Elon Musk Dropping Red Pills on Joe Rogan Live Now
Surprise visit by Elon Musk to the Joe Rogan show.
Elon Musk Dropping Red Pills on Joe Rogan Live Now
Surprise visit by Elon Musk to the Joe Rogan show.
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Why do I think this is a slide thread?
This guy is obviously autistic as fuck, and he just admitted to being an Alien.
jew news man and jew tech guy trick goyium to do drugs and work on engineering projects for their jew liberal monarchs
The most autistic person ever.
Did he get that news/reporter rating site up and running yet?
Joe is such a retard when it comes to expressing his own thoughts.
Typical stoner behavior.
Musk seems bored and kind of frightened at the same time.
I'm lol so hard, he is starting to sound like Nostradamus or some shit.
Kikenet tomorrow lads.
It'll be fun watching kikes trying to kike an AI.
lol this
AI in 5G is going to steal every thought you'll ever have.
Which won't be much at all after 5G fried your brain.
Then it'll get sold back to you.
Holy shit, Joe Rogan has the most normie pleb-tier point of view on AI I've ever seen.
Listening to this is dropping my IQ.
kek, it's true. He literally brought it back to chimps.
fucking kek
This would've been the perfect podcast to have Bravo on with his flat earth theory.
Predictions on DEFCON 1 spergout?
Bravo is funny, but he kinda took over the one with Alex Jones.
He's a good fight commentator and not bad at comedy, but everything else is just shit. Whether it's politics, economy, philosophy or whatever he's always finding new levels of being wrong. I'll miss him when stops doing UFC though.
Rogan talking about his pet rock now.
Civilization is much older than 8 thousand years old. It looks more and more like Africa was once white, and Atlantis was located in west Africa.
This isnt the best video on the subject but it's the quickest rundown.
Musk is boring as fuck. He seems like he's putting on this act of being very concerned and sad about the future, just pouting and frowning into his microphone, meandering from one nihilistic transhumanist trope to another.
No shit. I mean i could just talk about this stuff without going for an Oscar.
What redpills were supposedly dropped? Why am I watching this shit?
Big Brain musk probably just wants to talk about Chimps, he is probably sick of being 200 IQ. Its why he dates and fucks low IQ actresses.
Joe Rogan is doing his best to keep the discussion going, while Musk is dropping the ball at every turn like a sperg.
Only good thing I've ever seen via Joe Rogan.
nice digits though
This. Link or SLIDE THREAD.
For being a giga trillionare of the future, he can't afford a basic speech coach?`And why the fuck are they talking about boring ass cars? That's a topic you talk about when you got nothing interesting to talk about.
That's because Joe is struggling with this autist kek. I have to say he's pretty good at keeping a conversation going.
entertainment for stoners
there is absolutely nothing of intellectual value here
Oh Elon, u so craycray.
He's fucking bored.
Agreed. Gave it a try. I'm out.
how do we solve the white stoner problem
Fucking told you Bravo should've been on here.
Self-driving trucks of peace.
Elon needs to fess up and tell us Trump has the time travel machine.
Bravo and Jones are great together tho
He has no thoughts beside muh weed. He's just a retard.
Atlantis was a worldwide empire, not a single island, though that was likely the capital. This is why we see pyramids of similar construction all over the world.
Bravo is great with anyone. Guy choked out a Gracie and is still modest to this very day.
How many people did Rogan draw into that circus ?
Reminder he's a faggot with a Jew "wife" who gets fucked by other dudes while he watches.
Thirdly reminder Connor McGregor comped his tats and hair style from a faggot male model.
Reminder everyone is on steroids except Nick and Nate Diaz. P4P #1 and #2. Prove me wrong niggers.
He looks and sounds very nervous, I don't recall ever seeing him act or sound like this.
Exactly, too bad he delves off into some retarded rant "Civilization will die" "Robots will take over" "religious extremism". Powerful people know, they're just too afraid to lose everything.
Seems like a normal fucking human being to me.
I'm convinced Elon is Nikolai Tesla's reincarnation, all this obsession with sustainable and free energy for mankind is against (((their))) will. Will (((they))) stop him again?
They can't. Diaz brothers are the real deal, can't wait for Nate to heem the fuck out of Poirier.
Thoughts on McNugget vs Al-Queda?
Fucking kek, it's true, he looked like he'd been practicing his sad face at his local drama club.
I got the impression he felt like he had stepped into a mine field of endless chimp discussion once he saw Joe's eyes light up at the mention of chimps.
Musk is an elite insider. No one is allowed to get to where he is now without being part of the club.
I just wanna know what he knows about that guy from that soccer gook rescue that he keeps calling a pedo. He backtracked after apologizing and called him a pedo again. Said he went there as a sex tourist for underage poon and married a 12yr old. lol
Guy keeps threatening to sue, but hasn't yet and the media is all "We asked if he's a pedo and he said no so Musk is just a crazy person."; aka damage control. Holy fuck think of the dirt he must have on people. IMO he's primed and ready to spill, he just needs some encouragement.
Nick is GOAT.
Mac is a Jewish trick
He has dirty on nearly everyone. I'm sure that's how he's not ruined.
Musk 2024. Would be interesting even though he's forbidden to run.
The only reason i want Khabib to lose is so /ourguy/ can settle the score with this meme faggot and heem him in the trilogy.
This isn't cuckchan, faggot.
It's not for want of trying. He's a sperg for sure but the media has been all over his ass for months. I find it hard to believe that the only car fires and malfunctions to report on are for Teslas. Not to mention all this weird shit with that negress that was supposedly invited to his house that the media flipped their shit over. I have my own issues with the subsidies and shit Tesla receives but if he really is this dude who thinks he's an alien and trips balls in between developing rocket ships and thinks he regrew his hair using magic I gotta take his side against the typical tricks being employed against him. Remember Jack Parsons the founder of JPL was literally receiving his designs from fucking demonic entities. This kind of crazy is standard fare for his type.
probably is. He owns a publicly traded company that loses massive valuation every time he talks.
lack of people in an overcrowded world is such a crisis
he really drank the jew kool aid…
You bet your ass investors and traders are watching this podcast like hawks right now.
You already said fuck at least once Elon.
Rogan you fuck ask him what he meant with his Tweet about (((who))) controls the media. Let's make this interesting.
haha pot rots the brains alright. Jeff Rense is bad too. I heard him do an interview with Webster Tarpley a few years ago and he was the very caricature of the drooling brain damaged stoner.
Ahaha, you didn't really think Joe is going there right?
He's saying niggers aren't human, user.
I don't think you understand what he's saying there; the WHITE RACE isn't replacing itself and those who think they can replace the void that's left with nigger subhumans are deranged assholes.
Probably not, only poor people think like that. What a man says to some ex-druggie rube is irrelevant, what matters is what can't be monitored by retards like you.
I just had to reply again so i could laugh at you.
Kek, what potheads.
elon smoking drugs wew
Please don't let me stop you.
Smokem peace pipe.
Sure kid.
Who are you calling kid?
This will only make Elon 200% more popular and probably make his stock go up.
I don't have an age, that's how old I am
Excellent to see Elon unwind a little for once. That fucker needs a mental holiday, doing business like that can consume you if you can't escape time to time.
You've had that thought. You've had that thought. )))We're not going to forget that.(((
No, no they're not. At all.
damn almost 90k live viewers at midnight. I have a feeling this one will break records for Blow Rabbigan.
If people had a more realistic sense of human nature then the economy would probably crash over night.
Nugget!? Shoot da fook up ya lil' bitch i fukkin batter ya u aint go do nuttin. u'll do nuttin.
That's probably the greatest impression i've seen in text. Well done, got a hearty laugh out of me.