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© Sputnik Russia squeezing US out as agricultural superpower
nigs best be steppin up. shit be mad legit ya feel?
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© Sputnik Russia squeezing US out as agricultural superpower
nigs best be steppin up. shit be mad legit ya feel?
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Hooooo boy. Why do you piss off you asiatic mongol fuck
Love it. Anything to hurt this worthless nigger "country".
They're certainly nigger fetishists for the browner "asians".
Bump. All must know what a drop of 20+ IQ points to a country's population does to it.
But it looks like America is moving into the lucrative "protection" business so it doesn't matter.
Wheat is still produced almost exclusively by whites in the US, cocksucker. Russia is likely subsidizing their grain (more than the US). Let them have the grain market; its a low value added product anyway
You tell him, (((fellow White))).
OP this is old news, this years wheat crop was a total failure. The Chinky Bugs are the only one with a surplus and they aren't planning on sharing. This years wheat crop was a total failure globally.
By the way Europeans, an FYI the (((Russians))) decided to store huge stocks of wheat in Egypt. Just letting you all know if push comes to shove and you begin starving; there is a huge wheat storage facility in Egypt that the (((Russians))) put there for other (((Russians))). When I first read that, I was like WTF, why wouldn't Russians store their grain reserves in Russia…and then I remembered their close ties with the kikes…mystery solved. Got to make sure that the KIKES EAT even if it means that your own people will starve.
It took 30 years after Communism for Russia to be able to feed itself again, congratulations to Putin.
Monsanto doesn't own the wheat fields and harvest the grain, you fucking retarded gorilla nigger
Hmm. I wonder who many goy farms the banks will get now. Good job building it up all your lives for the holocaust surivivors.
press F to Doubt
I bet you niggers believe RT predictions of America splitting in lot five nations and russia be a superpower by 2015 too. Than again a lot of people on Zig Forums believe Putin is saving the white race.
It's just some third-world fucktard trying to hurt burger feelings, probably because an American fucked the girl he used to stalk.
How's the weather in (((Kiev))) anons?
nigs best be steppin up. shit be mad legit ya feel?
Shades of Jesse Pinkman, hilarious.
Could it be the Monsanto/Obama rape of White America is to blame?
i saw the farms on satellite a few months back and the fields of grain were massive. with all that land space you can make a lot of money with just agriculture alone.
Just by growing grain they increased the quality of food because you feed grain to chickens, pigs, cows, ect. it increases the quality of the meat, dairy, cheese, leather. plus you can turn the grain into bread, beer, alcohol and other foods. When the Americans started fucking with the Russians again i was seriously worried they were going to have the Russians on bread lines. At least someone cared enough to do something about it. Nice work to those that pulled this off.
With the exception of maybe oil. You shouldn’t believe a Russian economist. If they were any good. They would’ve won the Cold War.
Are you sure that isnt so high because of russian proxy servers though?
People would use proxies to on pornhub? It’s pretty vanilla by today standards.
It should be pointed out that these pictures and the video that they are sourced from are from the very late days of the USSR, after the collapse had already started. They weren't from like 1982 or 1977 or anything like that.
There was a Soviet economist from the 50s, Glushkov, who basically predicted that problems delivering consumer goods would spur an economic collapse.
Notice the propaganda line at the bottom about the soviet era grain production, its worded in a way that makes it sound like it actually even existed. Of course this is the largest ever if its the largest non-soviet harvest, they didnt produce jack shit under the commies.
Our area had a fantastic crop.
Quick! GMO the shit out of our wheat to complete and drive the little farmers out of business!
Russia has a massive amount of arable land, but has a short growing season. Why would the US try to export to Russia field crops is beyond me. Sounds like the tardness of Hillary & co. Holy fuck they're stupid.
And stop claiming that white people working the earth in honest toil are kikes. Curse your soul!