Whoa - Shia's getting hot in Iraq

Looks like the shiites are pissed

So is drumpf going to go full judenkrieg or run home with his tail between his legs? Find out, on the next episode of fucking clownworld.

Attached: Attack on US embassy Baghdad.jpg (683x410 28.3 KB, 51.36K)

Alright guys that's enough, taking his flags was funny but setting 13 of his HQ's on fire is a little much. We get it - he will divide us. But give him a rest.

American special operations

The only question I have is why the fuck do you use read/check/post (((BBC content)))? There's plenty of of Iraqi sources out there if you actually check. Have the latest comedy gold from the pro-terror, pro regime change (((news network in Doha))).

Attached: Al-Crapzeera comedy gold from Idlib.jpg (720x770 73.25 KB, 43.81K)

I can imagine the chimps I know seeing this picture on their FB from some literal bot page with Arabic characters in the name and they'd say outloud "whoa man that's so smart." Fucking shit skins I swear.

Iran is Shia, that means the Sunnis are getting pissed. Saudis are Sunni, and the Sauds funded ISIS.

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Some Arabic person was flooding Trumps twitter page regarding some Arab happenings or something? Does this have anything to do with this?

Is this supposed to be a gas mask? Didn't they already try the false flag gas attack?

tbh i hope Iran does get The Bomb.
if i ran CIA, i'd be handing out nukes to every Islamic State like candy. because once those durkadurka ragheads get nukes, they won't be able to stop themselves from nuking each other.

why should 18 year old American men die for Israel, when the 657 waring sects of Muzz and the Kikes would happily anihilate each other?

Peace in the Middle East is possible if they all die.

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There was this shitskin from there that posted in sg I think a couple of days ago. I'm not really aware of the situation there, but they have been demonstrating there for quite some time now.

He stated that it was about them being pissed off not having running water and stable electricity. There is obviously more to it than just this.

However then just a few days ago, he also stated that they had killed a bunch of protesters who were rather young. It might possibly have triggered this escalation I assume. I am banned there right now so I can't ask, he isn't there all the time either as the other faggots

When are they not?

Embassy will probably get its own C-RAM.

I mean, I just hope we fucking leave. We need to kill the jews and the spics and the nogs, not iraqis or iranians. Let them have their own murderbowl without us.

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Underrated first post

but kikes are allied with the Saudis who are Sunni and hate Iran who is shiite. in this instance, trump would be attacking the sunnis and defending the shiites, so your little macro doesn't work. but, nice try. kikes usually do that, its true

They are going to I think

t. cianigger

Muzzies is Iraq are taking over again and will join Assad and the gang to smash the kikes.

Sauds are crypto kikes, Saudi Arabia is as illegitimate as Israel
