Speaks out and then cps abducts daughter
Also, you’re a cuck if you still use this govt controlled board like Half Chan
Speaks out and then cps abducts daughter
Also, you’re a cuck if you still use this govt controlled board like Half Chan
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Unfortunately, there are fews ways of countering this.
Staying away from people who you suspect may inform on you to the CPS.
Practicing proper OPSEC in your everyday lives.
Teaching your kids the truth of CPS. If you the parent throw a shitfit when they come for your kid, you'll just get tossed in jail. But, if the kid throws a shitfit and is completely uncontrollable in their custody, then it may prove too much hassle to take your kid. Plus, recording it and making it go viral will give you more ammo.
Every CPS agent should be doxxed as a matter of course.
So, we just believe people without evidence, now? Got it. Sign me up, give me my sword, horse, and shining armor.
There are abundant amounts of evidence pointing out that child protection services both in the US and abroad (mostly UK) abduct children from their parents so they can give them to creeps in foster homes. truth1.org
The law enforcement is behind this as well, someone has to give the kikes their goyim blood dosage.
I was talking more about the naming names without proof thing, but yeah, I'm not a fan of CPS.
Welp, she's not gonna have many fans on this board. Since there's still plenty that continue to defend the ZOG Emperor.
I'm getting steered away by the interjections of whichever fag wrote this. The truth stands on its own merit; it doesn't need somebody else talking about how horrified he is about it. He also doesn't understand Satanism, but then, neither do those people claiming to be Satanists if they are hurting people.
Get behind me, Satan. GTFO my board.
Satanism is about liberty, Christian. Christianity and the other Abrahamic faiths have used and abused more children than any single Satanist, group of Satanists, or world of Satanists could ever hope to abuse.
And then neither are those who abuse the liberty of others "real" Satanists.
Dude I don't give a shit about the faggotry of the author, what is important here is the transcript of the interrogation (and the video itself) which the author of this article is completely unrelated to. If you dig deep enough on this TBMC shit you will find out that it all leads to the kikes and their kabbalah bullshit
I couldn't give less of a shit about your abortion of a religion.
I wouldn't be surprised. Sadists have always used authoritarian religions to get what they want, and the Abrahamic ones claim to hold the highest authority.
I don't believe Satan exists, I don't believe God exists, I don't believe in the Garden of Eden. All it is to me is a cautionary tale about the fate of those who dare rebel against authority.
Well, I can understand that.
That's the shit they peddle to newbs and kids to make Satanism look cool, and serve as a stepping stone into true blue Lucifarianism.
Incoming anchor.
What kind of retard tries to advocate for things most people would agree with (as long they were white, and not starving) and then calls it by the name that most of these people consider the ultimate evil? It's almost like you're trying to discredit the stuff you advocate for.
The Morningstar was the first angel. He's a metaphor for the sun gods that were worshiped by the cultures Abrahamic religions destroyed and assimilated via force.
Just say "sadism". You would be correct, then. Friendly reminder, God canonically tortured and killed more people than his fallen son ever did.
He's paid to post here. Just report and move on.
Why do these leftist faggots think that rape is fatal?
Implying that rape is worse than murder is how they've passed most of their laws.
And? There's a lot more that he can do, he just doesn't.
I criticize and call out shit as I see it. I do that on my own because I'm motivated by principle, not profit.
Friendly reminder, it's also all made up. But the whole "Morning Star" name is pretty fucking wicked.
Cuck Chan is the best place to drive /r/TheZognald before put them here.
Look at Europe.
Look at Europe.
"satanism" IS ABRAHAMIC.
Gas yourself.
ALL abrahamic religions are poison.
Especially satanism and luciferianism.
Then why are you shilling for satanism.
It's called well poisoning.
kikes and their shabbos screw with EVERYTHING.
Morality stems from philosophy, logic, reason, and the moral sense (culture, genetics, and something of the mysterious soul).
It is very important, and it has nothing to do with "gods" or "devils."
To be clear, stopping White genocide is not only moral, it is morally imperative.
(and no, I am not a "fedora" aka atheist)
blah, blah, blah.
Whatever such things may or may not have been long ago, they are all poisoned by kikes and abrahamism now.
Who cares about "trade war?"
All that means is more fucking shekels for more demonic kikes.
DEMOGRAPHICS is what REALLY matters.
White America IS AMERICA.
The ongoing genocide of White America is real and (still) ongoing. It has not been stopped and it has not even slowed down. The shitholers are still flooding in both legally and illegally. The kikes still control the banks, the media, the schools, the courts, the government, the lobby groups, and many such things. NOTHING is being done about the REAL PROBLEMS.
To hell with "trade" bullshit. To hell with shekels.
Stopping White genocide, removing ZOG, and reestablishing White America is what I care about.
Trump is doing NOTHING (or very little) towards ANY of those goals, despite his PRIMARY plank being "build the wall deport them all" in a "military style operation" and "reduce immigration and make it merit based." Not exactly what I want, but a lot closer than where we are.
Meanwhile, the shitholer flood keeps pouring in.
I'm not saying to "abandon Trump." What I am saying is that I am NOT AT ALL IMPRESSED so far.
As one key point, Trump could have ended ALL "legal" immigration DAY ONE in office, or any day since, for the duration of his time in office.
That is something that he could do 100% solo using existing Presidential powers.
Yet he hasn't.
If rejection of Abrahamic "morals" and values is Abrahamic, then yeah, Satanism is Abrahamic.
We are in accord.
We are not in accord. I have more guns than you and have fought the Fed far longer than you have, and I'm almost half-beaner.
There are no abrahamic morals.
There are abrahamic law codes.
Morality exists separate from religion. That said, abrahamic law codes and morality can coincide in many ways. They are separate, but not necessarily in conflict.
By being, more or less, an inversion of Christianity, satanism is utter shit. It lacks any of the good parts of Christianity and replaces them with hateful poison.
Good and evil exist. They are not defined by abrahamic law codes, but they do EXIST.
Also, if you are not White then you can never be a part of my Volk.
I am a Volkist.
That does not mean I wish harm upon you, but if you are not White then I would have you deported from White America if I had the power to do so.
White America, unfortunately, does not exist right now, but the reestablishment of White America is one of the core things that I want to have happen in the world.
You concern yourself with "good" vs. "evil", I'll concern myself with liberty vs. authority. Evil people definitely do exist, and they are authoritarian nine times out of ten.
That's fair. Some of my better friends are white supremacists. Should things come to "White" America versus "Free" America, I sincerely hope we are not forced to try and kill one another.
Mass purging of white knights when?
If there's one thing about CPS, it's full of weak people, all weak commies that are trained to see someone training values into their children as a criminal WORSE than a pedophile raping a child's ass bloody every day. Just Because. The other thing is these people have never seen brutal violence up close and rely on police to guard their lives day and night and that they are Gods on earth. The only way to defeat their hubris is to kill their admin telling them what to do, and then the rest will be like freshly beheaded chickens running screaming all over the place with no clue. Bonus points for gruesome, and best if it's a regular thing.
Reported for demoralization spam.
Seriously user? If you didn't blow them and the cops away at the first sign of trouble, then you don't deserve kids. I would even have my son(s) armed and trained to kill them.
Not a fucking inch.
That said, when I was a teenager, CPS refused to take me, those fucking goons were honest-to-god scared of me.
Need more exposing the child raping kikes.
Oh, of course. The thread got (((anchored))).
should have moved to different town, dumb bitch