Four dead in Fifth Third shooting in Downtown Cincinnati; gunman identified

Looks like we have another "white male" on a rampage. Just kidding. But what do you think the motive was here? Since when are shootings directed at municipal banking centers? Surely false flags wouldn't egg on anger towards banks would they? Why do you think this happened, oh wise 8/pol/

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He wasn't a former employee, this wasnt some mall/school shooting. He clearly chose this place as a target, and it wasn't some small branch, it was the cities headquarters…

Go home, halfchan, you're drunk.

It's clearly a case of toxic white masculinity.

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stop being an idiot. i com to 8/pol/ for non-retardation you're ruining it for me. you post like a halfnigger if anyone does.

well thats the thing, you really cant spin this story to fit the narrative, it seems out of place right? a bank…

Gun free zone. I would look into suing the banks for having a policy that violates self-defense rights, and the gov't for malfeasance or misfeasance or nonfeasance or whatever it is for allowing chartered banks to violate constituinally protected rights.

Looks more like a 3/5ths gunman if ya know what I'm sayin.

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interesting. but what do you think his motive was? since when do niggers commit idealistic crimes? was he denied a loan or something? this shooting seems to be highly premeditated and not spur of the moment.

surely it was because of something bigger

right right, i do know what you're saying sir

they probably fucked him over and took his house and his mothers house like they always do

USDA Yield Grade Meat Category 3:
30% niggerburger

well banks are evil to everyone. but when was the last time you saw a nigger plan something out like this?

I can only guess in this case, but it seems like general anti-america, anti-white chaos causing. They're like political suicide bombers that just want to do damage to society in general before they kill themselves. Narcissistic nihilists that will burn in hell.

If America and White people are interchangeable with usury, maybe they should be the target of attacks.

im pretty sure if a white guy did the same thing you'd call him a based juden eradicator

Depression era bank robbers were seen as folk heroes.


Obviously a lack of privilege cause this. Had he been brought up in a richer country like China, he would have been a doctor.

Burrito brrrrrrrrrrrrt!
Undocumented Euthanasia

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that's true satan

Chances are they're just following state law. Blame the state and the leftists who fucked it up.
t. open-carries a gun into Chase in East WA literally all the fucking time

The building's lobby opens up to the city's main public square. It's probably the busiest spot you could pick in Cincinnati. It seems more about location than the fact the building was a bank. Just a guess though.

did you read the article? he entered through the loading docks/waste area in the back and had route planned in advance.

far too surgical, and why did he pick a bank, the HEADQUARTERS for this bank in that city.


Stop being a nigger, newfag, and lurk. You type like a fucking shill.

If I had to wager a guess though, I would put my own money on this guy being a Dem voter who got fucked over via a (((generous loan))). As much as I like the idea of someone actually confronting a bank, it doesn't do any good shooting up a lobby of the lowest on the ranks.

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They do this at most fast food too, they give you a handbook during orientation. You aren't allowed to come in with any weapons of any kind but my current manger doesn't care when I pull my pocket knife in the back to flatten boxes.

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sigh, always some insecure newfag i have to battle. can you ever shut the fuck up?

i was on 4chan back around the maddox.xmission days, and moved here when it became cancer later on.

you post anime, and do nothing but talk about nonsense, you are the cancer.

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It's a hoax (which is a kind of psyop but means not a false flag, which is another kind of psyop) put on by the Jews, one more shot from their near limitless magazine of staged attacks meant to weaken amaericans resolve to own firearms. One more day, one more not so inventive Jewish trick.

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Undocumented orgy sounds better.

Confirmed for being a shill. Your smarmy attitude says as much as well. You couldn't stand out more if you tried.

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sorry you lost your leg to stand on, fall over somewhere else, i will be filtering your id, have a good day.

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Yes, I read that, but the loading dock is essentially a cut through from the street to the northeast corner of the square. It's actually in the parking garage, which isn't under the tower but adjacent it.

Mostly just wanted to point out that in addition to the building being a bank, it's on the busiest public space in the city.

No. The undocumented aspect is meant to sound innocent to increase the contrast.

Predictable MSM coverage of this

General outrage about "mass shootings".
Only focus on guns.
Shooter not white, so gloss over details.
Ignore story and memory hole it quickly.
Move on.

Bank robbery probably.

The current political climate and marxist/demographic war is the context, so yeah, nice try at deflection.

Gun free zones are such a stupid farce.

Probably. But why start shooting right away, and not take hostages? low iq?

Tbh if you are gonna an hero you should aim for journalists, teachers, politicians and bankers, also celebrities and elite gatherings. Don't take your hate out on the plebs around you, get who made them plebs in the first place


He came in from the loading docks and shot up a dude that was working on the third floor doing construction, not even a bank employee. I'm betting he had some connection with that construction company.

Oldfag confirmed.

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….. space, more dots… really?

yea.. what the actual fuck, makes no sense, why go to bank if youre going to shoot a construction worker? such a senseless attack really

Looks like Lucas

well, honestly i sometimes double space, i sometimes dont. depends on the perceived readbility my brain calculates while im typing,

honestly double spacing (or reddit spacing as gen-zers call it) has been around sense type writers and serves a purpose. i hate genz i hate it was all my energy


fucking hell i need to disable autocorrect or slow the fuck down. going to bed anyway

Could be related to MS13 deportations

Do you have any other sins to declare?

no sins, im just very very sad that there is nowhere left to have real discussions free from people like you.

You uncultured swine.

Learn to triple space.


well i would also point out the fact that autocorrect exists on both computers and phones, but i didnt want to further waste time with some retarded internet pissing contest that will be forgotten in history.

White skin, green eyes. Looks huwhite to me.

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The Governor fucked up.

Doesn't look white to me. Mongrel at best.

He's a white hispanic.

Looks like George Zimmerman. Confirmed white.

We can't let our Aryan brother be imprisoned.

to think, he would rather go through all this than simply acknowledge his cishet white male privilege

suprise its another nigger

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Shooter wasn't white. It will forgotten by tomorrow.

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it already is forgotten. but, i think its a double wammy with the bank thing. they dont want people thinking you can actually just solve the banking crisis.


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good day ladies and gentlemen, I cordially present to you the end effect of race mixing.

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Can you give us a version of these without the 'not x' line? I want to see how well it works just calling a gang of filthy spics undocumented pharmacist. Maybe the less words the better.

Fucking kill yourself you fucking dipshit.

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Sephardic Jew

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