Abortion is Self-Care for Black Wamen


So, which ones of you beautiful faggots is behind this culture war campaign?

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damn, thats on kike psyop i fully support!

laughing my lmao off

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I was listening to one flip his shit on the AM last night.

He literally said this looks like something a racist would concoct to get black people to kill their babies.

ya gotta admit tho; it's better than posting:
"Ho Lee Fuqqing Fuq! Please stop pretending your vagina is a fuqqing clown car!"

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Shit, it's almost as effective as ending food aid and letting natural selection do it's thing.


I was literally just thinking today, if you were to end all welfare to blacks today, within a couple decades I bet they would be massively less violent as a demographic. Women would know that if they get pregnant, no one is going to take care of them, so they will wait to get pregnant by a man that they know will take care of them. Black men are no longer sexually rewarded for being violent and lawless, so crime goes down.

It's a pipe dream, anyways.


Abortions for blacks should be free and should result in sterility.

You mean "Nigress", right?

another acceptable alternative.

What I don't get is why don't feminists just promote IUD's for nigresses starting at puberty if they want them to become stonk career women before they hatch their niglets? The only possible answer is that Moloch and his servants the kikes have ritual use for a constant flow of niglet baby parts.

It's how shit worked up until LBJ. There wasn't this mass epidemic of black unwed pregnancy because they knew white folks weren't going to help them, and neither were many other nogs. Even if they wanted to, the resources just weren't there to do so.

Gotta keep that Pepsi tasting soylentlicious.

Don't spread disinfo.

this is one of those Poe's Law kind of things isn't it?

Leftist social signaling is just "flexing" Look at how rich I am, I can go help niggers dig a well in africa. Look how rich I am, I can hire illiterate niggers to do complex engineering work. I'm such a badass I surround myself with dangerous animals. It's all a product of excessive wealth.

If we didn't have 10x the resources we need for white populations then ending all this shit would be an easy sell.

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I think CERN fucked us into an alternate reality where Poe's are Poe's, but are sincere representations of their ideology.

Laugh a little, it's makes you taste better for the rest of us.

Nothing wrong with laughing, but we've been polluted by some kind of gullible subhumans recently that latch on to everything.

Still nowhere as bad as halfchan. I'm not even sure we can still call that a chan, anymore.

But as long as normies go on about the big bad boogeyman, 4Chan, maybe they won't realize there is another, superior, chan.

I mean if we can't kill the sheboon we might as well kill the niglet, right?

We ain't killing shit. We just have to get them to do it for us.

Christcuck here. Totally agree.

I remember reading Freakonomics and they actually mentioned that when abortion was legalized in a specific city (predominantly black) the crime rate plummeted in the next decade or so.

who would ever have a problem with this? it's not like a human is being aborted only a niglet.

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Freakonomics is absolutely kiked and not worth anyone's time, but I think I know the narrative you're talking about. The Freakonomics guys present abortion as an alternative to law and order, essentially. They examine the massive reduction in crime in New York City around the 1990s. A lot of people attributed it to Giuliani's application of the broken window theory, but the Freakonomics people attributed it to a spike in the abortion rate instead. Effectively there are two mainstream paths to crime reduction:

The socially unacceptable solution is permanent removal.

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It's basically wart removal.

Shopvac with a razor duct taped to the end would be cheaper.

removing a wart from a bigger wart

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They use a vacuum system for the smaller ones. The larger ones have to be torn apart inside the womb because they risk getting stuck if you try to pull/suck them out whole.

Sometimes babies are killed in the course of a normal-ish foot-first birth because the head gets ripped ripped off on the inside; humans evolved troublesome small hips so we can walk bipedally

Fuck dude! That's a white baby! Spoil that shit!

Can we put up more of these billboards?

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That's what the razor is for.

Wew lads.

Would that even work?

There are about three thousand abortions daily in the United States alone. You are not a child, you should be able to lay eyes on reality; the evils of this world do not cease because you look away.

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I recently read a book discussing various evolutionary and genetic issues within humans and a pelvic bone where the baby just barely fits was one of them.

You would have to hit it hard enough to splatter the sauce otherwise it's just a more niggerly nigger.

Our pre-bipedal ancestors all had wide hips. The narrow hips are so we can walk effectively. If we re-evolved wide hips, that would just propel us towards a future of motor scooters. Frankly I suspect our broad adoption of technology has probably largely halted our evolution by now, propelling us instead towards a future of involution, dysgenics, and transhumanism

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That's not an abortion, that's a miscarriage.
still gonna die though

This too.
probably dead already
Don't be dishonest, post actual aborted fetuses if you really want to make an impact. They're worse.
Not seeing a problem here.
Now spics on the other hand…

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Nothing says "self-care" like over 100 physical complications and mental traumas!

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Abortions are a good thing. They keep welfare costs and nigger populations in check!

i agree. the root problem driving White Genocide and rampant degeneracy and the Fall of Western Civ can be reduced to one thing.

we are victims of our own success. our surpluses, our technical marvels, our high trust high cooperation social fabric, all of it created the perfect environment for the scum, the pestilence, the evolutionary unfit, the niggers, the muzz, the beaners, the gooks and the whole mongrel hordes of Earth to mooch off of us, ultimately at our own expense.

to save Western Civ we had to crash it. crash the Market, crash the Internet, crash the Govt, crash it all. without the well oiled machine of our own technologic efficiency humming along, the mud bloods will be thrown back centuries and return to their traditional mud huts and cannibalism and hunter gatherer subsistence life styles where their death rates will exceed their birth rates, solving the Malthusian problem.

White Western Civ will have to weather the storm for a few centuries of living like it used to pre-industrial revolution, but i see that as a great purifying era, where farmers and tradesmen return to their rightful positions of dominance in society, as the bedrock for traditional healthy values, and as the hyper local enforcers of morality and virtue.

how do we start crashing the system? the system is so big that very few can even imagine how big it is and glimpse all of the crevices which its tendrills grasp.

we start by crashing Wall St.


the abortion that was the 2008 Great Depression needs to be resurrected, only this time it needs to be allowed to burn wildly without interference and to take its natural course to burn the rotten overgrow forrest down.

that crash will lead to the rest of the dominoes crashing. nothing else will work. no elections, no protests, no revolutions, no RWDS and no Day of the Rope stand a chance to be big enough global events to truly reset the world.

hack the derivatives. delete them. all of them. think the ending of Fight Club, but instead of consumer credit cards, it's the hedge fund and sovereign wealth fund managers who get erased and lose all their shit.

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Trips confirm

My earlier post here illustrates the process of tearing the fetus limb from limb during an abortion. The webm I posted is illustrative of what's really being torn apart. I frequently hear the Muh Bundle Of Cells argument made, so it's useful to show a fetal micro-human wriggling around as a real being. It's one thing to show it to anyone here hardened by goreposters, but most women with a heart would see that and be horrified. There's a reason it's mostly verboten to show normies fetuses outside the womb; it's humanizing.

Sorry, but you're wrong. Because we've depleted all easily-accessible resources on the planet, there will never be a civilization at the same level as this one again (Unless hundreds of millions of years worth of geological activity yield up more mineral goods from beneath the crust first) so this is our only shot.

This is one form of gibs I'm ok with how do we throw more funds at this and expand it to all non-whites

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based sheboon. Ive heard of nigresses putting their infants in boiling water before. they call it a ghetto lobster or some shit.
we need to meme it to make it cool for sheboons to kill their unborn. like some snapchat meme

Hang on a sec. Why do the net migration numbers go from over 650,000 leaving Africa per year right before the migrant chaos, but then suddenly stabilize on identical and lower numbers for three years running? Somebody trying to conceal the magnitude of the migration into Europe?

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The ad won't work.

beyond our disguising the ancient custom of infanticide in pseudo-science quakery jargon and elaborate medical rituals to thwart the average Burger
from seeing the murder that is in front of their own eyes as plain as day, there is another thing that profoundly splinters my sperg brain.

we cannot predict the future impact of technology. if we let the "science" butchers get away with murdering babies by plucking them apart in the womb
with tweezers, where will "the horror, the horror" stop? given that we already have millions of inner-voiceless freaks who want to be transhumans, and given
we already have millions of inner-voiceless remorseless pyschopath technocrat soy-fed drones who learned to code and who will happily design systems of AI and of mass surveillance and of financial fraud to exploit their fellow mankind, and given that insane monster billionaire kikes already bankroll the most dehumanizing pet projects like building their own personal pyramids at Giza, such as (((Peter Thiel)))'s baby blood injection to become immortal vampires "startup"–given all of this,
i could completely see shit from the worst horror movies becoming perfectly normalized in society.

selling your aborted babies to Planned Parenthood, so they can re-re-sell it to Senomyx, so they fill a factory assembly line with your re-animated dead baby's kidney and make it rapidly "taste" new samples of Pepsi and Starbucks Frappucino and Dorritos and McDonalds Big Mac–you think that's horrifying?

that's little_brain.jpg mentality.

here's what galaxy_brain.jpg would do: you know those mostly kike freakshow cat-lady's who eat their own placenta's and upload the film on Youtube? well how about you put your own dead aborted baby into your Google CRISPR oven that you bought on Amazon, and use your CRISPR App on your Apple iPhone to turn your dead baby into a McDonalds Big Mac and then eat it?

fuck all these middlemen and inefficient system of mass production and propaganda. i have a dream…to eat my own dead babies. humanity will only truly achieve the dream of Transhumanism when any sheboon squating in a mudhut in Ebolaland possess the GoogaAppaFaceSoftZon CRISPR technology to turn her own shredded niglet-pie into a fucking hamburger and then eat it.

if our future is destined to become Dystopian Orwellian Nightmare, well let's make it a good one–the best, worst Technocratic Hellscape that is possible. don't be a faggot and half-ass your future. Go For Glory ye Sons of Sparta.

clone yourself into a tranny, then rape yourself, get yourself pregnant with yourself, abort yourself, then BBQ your own aborted self and celebrate your Nihilist hedonism with a feast of your own clones eating yourselves.

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all i read from that wall of text you posted is you're a domestic terrorist and probably an antisemite.

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Your posts is one of those things I just look at, shrug and agree. But I do wish the best for other races (ext nigs and jews).

Unironically a donation to planned Parenthood would be the best donation you can make today. Yes, they abortion white babies, but very few whites get abortions opposed to blacks. As far as statistics we come out on top by far. Plus, any white woman who is the type to get an abortion is not the kind you want passing their dna along.


Go back to reddit, nigger lover.

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So what you're saying is planned parenthood bought us a fuckton of time and instead of using it to our advantage we have a bunch of white cucks trying to stop nogs and beaners from aborting because dems are the real racists.


divide & conquer kike

He wasn't wrong. I could totally see Zig Forums doing something exactly like this.

Now to frame it as racist for Whites to get an abortion

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Fuck, you convinced me. No more aborting little nogs. We have to let niggers multiply and roam free. That's the moral thing to do even if those little nogs grow up becoming bigger nogs who rape, kill and steal from Whites. Little black lives matter and damn the Whites who will suffer the consequences of Christcucks misplaced compassion.

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When youre not getting enough from the harvest so you have to ramp up production
The negro race operates on r selection theory so it makes sense if youre making a business scrambling babies out of vaginas that you target the population that- if they didnt complete the pregnancy- will continue to become pregnant again and again, and so, after 2 generations (give or take honestly) could easily become a rite of passage in their culture for when a girl first gets one of countless abortions to be had in her lifetime. Planned Parenthood is smart, its like when a scientist is conducting experiments on an animal to promote medical breakthroughs

Kikestianity is the original D&C trick. The sooner we're done with jewsus and the (((church))) the sooner we can holocaust you yids for real this time.

So what do leftists or liberals think about this?

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Glad they made the distinction but what about the ones already carrying a stolen gun?

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Pic related.

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Are you a woman or a faggot?

How many are white?
Now compare that to how many whites are killed/rape by black and add the average # of blacks killed by other blacks to that total as well. If the (# of whites killed by blacks + average # of blacks killed by black) is greater than the number of white abortions then abortion is better for whites.

Can we just exterminate them all?

Liberals do what their Jewish masters tell them to do. They don't think for themselves. They are the undisputed masters of doublethink. Liberals can and do simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs. For them 2+2=5 if the Jews so desire. They are completely unaware of any conflict, cognitive dissonance or contradiction. For them aborting White babies empowers the cunt and thus it's good and they see no problem with it, but simultaneously they fully believe doing the same for little nogs is morally abhorrent and repulsive. Yuri was right unfortunately. Some people are simply too far gone. They can't be saved sadly. They are no longer human. They are homo sovieticus in its true form.

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Look at all these kiked retards trying to D&C about whether abortion as a concept is pro-Aryan or anti-Aryan. It's quite the meme at this point, but unironically, What Race Is It is the only answer.

No general act can really be declared good or evil. Is killing good or evil? Depends who does the killing and why, and critically, the killer and killee's relation to you. It can either be good for you, or bad for you, but never really universally evil.

We rejoice at our enemies tearing their babies limb from limb, they rejoice when we do the same, and it is right and just for each to feel that way. All we can do is get our own people from acting out such atrocity.

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You are right to hate Christianity as you may find it. Yet do you not know of the greatest genocide in world history, which was against the 20 million white Christians in Russia, under the worst man of all of history, Stalin, and the worst regime in all of history, communism, under the worst ideology of all of history, marxism, and that they died under exile, man-made famine, and in the gulags?

Go ahead. Please do, abort as much as you can, sheboons. Unfortunately most of them breed - not because they want to be mothers (they can't even take care for themselves and have no sense of responsibility at all… how can anyone expect them to take care of children and the responsibilities that come with that?) but solely for having more welfare money. This is why you see these monkeys beating their kids up and not giving a fuck about them. Solution ? Remove welfare just for having splurged some abominations out of their uterus. Guaranteed, birthrate of niggers will shrink

In 2004 alone there were 839.226 recorded abortions. 86% of which were done on non-White women if I read the statistics correctly. From all non-White gals, sheboons take the cake with around half of all recorded abortions. That's 419.613 fewer nogs to worry about. Around 320.000 Whites each year are victims of black violence (2010 statistics unfortunately). Adding another 420.000 niggers to the mix would mean another couple of thousands Whites will be killed, raped or robbed. Not to mention the fact that as a whole niggers are a huge drain on the US treasury, they steal valuable resources from us and as such the fewer they are, the better for us.

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Kikes are mad that shitskins are killing thier kids off instead of whites

How do 40 million niggers even exist today?

sterility and a complementary bucket of chicken

idk, to cause birth defects probably


it was irrelevant that they were christian

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No, you did not read the stats correctly at all. I assume that you are basing that off your reading of the second picture where you think it shows whites with an abortion rate of 14%. First of all, that's not per 100 but per 1000. Second, whites make up way more of the population than blacks, so despite 14/1000 vs 50/1000, it's likely that more white babies were aborted that year than blacks, though I don't know specific numbers so that's conjecture.

I agree with this sign, though I'd prefer it if we'd just hang the parents.

what if this is why niggers are retarded? because their moms gave them all brain damage?

I made a mistake and I apologise for that. However, to rehabilitate myself I found the official statistics from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). For example, in 2014 they recorded 416,892 cases of legal abortion.
Which means 62% of all cases of abortion are performed on non-White women and when it's done by White women the most likely candidates probably still are leftists, liberals, whores and coal burners. Generally people who's offspring we don't need ,and when it comes to mongrels we should abort it anyway as an affront to nature. Abortion saves lives by eliminating future White leftists and hordes of nogs and spics.

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yeah in the US, I think abortion is generally positive. it does give women leverage over men which is really bad though.

in Europe, it's different, since European countries are not literally half white like America is. legal abortion in Europe is always bad, unless it's Albania lmao

Of course I agree with you. I would also add it shouldn't be the women who decide whether to go with abortion or not. Those decision are way too important to leave it for females to take. Things like reproductions are too vital for the survival of the nation to be left on the whims of women. It always should be the men who decide on such matters. When left alone women would gladly abort their babies just to doge responsibility and continue riding the cock carousel. However, I think abortion even in Europe should be applicable if:

yeah I agree as well. the overwhelming majority of abortions are elective though (none of those reasons)

I hate how chr*stcucks are against aborting literal tards

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Stalin did nothing wrong, tbh

*tips fedora*

Daily reminder that communism is just a lot of atheists following a jew.

Back to the topic, just castrate all niggers like muslims did, problem solved.

sterility IN the buckets of chickens and all fast food


Accually that's the most accurate description of communism I have ever met.

Suddenly, I am pro choice.