So I got my textbook for Art Edu a week ago and found this shit in there...

So I got my textbook for Art Edu a week ago and found this shit in there. I'm so fucking sick and tired of my fucking text books force feeding me this stupid garbage.

Are there any other anons with (((informative))) textbooks? Hows you're school year going?

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Other urls found in this thread:


lol ok, well you better get to your shift at Wendy's then, faggot


And do not teach children children's books. Teach them the real shit.

Well, we did all vote to have Marxist indoctrination as the ideology guiding our education/indoctrination after all; amirite tho?

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Post moar shit you find in your school books books OP. Ignore the shills. The more evidence we have of this bullshit the better!

What year is the book written?

I mean I could post parts of my biology course where they have an "bio ethics and gender" course for a whole 4 fucking credits of the 180 I need.

we already know about this subversion and don't need to circlejerk about it


You're majoring in Art?

trade school or bust

They teach actual explicit Marxism to children using art as the vehicle.
Based mostly on the teachings of this guy:
This is the faggot modernizing Marxist teachings to children through art:
>Thomas Hirschhorn was born in 1957 in Bern, Switzerland. Originally trained as a graphic designer, Thomas Hirschhorn shapes public discourse that relates to political discontent, and offers alternative models for thinking and being. Believing that every person has an innate understanding of art, Hirschhorn resists exclusionary and elitist aesthetic criteria for example, quality, in favor of dynamic principles of energy and coexistence.
PBS runs his show called:

They go to low-income cities and teach non-whites about how equality-of-outcome egalitarianism (Marxism) is good and equality-of-input egalitarianism (Nature) is bad.

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Good books.

Art education. An art teacher

You know Marx was a fervent anti-semite in his later years, right?
Maybe ask if you can do a report on one of Marx books as an indication that you respect his ideologies, then break out attached (a world without jews).
apparently it's already been posted. Just search it, it's relatively easy to find.

Good on going to school! It's shit but get through it, if you're there there's no point in quitting now.

What did you expect when you took a fucking art class? That's kikefaggot central station. You are currently surrounded by a shitcluster of the dumbest, laziest, most useless fucktards in the history of niggatry.

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gtfo neanderthal hybrid

Neat. Good luck to you.


He wasnt joking

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What's bullshit is Marx isn't even the great writer on equality, Rousseau and Voltaire are, as they wrote on egalitarianism. Sux you can't not teach that. I teach my student's actual art history. We are on the Dutch "Golden Age" and Flemish Baroque periods since I teach 100 years at a time. Wish you luck fellow artbro.

Herb, The Vegetarian Dragon - Suggested Grade: Kindergarden
My Princess Boy - Suggested Grade: 1
Girls Hold Up This World - Suggested Grade: 2
I Am Latino: The Beauty in Me - Suggested Grade: 2
Daddy's Roommate - Suggested Grade: 3
The Librarian of Basra: A True Story From Iraq - Suggested Grade: 4
Seven Sacred Teachings: Niizhwaaswi Gagilkwewin - Suggested Grade: 4
The Boy in the Dress - Suggested Grade: 5
The Sissy Duckling - Suggested Grade: 5
Our New Home: Immigrant Children Speak - Suggested Grade: 6
Kids On Strike! - Suggested Grade: 7

These are books required for Canadian education system. A system that was created by a pedophile and teaches anal sex, masturbation, gender theory and so on starting in grade 3.

Ontario school board is FIGHTING to keep using it as Doug Ford tries to scrap it and go back to previous non-degenerate teachings until they can redo a modern version.

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yeah I wish I took more pictures of my later books. I took an online class last semester for English Language Learning students (so I already knew it was pretty pozzed) but the book was spouting shit like "by 2024, whites will make up of 1/4th of the united states population" and even some more liberal students kept bringing that up like, what the fuck are you tlking about?

Art history is generally very eurocentric, focuses on Western artistic achievement because that's really the only historical type of art worth studying in depth. Also, lots of historical nudes for… ahem, academic reasons. Pleasing stuff.

Capital is still good and required reading.

He meant - A World Without Jews wouldnt be possible, or right, or good or something…
It is wrong interpretation to think, this mega jew was against jews, Jesus.

Art History is important, and I plan to put it in my lesson plan but Art History is a shit choice if you want to get a career. I mainly want to teach and I feel teaching art the right way as soon as possible is a good approch to stoping this shit out

Read and teach Giorgio Vasari. Classical and neoclassical stuff. Add some futurism.

consider it done.

Not true. 'Fine Arts' programs are much diffferent from 'Applied Arts' or general 'Arts' programs at college. Only in the 'Fine Arts' programs, and only at certain schools++, will you find Marxism. 'Applied Arts' programs such as Industrial Design, Architecture, and so on, are mostly non-marxists and non-sjw groups, since "aplying yourself" isn't something these groups can really do.

I really get tired of you uneducated rats shitting your little turd nuggets all over my board

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This is why we will ultimately lose the culture war. The left is busy injecting their propaganda at all levels of academia from K up through college. They are raising generations of children to believe that whites and males are the scourge and excrement of the known universe. As years go by, more of them reach voting age. November is going to be rough as it is, let alone 2020 and beyond. We're all fucked in the long run regardless how many small victories we grab here in the next few years.

Yeah I studied Industrial Design and double minored in 'European Art and Architecture' and 'Sustainability'. The only employment for an Art Historian, short of paving your own path as a writer or thinker, or working at a museum, is an art history teacher. Mine was a qt3.14. Hi Tracy.

No, he literally went full-blown 1488 self-hating jew in his later years. He despised his jewish roots and what he had been a part of. the jews like you to think he was just losing his mind, but the reality is he just gained a conscience.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you there but art history does also have value insofar as it shows people what art really looked like and why it was so important to the West that you couldn't just shit on a canvas and call it art. Art history is the answer to the question: "What is beauty?"

What is beauty? It is the massive cathedral architectures. It is the marriage of skill and imagination, of technique and vision that plays itself out on a painted canvas. It is the skillful rendition of nature as God created it - from the rolling green hills of the German countryside to the well-defined bodies of white men and women.

Beauty is not just "an idea" as Marxism has degraded it into being, it is simply a state of being in harmony with what God has deemed Good. Shitting on a canvas is not harmonious with Good, it is what Zig Forums calls degenerate.

A gift for those who do not filter Tor users:

School is for good goys and goyls.

You're a fucking idiot.

Beauty is often just symmetry, at least to humans.
And I agree about the importance of art history. In fact, art, artifacts, and architecture is how we best learn about people from the past. The things people create are more than a representation of their ideals, it is proof they existed. Thus, preservation of such things becomes paramount.

America is goodbye. Sad.

lol ok, well you better get to your shift at Wendy's then, faggot

Too bad, get used to it Murdoch. They put shit like this in every text-book, even engineering. T.Stemfag.

I took German 1 online and literally all of the pictures in my textbook have this shit

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Starbucks is still fast food champo

And look what priceless creations they make when they're all grown up.

The reason why they call it an art edu is because it's an education degree as well dumbass. something you clearly don't have.

The reason why they call it an art edu is because it's an education degree as well dumbass. something you clearly don't have

Easy art chicks, for one.

Dear OP good luck in your endeavor.
Please teach the kids that smearing paint on a canvas like pic related is just a BIG ASS FUCKING KIKE SCAM

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Your pretending that a jew can grow a conscience.

If you can't say something nice, dont say anything at all. For a jew this is a masterwork of creative expression. IT IS LITERALLY THE BEST THAT THEY CAN DO…the whole scam about them being intelligent is reflected perfectly in their 'creative endeavors' as well.
It's not that we 'don't get it' it is that there is nothing to 'get'; this is average IQ 84 style painting

shit on everything your marxist professor tries to tell you
because everything is an intrepretation of those who have power and those who do not; he has power you do not; he is teacher you are student; how absolutely dare he
whenever given a chance to review a work of art of your choosing, pick classic roman sculptures and architecture
for bonus points, apply cultural marxism to baalbek's wonderful sculptures and trigger the shit out of your peers

I believe you are one standard deviation to high on the bell curve.

Pray tell, why are giving these motherfuckers money? How much was that book, and how much is your, likely worthless, degree costing you? Or the taxpayers?

< attacking one of the few non-faggots to be teaching kids
wew nog

You gotta stay strong to get through that swill. And you better fucking not say ANYTHING. If they find out that you have "bad ideas" they'll dock you a fucking letter grade, even if it's only by the rumor mill, pic related.

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Gotta study the enemy, user. It's very important and necessary. I understand most don't have the stomach for it, but don't belittle those that can put aside their personal angst for the betterment of our people.

is this a NEET meme or a coincidence that it was posted twice

Also, if we are to have any fucking hope we have to have infiltrators into the (((education establishment))).

And Zig Forums pretends like they're rebels. This is why their board is, and will always be dead. They are status quo. Change can only be away from the left, because they are already in positions of power.

Imagine paying thousands and thousands of dollar for deepstate-backed propaganda. Oh wait, you are… sorry.

This is simply not true. I recommend actually reading On the Jewish Question before running your mouth. If you can read German, Bruno Bauer's Judenfrage is also available.

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Fuck off already, faggot.

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< learn German

Yes, learn the language of the greatest homo butts on the planet.

Oy vey goyim just let it continue
Sage negated you fuck.

No, get mad and get fired up about it. You're the fucking customer buying an education.

Well all I have to say is >>>/art/ and >>>/loomis/ then use the skills to aid Zig Forums in its goals

Still, more evidence for Redstick and /pdfs/ would be great


Be aware of posturing and false oppositions.

Please elaborate, what here is degenearate, other than the towelhead?

>>>/oven/ for not getting it.

A father (Vater) is marrying a Mutter. That's my best guess with the photo.

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First of all, do not get a worthless degree and get into debt.

However, critical theory should be used against itself.

For example: All humans are of equal worth, so why does it matter if one race kills the rest and rules the world after that. (This is the assumption of normies when they think of natsocs)

You retard, youre thinking french. But that's a dead language anyway.

Speaking of dead languages: redirects to fucking BBC pidgin

MFW you realize you’re already speaking that language.

education is a bigger joke degree than art.

british progressives in kids education vs parents

Attached: Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves (Paperback)

So this is how it begins.

OP, you take a class on art history (really faggot history) and you are surprised by faggotry? WTF is wrong with you. Get your ass into STEM and you won't have to suffer through this bullshit.

>many scholars use terms for modes of inquiry developed from Marxist theory – that is, critical theory, ideological criticism, or social theory. For the sake of simplicity, this text will continue to use the term Marxism.
I see nothing wrong here. Naming the Marxist is, if anything, a low-intensity redpill.

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Fuck is wrong with you? Get the fuck outta here and never come back.
Op is a faggot. Sage for shit thread.

Ontario sex ed exam has some insane questions for children. Absolute madness that it wouldl show up in a school system as test questions.

While not school related, the Canada Budget for 2018 shows the extreme level of infiltration and influence gender theory and SJWs have on the country - the word "gender" appears 359 times in an ECONOMIC BUDGET FOR A COUNTRY.

Not mine lol

Alberta Teachers' Association has released a 'toolkit' for the treatment of 'sexual and gender minorities', which is an absolute parade of horrors of regression, opposition to free speech, as well as a guide on how to indoctrinate young students (12-18) into their cult. Apparently it's publicly funded as well (p. 149).

The document talks about people as being 'assigned male/female at birth', as if perception that someone is a gender is an assignation (p.15). It promotes the delusion of 'agender/genderless' and other nonsense as though it were actually legitimate.

Neutrois. Is that a combination of the German word for new and the French word for three? What pronouns are they endorsing? Well…

No, this isnt a joke from tumblr or a meme - this is teh Alberta Teachers Association demanding teachers follow this guideline and learn these pronouns.

On page 22, teachers are told not to say "boys and girls" or "ladies and gentlemen", but "folks", "friends" and "students"… because that is… inclusive. Don't say "mom/dad" but instead say "responsible adults. Makes so much sense.

Straight privilege

The document cites 'anti-racist' Peggy McIntosh's odious paper on 'white privilege'. It claims people have straight privilege, and tells them to 'reflect on it.

How do we create an 'inclusive classroom'?

In order to be tolerant, you have to be intolerant of any statement we don't like. EVERY TIME. Thought policing funded by tax payers and taught to children. The report calls on teachers to thought and language police all their students.

This includes even statements as innocuous as "that's so gay". Intent doesn't matter. You're guilty because they decided that you're guilty.


Not even math is safe from social engineers posing as 'teachers' using the minds of young kids as their plaything. The document (p. 97-98) tells teachers to use their math classes to push same-sex relations and transgenderism, as well as individuals who demand to be called by plural pronouns. Should any student be confused or have the temerity to laugh, the diversity thought-policing kicks in.

The express aim of the lessons are to "build empathy and acceptance by normalizing content with same-sex and gender neutral names".

The Alberta Teachers Association now demands thought policing over "throws like a girl" statements (p. 105).

And of course, never divide by… perceived gender…

>In your own practice, look at ways to make changes to ensure that all students feel safe and respected. For example, avoid grouping students by perceived gender (boys vs girls) and consider alternate ways to divide groups in your classes. See more examples of what is out of bounds here:

Funny how students never not felt respected by such divisions until five minutes ago. Here are some other things they want to force on students:

Check out more fantastic student initiatives here! (2)

The Alberta Teachers Association recommends dedicating "two to five class periods" to (p. 107)…

Encouraging cross-dressing. (p.118).

The Alberta Teachers Association recommends that teachers have activities where they pick out music because it was created by "SGM" (p. 119).

One of the last parts of the document is a long list of people who are allegedly gay, as well as being allegedly famous for other things. Although it contains a huge number of dubious claims, it claims to only mention people "whose homosexuality or bisexuality is not debated" (p. 136). Michelangelo was apparently an 'engineer'. What's worse… there is a list of gay "heads of state". This includes prime ministers of countries that have a king (who is the head of state of those countries) like Belgium. There are exactly zero heads of state in that list. The kicker? It also claims that Klaus Wowereit (German politician) is a head of state. He is in fact the president (i.e., chairman) of the Social Democratic Party.

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Speak for yourself; although I am a former NEETSoc and sympathise with the lifestyle

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maybe he can come back to life and clarify for everyone who ignored this part of his life and burn some kike kids while he' at it. Until then marx is jewshit and will always be jewshit

How the fuck is anyone supposed to answer that without adding their own negative assumptions?

yeah sure, stop projecting and get your shit together

Throw the publishers of that book out of helicopters. Also, I notice that leftists tend to overuse the em dash when writing their bullshit, but it was only used once in this instance.

Not a kike-free first post. Pretty terrible.

• 2018
• Trusting anti-kike kikes
No. Just no.

Wow. Not as pozzed as I thought it would be. Just photoshop the hijab wearing bitch out.

Found the kike.

It will only end once we kill them all

They will never stand a chance against your amazing intellect.

I'm not in school anymore and I didn't have to deal with this gay shit in engineering courses

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Bobby Fischer gets a pass, but, yeah… anybody else… no.

You have to go back.

I go to a liberal art school so I'm in the same boat as you might transfer tbh, the majority of the school are feminists or faggots. There's only one mens only frat on the entire campus so consider yourself lucky.

That's disgusting, but at least they are open about it. When I say something to this tune with my leftard "friends", they immidiately deny that Marxism is associated with multiculturalism and feminism, and proceed to accuse me of using "right wing language/rethoric".

That's the funny thing. 140+ IQ. National merit level SAT scores. A+ student in highschool with over 8 AP classes, began junior college at 13, attended top undergraduate college in nation. Hold 3 Bachelor of Science degrees and a Masters from top graduate program. Spent over a decade of my life researching politics and history. (I had read Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire by age 12 so image how far I got by 30). Lost friends, family, marriage, career all because of my relentless pursuit of the truth. Battled through existential depression triggered by facing raw unadulterated truth. And prevailed.

At the end of it. Guess what I learned: None of this will stop until you kill them all. Nature is beautifully simple that way. Kinda funny when you think about it.

Oh and I should add this has nothing to do with revenge. It's about quarantine. If you had to choose between killing the parents or the kids, kill the kids. Parents can be sterilized.

Johannes marries an Arab Aydan, and his sister Ursula marries the jew Viktor. Look at the kinky jewfros on 2 of Ursula and Viktor's children. In one generation, no more Germans, just arabs and jews and it's the jewish family that has 4 kids, while the German grandparents only had 2 German children.

criticizes OP for going to school
OP implies someone who doesn't go to school will spend their life working at Wendy's
implies that someone who goes to art school is going to spend their life working at Wendy's.
It isn't funny now that I've explained it.