"b-but we are w-world champions, r-right g-guys?"
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Low effort thread. Frogistan is lost - a place for kikes, muds, nigs and a few frogs left. Sage.
France can still be divided, and neither jews nor nigs can fight in an actual war.
Sounds like great material to start a fire in a big old fire pit, along with other pornographic and degenerate material. Bring back book burnings.
I lived in Strasbourg France about a decade ago and saw almost no Africans. Paris included. There was the occasional "french muslim" who kvetched about tourists who "didn't even speak french". Mostly Turkish people who sold hash or gyros and old Italian ladies weeping for monies.
Now it looks like ground fucking zero for niggers and they have further erased the individual cultures by creating a new homogenous "economic region" called Grand Est. I should have saved my french waifu. I wonder where she is, if she's okay, and if here babies are white.
Outrage has been exhausted in the few people who have seen this stuff over the last few years and still have some sanity left.
All these examples need to be collected and shown to a wide audience in a barrage, so that they can becoming sufficiently enraged as a mass to do something about it.
I can't imagine France of the early or mid nineties tolerating any of this.
They were always arrogant and steadfast at defending their culture from any outsiders.
The last generation has been poisoned, that poison needs curing.
What we have on out side is that all of this is forced brainwashing and is unnatural. Interracial stuff provokes an instinctive and immediate disgust reaction. If the reaction can be made volatile enough, the media brain programming won't be able to contain it, and people will respond with disgust, anger and action.
i feel you user I still worry for my french waifu, we keep in contact and I tell her to not fuck any niggers
This, if you show them one or two examples they brush it off as paranoia, but the longer it goes on for the more concern you see in their eyes. Save it all and put it in a video.
wew lad, this might be the most blatant cuck propaganda I've seen, and I've seen some shit.
Saging just because there's nothing really to add. It's just a thread to get pissed over and screech about kikes.
yeah gas yourself
Reminder that Macron recently said France is dead, french culture no longer exists, and that we have to embrace the wider EU and global "culture". Reminds me a bit of when Sarkozy went on TV and outright ordered the french people to race-mix, and if they didn't do it willingly, then it would be forced.
Here's the video.
This shit only acts as a reminder that the jew must be completely destroyed, and all their lies and corruption must be purged from the earth.
My country (France) was already lost a very long time ago. In fact, it is one of the earliest prototypes of race cuckoldry, faggotry, kiked to death pozzed mudslime infested shithole. There is simply NO white males remaining that are national socialists, racially aware, red pilled and willing to fight the race war. Most whites are extremely cucked, and the few (((identitarian))) and (((right wing))) movements are controlled opposition, controlled by jews, openly defending israel and muh holocaust. Really, it's a lost cause. The best thing to do with France is to unironically nuke it, glass it and start over once the area is safe, with no one remaining. Don't bother saving us, because there is literally nothing to save. I will not move. I will stay in my land, and fight to death in the hope of taking as many shitskins, kikes and race traitors with me.
It will be good to get rid of all the faggots on earth as well. BOG.
This post is full of LIES ! I live in Paris itself and there are more NIGGERS and SHITSKIN MUSLIMS than anything else in the streets, in the subway, everywhere. Only a few very small quarters have the chance of not having many niggers and muslims (yet), the extremely rich quarters. But there are KIKES instead it's not better. In the periphery of Paris (banlieue) it's worst. In fact, even in Paris itself there are mini Africa quarters, where the police don't even dare to go. Even in districts other than north of Paris. Strasbourg is pozzed and has an insane amount of Iranians and Pakistani, and refugees now. The only places with less shitskins are center-west of france, the worth part of france where nobody wants to live in, and some places of center (same reason). The rest is hell. Don't listen to the JIDF saying France is still white IT IS A LIE or it comes from people living in RICH little quarters who never go outside of these places (most likely jews)
Nothing new.
Burn it to the ground with the people inside.
Imagine we eventually do wage war against pissrael and they launch their nukes toward every capital in Europe. Only nogs die, all the historical monuments and art was already moved away because it was racist.
…and nothing of value was lost…I have longed to burn out all the cities of earth for some time. They are like nigger and shitskin pits of decrepitude.
why do all this? it just feels like they are forcing a population to go to war, over what?
no amount of activism in my humble opinion will unhitler the past, meaning the vast majority of the population will always perceive national and cultural identity as racism. is it to balkanize the next generations? have 5-10% of people creating ethno-enclave territories?
you can't possibly create the circumstances for a open genocide without backlash, but most genocides go unchallenged except for a violent minority. it almost looks like the europeans and americans are being painted as the 'next hitlers' with china and russia positioned as the racial purity saviors, who will come in and help collapsing western powers reclaim their original identities after decades of civil war, in order to establish multipolarity. ruled by proxy by asians and slavs appears to be the only alternative to the present world order, which is running headlong towards international mono-consumerism.
clearly the people who are advocating for this behind the scenes the political experts and advisors know enough about history to understand that forcing otherwise intelligent people into two impossible choices never works and always backfires. are they just hoping some racist nerd can't figure out space or sea habitat before their plan unrolls? this type of generational change will take hundreds of years to take place, there are like 300 million europeans, short of total war, famine and disease they will remain the majority in european nations for all forseeable future.
Your kind will be gassed soon. Maybe France will be the last european country to get unfucked because so many jews have made this their home, but it will get unfucked nonetheless.
France had their chance with Le Pen. They chose to virtue signal and elect a globalist kike who enthusiastically serves up France to africa. The saboteurs have infiltrated everywhere and propaganda like this is the norm. Soon the attacks will ramp up and the press won't be able to continue sweeping it all under the rug for the normies. They all the white French will be slaughtered because it will be years too late.
France, Spain, Sweden, UK, and Germany have all had several elections since this wave first started in 2014-2015. They had the chance to vote out all open border politicians and failed to do so. Trump can't help countries that are hell bent on suicide.
The poster you responded to explicitly wrote that he lived there a decade ago, remembering it being white back then but that it now seems to be full of niggers. Learn to read, faggot.
You haven't been keeping up with Sweden and Germany latetely. It won't be long before they btfo the globalist parties for good. Then that will leave only France as pro-EU, but it can't support such insanity on its own, so the whole thing will implode.
My point is France was lost and pozzed way earlier than a decade ago. It is the home country of such associations as the LICRA and other anti white think tanks since the 90s.
We will fight with you because hope is everlasting. I live so close to the border we do not eat pasta but rice with frogs. We will be glassed for a good cause. Sage for low effort thread and derailing.
I am from 60 and I can testify North is full of apes too, and tipically full of ape-haters too.
As for Paris and nearby, no kidding, my 5yo nephew living in 95 is the only white kid in its class !!!
The problem is that the French don't lead France, at all. Illegitimate corrupted traitors do. Our leaders are not really ellected, opposition is fake anyway, and anyway no matter what you vote for, those who actually pull the strings will always remain, so everything is totally fucked. We can't do anything about it because we have no power at all. The only solution would be a new Revolution, beheading all traitors, but it would quickly be stopped and just be called "terrorism" in all newspapers. Talking about newspapers, it is amazing how they all are corrupted, it's worse than USSR, all they do is lying and praising this illegitimate bastard Macron like a superhero.
paris was actually still pretty bad 10 years ago. and theyve had niggers for like 100 years from their colonial policy
This is actually why the Samson option has lost its fury. The only ones still afraid are the Russians, because the fallout will poison their land. But as soon as 2022-25 after the second or third year like this one we need Russia as the bread basket again. But who needs it way more since 2011 has proven: middle east. If Europe gets nuked, because shitskins turn politics against Israel, then Israel is gone within days. I guess they don't have tens of thousands of bombs just to be sure.
Nigger hate Semites. I don't see how France would get along Germany the next 100 years.
Way to go, nwo, way to go and thanks for all the wars.
This, Germany and Sweden are getting close to snapping. We're going to see the Overton window shift hard in Sweden very soon.
this is a cuckchan tier thread and you should all feel like shit for bumping it. idiots.
that's the thing about the samson option once it is used the jews are gone and any survivors would have no excuse for the holocaust they just committed
Same thing all over the entire European nations of the globe. We have no 'leaders' outside of ZOG and they are betraying us in our own nations…it isn't any different than your situation. This is why ALL SUBHUMANS MUST BE EXTERMINATED.
Kek someone I know said this weekend. I don't think it will be that soon but I think it will be soon.
So, make something better.
The samsung option has lost its fury? not exactly, they have american silos for that, we are not living in Kennedy´s times anymore.
I see why Varg takes the "extreme" steps that he does to avoid seeing this garbage.
Maybe it's all just a time buy gimic to cripple us while they sort themselves out.
It's scare how they predicted the future…
OP it looks like shes breeding another world champion. The entire French team was black.
They knew exactly what the kikes were planning for this world.
"snapping" won't have any teeth unless they close the borders AND expel most of the shitskins that are already breeding there by the hundreds of thousands. Leaving them there will still result in the eventual replacement of the native white population. The kebab and chimps must be removed.
Most French love their nigs. Fact. It has been like this for decades. Lost cause.
So france is officially history from now… a few isolated villages, many french building and art and nothing more… It''s officially a mixed african-arab country…
No wonder the local jews mass emigrated from there…
So after chaos breaks out the New German Reich will have an excuse to annex Grand Est.
Thanks for the info.
Nice dubs and made this:
That's not Macron retard.
trips you damned fool
France has had a nigger problem for over 100 years.
They have no morals, they are deviants.
There isn't a Frenchman alive who wants to remove nigs.
They are beyond saving, just one step below Canada.
The bongs, they have like a 10% chance, while Germany has shown in its recent marches the 4th Reich is still possible.
The best thing that ever happened to France in the past 250 years is when Hitler took it over and saved it from an early destruction by 50 years.
200 years ago they were letting their white french colonials get slaughtered by savages for the sake of "democracy" and liberalism by a revolution backed by kikes who they didn't touch whatsoever. They've been pozzed long before even England, which is saying something.
lrn2read retard
Reminder that the left-vs-right dichotomy was born in France
Reminder that the mass centralization of power to a single monarchial figure (rather than a proper split of land between feudal Lords) was also popularized and exemplified by France
both of these things (((have something in common))), too
Imagine being a German man who fought in the war and lost nearly everything for the Fatherland. Imagine all your friends being dead, your family impoverished, and your country humiliated.
Then, imagine the hated French not only occupy the Ruhr – your home and the base of Germany's industrial might – but they do it with niggers from Senegal.
There was no amount of punishment sufficient for France in 1940.
The worst thing about all of that was frogshits lost fair and square to the Germans at the turning point to the 20th century. They were inefficient, bureaucratic and were just cuntfaggots in general, typical for a flashy cunt folks who lost their warrior way.
And look at them now.
Rothschild will make good use of them in the war for Chinese People's Freedom. France shouldn't have lost their faith in Jesus.
Luther and the protestant reformation that kickstarted proto-communism is mainly to blame.
France imitated England with their parlement and beheading of their king long before the frenchs started popularizing the trend due to certain people holding the press and medias and hiding their own kike revolution on their island with a kike royal family and kike values spreading worldwide.
Tl;dr France fell to a british-kike-masonic-protestant coup to make her pay for her role in the independance of the USA, since that day France is a USSR that hides its name.
Why then when I was in Paris in 90s was it filled with aggressive nigger hawkers and other niggers? No where near as bad as now but they were there and were a fucking menace already.
I'm never going to another French city again if I can avoid it.
Holy fucking Christ.
Fucking genestealers
Hmm. How about racial extermination by traitors within their own ranks collaborating with kikes?
That sounds like a fate worse than death.
Oh wait…
hahaha more proof non-whites cannot do anything meaningful and only think with their dicks. what WILL you subhumans do without Whites? hahahahaha if we go, you lose
Ever heard the phrase: "be careful what you meme for?" The French weren't careful.
Anyone got pics of the last white people in france today so we can compare it with this image?
what about you.
Tell me anons, white civilizations have fallen for thousands of years due to non whites and the femin virus. The difference now is with technology mass media can infect the minds at a rate far more than anyone could have imagined, along with immigration of non whites to white countries that was impossible before, but now possible with mass transpiration.
Tell me, is this another cycle of a white civilization falling? Is it the last midnight for Europeans or is it the twilight of the Jew?
This image (((echos))) pretty hard.
The world is burning while the kike laughs.
So close and Marie le pen would have won.
It she doesn't win next election France is utterly lost.
Not sure, you kind of got to get to 2018 to find out.
I know what can save france
I've never had a good image of the frogs, anyway.
France presented us with the fetus of your current social justice pozzed ideology of campuses, pos-modernism and desestructuralism.
Philosophers like Michael Fuckyoult, Jaques Russeau and etc.
The catholic church was full on jewed even back then
Im sure letting them keep their power instead of trying to fracture it would have lead us to EU much sooner
Leaffag here so I can understand most of what Sarkozy is saying without subtitles (it's often easier for me to understand spoken France French than spoken Quebec French) and I think in context he's speaking "métissage" translates more correctly to "affirmative action" rather than forcing white Francos to marry outside their race.
The speech is still pozzed but he wasn't going to institute mandatory miscegenation for any white who wants to breed.
Marine Le Pen is a fucking traitor, she backstabbed her father (because he's anti-kike) and later the party itself. Furthermore, they made a point in the latest elections to ignore any fraud against the Front National, so don't expect democracy to save you.
As it is now, France is already an arab state.
Weird feeling in France at the moment. Most realize that the country they once knew doesn't exist anymore, they can see everyday the insane amount of foreigners, but few will admit it as they still cling on to this dead nation. True french whites will have to do a lot, with little resources.
Fun times ahead.
Jean-Marie Le Pen has never been anti-kike.
From what I can tell, nigger worship/lust is huge in France and England. I don't know what it stems from. I do know French women are super "liberated," and English women are probably the dirtiest, trashiest bimbos in the Western world. I was watching a streamer travel around England, and it just blew my mind, time and time again, to see how fucking disgusting English women were. The way they dress is unreal. They'll go out, sloppy and fat, with a tiny skirt and a strap of fabric around their tits, then get so drunk they pass out on the side of the road. They were also really masculine and aggressive. French women, as far as I can tell, are just in eternal feminist mode, like it's the '60s forever. The only place that comes close to them is Cali. White women in Cali are absolutely fucking disgusting. Cali, England, and France are basically home to the worst white people. Canada has super hardcore marxist, anti-white trash, but they're surprisingly not whores like in those places. They still seem to have some standards.
they only protect their culture from other whites. They don't want to hear a brit speaking English but they are happy to let arabs and magrebis piss and shit on their country, women, and culture. The double standard is just a product of French minority worship.
There was once a dream called Frankia.
you don't get it ; (((marine le pen))) was there to lose. her niece might be coopted to win, once (((they))) have no other choice. kosher nationalism in france is in the works, and steve bannon is on it.
This, this, this.
Recruit some halfchanner archivist types and make it happen!
Thanks user, I need this
I was watching a documentary on the 2008 financial crisis, and learned that French authorities were totally powerless against labor unions that trashed buildings, kidnapped bosses and publically threatened to torture them. The government has no control over the country. It's ridiculous. There's no way they'll be able to do anything about diversity chimpouts either, which are much more dangerous than labor unions.
Dude, France being niggered is a fucking ANCIENT meme.
He was anti-Zionist and refused to take the party in that direction. He also called the Holohoax a "footnote in history".
checked for hahahaha