The absolute state of the US
How the fuck is this even possible?
True or not, the fact that they can openly "brag" about trying to sabotage the elected leader without any fears is absolutely insane!
The absolute state of the US
How the fuck is this even possible?
True or not, the fact that they can openly "brag" about trying to sabotage the elected leader without any fears is absolutely insane!
NYT is guilty of sedition and treason and countless other crimes now. Freedom of the press does not mean you can knowingly support traitors in the white house. If America doesnt riot over this, there is no saving any of us.
Sometimes it's hard to have hope for the country's future. There's so much corruption, kikery and subversion in the institutions that I don't think anything short of a Pinochet-style military coup could even begin fixing things.
Reminder that the New York Times is guilty of SEDITION and possibly TREASON because of this.
and now, when boomers tell you that people like comey and cohen are part of the swamp, you can just link them that article
and they'll trust the new york times
This is absolutely fake, (((media))) are trying to play psychological games with Trump.
You seem to be new here. The answer is almost always kikes.
Read this article in its entirety, you who believes in your precious fucking rights:
^ Fresh story, about how the kikes quashed a bit of journalism showing that Mossad operates to oppress Americans like you and me, who dare take a stand, have a political opinion they don't like.
There is no hope. All countries collapse at 250 years. The United States, however, will be rebuilt immediately (like the Roman Republic–>Empire), but only if WE take charge.
Yep. This is The Plan. Trust the plan.
Whatever, man. So long as the eternal neocon boomer sucks the kike cock, they'll be ass-fucked and should be joyful in their sodomy.
There is less than 1% chance this is real lol
We already have an ultra-kiked neoliberal government. Trump was elected on a platform of salvaging that dreadful system. You've already got everything you think you want.
But they aren't supporting a traitor user, they are just publishing the traitor! This is part of freedom of speech goy.
America is dead m8. Just need to get ready for what rises out of the ashes.
>Taking anything from the (((Jew york times))) seriously
I mean, this is a joke, right?
I mean, come on.
This is a joke, right?
It's a woman larping.
A Jewish woman.
I think that's most likely too, but it's equally scary that they have enough "protection" to get away with their lying…
Either way, it's absolutely insane, and the article calls TRUMP "anti-democratic". Democracy is a joke, The NYT should be lined up and executed for high treason.
These kikes… unbelievable!
If you look up "steady state", youll see some interesting definitions and some curious one world government sites like
This is just fucking stupid.
Who would believe this, 1, and 2, how is this even legal?
Its too bad Trump didn't open up the libel laws like he said he would.
If it's real or not is not the point… it doesn't matter.
If it's not real, the editor of NYT should be executed. If it is, the traitor should be. Or both, really.
That is not going to happen.
Nothing will solve the problem of the eternal neocon boomer. They still suck on that american dream cock.
I think it's just a ruse by NYT, but if it's actually true, who would it be? Pence?
It's a free country. You can win by any means necessary. Maybe employ the tactics you shit on? Its called being a snake and a liar. No honor but you still end up writing the histroy books
What's your nation of origin, non-white "person"?
For those new to politics, genuinely confused, the president doesn't have such a power, but can only sign or veto legislation brought to him by Congress.
jej @ you being this CIA
Oh you wicked men, that sow those seeds. Cursed be your elohim, your yahweh, and your cut pennies.
The truth of the matter.
It would be Pence's speech writers, a woman, or Alex.
It's easy to guess that it's Pence, but it's unlikely that he would out himself so easily.
Hahahahaha yeah right, keep telling yourself that kikel.
I'm a White American male, not a foreign semite like you, and the writing is on the walls. The goyim know.
What would you think of executive orders?
Yeah, that's some serious brain damage right there. It's the same old Drumpf's an old racist fool shit they've been spewing since he announced. But the catch now is that it's been curated and approved by some ancient kike who's been milking Watergate for 50 years. They really are getting desperate with the Supreme Court hearings.
Keep at it Emperor, we have your back.
Gov fag here, actually what is being talked about in the OP is a federal crime called subversion. Extremely illegal act, will land you in federal prison. And not nice comfy prison for politicians; federal slam-me-in-the ass prison.
That is how bad this is.
Its time.
Holy shit Trump figured out treason laws exist? Great.
Let me know when he DOES something.
Whether real or some psyop this will continue as long as our country, our populace and our representatives pretend that sedition isn't a thing. If real we are seeing an open admittance and bragging of a soft coup and blatant treasonous acts from within the government (and the media). If fake we are still seeing it from the media itself. It doesn't change the fact that these acts deserve to be punished and if they aren't they will continue from every angle. Those that understand this still don't act out of fear of civil war, but the alternative is just as bad if not worse. It simply needs to be punished and if it sparks a real war then at least those opposed to this kind of activity have a chance. Just allowing this to happen only benefits those doing it.
We used to have required reading on this board before the fucking redditors took over.
It's sedition, which is more important. Reminder that no one will ever go to prison or be punished in any way.
um. What? I see the insults, but you are gaslighting. Our Constitution, and indeed this hundred years long tradition, has it that there is the Congress, which makes the laws, and also there is precedent set by the judiciary.
Neither a judge nor a congressman, the president.
But you know this, and are just one of those weird people who starts fights to derail discussion by real white people. Who pays you?
Trump has every justification in arresting the JYT kikes and interrogating them.
Will he?
Its not they are claiming they are in contact with someone undermining the authority of the current president and of the united states 30 years ago they would hung.
No, it's pretty obvious to anyone but JIDF that the laws are not equally applied and the US is corrupt as fuck.
It's a banana republic operated by kikes. This "democracy"-meme has to end.
My body is ready.
Declassify it all. Bring the whole fucking house down. Rip and tear.
Fucks sake kike stfu nobody wants to hear your kvetching.
Trump could do a lot more than he does and 'um' you're a faggot if you try to ply that redditor bullshit of 'hes doing his best you goys!'.
You only get in trouble if caught. That's the plight of the snake, great rewards but at the risk of greater punishment
Executive orders are within the frameworks provided by Congress. Basically it's like this:
1. Congress makes a law, "Prez can do X if he wants to"
2. Congress passes it
3. Prez signs it (of course he does)
4. Prez issues executive order under power X granted by Congress
5. New prez in town
6. New prez revokes executive order
7. judges say "whoa, too fast, this shit ain't a democracy, imma gunna block that"
But whatevs.
The point is, when you criticize Trump, you don't have much to go on. That's because he's very limited. The one thing he's done is fix the economy, and quite simply:
By refusing to pass ridiculous burdens upon business. Thus, business, not being burdened, hires more and more.
The kike press will kvetch about losing their rights for threatening to overthrow the president.
< the courts filled with neocon kike's-cock-sucking boomers will totally allow the kikes to be upended in our lifetime
Fuck em. Arrest any that complain and interrogate them.
Show is about to start. Watch the slow play then the big drop.
Then arest them too.
Whats the point of being commander in chief if you cant call out the troops to arrest subversive traitors and thkse who aid and abet them?
only to applicable to white men retard
No this is subversion. Notice the language:
Sedition is the act of an individual. Subversion is the act of a group. If a clandestine group has recruited government officials to work against the administration, it undermine's the very existence of the government itself. You are watching oligarchical power in the making.
arrest has two r's.
And that's a nice fantasy, isn't it. Say, are you one of those Russian shills I keep reading about? Because you are acting like one hell of a know-nothing mad dog.
Its been awhile.
I quite agree. But we must realize that we only have half the nation having any sense at all. The other half are literal screeching animals. Disgusting degenerate non-humans. Beasts, in other words. Barely able to function, through their madness, the madness of the communist.
They will be no aid in this time of trial.
Trust the plan.
Holy shit thanks for the correction.
And yeah, wow, I'm mad about disgusting kikes shitting all over my nation while the guy with Jewish grandkids and an 88% White elctoral base is too busy on twitter to do his fucking job in a meaningful sense by tryibg these subversive treacherous semite fucks.
I sure am a 'know-nothing maddog'. Thanks for stooping by, Jewish speech writer for the McCain family.
Now go back to reddit.
What is needed for a true fall of empires is a) let Jews in
It's actually an insult to the USSR, which was a far, far more functional society than the US has been during the "end of history".
The cycle is exacerbated by Jewry, certainly.
It was an instant filter at
Can even one white man read the pile of garbage written there and not realize
I would concur. Drugs, alcoholism, and other degeneracies run rampant among politicians right now. The federal government is unstable and corrupt. Only sweeping action will fix it.
Shut up reddit, nobody wants to see your awful memes nor listen to your kvetching LARPfaggotry.
It wouldn't take a supreme court order for them to be forced to turn over the "person" behind this. There is national security interest here.
electoral is spelled with two e's.
What you describe is something that could probably happen in Russia, but it couldn't happen like that in the US. There would be hearings and stuff, but nothing like what you describe.
< supporting the USSR
< that literally engaged in the largest genocide in world history
< that of 20 million WHITE Christians
< by man-made famine, exile, and in the gulags
< under kike communism
< and under kike marxism
< and under the half-kike kike stalin
Yeah, they come and start fights, so we can't have discussion. It's become very transparent that they play both sides.
The jews don't want somebody with so many jewish connections going down in the history books genociding Syria and losing a war to China.
< picking fights.
Maybe you're one of those Russians they keep yammering on about.
>(((he))) isn't aware that Trump can use the same executive order powers which were ridiculously expanded under King Nigger.
Thats nice, kikel.
Electoral should be capitalized.
You fucked up. Clearly you are a non-White.
God I hate worthless pencil pusher faux-intellectual scum like you.
You will hang with your precious system of litigious bullshit.
I seem to recall a never-ending stream of kikes ["refuseniks"] flooding out of the USSR in the 70s and 80s and making a b-line for the good ol' USA [same place they skedaddled to when the NSDAP came to power].
And look, now its word vomiting every shill line since 2017
You will never be white, or a man. Go back to your mudhut kitchen you slag. Tell your battlestation commander you need more Rosetta stone.
< he's a kike puppet, I swear
Or maybe you're just a redditor faggot with no imagination and a low IQ. Hard to say.
So, you insult me and threaten to kill me.
Now, you wouldn't do the latter without being outside of the jurisdiction of the United States of America.
Insults. Not discussion. You're here to disrupt.
Archived nonpdf form.
Shut the fuck up you skavenous ratnigger vermin.
Come up with a fucking argument.
Yep, they samsoned Russia, after genociding Russia. Then they fled with the goods in hand.
This was the single most retarded fucking post I've ever seen. God damn you kikes really aren't sending your best anymore, are you?
no =[
Sedition implies INTERNAL overthrow of government, which is what this seeks. It's PROBABLY treason since they're all kikes and owe allegiance to israel, but it's absolutely SEDITION.
Instant proof of your points gentlemen, well done.
Reminder to filter and ignore obvious shills
New York Times has been know to lie using unnamed sources before, Op.