pushing article 13 in the EU.

this just got a blu-ray releases with the uncut script. but they put in a note apologizing for any (((anti-semitism)))

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