Kim Kardashian has successfully convinced Trump to pardon several felons. The meme magic has worked in our favor in the past. You know what to do next, boys.







Attached: Screen Shot 2018-06-30 at 11.44.59 PM.png (922x924, 1001.25K)

Other urls found in this thread:


if you're talking about ted kaczynski, he's not pardoning fucking ted kaczynski.

Attached: 04fe97b972209fd3836fb6144aeeda60ae84e8b8b3ee6222cd84c75c95948787.jpg (680x645, 42.67K)

also, why would you want a terroristic murderer freed? I'm sympathetic to some of his anarcho-primitivist ideals, but his methods were rather out of line.

Correct. Trump is a nigger loving zionist fronting as "anti establishment". He would never pardon a real revolutionary like Kaczynski.

And they said it was impossible for an orange fascist reality TV star to be president. And we fucking made it happen. Never say never.

So we can troll the libs

Oh yeah? You want to bet on it? Fucking do what I say and watch

Yes, I would like to bet on it.

Attached: c4m3_buwqaaf3pm.jpg (911x977, 110.27K)

We kinda have to try, user

Here's a bump and some Ted content

Attached: ted kaczynski leftists.png (842x1298 96 KB, 314.06K)

"Never lose hope, be persistent and stubborn and never give up. There are many instances in history where apparent losers suddenly turn out to be winners unexpectedly, so you should never conclude all hope is lost."

Attached: epic.jpg (711x506, 234.49K)

Attached: this anguished man dressed as a female hedgehog communicates a great deal about what it is to be human.jpg (400x680, 41.7K)

that's some AI filter for photoshop.

Ted had some good points, but in the end he's still just a filthy anti-technology envirocuck…


Attached: IMG_3469.PNG (438x239, 25.06K)

He's 76. Let him go, but don't let him buy stamps.


A deterministic photoshop filter with some stochastic variables thrown in to produce different results on each run.

so is the only realistic choice between ludditism and transhumanism?

there's nothing artificial about your low intelligence, niggerfaggot

(triple dubs checked)
Luddites are misunderstood. Your colloquial usage implies they were technophobes, but they actually were not.

Free Ted.

Attached: kaczynski8.jpeg (1095x300, 95.13K)


So, uhm what's the current story on ted? is he in isolation in some federal penitentiary? Can he get any thoughts/ideas/memes out to the people or do they prevent anything like that? Does he have any groupies that give him sex on conjugal visits? Inquiring minds want to know.

Stop fighting. Just do what I fucking say and sit back and watch it all come together. The world is literally in our hands. We have more power than we think.

He is in a penitentiary right now. Solitary confinement with one hour a day outside. He used to have groupies, but is not allowed conjugal visits. They would probably just send him lewds or something.

Operation: Free a Criminal Jew.


Get bent, >(1)stein.

He is a polak. And an anti-communist.

Ted Kaczynski is a Polish Slav by blood, not Jewish. Many mistake Polish names for being Jewish because some kikes were forced to finally take surnames while living as parasites in Poland, so they used the tongue of their host culture.

Reminder that trump pardons nigger rapists and drug dealers and let's whites who just defended themselves rot in jail.


Its just part of creating the narrative and leading "conservative" minded people to take the Kardashian bullshit seriously. Kardashianism through a simple show has been remaking American culture for the jews, this is just another part of it.

Are any of you at least going to try? You all act like a bunch of whiny pussies talking about how it won't work or critiquing the unimportant details. Real men don't act like this.

…sitting, lying, tapping away at plastic keys, lonesome, losing but oh so connected.

I'm only using the internet to accelerate the process and meet the desired ends

Are you retarded or do you really think anyone with a POLISH surname is a jew by default ?

It's subversion. Kikes gave up years ago trying to engender positive feelings about israel in the most hostile internet outposts and now focus exclusively on trying to associate people/ideas/concepts that are genuinely harmful to zionism with zionism.

I've seen Markov chains be called AI. Heck, NZXT makes computer cases with "machine learning" for the fan controllers (the H500i for example)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (900x900, 692.06K)

Get it together user.

Attached: 50B94C76-8FC7-440F-A32F-5AAEFBB45800.jpeg (1746x799 194.54 KB, 167.15K)

He is not a Jew you can easily look into his ancestry and background, his mother gave many interviews and lots of information before her death

Sage for double post.

Attached: 31DD607E-7F9C-44F2-B7F7-6AD1B2E1DB7C.jpeg (1756x773 250.54 KB, 241.44K)

Didn't double post shit

Ted pt 1/2

Breivik for lulz

Attached: ted quote3.jpg (553x330 228.03 KB, 96.68K)

Last image is a passage by Ted about lefties

Attached: 5b26232cdbdcd.png (819x250 280.13 KB, 72.45K)

Donald Trump is a slave of jews, as demonstrated by his moves towards israel, and anti white male positions. Naturally he loves the kikes' golems, all the shitskins spics poo-in-loos and gook piss-skins that is. So, for a kardashian blow job it's natural he throws the niggers a bone or two. Donald Trump did not do a single action that directly benefits white males, ever. And it's not going to change.

That smile of his in the flyer makes me feel so warm no homo

Drumpf is half retarded but also a money hungry fat fuck, if we assert some argument that Ted being released could generate a lot of profit and attention in some way then he just might actually do it. We also just tell him he's a "nice guy" and he'll probably try and take him out for golf

Which white men did trump aprdon?

Lewis Libby, Kristian Saucier, and Joe Arpaio

He has a soul inside. When a kike smiles you feel the opposite.

Attached: JustDoIt.jpeg (640x453, 217.47K)

Ted was right

Attached: df ted unabomber.jpg (2550x3300, 2.21M)

He's alive? Shit. As great as it would be to have him freed there is no way this rotten system would allow it.

libby is a jew, dude.so thats 2 jews, libby and rubashkin, 2 whites arpaio and saucier and how many blacks?

Oh, so you're either a fake national socialist or you don't belong here. Either way you need to get

Found this on twitter. Also, Chris Cuomo on live TV just told a former Trump advisor "you're doing some Ted Kaczynski letter analysis." THE MEME MAGIC IS WARMING UP Y'ALL

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at 1.53.47 AM.png (1160x266, 69.62K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at 1.52.33 AM.png (1254x724, 197.49K)

i thought ted was dead?

OP is a faggot, didn't post his manifesto. *props to ted, he didnt have to bribe the kike media to get his manifesto posted*


Can't tell if stupid and shill, or just stupid.

He was firmly in favor or technology for enlightened people. 90% of the people in America, let alone the world, are not capable of responsibly participating in a high tech society.

I tend to agree.

don't go anywhere near these files with those filenames. the whale joan is waiting.

Revolt against the modern world!

I thought I posted twice in a row but someone else slipped in.

Those are default phonefag names retard. The Joan datamining thing is to sew paranoia and distrust amongst anons. A non retard would just change the file names and scrub the exif data before reposting.

Thought he died.

No he is alive and well.

The absolute STATE of this board.

Translated from statist to American - patriot
Translated from statist to American - belief in liberty

He was but we jumped timelines. Ted is the new Mandela. This timeline is going to be awesome.

name one US president that wasnt…..

get cancer you retarded faggot, the system is the enemy. read ted, read siege. read anything that's going to snap you out of your damn insane mindset that blumpf and the system are worth preserving


Good band name tbh

This is the best plan ever I don't know what the fuck you talking about nigga

Have any of you actually done anything to get this plan moving?

I wish